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Fugue in C of Dog
Various composers

Aurelia Saxophone Quartet

Fugue in C of Dog

Price: € 25.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917214826
Catnr: CC 72148
Release date: 10 October 2005
2 CD
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€ 25.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72148
Release date
10 October 2005

About the album

With this recording of Johann Sebastian Bach’s Art of Fugue, we are finally fulfilling a long-cherished dream.
We first performed the Art of Fugue in 1996, and the work has been in our repertoire ever since. During the first years of our exploration of this musical pyramid, we would occasionally perform a couple of fugues on our concerts. We began giving complete performances of the Art of Fugue in 2000.

Two important ideas emerged after we started giving complete performances of the work.

Idea no. 1: A performance given by a saxophone quartet necessitates a different order of the fugues from that found in the first edition and the manuscript.

Idea no. 2: Wouldn’t it be wonderful to accompany Bach’s musical monument by a kind of contemporary commentary? Does the fugue still exist in the twenty-first century?
Fugue in C of Dog
Met dit album van Johann Sebastian Bachs Die Kunst der Fugue gaat er eindelijk een langgekoesterde wens in vervulling voor het saxofoonkwartet. De eerste uitvoering door het kwartet van Die Kunst der Fugue was in 1996 en sindsdien behoort het werk standaard tot hun repertoire. In de eerste jaren na de ontdekking van deze muzikale pyramide van Bach konden ze tijdens hun concerten af en toe een paar van de fuga’s ten gehore brengen. In 2000 zijn ze begonnen met het geven van volledige uitvoeringen van het beroemde stuk.

Nadat ze waren begonnen met het geven van deze optredens ontstonden er twee belangrijke ideeën. Het eerste idee was dat een optreden door een saxofoonkwartet een andere orde van de fuga’s nodig had dan die van de eerste editie en het eerste manuscript van Bach.
En het tweede idee: zou het niet geweldig zijn om dit muzikale monument van Bach naar deze tijd te brengen? Bestaat de fuga namelijk nog in de 21e eeuw?

Het Aurelia Saxofoonkwartet bestond van 1982 tot 2017.


Aurelia Saxophone Quartet

The hot Italian summer of 1982; four young Dutch saxophonists rehearsing in Via Aurelia in Rome; the beginning of a sensational, pioneering chamber-music ensemble: the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet. Then came: Concerts throughout the world from Suntory Hall in Tokyo to the Gewandhaus in Leipzig – not to mention the little church in Marken-Binnen in the Dutch province of Noord-Holland and a municipal centre in Oristano, Sardinia which smelt of beer. Radio and television performanceswithin the Netherlands and abroad. Multiple CDs to the group’s name, one of which won an Edison and international praise, setting a new standard for saxophone quartets the world over. Collaboration with artists from all disciplines, including dance and theatre, as well as a great many musicians: pianists Ivo Janssen and...

The hot Italian summer of 1982; four young Dutch saxophonists rehearsing in Via Aurelia in Rome; the beginning of a sensational, pioneering chamber-music ensemble: the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet.
Then came: Concerts throughout the world from Suntory Hall in Tokyo to the Gewandhaus in Leipzig – not to mention the little church in Marken-Binnen in the Dutch province of Noord-Holland and a municipal centre in Oristano, Sardinia which smelt of beer.

Radio and television performanceswithin the Netherlands and abroad.

Multiple CDs to the group’s name, one of which won an Edison and international praise, setting a new standard for saxophone quartets the world over.

Collaboration with artists from all disciplines, including dance and theatre, as well as a great many musicians: pianists Ivo Janssen and Juan Pablo Dobal, bandoneon players Gustavo Toker and Carel Kraaijenhof, the Netherlands Wind Ensemble, the Georgian women’s choir Mzetamze, the gamelan ensemble Multifoon, Slagwerkgroep Den Haag, the Japanese saxophone quartet Trouvère, the Hague Residentie Orchestra and others.

Over seventy world premieres of works by ter Veldhuis, Goldstein, Keuris, Andriessen and many others. The group gives compositions the chance to grow and plays pieces frequently so that they are heard often.

