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Alle Lust will Ewigkeit
Julius Röntgen

Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers

Alle Lust will Ewigkeit

Price: € 20.95
Format: SACD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917270921
Catnr: CC 72709
Release date: 06 May 2016
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€ 20.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72709
Release date
06 May 2016

""Muuse and Van Weers took up the challenge and they do so with taste, courage and confidence.""

, 01-9-2016

About the album

This release features the work of Julius Rontgen, a German-Dutch composer who produced a great deal of classical repertoire. The composer’s grandson wrote of this release, “This deliberate selection from Julius Rontgen’s extensive song repertoire represents an important new step towards a revaluation of his total oeuvre and the unlocking of Dutch musical heritage in general…” (Jurriaan Rontgen) Robbert Muuse and Micha van Weers are passionate musicians who are constantly pushing themselves to explore the field of forgotten works. Muuse is a baritone who is frequently sought after for both operatic and concert repertoire. Pianist Micha van Weers has performed alongside Muuse for many recitals.
De wereldpremière van de liederen van Julius Röntgen
Dit album bevat liederen van Julius Röntgen, uitgevoerd door bariton Robbert Muuse en pianiste Micha van Weers. Dit is de eerste opname van de liederen van deze Duits-Nederlandse componist.

Röntgen is een van de vele componisten uit de eerste helft van de 20e eeuw die het verdient om opnieuw ontdekt te worden. Hij is een van de typische kosmopolitische personen die Europese cultuur voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog kenmerkten. Hij droeg als pianist, dirigent, concertorganisator en medeoprichter van het eerste Conservatorium in Amsterdam bij aan de ontwikkeling van het Nederlandse muziekleven.

Op achttienjarige leeftijd ontwikkelde hij zich op het podium als pianist, waar hij liederen uitvoerde samen met bariton Julius Stockhausen. In 1881 volgde Johannes Messchaert Stockhausen op. Messchaert interesseerde zich in Röntgens muziek, en er ontstond een hechte vriendschap tussen hen. De avonden waarop ze samen liederen en werken voor piano solo uitvoerden waren geliefd bij het publiek.

Een nieuwe generatie musici heeft verrassende nieuwe inzichten in Röntgens werk gevonden. Maar er valt nog veel te ontdekken in zijn omvangrijke oeuvre. Messchaert had dit in 1905 al naar voren gebracht: 'Het deel van Röntgen wat zichtbaar is, is slechts het kleinste deel. Om hem echt te kunnen zien, moet je hem horen.'
Bariton Robbert Muuse und Pianistin Micha van Weers verbindet neben einer langjährigen musikalischen Partnerschaft auch eine große Portion Neugier. So begeben sie sich neben der Pflege des gängigen Liedrepertoires auf die Suche nach unbekannten, verschollenen oder sogar zeitweise verbotenen Werken, um auch ihnen Gehör zu verschaffen. Auf dieser Suche stießen sie auf die Werke des Leipziger Musikers und Komponisten Julius Röntgen. Wer Röntgens Werken schon begegnet ist, mag sich an instrumentale Kammerstücke und symphonische Kompositionen erinnern, doch als langjähriger Liedbegleiter lag ihm auch dieses Repertoire am Herzen. Inspiration und Text für seine Lieder fand er dabei nicht nur bei Klassikern wie Goethe und Nietzsche oder in alten Gedichten, sondern auch in den komischen, oft abstrusen Gedichten des deutschen Schriftstellers Christian Morgenstern. Seinen Texten schmiegt Röntgen eine Musik an wie eine zweite Haut, zum Beispiel im kurzen Die Trichter, das passend zum Titel nicht nur im Format des Gedichts, sondern sogar auch in der Musik trichterförmig daherkommt – ein spannendes Programm, nicht nur auf Liederenthusiasten.

Robbert Muuse und Micha van Weers treibt die Neugier immer wieder in unbekannte musikalische Gefilde. Ergebnis ihrer letzten Erkundungstour in die vergessenen Kompositionen unserer Zeit ist diese Einspielung, ein spannendes Portrait des Leipziger Komponisten Julius Röntgen mit Liedern von Nietzsche bis Morgenstern.


