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Hommage A Poulenc

Abbie De Quant

Hommage A Poulenc

Format: CD
Label: Fineline Legacy
UPC: 0608917241020
Catnr: FL 72410
Release date: 06 November 2006
1 CD
Fineline Legacy
Catalogue number
FL 72410
Release date
06 November 2006

About the album

The importance and quality of Poulenc's Sonata for Flute and Piano formed the basic idea for this recording. It would have been easy to put together a programme of the "Groupe des Six", of which Poulenc was one. However, this has been done many times before, hence the choice of a less predictable and more adventurous programme. Only two other members of the group are included, Arthur Honegger and Germaine Tailleferre, simply because their music fits in so well with the whole.
Paul Taffanel deserves a place here as founder of the French flute school; Charles Koechlin as Poulenc's teacher; and Henri Dutilleux, for writing a song in memory of Poulenc, but who is represented with his Sonatine, a jewel of the flute repertoire. The Dutch composers Jan Bus and Bart Visman let themselves to be inspired by Poulencs sonata, and both have contributed a fine new piece to the flute repertoire.
Finally there is a Jewish composer who died during World War II, Dick Kattenburg. He was strongly influenced by Milhaud and Poulenc and composed his sonata at the age of 17.

Abbie de Quant studied with Jan Prins and Koos Verheul. In 1970 she graduated "summa cum laude" with a soloist's degree. During her studies she took a course with Severino Gazzelloni, receiving the "diploma di onore" from the Accademia Chigiana in Siena. She won many national and international competitions and in 1973 was awarded the Prix d'Excellence.
She has appeared as a soloist with many leading orchestras, esp. The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, with conductors such as Sir Neville Marriner, Luciano Berio, Roberto Benzi, Kenneth Montgomery, Ton Koopman, Ed spanjaard. She has performed in Europe, the Middle East and the Far East, and has appeared frequently on radio and television and made numerous recordings.
For 33 years Abbie de Quant taught at the Utrecht Conservatory, and she is still connected with the Amsterdam Conservatory.
Since 1992 she has her own series in the Kleine Zaal of Amsterdam's Concertgebouw, in which each programme contains at least one composition specially written for her. Her repertoire extends from the Baroque through to contemporary Western and Asian music.
Een onvoorspelbaar en avontuurlijk eerbetoon aan Poulenc
Fluitiste Abbie de Quant treedt over de hele wereld als solist op met vele vooraanstaande orkesten, in het bijzonder het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest. Haar repertoire reikt van de Barok tot aan hedendaagse Westerse en Aziatische muziek. Sinds 1992 heeft Quant haar eigen serie in de Kleine Zaal van het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, waarin elk programma tenminste één speciaal voor haar geschreven werk bevat.

Op dit album geeft Abbie de Quant een eerbetoon aan de Franse componist Francis Poulenc. De Quant schreef over haar album: “Het belang en de kwaliteit van Poulencs Sonate voor Fluit en Piano vormde het basisidee voor deze opname. Het zou eenvoudig zijn geweest om een programma samen te stellen met werken van de ‘Groupe des Six’, waarvan Poulenc deel uitmaakte. Dit is echter al veel vaker gedaan, vandaar de keuze voor een minder voorspelbaar en avontuurlijker programma. Slechts twee andere leden van de ‘Groupe des Six’ zijn vertegenwoordigd, Arthur Honegger en Germaine Tailleferre, simpelweg omdat hun muziek zo goed binnen het geheel past.”

“Paul Taffanel verdient als oprichter van de Franse fluitschool een plaats op dit album; Charles Koechlin als Poulencs docent, en Henri Duttileux omdat hij een lied in Poulencs nagedachtenis heeft gecomponeerd. Hier wordt hij vertegenwoordigd door zijn Sonatine, een juweeltje uit het fluitrepertoire. De Nederlandse componisten Jan Bus en Bart Visman lieten zich inspireren door Poulencs sonate, en hebben beiden een voortreffelijk nieuw werk bijgedragen. De Joodse componist Dick Kattenburg werd ten slotte sterk beïnvloed door Darius Milhaud en Poulenc.”


Abbie De Quant (flute)

