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Where Is Now?

Michael Bucher

Where Is Now?

Price: € 8.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917112320
Catnr: DMCHR 71123
Release date: 23 August 2013
1 CD
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€ 8.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71123
Release date
23 August 2013

""The music is filled with wonderful tiny ornaments, which may show up after a few times listening and you never ask yourself ‘Where is now?‘ It’s here, at this moment and I love it!""

Musicframes, 11-10-2013

About the album

As a trio, the Swiss BucherSommerFriedli have surveyed their field very precisely. All fringe areas of modern jazz including the urge to go out into the open and unknown have been mapped here with a lot of love for landscape details. The pianist and keyboarder Stefan Aeby has now enhanced the expedition into a quartet as a new member. "Where is Now?" the quartet BucherSommerFriedli and Aeby asks with their new CD and answers with an intoxicating trip into another world. They arrange filigreed structures, conjure up castles in the air, and meander single-mindedly but without haste through wondrous spheres. The band considers itself a collective and functions like intricate clockwork. With guitar, kalimba and harmonica, Michael Bucher wins over listeners for his vanilla-padded dream world. Patrick Sommer on contrabass and e-bass and Tobias Friedli on drums and percussion instruments interact intuitively and supply the resilient dynamics for improvisation without net and cushioned groundwork. Stefan Aeby on piano and Fender Rhodes creates color from black & white keys. They're a well-coordinated group of friends, certainly, and they are aware of their skills. Their field is marked out, but what a field! Reminiscences of the films of David Lynch come to mind, you see Dali dancing, and the roguish cleverness of this ensemble shines through again and again – and that is exactly where their strengths are. Something is created via the music, which fuses the fragmentation of the moment carefully back together again. Something that you see when listening. You feel when thinking. Something that is very special, but still such a matter of course.
Als Trio haben die Eidgenossen BucherSommerFriedli das Terrain schon recht genau vermessen: Alle Randgebiete des Modern Jazz mitsamt dem Drang hinaus ins Offene und Unbekannte wurden hier mit viel Liebe zum landschaftlichen Detail kartographiert. Der Pianist und Keyboarder Stefan Aeby erweitert nun als Neuzugang die Expedition zum Quartett. "Where is Now?" fragt das Quartett BucherSommerFriedli und Aeby mit ihrer neuen CD und antwortet mit einem berauschenden Trip in eine andere Welt. Dort arrangieren sie filigrane Strukturen, zaubern Luftschlösser in den Äther, mäandern zielstrebig, doch ohne Hast durch wundersame Sphären. Die Band versteht sich als Kollektiv und funktioniert als raffiniertes Räderwerk. Mit Gitarre, Kalimba und Mundharmonika gewinnt Michael Bucher die Zuhörer für seine vanille-wattige Wunschwelt; Patrick Sommer an Kontra- und E-Bass und Tobias Friedli an Schlagzeug und Percussion-Instrumenten interagieren intuitiv und liefern die federnde Dynamik für Improvisationen ohne Netz und doppelten Boden. Stefan Aeby am Piano und Fender Rhodes lässt mit seinen Tasten aus Schwarz-Weiss Farbe entstehen. Es ist ein eingespielter Freundeskreis, gewiss, sie kennen ihr Können. Ihr Feld ist abgesteckt. Aber was für ein Feld: Erinnerungen an das Kino von David Lynch leuchten auf, manchmal sieht man Dali tanzen, und immer wieder schimmert der schelmische Witz dieses Ensembles durch - darin liegt ihre Stärke. Über die Musik hinaus entsteht etwas, das die Zersplitterung des Augenblicks behutsam wieder ineinander fügt. Etwas, das man beim Hören sieht. Beim Denken fühlt. Etwas, das ganz eigen ist und doch so selbstverständlich.