Astounding and ambitious arrangements. String quartets by Ravel, Debussy and Shostakovich, The Art of Fugue and the sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti. Pushing boundaries for our one great love: the saxophone quartet.
In 2017 the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet is ending after 35 beautiful years. The current members have decided to stop playing together because the successful development of their personal projects leaves no room for concerts. The quartet is proud to pass the baton to the promising next generation.


Arno Bornkamp

ARNO BORNKAMP Dutch saxophonist Arno Bornkamp (1959) is the archetype of the modern virtuoso, feeling equally at home in traditional and contemporary repertoire. Hailed as a lyrical musician with a great sense of performance, Bornkamp studied at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam with Ed Bogaard and graduated in 1986 with the highest distinction.  He has won many awards, the 'Silver Laurel of the Concertgebouw' and the 'Netherlands Music Prize' among the most noteworthy. The latter enabled him to go abroad, studying in France with Daniel Deffayet and Jean-Marie Londeix, in Japan with Ryo Noda as well as working with composers as Luciano Berio and Karlheinz Stockhausen.  Since his 1982 solo debut in Rome, performing the 'Concertino da Camera' by Jacques Ibert, he...
ARNO BORNKAMP Dutch saxophonist Arno Bornkamp (1959) is the archetype of the modern virtuoso, feeling equally at home in traditional and contemporary repertoire. Hailed as a lyrical musician with a great sense of performance, Bornkamp studied at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam with Ed Bogaard and graduated in 1986 with the highest distinction. He has won many awards, the 'Silver Laurel of the Concertgebouw' and the 'Netherlands Music Prize' among the most noteworthy. The latter enabled him to go abroad, studying in France with Daniel Deffayet and Jean-Marie Londeix, in Japan with Ryo Noda as well as working with composers as Luciano Berio and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Since his 1982 solo debut in Rome, performing the 'Concertino da Camera' by Jacques Ibert, he has played more than 250 concerts with orchestras around the world, including the most important works from the saxophone repertoire in addition to new concerti written especially for him, such as the 'Tallahatchie Concerto' by Jacob TV. In the year 2009 Bornkamp added 3 new works to his repertoire: 'Trois Danses' (orig. for oboe) by Frank Martin and 2 new saxophone concerto's by Joey Roukens and Carlos Michans. Chamber music is also a great love of Arno Bornkamp. He has a long-standing duo with pianist Ivo Janssen and is part of the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet (one of the world's most acclaimed saxophone quartet), which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2008. Arno Bornkamp's many activities (including concerts, festivals, masterclasses, lectures) have taken him to many countries in Europe, the USA, the Far East and South America, but the highlight of his career took place closer to home: in the summer of 1996 he played with Ivo Janssen due to the Prinsengracht Concert in Amsterdam for an audience of more than 15.000 people. The many CD's he has made since 1990 since on various labels have garnered national and international praise. A remarkable project is a tryptich of CD's on the Ottavo label: 'The Classical Saxophone from a Historical Perspective', covering three important periods in the history of the saxophone: the beginning period with works from around 1850 written for Adolphe Sax ('Adolphe Sax Revisited'), the beginning of the 20th Century with impressionistic music ('Boston-Paris, the Elisa Hall Collection') and the years '20 and '30 in Berlin ('Metropolis Berlin'). His most recent CD-project was released by the Basta label in 2009: 'Buku of Horn: Arno B. plays JacobTV', a portrait of Dutch composer JacobTV. Arno Bornkamp is a renowned teacher, leading an international saxophone class at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. In the summer he teaches the International Saxophone Masterclass in Laubach (Germany) and at the Université d'Eté Européenne pour saxophone in Gap (France).


