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Abdullah Ibrahim


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Intuition
UPC: 0750447343122
Catnr: INT 34312
Release date: 01 November 2013
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
INT 34312
Release date
01 November 2013

"Critics poll 2014 - One of the best ten recordings of the year for Tilman Urbach"

Fono Forum, 17-11-2014

About the album

He will turn 79 on October 9, 2013. That fact that someone has experienced a lot by this age goes without saying. However, this applies more for some people than for others. Abdullah Ibrahim can justifiably claim that he has not only experienced history, but also shaped it. Born in the middle of South African apartheid in 1934, he started to play piano in his native country under the name "Dollar Brand" at that time; his name at birth was "Adolphe Johannes Brand". He soon became known in South Africa, which was more dangerous than helpful as a member of a majority terrorized by a minority. He left his country in 1962, and Duke Ellington arranged for him to go to America a few years later. An international career started after that, which only few living jazz musicians can look back on. That fact that he played at the inauguration of Nelson Mandela after the abolition of apartheid was only logical.

Abdullah Ibrahim created his own, inimitable style, which Konrad Heidkamp (DIE ZEIT) described once as follows: Ibrahim is "a magician of repetition, and a complete landscape is behind every tone." This enchanting power blossomed in every recording, regardless of whether as soloist, in duet (the 1978 album with Archie Shepp is legendary), with his band Ekaya, with big band and even with orchestral accompaniment. However, hearing him in a small group remains the most intensive experience.

As on this CD, on which the man – the man, whom we may legitimately call a legend – tells the story of his life alone, in a duet and in a trio. The title already points this out: Mukashi, Japanese for "Once Upon A Time". A retrospective, filled with memories, which does not always put you in a cheerful mood, but instead often makes you become melancholic and sad. This includes the recent death of his wife, who passed away in the summer 2013.
Tones that fall like drops in a stalactite cave, which build mighty stalactites despite their slowness if you take the trouble to pay attention to them. Chords of a clarity that touch you. Melodies with an absolutely sensual force.

Hardly any musician knows Ibrahim so well as his companion of many years Cleave Guyton, who sensitively takes up the thoughts of the pianist and plays around them. However, Ibrahim also sought another dab of sound, new textures and an instrument that can create fragile levels of sound, and he thought of the cello. Two masters of the trade with great expertise in all genres, Eugen Bazijan and Scott Roller, fit sensitively into the musical world and complement the recordings wonderfully.
Am 9. Oktober 2013 wird er 79 Jahre alt. Dass man in diesem Alter schon viel erlebt hat, versteht sich eigentlich von selbst. Aber für manche Menschen gilt das eben noch mehr als für andere: Abdullah Ibrahim kann mit Fug und Recht von sich behaupten, Geschichte nicht nur erlebt, sondern auch gestaltet zu haben. Mitten in die südafrikanische Apartheid hinein geboren, im Jahre 1934, begann er in seiner Heimat Klavier zu spielen: damals noch als „Dollar Brand“, sein Geburtsname lautete „Adolphe Johannes Brand“. Schon bald war er in seiner Heimat bekannt – was als Angehöriger einer von einer Minderheit terrorisierten Mehrheit eher gefährlich denn dienlich war. 1962 schließlich verließ er seine Heimat, um wenige Jahre später schon von Duke Ellington nach Amerika geholt zu werden. Fortan begann eine internationale Karriere, auf die nur wenige lebende Jazzmusiker zurück blicken können. Dass er nach Abschaffung der Apartheid 1994, bei der Amtseinführung Nelson Mandelas, spielte, war nur folgerichtig.

Abdullah Ibrahim hat einen eigenen, unnachahmlichen Stil geschaffen, den Konrad Heidkamp (DIE ZEIT) einmal so umschrieb: Ibrahim ist „ein Zauberer der Wiederholung, und hinter jedem Ton steht eine ganze Landschaft“. Diese verzaubernde Kraft erblüht in jeder Aufnahme, sei es als Solist, im Duett (legendär das 78er Album mit Archie Shepp), mit seiner Band Ekaya, mit Big Band oder gar Orchesterbegleitung. Aber nach wie vor am intensivsten ist dies in kleiner Besetzung zu erfahren.

