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Sonatas for Violoncello and Piano

Martin Hornstein / Claus-Christian Schuster

Sonatas for Violoncello and Piano

Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917210224
Catnr: CC 72102
Release date: 01 January 2002
1 CD
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72102
Release date
01 January 2002

About the album

In a letter to Alexander Zemlinsky from 1922 Arnold Schönberg mentioned that the music of Max Reger should be performed more often. The reasons why were that he composed a lot of music and that although he was dead people still didn't have an opinion about him. Schönberg thought Reger was a genius. Schoenberg's Verein für musikalische Privataufführungen did put the monumental sonata for cello and piano opus 116 three times on the program. Max Reger composed his fourth cello sonata in A minor in 1910 and was proud of this sonata. With regard to the premiere in 1911 he wrote to Georg Stern: 'Did you hear my new cello sonata? I think that this radiant work will illuminate everybody. I would appreciate it if you look at it.'

Pfitzner's cello sonata in f sharp minor dates from 1890 and was completed two years after Brahms' Second Cello Sonata with which Pfitzner was certain familiar given that his teachers in Frankfurt were virtually all Brahmsians. Though the opus number is one, it is certainly not Pfitzner's first work. Many, without opus, preceded it. While the ideas within the sonata are highly original the influence of Brahms can be heard. But to be clear, Pfitzner's cello sonata, though sometimes called Brahms' third cello sonata, sounds no more like Brahms than Brahms' first symphony, which was called Beethoven's 10th, sounds like Beethoven. In four movements, it opens Sehr bewegt with lyrical expansive melodies. Particularly striking is Pfitzner's occasional economy of expression---at one point the cello repeated plays but one note, and yet the effect is as if this were not the case. The second movement, Sehr langsam, begins quite slowly but gradually the tempo is increased to a very impressive dramatic climax. The third movement, So schnell als möglich, is a new kind of scurrying scherzo without trio. The finale, Nicht zu schnell, like the first movement is broad with expansive ideas. The fact that critics called this work Brahms' third cello sonata, is an indication of just how fine they regarded this important sonata.

The sonatas of Reger and Pfitzner are performed by cellist Martin Hornstein en pianist Claus-Christian Schuster. Both are members of the Altenberg Trio Wien.

Sources used for this description:

Indrukwekkende sonates met tempowisselingen
Op dit album staan sonates voor cello en piano van de componisten Pfitzner en Reger. Ze worden uitgevoerd door cellist Martin Hornstein en pianist Claus-Christian Schuster. Het zijn zeer indrukwekkende vertolkingen van boeiende sonates vol met tempowisselingen.

Pfitzners Cello Sonate in fis mineur dateert van 1890 en werd twee jaar na Brahms’ tweede Cello Sonate afgemaakt. Pfitzner kende dit stuk al omdat zijn leraren in Frankfurt groot liefhebbers waren van Brahms. De sonate bestaat uit vier delen en opent met het deel 'Sehr bewegt' met lyrische en uitgebreide melodielijnen. Het tweede deel, 'Sehr langsam', begint vrij langzaam maar geleidelijk gaat het tempo omhoog tot aan een zeer indrukwekkende en dramatische climax. De finale, 'Nicht zu schnell, mit Humor' is net als het eerste deel uitgebreid en lyrisch en brengt het stuk tot een schitterend einde. Het feit dat critici dit werk Brahms’ Derde Cello Sonate noemden, is een indicatie van hoe belangrijk ze deze sonate beschouwden.

Regers monumentale Sonate voor cello en piano op.116 kwam in 1911 tot stand. Regers muziek werd vaak gezien als te complex en werd niet vaak uitgevoerd. Het blijft desondanks prachtig om naar te luisteren, iets wat de musici Hornstein en Schuster ook opgemerkt hadden.

Cellist Martin Hornstein en pianist Claus-Christian Schuster zijn beiden lid geweest van het Altenberg Trio Wien, dat werd opgericht in 1994. Met dit album brengt het duo prachtige sonates ten gehore die niet vaak worden opgenomen.


Max Reger

Johann Baptist Joseph Maximilian Reger (19 March 1873 – 11 May 1916) was a German composer, conductor, pianist, organist, and academic teacher. Born in Brand, Bavaria, Reger studied music in Munich and Wiesbaden with Hugo Riemann. From September 1901 he settled in Munich, where he obtained concert offers and where his rapid rise to fame began. During his first Munich season, Reger appeared in ten concerts as an organist, chamber pianist and accompanist. He continued to compose without interruption. From 1907 he worked in Leipzig, where he was music director of the universityuntil 1908 and professor of composition at the conservatory until his death. In 1911 he moved to Meiningen where he got the position of Hofkapellmeister at the court of Georg II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen. In 1915 he moved to Jena, commuting once a week to teach in Leipzig. He died in May 1916 on...
Johann Baptist Joseph Maximilian Reger (19 March 1873 – 11 May 1916) was a German composer, conductor, pianist, organist, and academic teacher. Born in Brand, Bavaria, Reger studied music in Munich and Wiesbaden with Hugo Riemann. From September 1901 he settled in Munich, where he obtained concert offers and where his rapid rise to fame began. During his first Munich season, Reger appeared in ten concerts as an organist, chamber pianist and accompanist. He continued to compose without interruption. From 1907 he worked in Leipzig, where he was music director of the universityuntil 1908 and professor of composition at the conservatory until his death. In 1911 he moved to Meiningen where he got the position of Hofkapellmeister at the court of Georg II, Duke of Saxe-Meiningen. In 1915 he moved to Jena, commuting once a week to teach in Leipzig. He died in May 1916 on one of these trips of a heart attack at age 43.
He had also been active internationally as a conductor and pianist. Among his students were Joseph Haas, Sándor Jemnitz, Jaroslav Kvapil, Ruben Liljefors, George Szell and Cristòfor Taltabull.
Reger was the cousin of Hans von Koessler.



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