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Neon Sounds

Denis Gäbel

Neon Sounds

Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917112023
Catnr: DMCHR 71120
Release date: 28 March 2013
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71120
Release date
28 March 2013

About the album

He is one of the saxophonists most in demand in Germany, and Denis Gäbel can afford to fill his band with the musicians most in demand in their areas too. This band makes a statement with "Neon Sounds" that proves that Germany is one of the countries setting the tone in jazz in the meantime – and not just in the area of the next generation, but also with established musicians. The eight original compositions (only one song, "Devil Woman", is by Charles Mingus) impress with their roots in the tradition of jazz, with lots of blues, hard bop and swing in blood, but they also point the way to modern interpretation: from pulsating groove to flexible funk, and all of that at the highest level. It is above all remarkable that Gäbel succeeds in doing something very rare with his pieces: the link between catchy melodies and demanding harmonics, which in turn challenge every improviser. A radiating tenor saxophone with a clearly identifiably, individual sound and impressive energy in combination with the unusual sound of an original Wurlitzer e-piano and the good old Fender Rhodes sounds. In addition, a driving bass and airy, sensitive drum playing. A joyful celebration for jazz lovers, regardless of which faction they belong to, because simply wonderful and stirring music is provided here that crosses borders.
Denis Gäbel, in the meantime "thirty-something", the younger brother of the internationally known singer Tom Gaebel, started his music education at an early age thanks to a musical family. After cello and piano, he soon discovered "his" instrument. He already won his first big prize (1st prize in the Young People Play Jazz Contest held by North Rhine-Westphalia in 1993) when he was 13. He soon played in renowned bands and then in BuJazzO under Peter Herbolzheimer from 1999 until 2002. He studied Amsterdam and New York at the same time, and recorded his first CD, a tribute to his idol Sonny Rollins ("Keep On Rollin", released in 2007). In the meantime, he is an established musician in the German jazz scene and has played not just very often with his brother, but also with well-known colleagues such as Frank Chastenier, Dusko Gojkovic and Billy Cobham. He additionally made exemplary contributions at the debuts of younger jazz musicians such as Felix Heydemann and Hannah Köpf (Jazz thing Next Generation).
Pablo Held as pianist is one of the most successful jazz musicians in Germany, a "bearer of hope for the genre" (Stefan Hentz, Die Zeit). Of course, he is consequently a pianist much in demand and has played with many known musicians from Dave Liebman and Till Brönner to Nils Wogram. His trio recordings are regularly overwhelmed with praise from the press. But people have rarely heard him on Fender Rhodes and even less often on Wurlitzer; this sound makes "Neon Sounds" even more exciting.
Another star (not only) in German jazz has also been in the trio of Pablo Held for many years. Although he is the youngest band member, Jonas Burgwinkel (Echo prizewinner 2012) has already played with many internationally known jazz musicians. He can be heard on more than 40 CDs, most recently on the current album of Michel Reis ("Hidden Meaning") at Double Moon Records.
Martin Gjakonovski can also be heard on releases from Double Moon Records (among others, by Anke Helfrich), but also on recordings by Paul Kuhn, Ferenc Snetberger, Dusko Gojkovich, etc. He is above all in demand as bassist thanks to his timing, which could serve as a measuring gauge for Swiss timepieces, and for his clean intonation. He once again proves on "Neon Sound" that he stimulates his co-musicians to top-rate form with his driving groove.