The career of flutist Abbie de Quant testifies of a great multitude and a strong urgency to a musical adventure. She is a master of the flute, with a refreshing vision toward the classical repertoire. At the same time, she possesses the ability to have her audience carried away by compositions from more recent times. Abbie de Quant is a true ambassador for her instrument and for music for flute in general. Her repertoire reaches from baroque to contemporary Western and Asian music. Abbie's concerts are again and again unique experiences. Her performances invites a rich palette of feelings and emotions. But also the artistic dialogues, in special programs, she enters into with other forms of art, such as poetry, sculpture...
The career of flutist Abbie de Quant testifies of a great multitude and a strong urgency to a musical adventure. She is a master of the flute, with a refreshing vision toward the classical repertoire. At the same time, she possesses the ability to have her audience carried away by compositions from more recent times.
Abbie de Quant is a true ambassador for her instrument and for music for flute in general. Her repertoire reaches from baroque to contemporary Western and Asian music. Abbie's concerts are again and again unique experiences. Her performances invites a rich palette of feelings and emotions. But also the artistic dialogues, in special programs, she enters into with other forms of art, such as poetry, sculpture and mime, create a surprising addition to the stage art.
Many composers have been inspired by her to the writing of new compositions, i.e. Caroline Ansink, Jan Bus, Ron Ford, Willem Jeths, Otto Ketting, Astrid Kruiselbrink, Ton de Leeuw, Theo Loevendie, Chiel Meijering, Toek Numan, Jan Rokus van Roosendael, Joep Strasser, Kazuo Susuki, Bart Visman and Rob Zuidam. Her regular appearances in the Small Auditorium of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam (since 1992 she has organized her own series there)include always one composition especially written for her.
Abbie regularly breaks through the limits of her own profession. Dance, mime, poetry and visual art have inspired her ,among other, to programs like "Wishbone" , a performance piece for flute and harp and "Dripper" for flute, harp and percussion (inspired by the painter Jackson Pollock), both composed by the Japanese composer Kazuo Suzuki. Willem Jeths wrote a performance piece for solo flute "Dwaallicht" with poems by Hans Faverey. The American-Dutch composer, Ron Ford, composed "The Prince ".
An other program, "Oh beminnelijk litteken", with poems by the poet/painter Lucebert, was put to music by Caroline Ansink for spoken voice, flute and bandoneon. Later, she added a homage to Lucebert with the theater production: "En ik val en ik ruis en ik zing.....,"under the direction of Frans Weisz and to the music of Chiel Meijering and Toek Numan. Also under the direction of Frans Weisz, she created the music theater production of "De Caracal". A monologue by Judith Herzerg put to music by Roderik de Man.
Abbie de Quant studied with Jan Prins, then with Koos Verheul. She graduated and received her diploma for solo performance Summa Cum Laude. Furthermore, she took courses with the Italian flutist and pedagogue, Severino Gazzelloni, and received the 'Diploma di Onore' from the Academia Chigiana in Siena. She won many national and international competitions including the Cum Laude Concours, the Belgian-Netherlands Concours, the Gaudeamus Concours and the competitions for flute at Royan and Munich.
In 1973, she received the Prix d'Excellence.
As soloist she appeared with almost al of the leading Dutch orchestras, including the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and many international orchestras with conductors such as Luciano Berio, Roberto Benzi, Ton Koopman, Sir Raymond Leppard, Sir Neville Marriner, Kenneth Montgomery, Jean Francois Paillard, Ed Spanjaard, Hans Vonk, Hans Zender and David Zinman. Abbie de Quant was a docent at the Utrecht Conservatory for 33 years. At this time she is connected to the Conservatory of Amsterdam.

Elizabeth van Malde (piano)

Elizabeth van Malde performed as soloist with various orchestras after music studies in Rotterdam and Paris. In connection with chamber music, she works steadily with instru- mentalists and vocalists, and coaches young musicians. She was an accompanist at international music competitions and festivals. In this manner she furthermore accompanied at the concourses at which the flutist Abbie de Quant was the winner. For radio broadcasts, she gave solo recitals and made numerous recordings, i.e. with Cor de Groot (two pianos), horn player Ab Koster, violinist Theodora Geraets and Abbie de Quant. With the two last mentioned, Elizabeth three times made a concert tour through Indonesia and Malaysia. In the 2006-2007 season, she had her own series in the Hague in a variety...
Elizabeth van Malde performed as soloist with various orchestras after music studies in Rotterdam and Paris. In connection with chamber music, she works steadily with instru- mentalists and vocalists, and coaches young musicians. She was an accompanist at international music competitions and festivals. In this manner she furthermore accompanied at the concourses at which the flutist Abbie de Quant was the winner. For radio broadcasts, she gave solo recitals and made numerous recordings, i.e. with Cor de Groot (two pianos), horn player Ab Koster, violinist Theodora Geraets and Abbie de Quant. With the two last mentioned, Elizabeth three times made a concert tour through Indonesia and Malaysia.
In the 2006-2007 season, she had her own series in the Hague in a variety program together with her friends in music.



Elizabeth van Malde

Elizabeth van Malde performed as soloist with various orchestras after music studies in Rotterdam and Paris. In connection with chamber music, she works steadily with instru- mentalists and vocalists, and coaches young musicians. She was an accompanist at international music competitions and festivals. In this manner she furthermore accompanied at the concourses at which the flutist Abbie de Quant was the winner. For radio broadcasts, she gave solo recitals and made numerous recordings, i.e. with Cor de Groot (two pianos), horn player Ab Koster, violinist Theodora Geraets and Abbie de Quant. With the two last mentioned, Elizabeth three times made a concert tour through Indonesia and Malaysia. In the 2006-2007 season, she had her own series in the Hague in a variety...
Elizabeth van Malde performed as soloist with various orchestras after music studies in Rotterdam and Paris. In connection with chamber music, she works steadily with instru- mentalists and vocalists, and coaches young musicians. She was an accompanist at international music competitions and festivals. In this manner she furthermore accompanied at the concourses at which the flutist Abbie de Quant was the winner. For radio broadcasts, she gave solo recitals and made numerous recordings, i.e. with Cor de Groot (two pianos), horn player Ab Koster, violinist Theodora Geraets and Abbie de Quant. With the two last mentioned, Elizabeth three times made a concert tour through Indonesia and Malaysia.
In the 2006-2007 season, she had her own series in the Hague in a variety program together with her friends in music.



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