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"There are two means of refuge from the misery of life — music and cats." - Albert Schweitzer

ANA PILAT is a vocalist, lyricist, and vocal pedagogue whose musical journey began early in her native Istria, Croatia. The essence of her heritage is evident in her rich voice and heartfelt interpretation. In addition to performing at children’s song festivals, she recorded her first album with a vocal group at only 16.
Over the years, Ana has performed with modern and world music ensembles, as well as various Big Bands. In 2019, she recorded the album “Sonce Ljubo,” rooted in traditional music, with the chamber ensemble Violoncelli Itineranti. Their collaboration earned them second prize at the Alberto Cesa Award in 2020 and a special mention at the Music Miela Contest in 2021.
Ana’s commitment to voice discovery is also reflected in her academic achievements. She graduated with honours in Jazz Singing from the Conservatory G. Tartini of Trieste in 2021, all while completing a four-year training programme at the “School of Uncovering the Voice.” Her dedication to learning led her to participate in workshops with renowned artists such as Marta Gomez and Rachel Gould. She further expanded her expertise by earning a degree in pop/jazz vocal pedagogy from JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Finland, where her thesis examined the impact of group singing on well-being. Her talent as a lyricist has been recognised by distinguished musicians like Norma Winstone and Egberto Gismonti. Additionally, her co-written song “Tides” reached the semi-finals of the International Songwriting Competition in 2023.
In 2024, Ana made her debut with “Songs from an Unknown Land” at the International Festival Trieste Loves Jazz, featuring compositions by Klaus Gesing. The lyrics she wrote for his compositions offer a gateway into a world of emotion and depth, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of human experiences. Ana’s unique stage presence and delivery bring a compelling sense of storytelling to the project. Now based in Helsinki, Ana offers holistic singing lessons and continues to explore the psychology behind the art of singing. 

Featured on

Song and Dance
Klaus Gesing | Latvian Radio Big Band | Ana Pilat