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Vintage Brisk
Various composers

Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam

Vintage Brisk

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525522008
Catnr: GLO 5220
Release date: 30 November 2006
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
GLO 5220
Release date
30 November 2006

About the album

Deze cd bevat een bloemlezing van het repertoire dat de afgelopen twee decennia werd opgebouwd door het Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam. Alles bij elkaar geeft het programma een fascinerend en kleurrijk beeld portret van wat de blokfluit vermag: hoge klanken, als van de traditionele fluiten in een Gagaku orkest (Bart Visman: Song), lage fluiten, als vloeibaar hout (Theo Abazis: Johnie Buy, Guus Jansen: Rahoe!, - de titel is een ironische variant van ‘hoera’), en ‘natuurlijk’ de expressieve intervallen van Renaissance fluiten (Ron Ford: Sequentia). Maar we horen ook iets als Rimski-Korsakovs Vlucht van de Hommel. Dat was althans de reactie van één van de spelers toen ze het super korte Gotta Minute? Van Roderik de Man inkeek. In sommige stukken gaat het kwartet de confrontatie met andere sonische werelden aan: - met vocalisten (het Egidius Quartet, afkomstig uit de kring rond Ton Koopman), - met elektronische klanken (het tropische Brisk Frog Project van Huba de Graaff) - en, o ironie, met een moderne concertvleugel: dat gelijkzwevende monstrum waarmee industriële revolutie definitief de genadeslag toebracht aan de natuurlijke resonans. (HJ)


Brisk Recorder Quartet Amsterdam

BRISK, the ensemble’s name, is intended to convey an idea of liveliness and wakefulness. A critic once described the ensemble as providing “a coup de grâce for the recorder’s respectable image”. BRISK’s concerts exhibit variation of style and mood, virtuosity and light-heartedness in equal measure. The quartet always appear on stage with an enormous assembly of recorders. Since their founding in 1986, BRISK has given many concerts in important concert halls and festivals throughout Europe, in Bolivia, Canada and the USA. BRISK has recorded for radio and television both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as recording over ten CDs that have been well received by both press and public. Its daring programming of early music in combination with contemporary...

BRISK, the ensemble’s name, is intended to convey an idea of liveliness and wakefulness. A critic once described the ensemble as providing “a coup de grâce for the recorder’s respectable image”. BRISK’s concerts exhibit variation of style and mood, virtuosity and light-heartedness in equal measure. The quartet always appear on stage with an enormous assembly of recorders. Since their founding in 1986, BRISK has given many concerts in important concert halls and festivals throughout Europe, in Bolivia, Canada and the USA. BRISK has recorded for radio and television both in the Netherlands and abroad, as well as recording over ten CDs that have been well received by both press and public.

Its daring programming of early music in combination with contemporary music is designed to expand the borders of the ensemble’s repertoire. Many composers have dedicated works to the quartet. BRISK works regularly with fellow musicians as well as with artists from other related disciplines such as actors, directors, librettists and film-makers.

BRISK made its name through lively performances of early music, the search for little-known repertoire, and for the many arrangements that the ensemble has made, which suit the style and tradition of the instrument. BRISK has collaborated with Amaryllis Dieltiens, Michael Chance, Marcel Beekman, Johannette Zomer, Maarten Koningsberger, the Egidius Kwartet, the Gesualdo Consort, Bernard Winsemius, Leo van Doeselaar, Rainer Zipperling, Mike Fentross and Camerata Trajectina amongst others.

The long list of composers that have written music for the quartet includes Martijn Padding, Kate Moore, Calliope Tsoupaki, Bart Visman, Klaas de Vries, Roderik de Man and many others.

New works are presented as a comment on or as a contrast to older works in BRISK’s programmes. There is also a large quantity of new music in BRISK’s programmes for younger audiences. BRISK regularly gives concerts in collaboration with specialists in contemporary music such as pianist Tomoko Mukaiyama, composer and improviser Guus Janssen, vocalist Greetje Bijma and percussionist Ramon Lormans.

BRISK has created a number of highly successful productions for children with directors David Prins, Jetse Batelaan, Marc Krone, Gienke Deuten and actors Porgy Franssen, Bart Kiene and Hans Thissen.

The quartet possesses a great variety of instruments; its extensive contacts with recorder makers throughout the world ensure that its collection is in a state of continual development. This variety of instruments enables the ensemble to perform works from the Renaissance and the Baroque as well as the 20th and 21st centuries in their correct tuning and with the correct timbre.




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