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Uptown|Downtown - an urban panorma in six movements
Richard Rijnvos

Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic / Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra

Uptown|Downtown - an urban panorma in six movements

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917253825
Catnr: CC 72538
Release date: 25 May 2012
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72538
Release date
25 May 2012

"the music is joyous and infectious, a real treat"

The Guardian, 03-8-2012

About the album

Richard Rijnvos (1964) likes to listen to masters from previous centuries: Beethoven, Janáček and Sibelius are favourites. Still, there is a great difference between the Romantic composers’ methods and his. Rijnvos himself says: “The classical idea of a composer is that he has the music in his mind and puts it on paper. I have nothing in my mind, yet I still want to compose. I’m interested in music that arises when you put certain conditions together and then see what happens.”

From Rijnvos’ descriptive titles, usually referring to cities and other places, you would not suspect that his method is so radically abstract. However, he is a composer who generates tones from non-musical or numerical sources, such as chess boards or magic squares. Someone who also loves to endlessly pile single-voice lines on top of each other. That strict, “impersonal” method leads paradoxically enough to sensual works with a non-Dutch signature.

“The less ideas a composition has, the stronger it gets", this is a statement of Morton Feldman and this is a beloved motto of Rijnvos. One can not put him in a box because each composition opens new sound worlds for his listeners. With the utmost precision he works on his oeuvre that unfolds himself like one grand novel. The most of his works are linked together in a series. Rijnvos composes for solo instruments as well as for small ensembles. Besides that he composes for symphony and chamber orchestra.
Pakkende nieuwe muziek voor kamerorkest
Richard Rijnvos luistert graag naar de oude meesters: Beethoven, Janáček en Sibelius zijn zijn favorieten. Toch is er een groot verschil tussen zijn methode en die van de Romantische componisten. Rijnvos zegt zelf: “Het klassieke idee van een componist is dat hij de muziek die hij op papier zet in zijn hoofd heeft. Ik heb niets in mijn hoofd, maar ik wil nog steeds componeren. Ik ben geïnteresseerd in muziek die ontstaat als bepaalde voorwaarden samenkomen, daarna kijk ik wel wat er gebeurt.”

“Hoe minder ideeen een compositie heeft, des te sterker die wordt.” Dit standpunt van Morton Feldman is het motto van Rijnvos. Hij kan niet in een hokje geplaatst worden omdat hij met elke compositie weer nieuwe klankwerelden voor zijn publiek opent. Met uiterste precisie werkt Rijnvos aan zijn oeuvre, dat zich ontvouwt als een grote roman.

De werken van Rijnvos komen onder de aandacht op internationale concertseries en festivals met optredens van onder andere het BBC Symphony Orchestra en het Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin. Toonaangevende instituten en bedrijven hebben Rijnvos opdrachten gegeven, zoals het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest, het Holland Festival, het Asko Ensemble, en het Nederlands Blazersensemble. In juni 2011 heeft Rijnvos voor de tweede keer de Matthijs Vermeulenprijs ontvangen, voor zijn liedcyclus Die Kammersängerin.

De veelzijdige Braziliaanse dirigent Antunes was van augustus 2008 tot maart 2012 de chef-dirigent van het Groot Omroepkoor. Eerder, van 1994 tot 1998 was hij chef-dirigent van het Neues Rheinisches Kammerorchester en chef-dirigent van het Antwerpse ensemble Champ d’Action, met wie hij vele wereldpremières uitvoerde.
Packende Neue Musik für Kammerorchester

"Je weniger Ideen eine Komposition hat, desto stärker wird sie". Das ist eine Behauptung von Morton Feldman und auch eine Devise von Richard Rijnvos.

1964 in den Niederlanden geboren, studierte er Komposition bei Jan van Vlijmen und Brian Ferneyhough am Königlichen Konservatorium Den Haag und schloss eine Nachdiplom-Ausbildung in Freiburg im Breisgau an. In den Jahren 1986–1992 kam er in Berührung mit den amerikanischen Komponisten Morton Feldman und John Cage, was zu einer drastischen Neuorientierung seines Schaffens führte. Dazu gesellen sich deutliche Einflüsse nichtmusikalischer Art durch Künstler wie William Burroughs, Samuel Beckett, Joseph Beuys und Italo Calvino.

