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La Petite Bande


Format: SACD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917231625
Catnr: CC 72316
Release date: 27 March 2009
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72316
Release date
27 March 2009

About the album

>In the 1980s, Joshua Rifkin published his Preliminary Report on the workings and makeup of the “choir” in the vocal works of Johann Sebastian Bach. His conclusions (then provisional and to be further elaborated on) radically contradicted the practice of the time, which consisted in unreservedly assuming that by “choir” – indeed – Bach meant a vocal ensemble that has multiple singers per part, resulting in a more or less substantial number of performers.

Before Rifkin, nobody had studied the sources with such seriousness from that standpoint or sought to envision the actual conditions Bach faced in his position as cantor. Rifkin’s findings, thus, were “sacrilegious.” Generally, he concluded, Bach used one singer per part in his cantatas, motets, passions, etc., so there was no “choir” in the modern sense of the word – consequently, the B minor Mass requires just eight vocalists (the Osanna is set for 2 choirs: 2 x 4 singers). The result delivers an unusual transparency and clarity of the musical lines.
De Hohe Messe van Bach in kleine bezetting
De mis in b-kleine terts, beter bekend als ‘De Hohe Messe’ wordt als een van de grootste meesterwerken van de klassieke muziek beschouwd. Het werk van Johann Sebastian Bach is een verzameling van toonzettingen van de vaste onderdelen van een Rooms-katholieke mis. De Hohe Messe is geen compositie die als één geheel moet worden opgevat, zoals bijvoorbeeld de Matthäus-Passion. In feite gaat het hier om vier op zichzelf staande, verschillende werken, die Bach op vier verschillende momenten componeerde (samenstelde) voor gebruik in de Lutherse liturgie.

Op dit album wordt de mis uitgevoerd door La Petite Bande onder leiding van Sigiswald Kuijken. In tegenstelling tot de meest voorkomende praktijk kiest Kuijken niet voor het gebruik van een volledig koor, maar gebruikt voor elke stem slechts één zanger of zangeres, met in totaal acht koorleden (sopraan, alt, tenor en bas met in het Osanna een dubbelkoor). Deze zetting lijkt het meest overeen te komen met het oorspronkelijke arrangement van Bach. Het resultaat is een ongebruikelijke helderheid en verstaanbaarheid van de verschillende stemmen en door elkaar lopende melodieën.
Die Messe in h-Moll wird weithin zu einem der größten Meisterwerke der Klassischen Musik gezählt. Es gilt als die Summe aller Kompositionen der Vokalmusik. In der vorliegenden Aufführung mit 'La Petite Bande' unter Sigiswald Kuijken sind Chor und Instrumente - wie bei Kuijken üblich - solistisch besetzt. Dadurch erreicht dieses Werk eine außerordentliche Intensität und Klarheit, nicht zuletzt durch die jahrzehntelange Erfahrung aller Beteiligten.


La Petite Bande

La Petite Bande (Belgium) was founded in 1972 by Sigiswald Kuijken at the request of the record company Harmonia Mundi (Germany) in order to record Lully's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, under the direction of Gustav Leonhardt. The orchestra takes its name and constitution from Lully's own orchestra at the court of Louis XIV. All its members are internationally renowned specialists in the early music field. Although originally La Petite Bande was not meant to become a permanent orchestra, the success of the recordings was such that they began to give concerts regularly. Having initially concentrated mainly on French music, the orchestra's repertoire has expanded over the years to include music by the Italian masters and that of Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart...

La Petite Bande (Belgium) was founded in 1972 by Sigiswald Kuijken at the request of the record company Harmonia Mundi (Germany) in order to record Lully's Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, under the direction of Gustav Leonhardt. The orchestra takes its name and constitution from Lully's own orchestra at the court of Louis XIV. All its members are internationally renowned specialists in the early music field.

