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Groove And The Abstract Truth


Groove And The Abstract Truth

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917117523
Catnr: DMCHR 71175
Release date: 07 October 2016
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71175
Release date
07 October 2016

About the album

German Youth Jazz Orchestra: Some might link this term with a stomping ground for highly talented prodigies of pigheaded kids who had got it into their heads to go their own way into jazz despite all good advice to do “something reasonable” instead. For some, it sounded like the conventional, big orchestral swing of Basie or Ellington, not too complicated so that everyone could join, but always suitable to let it all hang out in an explosive horn section. This latest production, “Groove and the Abstract Truth,” has quite a pretentious title that both reminds one of the great moments of modern arranging skills, but is also deeply rooted in the present. This collection of pieces moves on all stylistic demarcation lines. It aims to explore the forces that are released when hip groove meets the complex musical language of modern jazz composers. No orchestra could imaginably be more predestined for this bold adventure than BuJazzO.
Bundesjugendjazzorchester: Möglicherweise verbanden einige diesen Terminus mal mit einem Tummelplatz für hochbegabte Wunderkinder oder Dickschädel, die es sich partout in den Kopf gesetzt hatten, ihren Weg im Jazz zu gehen, aller guten Ratschläge zum Trotz, lieber „etwas Vernünftiges“ zu lernen. Für manche klang es nach biederem, großorchestralen Swing der Marke Basie, Ellington oder Glenn Miller, nicht zu kompliziert, damit jeder mitkommen konnte, aber allemal dafür geeignet, um im krachenden Bläsersatz einmal so richtig die Sau rauszulassen. Alles getreu der Devise: Sie wollen doch nur spielen! Selbst wenn es gewisse Tendenzen tatsächlich einmal gab, so haben sie längst einen Platz in der Asservatenkammer der überkommenen Vorurteile gefunden.

Denn das Bundesjugendjazzorchester – kurz BuJazzO – nimmt schon seit seiner Gründung durch Peter Herbolzheimer 1988 für sich in Anspruch, herausragenden jungen Musikerinnen und Musikern aus Deutschland eine eigenständige Stimme zu geben. Im gewissen Sinn spiegelt das offizielle Jugendjazzorchester der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auch den jeweiligen musikalischen Zeitgeist wider, sei es unter der Leitung von Jiggs Whigham oder aktuell unter Niels Klein. Die Ansprüche bewegen sich seit fast 30 Jahren auf allerhöchstem Niveau, weshalb das BuJazzO als die Talentschmiede des Jazz in Deutschland sowie als Startrampe für eine Reihe bekannter Namen gilt und eine Reihe hochkarätiger Auszeichnungen wie den Deutschen Musikpreis (1997), den WDR Jazzpreis (2010) oder den ECHO Jazz (2012) einheimste.

Die neueste Produktion aus dem Hause „BuJazzO“ trägt mit „Groove And The Abstract Truth“ einen durchaus bedeutungsschweren Titel, der sowohl an eine der Sternstunden der modernen Arrangierkunst erinnert, aber auch tief in der Gegenwart verankert ist. Als Oliver Nelson 1961 seine Jahrhundertwerk „Blues And The Abstract Truth“ (Impulse!) veröffentlichte, da hob er sämtliche bis dato gültigen Parameter des Big Band Jazz aus den Angeln. Dem Tenor- und Altsaxofonisten ging es um nichts anderes, als um die Erweiterung seiner persönlichen Grenzen, um eine neue künstlerische Identität. Parallelen zu 2016? „Wie in keiner anderen musikalischen Sprache schließen sich von je her im Jazz aus dem Moment entstehende ungefilterte Emotionen und komplexe oder gar abstrakte musikalische Strukturen nicht aus, sondern verbinden sich zu einem größeren Ganzen“, schreibt Niels Klein in den Linernotes. Während Oliver Nelson damals Blues, afroamerikanische Rhythmen und den modalen Jazz als Stilmittel verwendete, fließen heute in die improvisierte Musik alle möglichen Beats, Sounds, Grooves aus der aktuellen Pop-, Rock- sowie der elektronischen Musik ein. Auf „Groove And The Abstract Truth“ entsteht daraus eine Ansammlung von Stücken, die sich auf allen stilistischen Demarkationslinien bewegen. Es soll die Kräfte erforschen, die freigesetzt werden, wenn hipper Groove auf die komplexe Tonsprache moderner Jazzkomponisten trifft.

