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The Present & Path

Christoph Neuhaus Path 4

The Present & Path

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917116526
Catnr: DMCHR 71165
Release date: 12 February 2016
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71165
Release date
12 February 2016

"3/4* "At yet the band leader slightly protrudes - the cristal clear sound, produced at the famous MPS studios in the black forest, is helping with this.""

Jazzthetik, 01-3-2016

About the album

Christoph Neuhaus is an unusual guitarist. Not at all like "cloned imitators". Rather a mind of his own, one who already knew at all times exactly what was good for him and what not. It was hardly the classic academic path anyway, although the 29 year-old from Stuttgart absorbed just about everything that he could get from influences, lessons, tricks and tips. Consequently and among other things so as not to become a second-rate jack of all trades on the guitar, someone who has mastered everything and consequently has a better chance of making a living due to his perceived versatility. "Every style, which I have tried, has really interested me," Neuhaus assured. "All the different contexts have ultimately enabled me to become free in my style. I have the feeling that it was good to take this path." Following "Directions" (2013) and "Matter Of 3" (2014; both Unit Records), this sum of styles can now be heard on “The Present & Path” by listeners without prejudices on his Double Moon debut.

Christoph Neuhaus has never made a secret of the fact that the Guns N 'Roses guitarist Slash opened the door to the world of the guitar to him with a solo on a white grand piano in the song "November Rain”. Neither does he deny that he likes the great singer-songwriters as well as groove jazz or more modern styles, nor that he tried to imitate a David Gilmour Pink Floyd cover band at the start of his studies. He got his dazzling skills at the University for Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim from Frank Kuruc, at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam at the "Monster Players" from the “monster players” Jesse van Ruller, Martijn van Iterson and Maaren van der Grinten as well as in his Master studies program from Wolfgang Muthspiel at Basel College of Music. The curious Swabian met pros such as Peter Bernstein, Adam Rodgers, Steve Cardenas, Lionel Loueke, Steve Kahn and Gilad Hekselman and observed them very closely. He received private lessons in a Stuttgart hotel from the latter, and he visited others such as Kahn in his New York apartment. In addition, Bernstein spontaneously invited the young German after lessons to his gig in Brooklyn, where Lage Lund also joined them.

A whole lot of influences. However, Christoph Neuhaus always kept a clear head about it. Especially the nine compositions on "The Present & Path” ("Poem [to Ourselves]” is provided in the standard version and as a radio edit) are a mirror image of his creative range, he stresses vehemently. "Because I want to sound like myself, never like someone I admire." This is the reason why none of the songs sounds like another on the CD recorded in May 2015 in the MPS-Studios in Villingen-Schwenningen and promoted by state of Baden-Württemberg as an "Innovation" project. One of the most interesting guitar sounds of young German jazz can develop in all its splendor thanks to his band on "Path4" with Andreas Feith (piano), Axel Kuhn (bass) and Axel Pape (drums), supported this time by the beguiling singer Fola Dada, the striking saxophone of Sandi Kuhn and tasteful cello interludes by Henrik Mumm.

He considers it above all a statement, a uniquely identifiable code that clearly bears his signature. "I want to reach people without following trends. I am talking about a certain claim, but also comprehensible song structures that should not be somehow aloof or detached in any case. That's my goal: to find my own artistic voice that touches and is unmistakable. The greatest possible authenticity." Christoph Neuhaus comes as close to this goal as never before with "The Present & Path”.
The Stuttgart native guitarist presents his New Quartet and new compositions together with a superb line-up. Modern, groovy Jazz with a special attitude, perfectly put together for intense interplay and creative improvisations.
Christoph Neuhaus ist ein ungewöhnlicher Gitarrist. Keiner von der Sorte „geklonter Nachahmer“. Eher ein eigener Kopf, der schon immer ganz genau wusste, was ihm gut tat und was nicht. Der klassische akademische Weg war es sowieso kaum, obwohl der 29-jährige Stuttgarter im Laufe seiner bisherigen Karriere so ziemlich alles aufsog, was er an Einflüssen, Unterrichtsstunden, Tricks und Kniffen kriegen konnte. Mitnichten deshalb, um ein Billiger Jakob an der Klampfe zu werden, der alles beherrscht und sich wegen seiner vermeintlichen Vielseitigkeit wirtschaftlich besser über Wasser halten kann. „Mich hat jeder Stil, den ich ausprobiert habe, wirklich interessiert“, versichert Neuhaus. „All die unterschiedlichen Kontexte haben letztlich dazu geführt, mich zu befreien. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass es gut war, diesen Weg zu gehen.“