Although originally La Petite Bande was not meant to become a permanent orchestra, the success of the recordings was such that they began to give concerts regularly. Having initially concentrated mainly on French music, the orchestra's repertoire has expanded over the years to include music by the Italian masters and that of Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, Mozart and others.

The 18-part CD series 'Cantatas of J.S. Bach' (ACCENT) is complete since February 2014. Sigiswald Kuijken

applies the latest findings in Bach research: no choir, but rather a vocal quartet together with a minimal instrumental scoring. In this way, the fine musical texture of these cantatas can be much better (and more naturally) revealed.

La Petite Bande has recorded instrumental as well as vocal music, including operas and oratorios from the Baroque and Classical periods. La Petite Bande currently makes recordings for Accent, Challenge, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Denon, Seon/Virgin and Hyperion.

La Petite Bande has performed in a multitude of international festivals and concert series, in Europe, Japan, Australia, South America and China.

From 1997 to 2018, La Petite Bande was resident in the city of Leuven.


Sigiswald Kuijken

Sigiswald Kuijken was born in 1944 close to Brussels. He studied violin at the conservatories of Bruges and Brussels, completing his studies at the latter institution with Maurice Raskin in 1964. He came into contact with early music at a very young age, together with his brother Wieland. Studying on his own, he gained a thorough knowledge of specific 17th- and 18th-century performance techniques and conventions of interpretation on violin and viola da gamba. This led to the introduction, in 1969, of a more authentic way of playing the violin, whereby the instrument was no longer held under the chin, but lay freely on the shoulder;  this was to have a crucial influence on the approach to the violin repertoire...
Sigiswald Kuijken was born in 1944 close to Brussels. He studied violin at the conservatories of Bruges and Brussels, completing his studies at the latter institution with Maurice Raskin in 1964. He came into contact with early music at a very young age, together with his brother Wieland. Studying on his own, he gained a thorough knowledge of specific 17th- and 18th-century performance techniques and conventions of interpretation on violin and viola da gamba. This led to the introduction, in 1969, of a more authentic way of playing the violin, whereby the instrument was no longer held under the chin, but lay freely on the shoulder; this was to have a crucial influence on the approach to the violin repertoire and was consequently adopted by many players starting in the early 1970s.
From 1964 to 1972, Sigiswald Kuijken was a member of the Brussels-based Alarius Ensemble (with Wieland Kuijken, Robert Kohnen and Janine Rubinlicht), which performed throughout Europe and in the United States. He subsequently undertook individual chamber music projects with a number of Baroque music specialists, chief among which were his brothers Wieland and Barthold and Robert Kohnen, as well as Gustav Leonhardt, Frans Brüggen, Anner Bylsma and René Jacobs.
In 1972, with the encouragement of Deutsche Harmonia Mundi and Gustav Leonhardt, he founded the Baroque orchestra La Petite Bande, which since then has given innumerable concerts throughout Europe, Australia, South America, China and Japan, and has made many recordings for a number of labels (including Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Seon, Virgin, Accent, Denon, Hyperion and Challenge.
In 1986 he founded the Kuijken String Quartet (with François Fernandez, Marleen Thiers and Wieland Kuijken), which specialises in the quartets and quintets of the Classical period. Recordings of quartets and quintets by Mozart and Haydn have appeared on Denon and Challenge.
Since 1998 Sigiswald Kuijken occasionally brings together two generations Kuijken (his daughters Veronica and Sara and his brother Wieland) to perform string quartets of later periods (Debussy, Schumann, Beethoven, Schubert) often combined with Lieder by Marie Kuijken, soprano and also daughter of Sigiswald, and Veronica Kuijken, piano. Recordings of the two generations have been made for Arcana and Challenge Records.
In 2004 Sigiswald Kuijken reintroduced in practical performance the violoncello da spalla (shoulder cello) very probably the instrument Bach had in mind when writing his six suites for violoncello solo.
From 1971 to 1996, Sigiswald Kuijken taught Baroque violin at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague and from 1993 to 2009 at the Koninklijk Muziekconservatorium in Brussels.
For many years he was a guest teacher at institutions such as the Royal College of Music in London, Salamanca University, the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, the Conservatoire of Geneva and the Musikhochschule of Leipzig. Since 1998, Sigiswald Kuijken occasionally conducts “modern” symphonic orchestras in romantic programs ( Beethoven, Schumann, Brahms, Mendelssohn).


