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"The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between." - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Barokkanerne and the Norwegian Baroque Orchestra combined forces in January 2018 to form Barokkanerne – Norwegian Baroque Ensemble. Both ensembles were established at the end of the 1980s as the very first independent professional baroque orchestras on period instruments in Scandinavia. Since then they have been cornerstones in building up a Norwegian Early Music scene with concert series in Oslo, concert tours in Norway and abroad, countless festival performances, and continual efforts to improve competence within Early Music among youth, students, amateurs and professionals. The two ensembles’ collective discography is also substantial. A focus of NBO has been baroque music composed in Norway – as, for example, in its last release under the direction of Gottfried von der Goltz, with music of Johan Daniel and Johan Heinrich Berlin, father and son, who resided in Trondheim (SIMAX, 2014). For their part, Barokkanerne have featured young, Norwegian Early Music talents such as harpsichordist Christian Kjos on the recording “Empfinsamkeit!”, with music of CPE Bach (LAWO, 2013), and recorder player Ingeborg Christophersen on its previous release, “Recordare Venezia” (LAWO, 2017), with a musical spectrum of composers who were active in Venice.
  Barokkanerne collaborate with outstanding performers as artistic directors and soloists. Former artistic director for NBO, baroque cellist Kristin von der Goltz, has been the new ensemble’s main guest leader in its first season, with three productions in 2018. Besides Kristin von der Goltz and Alfredo Bernardini, Barokkanerne have collaborated with many other top international performers, including Rachel Podger, Emma Kirkby, Kati Debretzeni, Lars Ulrik Mortensen and Andrew Lawrence-King. Barokkanerne are administered by Stiftelsen Norsk Barokkorkester and are led by a triumvirate consisting of Johan Nicolai Mohn, Andreas Johnson and Mari Giske and supported by an artistic council made up of Alfredo Bernardini, Marianne Beate Kielland and Christian Kjos. Barokkanerne (NBE) receive support from Arts Council Norway, the Bergesen Foundation, and the Anders Sveaas’ Charitable Foundation.