Kein Klangkörper wäre wahrscheinlich für dieses kühne Abenteuer prädestinierter als das BuJazzO. Mehr denn je entpuppt er sich heute als Klanglabor, in dem sich hungrige, schlaue und wagemutige Musiker tummeln, die wenig Lust auf die tausendste Blaupause eines bekannten Arrangements haben, sondern sich vielmehr voller Leidenschaft auf die Suche nach dem Unbekannten stürzen. So finden sich auf dem Album Werke von Komponisten wie Kalle Kalima, dem finnischen Anarcho-Gitarristen, die auf den ersten Eindruck hin nicht unbedingt zu einer Big Band, sondern eher zu kleiner Formationen passen, aber dafür einen durch und durch eigenen Charakter besitzen. Der Reiz liegt darin, durch raffinierte Arrangements die Originalität, die Abwegigkeit und die Spannung auf den größeren Klangkörper zu transferieren. Niels Klein gelingt dies auf ebenso verblüffende wie überzeugende Weise, wobei er dem Vokalensemble, das schon seit der Herbolzheimer-Ära zur festen Ausstattung des BuJazzO gehört, dabei eine Schlüsselrolle einräumt.

„Groove And The Abstract Truth“ sei ein Programm, schreibt Niels Klein, „von dem wir hoffen, dass es ebenso in die Zukunft blickt, so wie es schon seinerzeit Oliver Nelson getan hat.“ Das würde aber auch in der Endkonsequenz bedeuten: Ein Meilenstein des zeitgemäßen, europäischen Jazz. Warum eigentlich nicht?



“If it weren’t for BuJazzO, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” (Till Brönner) 'BuJazzO is a dream band for any composer/conductor.' (John Hollenbeck) The Bundesjazzorchester (BuJazzO for short) is the official youth jazz orchestra of the Federal Republic of Germany. The most talented musicians of the next generation come together with renowned pedagogues and conductors to form an ensemble that strives for musical excellence. Originally founded in 1988 by Peter Herbolzheimer, the Bundesjazzorchester is known today as the meeting point for the next generation of talented jazz musicians in Germany. The artistic director team of Prof. Niels Klein and Prof. Ansgar Striepens work together closely alongside guest directors, to prepare, rehearse, and perform regular new programmes, both inside and outside Germany. With...

“If it weren’t for BuJazzO, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” (Till Brönner)

"BuJazzO is a dream band for any composer/conductor." (John Hollenbeck)

The Bundesjazzorchester (BuJazzO for short) is the official youth jazz orchestra of the Federal Republic of Germany. The most talented musicians of the next generation come together with renowned pedagogues and conductors to form an ensemble that strives for musical excellence. Originally founded in 1988 by Peter Herbolzheimer, the Bundesjazzorchester is known today as the meeting point for the next generation of talented jazz musicians in Germany.
The artistic director team of Prof. Niels Klein and Prof. Ansgar Striepens work together closely alongside guest directors, to prepare, rehearse, and perform regular new programmes, both inside and outside Germany. With few exceptions, the young musicians, ranging in age from 17 to 24, study at German and international music conservatories. During their time in the orchestra, the musicians are accompanied by an impressive faculty of jazz professionals, who, in addition to giving instrument-specific instruction, support the young musicians musically as well as professionally, offering connections to their networks and providing optimal conditions for their growth.
After a successful audition, each member remains in the orchestra for up to two years. This allows for the next generation of new talent to join what has become an important stepping stone in the jazz scene towards a successful career. Amongst the approximately 900 alumni of the orchestra are such prominent musicians as Till Brönner, Roger Cicero, Tom Gaebel, Julia Hülsmann, Frederik Köster, Robert Landfermann, Matthias Schriefl, Sebastian Sternal, Peter Weniger, Nils Wogram, Michael Wollny, and Nils Wülker.
The project is generously funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the West German Broadcasting (WDR), the German performers’ copyright society GVL, and Mercedes-Benz Group AG. In addition, the participants contribute financially through co-payments.
The Bundesjazzorchester is the winner of the Frankfurt Music Award 2018 and the ECHO JAZZ Award 2012. In 2012, the ensemble was awarded the West German Broadcasting Jazz Award, and won the German Music Award in 1997.