Niels Bijl

For Niels, it’s all about musicality and integrity. Whether he’s playing Bach on baritone, JacobTV on alto, Baldwine on soprano or original pieces written for him on his beloved tenor saxophone, it’s all about bringing music to life. Niels Bijl is an exceptionally versatile saxophonist. His major projects include CDs with repertoire for tenor saxophone, the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet, The Four Baritones and his collaboration with Ronald Moelker and many other varied musicians from accordion to harp to string quartet. Highlights of his career are his Solo tenor saxophone tour Australia-New Zealand 2010. He has played on tour with Valeri Gergiev’s World Orchestra for Peace. The theatre production Ik ben niet bang with René Groothof received the prestigious Silver Krekel Prize in...
For Niels, it’s all about musicality and integrity. Whether he’s playing Bach on baritone, JacobTV on alto, Baldwine on soprano or original pieces written for him on his beloved tenor saxophone, it’s all about bringing music to life. Niels Bijl is an exceptionally versatile saxophonist.
His major projects include CDs with repertoire for tenor saxophone, the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet, The Four Baritones and his collaboration with Ronald Moelker and many other varied musicians from accordion to harp to string quartet.
Highlights of his career are his Solo tenor saxophone tour Australia-New Zealand 2010. He has played on tour with Valeri Gergiev’s World Orchestra for Peace. The theatre production Ik ben niet bang with René Groothof received the prestigious Silver Krekel Prize in 2012. In 2014 he shared the stage with esteemed colleague and friend Branford Marsalis, in Paradiso Amsterdam and in Niels’ hometown Enschede.
As part of his integrity he gives back to young musicians. He has given numerous masterclasses almost everywhere in Europe as well as Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Brazil, Canada and America.



Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.  Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.  

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.

Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.


Juan Pablo Dobal

Born in Buenos Aires (1964), pianist Juan Pablo Dobal came to the Neth- erlands at the age of 25. He is a mod- ern-day virtuoso who refuses to be pigeonholed and feels at home with a diversity of musical styles and hybrids. He has been with Fernando Lameir- inhas’ band for many years and has played with countless musicians. His compositions have been performed by the Metropole Orchestra, Rumbatá and the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet, among others, and his main source of inspiration is the folk music of his native Argentina.
Born in Buenos Aires (1964), pianist Juan Pablo Dobal came to the Neth- erlands at the age of 25. He is a mod- ern-day virtuoso who refuses to be pigeonholed and feels at home with a diversity of musical styles and hybrids. He has been with Fernando Lameir- inhas’ band for many years and has played with countless musicians. His compositions have been performed by the Metropole Orchestra, Rumbatá and the Aurelia Saxophone Quartet, among others, and his main source of inspiration is the folk music of his native Argentina.



Play album Play album
Disc #1
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus I
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 3
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 5
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 8
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus Invs. 12
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Canon Alla Decima in Contrapunto Alla Terza
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 10 Alla Decima
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 6 in Stylo Francese
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 7 Per Augment Et Diminut
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Canon Per Augmentationem in Contrario Motu
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 11
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Fuga a 3 Soggetti
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 4
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Canon Alla Ottava
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus Invs. 13
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Canon Alla Duodecima in Contrapunto Alla Quinta
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 2
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Die Kunst Der Fuge, BWV 1080: Contrapunctus 9 Alla Duodecima
(Johann Sebastian Bach) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet

Disc #2
Fifteen New Fugues: I. Lessons of the Master
(Perry Goldstein) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: II. Imbroglian Fugue
(Peter van Onna) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: III. Fugue in C of Dog
(Dimitri Nicolau) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: IV. De Meesterfout
(Guus Janssen) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: V. Dream Fugue
(David Rowland) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: VI. Ensemobile II
(Theodor Burkali) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: VII. Inventie Over Bach's 'Laatste' Maten
(Wijnand van Klaveren) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: VIII. Punctus Einz
(Ruud van Eeten) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: IX. Stretto Fugue
(Shane Fage) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: X. Windows II
(Erich Stem) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: XI. Als, Een, Scha, Duw, Heen
(Ab Sandbrink) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: XII. La Fugasita
(Juan Pablo Dobal) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: XIII. Fugue State
(David Dramm) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: XIV. Contre Bruit
(Katarzyna Glowicka) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
Fifteen New Fugues: XV. Fading Fugue
(Joey Roukens) Aurelia Saxophone Quartet
show all tracks

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