Richard Rijnvos erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, unter anderem den Perspektiefprijs 1989, eine ehrenvolle Erwähnung am Prix Italia 1991 für seine Hörspielproduktion Radio I nach einem Text von Samuel Beckett. und im Jahr 2000 den Matthijs-Vermeulen-Preis der Stadt Amsterdam für Times Square Dance. Im Sommer 2004 brachte HatHut Records die CD mit dem gesamten Block-Beuys-Zyklus heraus. Letztes Jahr bezeichnete eine internationale Jury das NYConcerto als “die beste im Jahr 2007 in den Niederlanden uraufgeführte Komposition” und sprach ihr den Buma-Kompositionspreis zu.


Richard Rijnvos (conductor)

Richard Rijnvos Born 1964 in Tilburg (the Netherlands), Richard Rijnvos studied composition with Jan van Vlijmen and Brian Ferneyhough at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. After finishing these studies summa cum laude he received a DAAD scholarship with which he followed a postgraduate at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg (Germany). In the summer of 1994 he participated in the International Dance Course for Professional Choreographers and Composers in Bretton Hall (Wakefield, UK). In the period 1986-92 he came in touch with the American composers Morton Feldman and John Cage, who caused crucial changes in his development. There are also a number of distinct extramusical influences from artists such as William Burroughs, Samuel Beckett, Joseph Beuys, Italo Calvino, and Ernst Jandl. ...
Richard Rijnvos Born 1964 in Tilburg (the Netherlands), Richard Rijnvos studied composition with Jan van Vlijmen and Brian Ferneyhough at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. After finishing these studies summa cum laude he received a DAAD scholarship with which he followed a postgraduate at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg (Germany). In the summer of 1994 he participated in the International Dance Course for Professional Choreographers and Composers in Bretton Hall (Wakefield, UK). In the period 1986-92 he came in touch with the American composers Morton Feldman and John Cage, who caused crucial changes in his development. There are also a number of distinct extramusical influences from artists such as William Burroughs, Samuel Beckett, Joseph Beuys, Italo Calvino, and Ernst Jandl. Since 1993 Richard Rijnvos concentrates on the realization of compositions that are part of larger series. The work Stanza, for instance, exists in a diatonic, chromatic and microtonal version. Between 1995 and 2000 he created the eighty-minute cycle Block Beuys, modeled on the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt collection by Joseph Beuys. Late 2008 Richard Rijnvos completed Uptown|Downtown, an urban panorama in six ‘movements’. This series - thought of as an evening-long dance production about city life in Manhattan – include the orchestral works Times Square Dance, Washington Square Dance and Union Square Dance, as well as Grand Central Dance, Central Dance in the Park and ’cross Broadway for piano and chamber orchestra. (These last three compositions can be combined in a concert performance, thus forming a piano concerto entitled NYConcerto). In 2007 Richard Rijnvos started a new series called Riflessi, which consists exclusively of companion pieces. Each Riflesso explores the same non-standard scoring of an existing classic by a composer from the past. In May 2010 his song cycle Die Kammersängerin was premiered in a fully staged performance. Renowned companies and institutions have commissioned Richard Rijnvos such as the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Ensemble Intercontemporain (Paris), the Holland Festival, the ZaterdagMatinee concert series, Elision Ensemble (Australia), Dutch Radio, Nieuw Ensemble (Amsterdam), the Netherlands Wind Ensemble, Ives Ensemble and Asko Ensemble (Amsterdam). His work enjoys attention during international concert series and festivals, amongst others with performances by the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Brussels Philharmonic, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, London Sinfonietta, Apartment House, Ensemble Modern (Frankfurt), Das Neue Ensemble (Hannover), Ensemble KORE (Montréal), Omnibus Ensemble (Tashkent) and many others. Richard Rijnvos has been featured as central composer at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival 2004, the "Rijnvos Week" at the Royal Conservatoire (The Hague) in 2008, and during the Festival November Music 2008 (Den Bosch & Ghent). During the concert season 2010-11 he acted as Composer in Residence at the Netherlands Broadcasting Music Center, including collaborations with the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic and the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra during the ZaterdagMatinee concert series in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. This residency also included a studio recording for CD of the complete Uptown|Downtown cycle, plus the filming of a TV documentary, shot in Venice and Amsterdam. In September 2011 Richard Rijnvos started a three-year residency with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Richard Rijnvos has received various awards, among which the Perspektief Prize 1989 and an honourable mention during the 1991 Prix Italia for his radiophonic production Radio I (on text by Samuel Beckett). In 2000 the City of Amsterdam awarded him the Matthijs Vermeulen Prize, the most prestigious award for composers working in the Netherlands, for Times Square Dance. In August 2008 an international jury voted NYConcerto “the best composition premiered in the Netherlands in the year before”, and it was subsequently awarded the Buma Toonzetters Award. In June 2011 Richard Rijnvos was awarded the Matthijs Vermeulen Prize for the second time, on this occasion for the song cycle Die Kammersängerin. Richard Rijnvos is artistic advisor of the Ives Ensemble (Amsterdam) of which he was managing director from 1991 until 2000. He regularly conducts his own work as well as other’s. Since October 2009 he has been Head of Composition at the Department of Music at Durham University (UK).