Niels Klein (conductor)


Kalle Kalima

Kalle Kalima (b. 1973 in Helsinki, Finland) began his journey into sound with piano lessons at the age of six. Five years later he switched over to the guitar and has never looked back. He studied at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and at the Hanns Eisler Conservatory in Berlin under the guidance of Raoul Björkenheim and John Schröder to name a few. After taking up residence in Berlin, Kalima has experienced a revelation in his attitude towards free music. So far Kalle has worked with trompeter Tomasz Stanko, sax player Juhani Aaltonen, pianist Heikki Sarmanto, bass players Sirone, Teppo Hauta-Aho, Carlos Bica & Ed Schuller, guitarist Marc Ducret, composer Simon Stockhausen, drummer Tony Allen and singer Linda Sharrock. He is...
Kalle Kalima (b. 1973 in Helsinki, Finland) began his journey into sound with piano lessons at the age of six. Five years later he switched over to the guitar and has never looked back. He studied at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and at the Hanns Eisler Conservatory in Berlin under the guidance of Raoul Björkenheim and John Schröder to name a few. After taking up residence in Berlin, Kalima has experienced a revelation in his attitude towards free music.
So far Kalle has worked with trompeter Tomasz Stanko, sax player Juhani Aaltonen, pianist Heikki Sarmanto, bass players Sirone, Teppo Hauta-Aho, Carlos Bica & Ed Schuller, guitarist Marc Ducret, composer Simon Stockhausen, drummer Tony Allen and singer Linda Sharrock. He is also playing with Jimi Tenor, finnish underground pop star. Last years have been busy years for Kalima, touring mostly in Europe but also in Africa, Asia and USA.


Theo Bleckmann

Bleckmann’s first appearance in a jazz context for ECM was his featured role on pianist Julia Hülsmann’s exploratory 2015 album A Clear Midnight – Kurt Weill and America, which The Guardian called “one of the great jazz treatments of the songs of Kurt Weill,” singling out Bleckmann’s vocal “eloquence.” Prior to that, he appeared as a member of the Meredith Monk Ensemble on the albums mercy (2002) and impermanence (2007).   Since 1989, Bleckmann has been a resident of New York, where his early champions included jazz vocal great Sheila Jordan. He has sung everything from songs by Charles Ives and Kate Bush to Las Vegas standards and Shakespearean sonnets, collaborating with figures from Laurie Anderson to John Zorn
Bleckmann’s first appearance in a jazz context for ECM was his featured role on pianist Julia Hülsmann’s exploratory 2015 album A Clear Midnight – Kurt Weill and America, which The Guardian called “one of the great jazz treatments of the songs of Kurt Weill,” singling out Bleckmann’s vocal “eloquence.” Prior to that, he appeared as a member of the Meredith Monk Ensemble on the albums mercy (2002) and impermanence (2007).
Since 1989, Bleckmann has been a resident of New York, where his early champions included jazz vocal great Sheila Jordan. He has sung everything from songs by Charles Ives and Kate Bush to Las Vegas standards and Shakespearean sonnets, collaborating with figures from Laurie Anderson to John Zorn

Frank Wingold

Frank Wingold studied jazz and classical guitar at the well-known Hilversum Conservatory. Now he lives in Cologne and is part of various local bands. He is professor for jazz guitar at the Univeristy for Applied Sciences Osnabrück/Germany and teacher for jazz guitar at the Prins Claus Conservatoire Groningen/Netherlands. He combines classical, jazz and rock oriented techniques on accoustic and electric guitars in developing his own style of improvisation and composition. His influences include the classical repertoire of the 20. century, traditional and modern jazz, the history of rock music and the music of eastern European and oriental cultures. The first release of his quartet ‚Clairvoyance‘ has receivedenthusiastic press reviews. Since 2006, the band performs regularly in clubs and at festivals. In November...

Frank Wingold studied jazz and classical guitar at the well-known Hilversum Conservatory. Now he lives in Cologne and is part of various local bands. He is professor for jazz guitar at the Univeristy for Applied Sciences Osnabrück/Germany and teacher for jazz guitar at the Prins Claus Conservatoire Groningen/Netherlands.

He combines classical, jazz and rock oriented techniques on accoustic and electric guitars in developing his own style of improvisation and composition. His influences include the classical repertoire of the 20. century, traditional and modern jazz, the history of rock music and the music of eastern European and oriental cultures.

The first release of his quartet ‚Clairvoyance‘ has receivedenthusiastic press reviews. Since 2006, the band performs regularly in clubs and at festivals. In November 2011 the second CD’s `virtues and vices‘ was released at Double Moon Records.

In 1993 his trio „agog“ won the „Europe Jazz Contest“ in Brussels, where Frank also recieved the „Prize for Best Soloist“. In 2002 the trio won the „Dutch Jazz Competition“ at the North Sea Jazz Festival. In 2008 the band released the 4th CD `Some Frump Punk´.He is also a member of the well-known formation `Underkarl ‚, one of the most established European ensembles which tours regularly in Germany and abroad.Regular concerts and tours in Europe, Russia, South America, India and China.



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