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"Music: Breath of the statues. Perhaps: Silence of images. Your language where languages end" - Rainer Maria Rilke

Kyle Aho

Kyle Aho is a jazz pianist, composer, and educator living in Springfield, Missouri. He has performed with many notable artists, including George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi, Bob Brookmeyer, Geri Brown, and others.
Some performance highlights include NYC’s Blue Note and Jazz Standard, The Kennedy Center  in Washington D.C., The Green Mill in Chicago, The Blue Room in Kansas City, and concerts in Japan and Taiwan.  After growing up Pocatello, Idaho, a mountain railroad town, Kyle spent the next 13 years in Seattle and Boston as a working musician and student before moving to the Midwest to raise a family. He currently teaches  at Missouri State University in the the jazz studies and dance programs. 

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Kyle Aho