Ensemble Lauda is a cuban musical formation focused in the reconstruction and performance of the medieval music of the romanesque and gothic period. It was directed by Henry Vidal. Occupy an important place the diverse repertoires belonging to the Iberian peninsula of the 12th and 13th centuries. The interpretation approach, dynamic and poetic, is the result of a long maturation process and investigation, working directly with the musical sources, the analysis of the iconography and literature, work with the makers of instruments and the creativity.
Inside their presentations feature the archieve the colateral activities of the Festival‘Les Voix Humaines’that directs the master Leo Brouwer; the participation in the eleventh and twelfth edition of the Festival of Early Music Esteban Salas organized by the Historian’s Office and the group of Erly Music Ars Longa. Highlight also the concerts ‘Itineres’ offered in the occasion of the activities of Galician societies of Havana; the participation in the second edition of Confluencia, didactic concert organized by the Galician Class ‘Xosé Neira Vilas’ of the Faculty of Arts and Letters of the University of Havana.
Ensemble Lauda is also promoter of the Journey Habana Medieval, annual event that takes to the public Cuban dissimilar manifestations of the medieval art, mainly the music; and the two presentations with the male choir Sine Nomine with the programm Llibre Vermell of Montserrat and the women choir Ensemble Vocal Luna, with Códice de las Huelgas of Burgos and the influence in the comtemporany music.
Lauda means praise. Was also a musical gender that appeared as laude o laudi, referred to a sacred devocional song with text in Latin.