Bucher, Sommer, Friedli und Aeby haben an verschiedenen Schweizer Hochschulen Musik studiert und besuchten New York & Los Angeles für musikalische Weiterbildungen. Sie sind seit Jahren als professionelle Musiker aktiv in der Schweizer Jazzszene vertreten und machen immer wieder individuelle Abstecher in andere Musiksparten, sowie in Film- und Theatermusik.
Michael Bucher, 1975 geboren, lebt und arbeitet in Zürich, wo er auch seine musikalische Ausbildung 1999 mit Diplom abschloss. 2000/ 2001 folgte ein Weiterbildungsaufenthalt in New York, wo er Unterricht u.a. bei Peter Bernstein und Wayne Krantz nahm. Bei Double Moon Records war er bereits als Gitarrist von Jochen Baldes´ Kobal zu hören. Patrick Sommer ist Jahrgang 1976. Er studierte an der Hochschule in Bern, zahlreiche Workshops bei namhaften Musikern wie Rufus Reid, Ray Brown, Dave Liebman, Jerry Bergonzi und anderen folgten, sowie ein Studienaufenthalt in Los Angeles. Sommer ist in mehreren anderen Formationen von u.a. Max Lässer und Klaus Koenig aktiv. Tobias Friedli (* 1978) lebt und arbeitet in Bern, wo er 2003 sein Diplom an der Hochschule der Künste abschloss. Auch er lebte einige Monate in New York und nahm Unterricht bei z.B. Ali Jackson und Amir Ziv. Neben anderen Bands ist er auch im Swiss Jazz Orchestra engagiert. Stefan Aeby wurde 1979 geboren. Nach einem dem Abschluss am Konservatorium Fribourg bildete er sich bei verschiedenen Musikern wie Art Lande, Don Friedman und Marc Copland weiter. 2005 schloss zusätzlich ein Studium der Musikwissenschaften und Kunstgeschichte an der Universität Fribourg ab. Er spielt heute in mehreren Formationen, mit denen er international tourt und bekannt geworden ist, u.a.: Tobias Preisig Quartet, Lisette Spinnler Band, Christoph Irniger´s Pilgrim (bei Between the Lines)


Michael Bucher

Bucher, Sommer, Friedli and Aeby studied at various Swiss music colleges and pursued further music training in New York & Los Angeles. They have been working actively as professional musicians for years in the Swiss jazz scene and take individual side-trips time and again into other music genres as well as into film and theater music. Michael Bucher, born in 1975, lives and works in Zurich where he completed his studies in music with a college degree in 1999. In 2000/ 2001, he continued his studies in New York where he took lessons from Peter Bernstein and Wayne Krantz, among others. You can already hear him on Double Moon Records as guitarist on Jochen Baldes' Kobal. Patrick Sommer was born in...
Bucher, Sommer, Friedli and Aeby studied at various Swiss music colleges and pursued further music training in New York & Los Angeles. They have been working actively as professional musicians for years in the Swiss jazz scene and take individual side-trips time and again into other music genres as well as into film and theater music.
Michael Bucher, born in 1975, lives and works in Zurich where he completed his studies in music with a college degree in 1999. In 2000/ 2001, he continued his studies in New York where he took lessons from Peter Bernstein and Wayne Krantz, among others. You can already hear him on Double Moon Records as guitarist on Jochen Baldes' Kobal. Patrick Sommer was born in 1976. He studied at Bern College, attended numerous workshops held by renowned musicians such as Rufus Reid, Ray Brown, Dave Liebman, Jerry Bergonzi and others, and also studied in Los Angeles. Sommer is active in several other bands, among others, those of Max Lässer and Klaus Koenig. Tobias Friedli (born in 1978) lives and works in Bern where he graduated from the Art College in 2003. He also lived a few months in New York and took lessons from Ali Jackson and Amir Ziv, for example. In addition to other bands, he also plays in the Swiss Jazz Orchestra. Stefan Aeby was born in 1979. After graduating from Fribourg Conservatory, he continued his education by taking lessons from various musicians such as Art Lande, Don Friedman and Marc Copland. In 2005, he completed an additional degree in Musicology and Art History at Fribourg University. He plays in several bands these days, with which he tours internationally and has become well known; among others, they include Tobias Preisig Quartet, Lisette Spinnler Band and Christoph Irniger's Pilgrim (released in Between the Lines)

