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"The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between." - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Stefan Plewniak - violinist and conductor, received his training in is hometown, Krakow, where he studied with prof. B. Śliwicka-Wysocka at the Krakow Academy of Music. He continued his studies with prof. I.Strauss in Prague Music Academy, prof. R. Szreder at Maastricht Conservatory and prof F. Fernandez at Conservatoire National Superieur de Musique et de Danse in Paris.

His interest in baroque music was sparked during collaboration with Les Gôuts Reunis ensemble in the Netherlands. Subsequently, he has performed with many significant ensembles and orchestras, such as Kammeroper Köln, Warsaw Polish Radio Orchestra and Amsterdam Symphony Orchestra.

He collaborated with many renowned ensembles as a concertmaster in den Hague, Paris and Salzburg. He also cooperated with leading orchestras in Europe such as William Christie's Les Arts Florissants in Paris and Jordi Savall's Le Concert des Nations in Barcelona.

He is the founder of Il Giardino d'Amore orchestra in Vienna/ Cracow and Capella dell’ Ospedale della Pietà in Venice. In 2016 he founded new symphony orchestra The FeelHarmony.

He appeared as a soloist and leader at many important festivals in Europe, USA and China, among others Oude Muzik Festival Utrecht, Bach Festival Vienna, Tartini Festival Pirano, Styriarte Festival Graz, Early Music Celebration New York. He made his debut as a soloist in Mozarteum Salzburg and New York Carnegie Hall in 2014. Stefan Plewniak regularly presents masterclasses in Oslo, Norway as well as at the University of South California in L.A. and San Diego.

He is specializing in the opera and ballet repertoire.

Featured on

Various composers
It's Christmas Time
Staszek Plewniak | Natalia Kawałek
Antonio Vivaldi
L'Eleganza Capricciosa
Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Georg Friedrich Händel
Enemies In Love
Natalia Kawałek | Jakub Józef Orliński
Various composers
The Heart of Europe
Il Giardino d'Amore
Antonio Vivaldi
Carnevale di Venezia
Cappella dell'Ospedale della Pietà
Various composers
Cantates et Petits Macarons
Natalia Kawalek
Antonio Vivaldi
Amor Sacro Amor Profano
Il Giardino d'Amore
Georg Friedrich Händel
Handel Cantate 01
Roberta Mameli / Contrasto Armonico