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"There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer

The Netherlands String Quartet

The Netherlands String Quartet was founded in 1986. The four musicians are all section leaders with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra.
Kees Hülsmann studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Davina van Wely and Jo Juda. He gained his soloist diploma with distinction in 1973. For a period he was leader of the Haifa Symphony Orchestra. He makes regular appearances as a soloist both in the Netherlands and abroad, and gives an annual mas- terclass in Bad Hofgastein.
Mieke Biesta studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Davina van Wely and Herman Krebbers and was awarded the Prix d’Excellence. She she completed her studies with Josef Szigeti. She has appeared as a soloist in many cities, including Prague, London, Copenhagen and Paris, and she has made regular solo appearances with various Dutch orchestras.
Gerrit Oldeman studied at the Brabant Conservatorium with Ervin Schiffer. In 1971 he was awarded the Prix d’Excellence and he went on to complete his studies with Bruno Giuranna and Serge Collot in Paris.
Marien van Staalen studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Jean Decroos. At the same time he also studied conducting with Joop van Zon, David Zinman and Kirill Kondrashin. He frequently appears as soloist and with chamber ensembles and he has made several records and CDs, both as conductor and cellist. 

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