Celso Antunes

The versatile Brazilian conductor Celso Antunes has been the principal conductor of the Netherlands Radio Choir since August 2008. He also teaches choral conducting at the Haute École de Musique de Génève. Celso Antunes (1959) began his musical training in Brazil. He studied voice and conducting at the University of São Paulo and the Musikhochschule Köln.  From 1994 to 1998, he was chief conductor of the Neues Rheinisches Kammerorchester. During the same period he was also chief conductor of the Antwerp ensemble Champ d’Action, with which he performed numerous world premieres. From 2002 to 2007 Antunes was music director and chief conductor of the National Chamber Choir of Ireland. Antunes’s repertoire ranges from choral music of the Renaissance to contemporary music....
The versatile Brazilian conductor Celso Antunes has been the principal conductor of the Netherlands Radio Choir since August 2008. He also teaches choral conducting at the Haute École de Musique de Génève. Celso Antunes (1959) began his musical training in Brazil. He studied voice and conducting at the University of São Paulo and the Musikhochschule Köln. From 1994 to 1998, he was chief conductor of the Neues Rheinisches Kammerorchester.
During the same period he was also chief conductor of the Antwerp ensemble Champ d’Action, with which he performed numerous world premieres. From 2002 to 2007 Antunes was music director and chief conductor of the National Chamber Choir of Ireland. Antunes’s repertoire ranges from choral music of the Renaissance to contemporary music. He has conducted the Nieuw Ensemble, Ensemble Modern and the Tippett Ensemble, which he founded; he also linked his name to premieres of music by Wolfgang Rihm, Jonathan Harvey, Michael Tippett, Hans Zender, Brice Pauset and Lera Auerbach. Antunes has been active on renowned European musical stages and festivals for many years. He was invited to conduct at the Donaueschinger Musiktage, the Festival of Flanders, the Musikbiennale München, the Kurt-Weill-Festival in Dessau, the Living Music Festival in Dublin and November Music in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, to name only a few. Celso Antunes regularly conducts celebrated ensembles such as the SWR Vokalensemble in Stuttgart, the BBC Singers in London, the Berliner Rundfunkchor, the Prague Chamber Choir and the Vlaams Radio Koor in Brussels, and he has worked with Sir Simon Rattle, Zubin Mehta, Mariss Jansons, Charles Dutoit, Peter Eötvös and Sylvain Cambreling. Antunes has served as guest conductor to the Manchester Camerata, the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic, the Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra and the Radio Sinfonieorchester NDR Hannover. He regularly returns to his native country and to the Ulster Orchestra of Belfast. Antunes has performed with orchestras such as the Cappella Istropolitana Bratislava, the WDR Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Gürzenich Orchestra Köln, the Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz, the Irish Chamber Orchestra and the National Symphony Orchestra of Latvia in Riga. He returns to Brazil every year to conduct Camerata Fukuda and the State Symphony Orchestra of São Paulo. Celso Antunes conducted the Netherlands Radio Choir in a performance of Tristan Murail’s Les sept paroles in the Cité de la Musique, together with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, con-ducted by Pascal Rophé. He has also conducted at the City of London Festival with the BBC Singers, at the Salzburger Festspiele with SWR Vokalensemble and in the public broadcasting NTR series in the Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ with the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic.


Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra

The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra gave its first concert on 7 October 1945, led by its founder and ‘first conductor‘ Albert van Raalte, on Radio “Herrijzend Nederland”. Initially the orchestra spent most of its time in studios working on a large number of recordings for the public broadcasting system. The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic featured prominently in the Saturday Matinee as soon as the series started in 1961, and has continued to give frequent live performances ever since. The celebrated Saturday Matinee has hosted many legendary concerts. Illustrious soloists such as Kathleen Ferrier, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Clara Haskil and Jean-Pierre Rampal have shared the stage with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2004, the three classical orchestral formations of the broadcasting 15 system...
The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra gave its first concert on 7 October 1945, led by its founder and ‘first conductor‘ Albert van Raalte, on Radio “Herrijzend Nederland”. Initially the orchestra spent most of its time in studios working on a large number of recordings for the public broadcasting system. The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic featured prominently in the Saturday Matinee as soon as the series started in 1961, and has continued to give frequent live performances ever since. The celebrated Saturday Matinee has hosted many legendary concerts. Illustrious soloists such as Kathleen Ferrier, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Clara Haskil and Jean-Pierre Rampal have shared the stage with the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra.
In 2004, the three classical orchestral formations of the broadcasting 15 system were transformed into two: the present Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra and the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic. In 2006, these two orchestras, the Netherlands Radio Choir and the Metropole Orchestra joined the Dutch public broadcasting organisation NPO.
The Radio Philharmonic Orchestra has been conducted by great names such as Bernard Haitink, Jean Fournet, Hans Vonk, Sergiu Comissiona and Edo de Waart. Jaap van Zweden was named its chief conductor in September 2005. The orchestra has also worked with numerous famed guest conductors such as Leopold Stokowski, Kirill Kondrashin, Antál Dorati, Riccardo Muti, Kurt Masur and Valery Gergiev. Soon after its founding, the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic found itself foremost in Dutch musical life in the number of performances and the diversity of its repertoire, with a predilection for Dutch and contemporary works in its programming. It has honed another facet of its striking profile with a great many opera concertante performances. The orchestra has an extensive discography, ranging from legendary LPs recorded in the 1970s under such conductors as Leopold Stokowski and Antal Doráti to Jean Fournet’s much-lauded renderings of French repertoire. Under Edo de Waart, not only did it release its legendary Wagner interpretations, but also the complete orchestral works of Rachmaninov. CDs with work by contemporary composers such as Jonathan Harvey, Klas Torstensson, Jan van Vlijmen and Stravinsky have garnered prizes and much acclaim.


