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Motets by Guillaume de Machaut
Guillaume de Machaut

The Clerks' Group

Motets by Guillaume de Machaut

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212001127
Catnr: SIGCD 011
Release date: 01 March 2004
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
01 March 2004

About the album

This album is a programme of 14th-century motets and mass movements represents two of the most important sources of French medieval music.

The Ivrea Codex now lives in the Chapter library of the cathedral of Ivrea, a small town in the foothills of the Italian Alps, south of the modern ski resort of Aosta (home to an important 15th-century music manuscript). This may seem an unexpected area in which to find major sources of medieval music, but in fact the position of these towns on one of the main routes across the Alps between France and Italy readily explains their importance in the Middle Ages. They lay on roads that linked centres of power, and accordingly they grew in importance themselves, sustaining cathedrals with musical traditions that provided a natural home for collections of sophisticated polyphony.

Misdelen en motetten uit de belangrijkste bronnen met Franse 14e-eeuwse muziek
Dit album bevat een programma van 14e-eeuwse motetten en misdelen die twee van de belangrijkste bronnen van Franse middeleeuwse muziek vertegenwoordigen.

De Ivrea Codex wordt tegenwoordig bewaard in de kapittelbibliotheek van de kathedraal van Ivrea, een kleine stad aan de voet van de Italiaanse Alpen, ten zuiden van Aosta. Onderzoek veronderstelt dat het manuscript aan het einde van de 14e eeuw gedrukt werd, maar het bevat muziek die eerder is geschreven, niet later dan de jaren 1360. Toch is het nog steeds een van de oudste bronnen met Franse 14e-eeuwse muziek. Veel van de kennis over de nieuwe compositiestijl die in de periode ontstond, de ars nova, is afkomstig uit de pagina’s van de Ivrea Codex.

Het complete oeuvre van Guillaume de Machaut is overgeleverd. Er is dan ook veel meer over hem bekend dan over andere Franse middeleeuwse componisten. Zijn 25 motetten zijn te verdelen in drie groepen: De vroege motetten op Franse teksten, vaak variaties op de meer ‘normale’ ars nova motetten in de Ivrea Codex, de Latijnse motetten, gebaseerd op Gregoriaanse melodieën en geestelijke en politieke teksten, en de motetten die zowel in de manuscripten van Machaut als in de Ivrea Codex gevonden kunnen worden, en dus enige mate van populariteit hadden verworven.


Guillaume de Machaut

Guillaume de Machaut is one of the first composers who was well aware of his influence on the history of music: at the end of his life he collected his complete body of work in a large book. This neatly arranged, well preserved manuscript contains not only all of his compositions, but also 15 epic poems and over 250 lyric poems. Machaut was an all-round musician, and he was unique in the fact that he wrote commentaries for his own work. His best known work is probably his Messe de Nostre Dame, the first mass which wa composed as a whole.  Besides this, Machaut primarily wrote secular music, in all common genres of his time, such as the chanson and the...

Guillaume de Machaut is one of the first composers who was well aware of his influence on the history of music: at the end of his life he collected his complete body of work in a large book. This neatly arranged, well preserved manuscript contains not only all of his compositions, but also 15 epic poems and over 250 lyric poems. Machaut was an all-round musician, and he was unique in the fact that he wrote commentaries for his own work. His best known work is probably his Messe de Nostre Dame, the first mass which wa composed as a whole. Besides this, Machaut primarily wrote secular music, in all common genres of his time, such as the chanson and the virelai. His versatility brought him great fame, which still lasts in our day and age.



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