Robbert Muuse (vocals)

The Dutch baritone Robbert Muuse is a sought after singer for both the concert and the opera repertoire. He performed many operatic roles including Guglielmo in Mozart’s Così fan tutte in a touring production throughout the Netherlands, Allazim in Mozart’s Zaide performed in the Karlsruhe Festspielhaus, Le Directeur in Poulenc’s Les Mamelles de Tirésias conducted by maestro Ed Spanjaard and Pallante in Händel’s Agrippina, which he sang on tour through Eastern-Europe with the Combattimento Consort Amsterdam conducted by Jan Willem de Vriend. Furthermore he performed Filippo in a Dutch translation of Rossini’s La Gazzetta. As a soloist and interpretator of baroque music Muuse has sung many oratorios and concerts. His interpretation of Bach's Matthew Passion (arias and Jesus) has been much acclaimed. Also on his...
The Dutch baritone Robbert Muuse is a sought after singer for both the concert and the opera repertoire. He performed many operatic roles including Guglielmo in Mozart’s Così fan tutte in a touring production throughout the Netherlands, Allazim in Mozart’s Zaide performed in the Karlsruhe Festspielhaus, Le Directeur in Poulenc’s Les Mamelles de Tirésias conducted by maestro Ed Spanjaard and Pallante in Händel’s Agrippina, which he sang on tour through Eastern-Europe with the Combattimento Consort Amsterdam conducted by Jan Willem de Vriend. Furthermore he performed Filippo in a Dutch translation of Rossini’s La Gazzetta. As a soloist and interpretator of baroque music Muuse has sung many oratorios and concerts. His interpretation of Bach's Matthew Passion (arias and Jesus) has been much acclaimed. Also on his repertoire are the great oratorios and concert works, such as many cantatas by J.S. Bach, Händel’s Messiah, Haydn’s Die Jahreszeiten, Mendelssohn’s Elias, the great Requiems by Mozart, Fauré and Duruflé, Brahms’ Ein Deutsches Requiem, Carmina Burana by Orff, Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle and Vaughan Williams’ Five Mystical Songs.
Since 2001 he has frequently worked together with the Ensemble Pierre Robert (France), an ensemble that consists generally of three solo-voices, specialised in French baroque music, and directed by Frédéric Desenclos. The repertoire includes works of Brossard, Henry Dumont, Daniel Danielis, Clérembault, M.A. Charpentier, Lully, Couperin and Pierre Robert.
Acclaimed for his skills in singing Lied, Muuse has sung many song recitals, amongst others at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Salzburg and Paris, accompanied by the Dutch pianist Micha van Weers. Having been trained and performing together since 1994, they have gained great experience in the art of song and have won esteem for their interpretations.
It is their goal to gain new attention for particular repertoire that has not been performed for a long time, such as the so-called Entartete Musik (degenerate music), music that was banned by the Nazi-regime; the repertoire consists of an extensive list of works by many jewish composers from different countries. But they also perform great works from other composers that somehow and for no good reason have been neglected on the concert platform.
With chambermusic ensembles Muuse performed works such as Le Bal Masqué by Poulenc, Die Wolkenpumpe by Erwin Schulhoff, and Dover Beach by Samuel Barber.
Invitations led to the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Cité de la Musique in Paris, Combattimento Consort Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bach Society, La Petite Bande and Ives Ensemble Amsterdam. He appeared as a guest soloist on international festivals, such as Festival de Verbier, the Early Music Festival in Utrecht, La Roque d'Anthéron and the London Lufthansa Baroque Festival.


Micha van Weers (piano)

The Dutch pianist Micha van Weers is versatile performer in different facets of chamber music. As a soloist she has focussed on twentieth-century Czech pianomusic, for which she has lived and studied in Prague. Beside playing solo and together with other instrumentalists, she has a special dedication to accompanying singers in song recitals. In many reviews Van Weers has been praised for her colourful play and great expressivity. She performed concerts, e.g. in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Kassel State Theatre, in Paris, Prague, Stuttgart, Salzburg. She made recordings for radio and television in the Netherlands and abroad; in 2011 her debut-CD was launched, with songs of Cyril Scott and Ralph Vaughan Williams. Besides the familiar, well-known repertoire, baritone Robbert Muuse and Micha van...
The Dutch pianist Micha van Weers is versatile performer in different facets of chamber music. As a soloist she has focussed on twentieth-century Czech pianomusic, for which she has lived and studied in Prague. Beside playing solo and together with other instrumentalists, she has a special dedication to accompanying singers in song recitals.
In many reviews Van Weers has been praised for her colourful play and great expressivity. She performed concerts, e.g. in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Kassel State Theatre, in Paris, Prague, Stuttgart, Salzburg. She made recordings for radio and television in the Netherlands and abroad; in 2011 her debut-CD was launched, with songs of Cyril Scott and Ralph Vaughan Williams.
Besides the familiar, well-known repertoire, baritone Robbert Muuse and Micha van Weers challenge themselves to continuously explore the field of unknown works, forgotten or even forbidden songs that they deem worthy to be re-discovered and performed as new. This research led to their present collection of approximately 80 songs by Cyril Scott, that have unjustly remained unknown to our generation.