Petra Noskaiová (alto)

The Slovak mezzo-soprano, Petra Noskaiová, studied Music at the Bratislava Conservatory from 1988 to 1994 and vocal music with Ruena Illenbergova. Since her main fields of interest were the Baroque and the Renaissance liturgical music, she further studied with Marius van Altena, Harry van der Kamp and Sigiswald Kuijken. Later, she participated in master-classes under the baton of Sigiswald Kuijken. Petra Noskaiová has worked regularly with numerous musical ensembles such as Musica Aeterna Bratislava, Capella Regia Musicalis, Musica Florea, Ensemble Inegal, Teatro Lirico, La Petite Bande, and acompanied also Andrew Parrott, Stephen Stubbs, Sigiswald Kuijken, Harry van der Kamp, Suzie LeBlanc, Howard Crook, Barbara Schlick and Paul Elliott. Her recent projects are J.M. Leclair's Scylla and Glaucus with the Collegium Marianum under the baton of Simon Standage in Prague, and W.A. Mozart's Requiem and Haydn's Sieben letzte Worte with the La Petite Bande under the baton of Sigiswald Kuijken. Petra Noskaiová regularly performs...
The Slovak mezzo-soprano, Petra Noskaiová, studied Music at the Bratislava Conservatory from 1988 to 1994 and vocal music with Ruena Illenbergova. Since her main fields of interest were the Baroque and the Renaissance liturgical music, she further studied with Marius van Altena, Harry van der Kamp and Sigiswald Kuijken. Later, she participated in master-classes under the baton of Sigiswald Kuijken.
Petra Noskaiová has worked regularly with numerous musical ensembles such as Musica Aeterna Bratislava, Capella Regia Musicalis, Musica Florea, Ensemble Inegal, Teatro Lirico, La Petite Bande, and acompanied also Andrew Parrott, Stephen Stubbs, Sigiswald Kuijken, Harry van der Kamp, Suzie LeBlanc, Howard Crook, Barbara Schlick and Paul Elliott. Her recent projects are J.M. Leclair's Scylla and Glaucus with the Collegium Marianum under the baton of Simon Standage in Prague, and W.A. Mozart's Requiem and Haydn's Sieben letzte Worte with the La Petite Bande under the baton of Sigiswald Kuijken.
Petra Noskaiová regularly performs for the Slovak Radio and produces recordings for Slovart, Dynamic and Matou. In addirion, she paricipates oftenly at prestigious international festivals such as the Festival Oude Muziek in Utrecht, Days of Early Music in Bratislava and the Festival of Ambronay.


Jan Van der Crabben (bass)