Er gehört zu den gefragtesten Saxophonisten Deutschlands, und Denis Gäbel kann es sich leisten, seine Band ebenfalls mit den gefragtesten Instrumentalisten ihres Fachs zu bestücken. Mit „Neon Sounds“ legt diese Band ein Statement vor, das belegt, dass Deutschland mittlerweile zum Kreis der im Jazz Ton angebenden Länder gehört – und das nicht nur im Nachwuchsbereich, sondern auch bei den etablierten Musikern. Die acht Eigenkompositionen (lediglich ein Titel, „Devil Woman“, stammt von Charles Mingus) beeindrucken mit ihrer Verwurzelung in der Tradition des Jazz, mit viel Blues, Hard Bop und Swing im Blut, aber weisen auch den Weg in eine moderne Interpretation: von Schweiß treibendem Groove bis zu federndem Funk, und das alles auf höchstem Niveau. Bemerkenswert ist vor allem, dass Gäbel mit seinen Stücken etwas durchaus Seltenes gelingt: die Verbindung einer ins Ohr gehenden Melodieführung mit einer anspruchsvollen Harmonik – die wiederum jeden Improvisatoren heraus fordern. Ein strahlendes Tenor-Saxophon mit klar identifizierbarem, individuellem Ton und druckvoller Energie in Kombination mit dem ungewöhnlichen Sound eines Original Wurlitzer E-Pianos oder den guten alten Fender Rhodes-Klängen. Dazu ein treibender Bass und ein luftiges, sensibles Schlagzeug-Spiel. Ein Freudenfest für jeden Jazz-Liebhaber, egal welcher Fraktion er sich zugehörig fühlt. Weil hier grenzüberschreitend schlicht und ergreifend wunderbare Musik geboten wird.
Denis Gäbel, mittlerweile „thirty-something“, der jüngere Bruder des international bekannten Sängers Tom Gaebel, hat früh seine musikalische Ausbildung begonnen – dank einer musikalischen Familie. Nach Cello und Piano entdeckte er aber bald „sein“ Instrument. Und schon mit 13 Jahren erhielt er seinen ersten großen Preis (1. Preis Jugend Jazzt NRW 1993). Bald schon spielte er in renommierten Formationen, von 1999 bis 2002 schließlich im BuJazzO unter Peter Herbolzheimer. Parallel öffnete sich der Weg zu Studien in Amsterdam und New York. Und zur ersten CD-Aufnahme, einem Tribut an Idol Sonny Rollins („Keep On Rollin“, 2007 erschienen). Mittlerweile ist er fester Bestandteil der Jazz-Szene in Deutschland, spielte nicht nur häufig mit seinem Bruder, sondern auch mit bekannten Kollegen wie Frank Chastenier, Dusko Gojkovic oder Billy Cobham. Dazu leistet er einen vorbildlichen Beitrag bei den Debuts junger Jazzmusiker wie Felix Heydemann und Hannah Köpf (Jazz thing Next Generation).
Pablo Held ist als Pianist einer der erfolgreichsten Jazzmusiker Deutschlands, ein „Hoffnungsträger des Genres“ (Stefan Hentz, Die Zeit). Natürlich ist er damit gefragter Pianist und spielte mit vielen bekannten Musikern von Dave Liebman und Till Brönner bis Nils Wogram. Aber seine Trio-Aufnahmen werden von der Presse regelmäßig mit Lob überschüttet. Selten jedoch hat man ihn bisher an Fender Rhodes und noch seltener am Wurlitzer gehört – dieser Sound macht „Neon Sounds“ noch aufregender.
Im Trio von Pablo Held ist seit vielen Jahren ein weiteres Aushängeschild (nicht nur) des deutschen Jazz zu hören. Jonas Burgwinkel (Echo Preisträger 2012) hat, obwohl er das jüngste Bandmitglied ist, bereits mit vielen international bekannten Jazzmusikern gespielt, auf mehr als 40 Tonträgern ist er schon verewigt – nicht zuletzt auch auf dem aktuellen Album von Michel Reis( „Hidden Meaning“) bei Double Moon Records.
Auch Martin Gjakonovski ist schon auf Releases von Double Moon Records zu hören gewesen (u.a. von Anke Helfrich), aber auch auf Aufnahmen von u.a. Paul Kuhn, Ferenc Snetberger, Dusko Gojkovich usw. Als Bassist ist er vor allem wegens seines Timings gefragt, das als Messgerät für Schweizer Uhrwerke dienen könnte sowie für seine saubere Intonation. Dass er mit seinem treibenden Groove auch seine Mitmusiker zu höchster Form auflaufen lässt, belegt er auf „Neon Sound“ aufs Neue.