Julius Röntgen

Röntgen wrote sixteen String Trios, fifteen of which have never been published. For the most part, the Trios were also neither numbered nor named by the composer (an exception being the Walzer Suite), leaving the year of composition and key signature as the only means of their identification. For someone who had starting composing in his teens, it is surprising that Röntgen came to the genre of String Trios only later in life, completing his first trio in 1915 at the age of 60 and the last trio in 1930, two years before his death. The reasons for this remain obscure, but it is clear that chamber music played an important part in Röntgen’s life. In 1912, he formed a professional...
Röntgen wrote sixteen String Trios, fifteen of which have never been published. For the most part, the Trios were also neither numbered nor named by the composer (an exception being the Walzer Suite), leaving the year of composition and key signature as the only means of their identification.
For someone who had starting composing in his teens, it is surprising that Röntgen came to the genre of String Trios only later in life, completing his first trio in 1915 at the age of 60 and the last trio in 1930, two years before his death. The reasons for this remain obscure, but it is clear that chamber music played an important part in Röntgen’s life. In 1912, he formed a professional piano trio with two of his sons from his first marriage (Engelbert, a cellist, and Julius Jr., a violinist). With this ensemble, he gave concerts for years. However, Röntgen had another favourite instrument, the viola, and with two sons from his second marriage (Edvard and Joachim), he played string trios, presumably only at home, where he himself played the viola parts.
At the end of 1919, Röntgen became an official citizen of the Netherlands. Shortly thereafter he celebrated his 65th birthday, but instead of decreasing his activities and responsibilities, he kept himself busier than ever. He retained his position as director of the Amsterdam Conservatory until 1924, accepted private students, and even started to concertize again. From 1920 to 1923, Röntgen composed a great deal of vocal music, chamber music (including several string quartets), some orchestral pieces, concertos, and a number of contrapuntal works for piano.


"Muuse and Van Weers took up the challenge and they do so with taste, courage and confidence."
, 01-9-2016

''When listening to this recital, you are automatically hoping for a follow-up album. Robbert, Micha and Challenge: please go for it!''
De Gelderlander, 02-7-2016

"Bariton Robbert Muuse and pianiste Micha van Weers regret and try to educate the ignorant croud. That is very appreciated."
, 26-5-2016

... There is undoubtedly much to discover in this work. With this recording, Robbert Muuse and Micha van Weers have opened a door, behind which some treasure is slumbering. Great!
Klassik Blog

Play album Play album
Amoreuse Liedekens, op. 29: Diepe ghepeys en swaer versuchten, no 7
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Amoreuse Liedekens, op. 29: Een costerken op sijn clocken clanc, no. 9
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Amoreuse Liedekens, op. 29: Ick truer en ick ben van minnen also sieck, no. 10
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Amoreuse Liedekens, op. 29: Janne moeie, al claer! no. 11
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Galgenlieder: Das Knie, no. 14
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Galgenlieder: Die Mitternachtsmaus, no. 12
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Galgenlieder: Die Trichter, no. 9
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Galgenlieder: Das Huhn, no. 15
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Chinesische Lieder op. 66: Die Einsame, no. 1
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Chinesische Lieder, op. 66: Liebestrunken, no. 7
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Chinesische Lieder, op. 66: Der Pavillon aus Porzellan, no. 3
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Chinesische Lieder, op. 66: Die Geheimnisvolle Flöte, no. 8
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Chinesische Lieder, op. 66: Die drei Prinzessinen, no. 14
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Chinesische Lieder, op. 66: Abend auf dem Fluss, no. 13
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Chinesische Lieder, op. 66: Traurige Frühlingsnacht, no. 17
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
3 Nietzsche Lieder: Vereinsamt
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
3 Nietzsche Lieder: Der Einsamste
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
3 Nietzsche Lieder: Das trunkene Lied
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Prometheus, op. 99
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Palmström: Palmström, no. 1
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Palmström: Entwurf zu einem Trauerspiel, no. 4
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Palmström: Die Zeit, no. 5
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Palmström: Der Leu, no. 13
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Palmström: Der Salm, no. 12
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
Charon, a Modern Greek ballad
(Julius Röntgen) Robbert Muuse & Micha van Weers
show all tracks

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