Patrick Sommer

PATRICK SOMMER, b, composition, born in 1976. Patrick studied contrabass and electric bass at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern and in Los Angeles. He lives in Zurich and works as a freelance musician. A solid feeling for timings, a broad stylistic and instrumental range, an unswerving taste and his ability to adapt make him one of the most in-demand bassists on the Swiss music scene. He holds regular concerts both in Switzerland and abroad and is involved in theatre and dance projects as a musician and composer. Selected discography: Tony Renold Quartet: Places (Unit Records 2011); Pius Baschnagel's Latin World: Son Song (Altrisuoni 2011); Martin Lechner: Gentlemen Are Hard To Find (BHM 2011); Bucher Sommer Friedli & Aeby: Expanding (Dryrecords...
PATRICK SOMMER, b, composition, born in 1976. Patrick studied contrabass and electric bass at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern and in Los Angeles. He lives in Zurich and works as a freelance musician. A solid feeling for timings, a broad stylistic and instrumental range, an unswerving taste and his ability to adapt make him one of the most in-demand bassists on the Swiss music scene. He holds regular concerts both in Switzerland and abroad and is involved in theatre and dance projects as a musician and composer.
Selected discography: Tony Renold Quartet: Places (Unit Records 2011); Pius Baschnagel's Latin World: Son Song (Altrisuoni 2011); Martin Lechner: Gentlemen Are Hard To Find (BHM 2011); Bucher Sommer Friedli & Aeby: Expanding (Dryrecords 2011); Bucher 5: Here And There (Unit Records 2010); Limber Lumber - Rösli Sommer Sartorius: Diapassion (Unit Records 2010); Tim Kleinert Trio: Free Passage To Now (Covariance 2010); Peter Zihlmann & TOW Orchestra: Tales Of The Old World (Unit Records 2010); Roli Frei & The Soulful Desert: Strong (Sound Service 2010); Adrian Frey Trio: No Flags (Unit Records 2010); Julian Amacker Universe: A Tea And Me (FF Records 2009); Marianne Racine Quartet: Jazz (2009); Patrick Sommer: Speechless (Rock Archive 2009); Bucher Sommer Friedli: Farb (Dryrerecords 2008); The Moondog Show: Marfa (Fazerecords 2007); Tony Renold Quartet: Timeless Flow (Universal Records 2005); Lisette Spinnler Quartet: in Between (TCB Records 2004). He has been playing for the Jazz Live Trio since 2012.


Michael Bucher

Bucher, Sommer, Friedli and Aeby studied at various Swiss music colleges and pursued further music training in New York & Los Angeles. They have been working actively as professional musicians for years in the Swiss jazz scene and take individual side-trips time and again into other music genres as well as into film and theater music. Michael Bucher, born in 1975, lives and works in Zurich where he completed his studies in music with a college degree in 1999. In 2000/ 2001, he continued his studies in New York where he took lessons from Peter Bernstein and Wayne Krantz, among others. You can already hear him on Double Moon Records as guitarist on Jochen Baldes' Kobal. Patrick Sommer was born in...
Bucher, Sommer, Friedli and Aeby studied at various Swiss music colleges and pursued further music training in New York & Los Angeles. They have been working actively as professional musicians for years in the Swiss jazz scene and take individual side-trips time and again into other music genres as well as into film and theater music.
Michael Bucher, born in 1975, lives and works in Zurich where he completed his studies in music with a college degree in 1999. In 2000/ 2001, he continued his studies in New York where he took lessons from Peter Bernstein and Wayne Krantz, among others. You can already hear him on Double Moon Records as guitarist on Jochen Baldes' Kobal. Patrick Sommer was born in 1976. He studied at Bern College, attended numerous workshops held by renowned musicians such as Rufus Reid, Ray Brown, Dave Liebman, Jerry Bergonzi and others, and also studied in Los Angeles. Sommer is active in several other bands, among others, those of Max Lässer and Klaus Koenig. Tobias Friedli (born in 1978) lives and works in Bern where he graduated from the Art College in 2003. He also lived a few months in New York and took lessons from Ali Jackson and Amir Ziv, for example. In addition to other bands, he also plays in the Swiss Jazz Orchestra. Stefan Aeby was born in 1979. After graduating from Fribourg Conservatory, he continued his education by taking lessons from various musicians such as Art Lande, Don Friedman and Marc Copland. In 2005, he completed an additional degree in Musicology and Art History at Fribourg University. He plays in several bands these days, with which he tours internationally and has become well known; among others, they include Tobias Preisig Quartet, Lisette Spinnler Band and Christoph Irniger's Pilgrim (released in Between the Lines)