Wie auf dieser CD, welchen den Mann – den man, ausnahmsweise ungestraft, als Legende bezeichnen darf – alleine, im Duo oder im Trio von seinem Leben erzählen lässt. Darauf verweist bereits der Titel: Mukashi, japanisch für „Once Upon A Time“ – „Es war einmal“… Ein Blick zurück, gefüllt mit Erinnerungen, die nicht immer fröhlich stimmen, sondern oft auch melancholisch, traurig werden lassen. Jüngst zählt dazu auch der Tod seiner Frau, die im Sommer 2013 verstarb.
Töne, die wie Tropfen in einer Tropfsteinhöhle fallen, die trotz ihrer Langsamkeit mächtige Stalagmiten bilden – wenn man sich darauf einlässt, ihnen Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Akkorde von einer Klarheit, die berühren. Melodien mit einer geradezu sinnlichen Kraft.

Kaum ein Musiker kennt Ibrahim so gut wie sein langjähriger Weggefährte Cleave Guyton, der sensibel die Gedanken des Pianisten aufgreift und umspielt. Aber Ibrahim suchte darüber hinaus einen weiteren Klangtupfer, neue Texturen und ein Instrument, das fragile Klangschichten kreieren kann, und besann sich auf das Cello. Zwei Meister des Faches mit großen Meriten in allen Genres, Eugen Bazijan und Scott Roller, fügen sich sensibel in die musikalische Welt ein und ergänzen die Aufnahmen wundervoll.


Abdullah Ibrahim

He turned 79 on October 9, 2013. That fact that someone has experienced a lot by this age goes without saying. However, this applies more for some people than for others. Abdullah Ibrahim can justifiably claim that he has not only experienced history, but also shaped it. Born in the middle of South African apartheid in 1934, he started to play piano in his native country under the name 'Dollar Brand' at that time; his name at birth was 'Adolphe Johannes Brand'. He soon became known in South Africa, which was more dangerous than helpful as a member of a majority terrorized by a minority. He left his country in 1962, and Duke Ellington arranged for him to go to...
He turned 79 on October 9, 2013. That fact that someone has experienced a lot by this age goes without saying. However, this applies more for some people than for others. Abdullah Ibrahim can justifiably claim that he has not only experienced history, but also shaped it. Born in the middle of South African apartheid in 1934, he started to play piano in his native country under the name "Dollar Brand" at that time; his name at birth was "Adolphe Johannes Brand". He soon became known in South Africa, which was more dangerous than helpful as a member of a majority terrorized by a minority. He left his country in 1962, and Duke Ellington arranged for him to go to America a few years later. An international career started after that, which only few living jazz musicians can look back on. That fact that he played at the inauguration of Nelson Mandela after the abolition of apartheid was only logical.




Critics poll 2014 - One of the best ten recordings of the year for Tilman Urbach
Fono Forum, 17-11-2014

Once more Abdullah Ibrahim prensents himself as master of elementariness and reduction.
Fono Forum, 01-2-2014

Mukashi is like a retrosepction of a unique life, filled with memories. Ibrahim's melodic imaginativeness ist still incredible
Jazzthetik, 01-1-2014

"There are plenty of new tunes, each imbued with sense of calm, with titles such as 'Serenity' displaying plenty of bluesy twists and reflective musings"
Performance Recording, 19-12-2013

"All that gives this album a huge explosiveness, with a wealth of understated power that engages you a lot", 29-11-2013

"Mukashi’ becomes so warm and sincere that this 79-year old musician sounds like a fairy-tale", 01-11-2013

The 79-year-old South African plays as an illustrator who creates, with a few number of striking lines, a powerful image.
Limburgs Dagblad

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