The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic

The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic is a versatile orchestra that covers a broad and varied terrain. The orchestra performs in various formations, from Baroque to contemporary music ensemble. Michael Schønwandt is its chief conductor and artistic director. Its principal guest conductors are Philippe Herreweghe, Frans Brüggen and James MacMillan. Former chief conductor Jaap van Zweden was appointed conductor emeritus in May 2011. Radical cutback in expenditure of the Netherlands public broadcasting results in the dissolution of  this orchestra in August 2013.  The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic makes an important contribution to the Saturday Matinee, Sunday Morning and Robeco Summer concert series in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Utrecht’s Vredenburg Friday series and the NTR concerts in Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. All of these...
The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic is a versatile orchestra that covers a broad and varied terrain. The orchestra performs in various formations, from Baroque to contemporary music ensemble. Michael Schønwandt is its chief conductor and artistic director. Its principal guest conductors are Philippe Herreweghe, Frans Brüggen and James MacMillan. Former chief conductor Jaap van Zweden was appointed conductor emeritus in May 2011. Radical cutback in expenditure of the Netherlands public broadcasting results in the dissolution of this orchestra in August 2013. The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic makes an important contribution to the Saturday Matinee, Sunday Morning and Robeco Summer concert series in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Utrecht’s Vredenburg Friday series and the NTR concerts in Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ. All of these concerts are broadcast via Radio 4 and many are recorded for live Internet streaming and TV broadcasts. The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic is a frequent guest in De Magische Muziekfabriek educational series, the International Gaudeamus Music Week and the Holland Festival.
The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic is renowned for its impassioned performances of contemporary music. At the internationally respected Donaueschingen Festival for new music, the orchestra performed no less than four world premieres in a single concert conducted by Peter Eötvös in October 2010. One month later its concertante performance of Pascal Dusapin’s Faustus, the last night, the first in the Netherlands, received rave reviews.
The Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic is also known for its performances of familiar and lesser known works of the old masters conducted by specialists in historical performance practice. In recent years the Radio Chamber Philharmonic worked with conductors like Harry Christophers, Andrew Manze, Masaaki Suzuki, Kenneth Montgomery and John Nelson and of course principal guest conductors Frans Brüggen and Philippe Herreweghe. The versatility of the orchestra is demonstrated in its wide range of recordings, from Beethoven, Haydn and Stravinsky to Henk Badings, Tristan Keuris, Otto Ketting, Richard Rijnvos and James MacMillan.


John Snijders (conductor)

John Snijders is a pianist and founder and artistic director of the Ives Ensemble, focusing primarily on performances of 20th and 21st century music. John Snijders studied piano with Geoffrey Madge at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. He graduated in 1987. He also studied Hammerklavier with Stanley Hoogland, and composition with Louis Andriessen at the Royal Conservatory. In 1985 he won the Berlage Competition for Dutch Chamber Music 1840-1940, after which his concert performances became more and more numerous. As a soloist he played with the Dutch Ballet Orchestra, the Residentie Orkest, the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, the Radio Chamber Philharmonic and the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra. Furthermore he performed solo on several international stages (Hamburg, Madrid, Soria, Avila, Aachen, Delmenhorst,...
John Snijders is a pianist and founder and artistic director of the Ives Ensemble, focusing primarily on performances of 20th and 21st century music. John Snijders studied piano with Geoffrey Madge at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. He graduated in 1987. He also studied Hammerklavier with Stanley Hoogland, and composition with Louis Andriessen at the Royal Conservatory. In 1985 he won the Berlage Competition for Dutch Chamber Music 1840-1940, after which his concert performances became more and more numerous. As a soloist he played with the Dutch Ballet Orchestra, the Residentie Orkest, the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, the Radio Chamber Philharmonic and the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra. Furthermore he performed solo on several international stages (Hamburg, Madrid, Soria, Avila, Aachen, Delmenhorst, Kassel, Gent, Frankfurt) and at music festivals (e.g. in Zagreb, Darmstadt). In 2008 he was a teacher of piano and chamber music at the Festival Internacional de Inverno de Campos de Jordão (Brazilië). Also in that year he was awarded the Muziekgebouwprijs 2008 for his performance of the NYConcerto by Richard Rijnvos. Several composers wrote works especially for him, among which Christopher Fox, Richard Rijnvos, Gerard Brophy, Ivo van Emmerik, Rodney Sharman, Richard Ayres and Clarence Barlow. Since 1988 he is the permanent pianist of the Nieuw Ensemble.


