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"The only truth is music." - Jack Kerouac


Albin Brun is a guarantee for the success of such a borderline experience, which also attempts to come to terms with the tradition of its own country of origin. The Neue Luzerner Zeitung wrote about the premier of its "Alpin Ensembles" (Willisau Jazz Festival 2008): "…the audience responded with enthusiasm… Instead of coating all with a light, crossways jazz covering, the ensemble succeeded in creating a new connection with Alpine material that was as interesting musically as it was emotionally touching." However, Albin Brun has also dealt with the traditions of other countries time and time again, most recently in a joint project with the oud player Georges Kazazian in Egypt. The starting gun was fired for "KAZALPIN / КАЗАЛЬПІН" in September 2009 when Albin Brun was in Minsk for a week with the drummer Marco Käppeli and met the Belorussian singer trio Akana for the first time while they were looking for a suitable group. They understood each other from the start; with their respect of tradition and simultaneous cosmopolitan spirit, the three women complemented the Albin Brun Alpin Ensemble ideally. Akana is one of the most well known groups in the young music scene of Minsk. The three singers are specialized in old pre-Christian ritual songs, which they collect and record during trips to old people in the countryside. On one hand, they sing the songs totally authentically to preserve them from being forgotten, and on the other hand they are open to current music trends and consequently reach a young, urbane audience with their joy in experimenting with music.  

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Sniezki / Schnee
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