Patrick Sommer

PATRICK SOMMER, b, composition, born in 1976. Patrick studied contrabass and electric bass at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern and in Los Angeles. He lives in Zurich and works as a freelance musician. A solid feeling for timings, a broad stylistic and instrumental range, an unswerving taste and his ability to adapt make him one of the most in-demand bassists on the Swiss music scene. He holds regular concerts both in Switzerland and abroad and is involved in theatre and dance projects as a musician and composer. Selected discography: Tony Renold Quartet: Places (Unit Records 2011); Pius Baschnagel's Latin World: Son Song (Altrisuoni 2011); Martin Lechner: Gentlemen Are Hard To Find (BHM 2011); Bucher Sommer Friedli & Aeby: Expanding (Dryrecords...
PATRICK SOMMER, b, composition, born in 1976. Patrick studied contrabass and electric bass at the Swiss Jazz School in Bern and in Los Angeles. He lives in Zurich and works as a freelance musician. A solid feeling for timings, a broad stylistic and instrumental range, an unswerving taste and his ability to adapt make him one of the most in-demand bassists on the Swiss music scene. He holds regular concerts both in Switzerland and abroad and is involved in theatre and dance projects as a musician and composer.
Selected discography: Tony Renold Quartet: Places (Unit Records 2011); Pius Baschnagel's Latin World: Son Song (Altrisuoni 2011); Martin Lechner: Gentlemen Are Hard To Find (BHM 2011); Bucher Sommer Friedli & Aeby: Expanding (Dryrecords 2011); Bucher 5: Here And There (Unit Records 2010); Limber Lumber - Rösli Sommer Sartorius: Diapassion (Unit Records 2010); Tim Kleinert Trio: Free Passage To Now (Covariance 2010); Peter Zihlmann & TOW Orchestra: Tales Of The Old World (Unit Records 2010); Roli Frei & The Soulful Desert: Strong (Sound Service 2010); Adrian Frey Trio: No Flags (Unit Records 2010); Julian Amacker Universe: A Tea And Me (FF Records 2009); Marianne Racine Quartet: Jazz (2009); Patrick Sommer: Speechless (Rock Archive 2009); Bucher Sommer Friedli: Farb (Dryrerecords 2008); The Moondog Show: Marfa (Fazerecords 2007); Tony Renold Quartet: Timeless Flow (Universal Records 2005); Lisette Spinnler Quartet: in Between (TCB Records 2004). He has been playing for the Jazz Live Trio since 2012.


"The music is filled with wonderful tiny ornaments, which may show up after a few times listening and you never ask yourself ‘Where is now?‘ It’s here, at this moment and I love it!"
Musicframes, 11-10-2013

Play album Play album
Where Is Now?
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
You And Me
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
Lady Rosebud
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
Luki's Dream
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
Neb Medron
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
One For Mike
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
(Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher) Patrick Sommer, Tobias Friedli, Stefan Aeby, Michael Bucher
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