The Belgian baritone, Jan van der Crabben, studied first piano with Aquiles delle Vigne at the Etterbeek Academy, and then transferred to the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels, where his teachers included Louis Devos. He completed his studies there in 1989, graduating with a first prize and the highest distinction. In 1990 he continued his studies privately with Vera Rosza in London. Also that year he won prizes for the best Interpretation of a French Song and for Contemporary Music at the Concours International d'Oratorio et de Lied in Clermont-Ferrand. Jan van der Crabben is active as a soloist both in Belgium and abroad and among the conductors with whom he has worked are Andrew Lawrence-King, Patrick Peire, Alexander Rahbari and Pierre Bartholomée....
The Belgian baritone, Jan van der Crabben, studied first piano with Aquiles delle Vigne at the Etterbeek Academy, and then transferred to the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels, where his teachers included Louis Devos. He completed his studies there in 1989, graduating with a first prize and the highest distinction. In 1990 he continued his studies privately with Vera Rosza in London. Also that year he won prizes for the best Interpretation of a French Song and for Contemporary Music at the Concours International d'Oratorio et de Lied in Clermont-Ferrand.
Jan van der Crabben is active as a soloist both in Belgium and abroad and among the conductors with whom he has worked are Andrew Lawrence-King, Patrick Peire, Alexander Rahbari and Pierre Bartholomée. He has also appeared at numerous festivals, including the Festival de Chambord and the Flanders Festival, and has taken part in master-classes with Elio Battaglia, Bernhard Kruysen and Margaret Honig. In 1991 he created the title role in the world première of Lucien Posman’s opera Hercules Hoché. But his chief interests remain the oratorio and the German Lied. He has made several recordings of works by W.A. Mozart, J.S. Bach, George Frideric Handel, Fiocco, De Fesch, Schubert and Heinrich von Herzogenberg. In 1996 he was a semi-finalist in the Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels.


Patrizia Hardt (soprano)


Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.  Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.  

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.

Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.



Play album Play album
Disc #1
I Kyrie: Kyrie eleison
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Patrizia Hardt, Petra Noskaiová , Bernhard Hunziker    , Marcus Niedermeyr 
I Kyrie: Christe eleison
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Patrizia Hardt
I Kyrie: Kyrie eleison
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Elisabeth Hermans, Petra Noskaiová , Bernhard Hunziker    , Marcus Niedermeyr 
II Gloria: Gloria in excelsis
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Petra Noskaiová , Bernhard Hunziker    , Marcus Niedermeyr 
II Gloria: Et in terra pax
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Bernhard Hunziker , Petra Noskaiová , Marcus Niedermeyr
II Gloria: Laudamus te
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Patrizia Hardt
II Gloria: Gratias agimus tibi
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Petra Noskaiová , Bernhard Hunziker    , Marcus Niedermeyr 
II Gloria: Domine Deus
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Bernhard Hunziker   
II Gloria: Qui tollis peccata mundi
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Petra Noskaiová , Bernhard Hunziker    , Marcus Niedermeyr 
II Gloria: Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Petra Noskaiová
II Gloria: Quoniam tu solus sanctus
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Marcus Niedermeyr 
II Gloria: Cum Sancto Spiritu
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Petra Noskaiová , Bernhard Hunziker    , Marcus Niedermeyr 

Disc #2
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Credo in unum Deum
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Patrem omnipotentem
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Patrizia Hardt, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Et in unum Dominum
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Patrizia Hardt
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Et incarnatus est
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Crucifixus
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Et resurrexit
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben, Gerlinde Sämann
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Et in Spiritum Sanctum Dominum
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Jan Van der Crabben
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Confiteor
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben, Gerlinde Sämann
Symbolum Nicenum (=Credo): Et expecto
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Jan Van der Crabben, Gerlinde Sämann, Christoph Genz, Patrizia Hardt, Elisabeth Hermans
Sanctus, Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Sanctus
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Petra Noskaiová, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben
Sanctus, Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Osanna in excelsis
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Petra Noskaiová, Bernhard Hunziker, Christoph Genz, Jan Van der Crabben
Sanctus, Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Benedictus
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Christoph Genz
Sanctus, Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Osanna in excelsis
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Petra Noskaiová , Bernhard Hunziker, Christoph Genz, Marcus Niedermeyr , Jan Van der Crabben
Sanctus, Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Agnus Dei
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Petra Noskaiová
Sanctus, Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei: Dona nobis pacem
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) La Petite Bande, Gerlinde Sämann, Elisabeth Hermans, Patrizia Hardt, Petra Noskaiová, Bernhard Hunziker, Christoph Genz, Marcus Niedermeyr , Jan Van der Crabben
show all tracks

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