Denis Gäbel

Denis Gäbel, in the meantime 'thirty-something', the younger brother of the internationally known singer Tom Gaebel, started his music education at an early age thanks to a musical family. After cello and piano, he soon discovered 'his' instrument. He already won his first big prize (1st prize in the Young People Play Jazz Contest held by North Rhine-Westphalia in 1993) when he was 13. He soon played in renowned bands and then in BuJazzO under Peter Herbolzheimer from 1999 until 2002.  He studied Amsterdam and New York at the same time, and recorded his first CD, a tribute to his idol Sonny Rollins ('Keep On Rollin', released in 2007). In the meantime, he is an established musician in the German...
Denis Gäbel, in the meantime "thirty-something", the younger brother of the internationally known singer Tom Gaebel, started his music education at an early age thanks to a musical family. After cello and piano, he soon discovered "his" instrument. He already won his first big prize (1st prize in the Young People Play Jazz Contest held by North Rhine-Westphalia in 1993) when he was 13. He soon played in renowned bands and then in BuJazzO under Peter Herbolzheimer from 1999 until 2002. He studied Amsterdam and New York at the same time, and recorded his first CD, a tribute to his idol Sonny Rollins ("Keep On Rollin", released in 2007). In the meantime, he is an established musician in the German jazz scene and has played not just very often with his brother, but also with well-known colleagues such as Frank Chastenier, Dusko Gojkovic and Billy Cobham. He additionally made exemplary contributions at the debuts of younger jazz musicians such as Felix Heydemann and Hannah Köpf (Jazz thing Next Generation).
Pablo Held as pianist is one of the most successful jazz musicians in Germany, a "bearer of hope for the genre" (Stefan Hentz, Die Zeit). Of course, he is consequently a pianist much in demand and has played with many known musicians from Dave Liebman and Till Brönner to Nils Wogram. His trio recordings are regularly overwhelmed with praise from the press. But people have rarely heard him on Fender Rhodes and even less often on Wurlitzer; this sound makes "Neon Sounds" even more exciting.
Another star (not only) in German jazz has also been in the trio of Pablo Held for many years. Although he is the youngest band member, Jonas Burgwinkel (Echo prizewinner 2012) has already played with many internationally known jazz musicians. He can be heard on more than 40 CDs, most recently on the current album of Michel Reis ("Hidden Meaning") at Double Moon Records.
Martin Gjakonovski can also be heard on releases from Double Moon Records (among others, by Anke Helfrich), but also on recordings by Paul Kuhn, Ferenc Snetberger, Dusko Gojkovich, etc. He is above all in demand as bassist thanks to his timing, which could serve as a measuring gauge for Swiss timepieces, and for his clean intonation. He once again proves on "Neon Sound" that he stimulates his co-musicians to top-rate form with his driving groove.


Jonas Burgwinkel

He studied drums at music colleges in Cologne, Boston and Maastricht with Michael Küttner, Ralph Peterson and Jamey Haddad. He was awarded the reknown „ECHO JAZZ“ 2012 as best drummer „BEST SOLOIST AWARD“ on the European Jazz Competition at the North Sea Jazzfestival , the prestigous „WDR JAZZPREIS“ and „SWR JAZZPREIS“ in Germany and the Dutch „TRITONE AWARD“  among others. The press refers to him often as one of the leading young percussion players of the European Jazzscene. Burgwinkel also holds the drum Professor chair at the reknown “Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln”. During his young career he has already recorded over 50 jazz albums and toured worldwide in numerous different settings with artists like John Scofield, Chris Potter,...
He studied drums at music colleges in Cologne, Boston and Maastricht with Michael Küttner, Ralph Peterson and Jamey Haddad. He was awarded the reknown „ECHO JAZZ“ 2012 as best drummer „BEST SOLOIST AWARD“ on the European Jazz Competition at the North Sea Jazzfestival , the prestigous „WDR JAZZPREIS“ and „SWR JAZZPREIS“ in Germany and the Dutch „TRITONE AWARD“ among others. The press refers to him often as one of the leading young percussion players of the European Jazzscene. Burgwinkel also holds the drum Professor chair at the reknown “Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln”. During his young career he has already recorded over 50 jazz albums and toured worldwide in numerous different settings with artists like John Scofield, Chris Potter, Mark Murphy, Lee Konitz, Uri Caine, John Taylor, Till Brönner, Chris Speed, Wolfgang Muthspiel, Nils Wogram or Dave Liebman.