Dass es ausgerechnet Guns nʼ Roses-Gitarrist Slash war, der ihm mit einem Solo auf einem weißen Flügel im Song „November Rain“ die Tür zur Welt der Gitarre öffnete, daraus hat Christoph Neuhaus nie einen Hehl gemacht. Auch nicht, dass er auf die großen Singer-Songwriter ebenso steht wie auf den sogenannten Groove-Jazz oder modernere Spielrichtungen oder dass er zu Beginn seines Studiums David Gilmour in einer Pink Floyd-Coverband nachzueifern versuchte. Sein schillerndes Rüstzeug holte er sich an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Mannheim bei Frank Kuruc, am Conservatorium van Amsterdam bei den „Monsterplayern“ Jesse van Ruller, Martijn van Iterson und Maaren van der Grinten sowie beim Masterstudium an der Musikhochschule Basel bei Wolfgang Muthspiel. Der neugierige Schwabe traf Cats wie Peter Bernstein, Adam Rodgers, Steve Cardenas, Lionel Loueke, Steve Kahn und Gilad Hekselman und beobachtete sie ganz genau. Von Letzteren bekam er Privatstunden in einem Stuttgarter Hotel, andere wie Kahn besuchte er in deren New Yorker Appartement. Bernstein wiederrum lud den jungen Deutschen nach dem Unterricht spontan zu einem Gig nach Brooklyn ein, bei dem dann auch noch Lage Lund einstieg.

Keiner der Songs, die im Mai 2015 in den MPS-Studios in Villingen-Schwenningen entstanden und vom Land Baden-Württemberg als „Innovationsprojekt“ gefördert wurden, klingt wie der andere. An der Seite seiner Band „Path4“ um Andreas Feith (Piano), Axel Kühn (Bass) und Axel Pape (Drums), diesmal unterstützt von der betörenden Vokalistin Fola Dada, dem markanten Saxofon von Sandi Kühn und den geschmackvollen Cello-Intermezzi von Henrik Mumm, kann sich so einer der interessantesten Gitarren-Sounds des jungen deutschen Jazz in seiner ganzen Pracht entfalten.

Es geht ihm vor allem um eine Aussage, einen klar identifizierbaren Code, der eindeutig seine Signatur trägt. „Ich möchte die Leute erreichen, ohne dabei mein Fähnchen in den Wind zu hängen. Dabei geht es mir zum einen um einen gewissen Anspruch, aber auch um nachvollziehbare Songstrukturen, die auf keinen Fall irgendwie abgehoben sein sollen. Das ist mein Ziel: eine eigene künstlerische Stimme zu finden, die berührt und die unverwechselbar ist. Größtmögliche Authentizität.“ Diesem Ziel ist Christoph Neuhaus mit „The Present & Path“ so nah wie noch nie zuvor gekommen.


Christoph Neuhaus (guitar)

Christoph Neuhaus studied in Mannheim and Amsterdam with a.o. Wolfgang Muthspiel
Christoph Neuhaus studied in Mannheim and Amsterdam with a.o. Wolfgang Muthspiel

Axel Kühn (bass)

Axel Kühn's main job is bassist of Kühntett. But he has a hobby: to play even more bass. He accompanied Anne-Sophie von Otter and Peter Mattei in the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, is a member of the Chris Gall Trio, played in the Anne Czichowsky Quintett and the Boston Collective. Pianist Christoph Heckeler studied under John Taylor, Tom van der Geld, Don Friedman and Adam Makowicz, among others, and got his first performance experience playing alongside Dave Liebman, Peter Herbolzheimer, Ack van Rooyen, Adrian Mears, Gunther Schuller and others. Marcel Gustke has not only been drumming in Kühntett since 2005, but also for Barbara Dennerlein since 2006. And because he feels at home in all styles between pop, jazz, soul and...
Axel Kühn's main job is bassist of Kühntett. But he has a hobby: to play even more bass. He accompanied Anne-Sophie von Otter and Peter Mattei in the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, is a member of the Chris Gall Trio, played in the Anne Czichowsky Quintett and the Boston Collective. Pianist Christoph Heckeler studied under John Taylor, Tom van der Geld, Don Friedman and Adam Makowicz, among others, and got his first performance experience playing alongside Dave Liebman, Peter Herbolzheimer, Ack van Rooyen, Adrian Mears, Gunther Schuller and others. Marcel Gustke has not only been drumming in Kühntett since 2005, but also for Barbara Dennerlein since 2006. And because he feels at home in all styles between pop, jazz, soul and funk, you could already see and hear him with Cassandra Steen, Nils Landgren, Andi Maile and Wolfgang Puschnig. Saxophonist Alexander "Sandi" Kuhn studied under Frank Tiberi and Joe Lovano, among others, at the Berklee College of Music in Boston and under Prof. Bernd Konrad at the State College for Music and the Performing Arts in Stuttgart. In addition to Kühntett, he dedicates himself to his own band KuhnStoff and the Boston Collective.


Axel Pape (drums)

Fola Dada (vocals)

Sandi Kuhn (saxophone)

Henrik Mumm (cello)



3/4* "At yet the band leader slightly protrudes - the cristal clear sound, produced at the famous MPS studios in the black forest, is helping with this."
Jazzthetik, 01-3-2016

" sometimes based on the pillars of classic jazz guitar, sometimes it picks up the pace towards groovy funk...", "...sound spectrum, which even in explosive moments emits calm and power."
Jazzthing, 01-2-2016

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