Richard Rijnvos

Richard Rijnvos Born 1964 in Tilburg (the Netherlands), Richard Rijnvos studied composition with Jan van Vlijmen and Brian Ferneyhough at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. After finishing these studies summa cum laude he received a DAAD scholarship with which he followed a postgraduate at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg (Germany). In the summer of 1994 he participated in the International Dance Course for Professional Choreographers and Composers in Bretton Hall (Wakefield, UK). In the period 1986-92 he came in touch with the American composers Morton Feldman and John Cage, who caused crucial changes in his development. There are also a number of distinct extramusical influences from artists such as William Burroughs, Samuel Beckett, Joseph Beuys, Italo Calvino, and Ernst Jandl. ...
Richard Rijnvos Born 1964 in Tilburg (the Netherlands), Richard Rijnvos studied composition with Jan van Vlijmen and Brian Ferneyhough at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague. After finishing these studies summa cum laude he received a DAAD scholarship with which he followed a postgraduate at the Musikhochschule in Freiburg (Germany). In the summer of 1994 he participated in the International Dance Course for Professional Choreographers and Composers in Bretton Hall (Wakefield, UK). In the period 1986-92 he came in touch with the American composers Morton Feldman and John Cage, who caused crucial changes in his development. There are also a number of distinct extramusical influences from artists such as William Burroughs, Samuel Beckett, Joseph Beuys, Italo Calvino, and Ernst Jandl. Since 1993 Richard Rijnvos concentrates on the realization of compositions that are part of larger series. The work Stanza, for instance, exists in a diatonic, chromatic and microtonal version. Between 1995 and 2000 he created the eighty-minute cycle Block Beuys, modeled on the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt collection by Joseph Beuys. Late 2008 Richard Rijnvos completed Uptown|Downtown, an urban panorama in six ‘movements’. This series - thought of as an evening-long dance production about city life in Manhattan – include the orchestral works Times Square Dance, Washington Square Dance and Union Square Dance, as well as Grand Central Dance, Central Dance in the Park and ’cross Broadway for piano and chamber orchestra. (These last three compositions can be combined in a concert performance, thus forming a piano concerto entitled NYConcerto). In 2007 Richard Rijnvos started a new series called Riflessi, which consists exclusively of companion pieces. Each Riflesso explores the same non-standard scoring of an existing classic by a composer from the past. In May 2010 his song cycle Die Kammersängerin was premiered in a fully staged performance. Renowned companies and institutions have commissioned Richard Rijnvos such as the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Ensemble Intercontemporain (Paris), the Holland Festival, the ZaterdagMatinee concert series, Elision Ensemble (Australia), Dutch Radio, Nieuw Ensemble (Amsterdam), the Netherlands Wind Ensemble, Ives Ensemble and Asko Ensemble (Amsterdam). His work enjoys attention during international concert series and festivals, amongst others with performances by the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Brussels Philharmonic, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, London Sinfonietta, Apartment House, Ensemble Modern (Frankfurt), Das Neue Ensemble (Hannover), Ensemble KORE (Montréal), Omnibus Ensemble (Tashkent) and many others. Richard Rijnvos has been featured as central composer at the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival 2004, the "Rijnvos Week" at the Royal Conservatoire (The Hague) in 2008, and during the Festival November Music 2008 (Den Bosch & Ghent). During the concert season 2010-11 he acted as Composer in Residence at the Netherlands Broadcasting Music Center, including collaborations with the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic and the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra during the ZaterdagMatinee concert series in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. This residency also included a studio recording for CD of the complete Uptown|Downtown cycle, plus the filming of a TV documentary, shot in Venice and Amsterdam. In September 2011 Richard Rijnvos started a three-year residency with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Richard Rijnvos has received various awards, among which the Perspektief Prize 1989 and an honourable mention during the 1991 Prix Italia for his radiophonic production Radio I (on text by Samuel Beckett). In 2000 the City of Amsterdam awarded him the Matthijs Vermeulen Prize, the most prestigious award for composers working in the Netherlands, for Times Square Dance. In August 2008 an international jury voted NYConcerto “the best composition premiered in the Netherlands in the year before”, and it was subsequently awarded the Buma Toonzetters Award. In June 2011 Richard Rijnvos was awarded the Matthijs Vermeulen Prize for the second time, on this occasion for the song cycle Die Kammersängerin. Richard Rijnvos is artistic advisor of the Ives Ensemble (Amsterdam) of which he was managing director from 1991 until 2000. He regularly conducts his own work as well as other’s. Since October 2009 he has been Head of Composition at the Department of Music at Durham University (UK).



the music is joyous and infectious, a real treat
The Guardian, 03-8-2012

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