Martin Gjakonovski

Martin Gjakonovski ( * 1970 in Skopje , Macedonia ) is a living in Germany jazz bassist Macedonian origin . He is considered one of the most prominent jazz players in Europe.Gjakonovski comes from a musical family; his mother was a jazz singer and his father founded and directed the Radio Jazz Big Band Macedonia. Martin Gjakonovski learned from the age of six violin and moved with 14 years to double bass. He soon formed his own band, the trio Spato. Since 1991 he studied at the Cologne University of Music.  He worked in groups of Paul Kuhn, Lynne Arriale, Olivia Trummer, Paul Shigihara, Nicolas Simion, Bojan Z, Anders Berg Krantz, Omer Klein and the Frankfurt Jazz Big Band. With...
Martin Gjakonovski ( * 1970 in Skopje , Macedonia ) is a living in Germany jazz bassist Macedonian origin . He is considered one of the most prominent jazz players in Europe.Gjakonovski comes from a musical family; his mother was a jazz singer and his father founded and directed the Radio Jazz Big Band Macedonia. Martin Gjakonovski learned from the age of six violin and moved with 14 years to double bass. He soon formed his own band, the trio Spato. Since 1991 he studied at the Cologne University of Music. He worked in groups of Paul Kuhn, Lynne Arriale, Olivia Trummer, Paul Shigihara, Nicolas Simion, Bojan Z, Anders Berg Krantz, Omer Klein and the Frankfurt Jazz Big Band. With musicians such as Roman Schwaller, Andy Middleton, Tony Lakatos and Charlie Mariano, he was on the major European festivals, such as in Zagreb, Brussels, Bilbao, Krakow and Leverkusen. He produced an album with Hugo Read and Thomas Cremer in Frankfurt Jazz Trio and belonged to Markus Burgers Septer Bourbon. Previously, he played more than eighty jazz and world music CDs a, inter alia, with Dusko Goykovich, Paul Kuhn, Nicolas Simion, Antonio Faraò / Bob Berg, Michael Sagmeister, Anke Helfrich, Torsten Goods, Ferenc Snétberger, Dejan Terzic European Assembly, Claudius Valk Trio, Ratko Zjaca / Simone Zanchini / Adam Nussbaum.



Denis Gäbel

Denis Gäbel, in the meantime 'thirty-something', the younger brother of the internationally known singer Tom Gaebel, started his music education at an early age thanks to a musical family. After cello and piano, he soon discovered 'his' instrument. He already won his first big prize (1st prize in the Young People Play Jazz Contest held by North Rhine-Westphalia in 1993) when he was 13. He soon played in renowned bands and then in BuJazzO under Peter Herbolzheimer from 1999 until 2002.  He studied Amsterdam and New York at the same time, and recorded his first CD, a tribute to his idol Sonny Rollins ('Keep On Rollin', released in 2007). In the meantime, he is an established musician in the German...
Denis Gäbel, in the meantime "thirty-something", the younger brother of the internationally known singer Tom Gaebel, started his music education at an early age thanks to a musical family. After cello and piano, he soon discovered "his" instrument. He already won his first big prize (1st prize in the Young People Play Jazz Contest held by North Rhine-Westphalia in 1993) when he was 13. He soon played in renowned bands and then in BuJazzO under Peter Herbolzheimer from 1999 until 2002. He studied Amsterdam and New York at the same time, and recorded his first CD, a tribute to his idol Sonny Rollins ("Keep On Rollin", released in 2007). In the meantime, he is an established musician in the German jazz scene and has played not just very often with his brother, but also with well-known colleagues such as Frank Chastenier, Dusko Gojkovic and Billy Cobham. He additionally made exemplary contributions at the debuts of younger jazz musicians such as Felix Heydemann and Hannah Köpf (Jazz thing Next Generation).
Pablo Held as pianist is one of the most successful jazz musicians in Germany, a "bearer of hope for the genre" (Stefan Hentz, Die Zeit). Of course, he is consequently a pianist much in demand and has played with many known musicians from Dave Liebman and Till Brönner to Nils Wogram. His trio recordings are regularly overwhelmed with praise from the press. But people have rarely heard him on Fender Rhodes and even less often on Wurlitzer; this sound makes "Neon Sounds" even more exciting.
Another star (not only) in German jazz has also been in the trio of Pablo Held for many years. Although he is the youngest band member, Jonas Burgwinkel (Echo prizewinner 2012) has already played with many internationally known jazz musicians. He can be heard on more than 40 CDs, most recently on the current album of Michel Reis ("Hidden Meaning") at Double Moon Records.
Martin Gjakonovski can also be heard on releases from Double Moon Records (among others, by Anke Helfrich), but also on recordings by Paul Kuhn, Ferenc Snetberger, Dusko Gojkovich, etc. He is above all in demand as bassist thanks to his timing, which could serve as a measuring gauge for Swiss timepieces, and for his clean intonation. He once again proves on "Neon Sound" that he stimulates his co-musicians to top-rate form with his driving groove.



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