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Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45
Johannes Brahms

Jan Willem de Vriend

Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45

Price: € 19.95
Format: SACD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917273823
Catnr: CC 72738
Release date: 07 October 2016
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72738
Release date
07 October 2016

"The chorus sings very well, the orchestra (also known as the Residentie Orkest) is very good, and the soloists are excellent."

Fanfare Magazine, 01-9-2017

About the album

Since adopting a new artistic profile, the Hague Philharmonic is demonstrating more than ever that symphonic music can still be meaningful to large and diverse audiences in the 21st century. At the new Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen, the orchestra's home venue, prior to concerts audiences are treated to a lively RO-starter pre-program of live music and interviews. Everything on this recording fits like a glove - musicians, conductor and sound technique are at the highest of their abilities. Soprano Renate Arends and baritone Thomas Oliemans are internationally acclaimed soloists with both beautiful and strong careers in opera, oratorium and song.
Brahms schreef zijn meesterwerk Ein deutsches Requiem na de dood van zijn moeder
In deze live opname van Ein deutsches Requiem van Johannes Brahms, leidt dirigent Jan Willem de Vriend het Residentie Orkest naar een topprestatie. Alles past als een handschoen: musici, dirigent en geluidstechnici, allen gefocust en gedreven, presteren op het toppunt van hun kunnen. Nog nooit klonk dit meesterwerk voor orkest en koor, met sopraan- en baritonsolist, zo schitterend precies. Met zijn verhalende en dynamische stijl, geeft de dirigent dit requiem extra diepte en levendigheid. Ook de internationaal hoog aangeschreven solisten, sopraan Renate Arends en bariton Thomas Oliemans, doen hun reputatie eer aan. Hier wordt later vast naar verwezen, als zijnde de beste uitvoering van Ein deutsches Requiem ooit.

Ein deutsches Requiem, is het langste - want onderverdeeld in 7 delen - werk van Johannes Brahms. Zijn meesterwerk, over lijden en troost, schreef hij tussen 1865 en 1868. Na de dood van zijn moeder, een gebeurtenis die hem erg aangreep. Voor het grootschalige oratorium maakte hij gebruik van teksten uit de Bijbel, in de vertaling van Maarten Luther. Heel iets anders dus, dan de gebruikelijke Latijnse dodenmis. Het is boven alles een werk dat troost biedt, geen muziek voor de doden, maar voor de levenden!

Jan Willem de Vriend (Leiden, 1962) studeerde viool aan de conservatoria van Den Haag en Amsterdam. Hij trad als gastdirigent op bij tal van orkesten in binnen- en buitenland en wordt wereldwijd door critici geprezen voor zijn uitvoeringen en opnames. De Vriend en het Residentieorkest laten eens te meer zien dat symfonische muziek nog steeds betekenisvol kan zijn voor een groot en divers publiek.
Von 1865 bis 1868 komponierte Johannes Brahms sein Meisterwerk Ein Deutsches Requiem, ein groß angelegtes Werk für Orchester und Chor mit Sopran- und Baritonsolisten. Gegliedert in sieben Sätze ist es Brahms' längstes Werk. Mit dem Tod seiner Mutter im Hinterkopf schlug Brahms mit seiner Idee eines Requiem gänzlich andere Wege ein als seine Vorgänger. Allem voran ist es ein Werk des Trostes; es ist kein Werk für die Toten, sondern Musik für die Lebenden!
Jan Willem führt das Philharmonische Orchester Den Haag zu einer überragenden Leistung. Das Ergebnis dieser Zusammenarbeit kann gut und gerne eine Referenzaufnahme für die Zukunft werden, denn es stimmt einfach alles und der narrative und energiegeladene Stil von De Vriends Dirigat verleiht dem Requiem Tiefe und Lebendigkeit.


Rotterdam Symphony Chorus

The Rotterdam Symphony Chorus is a new professional symphonic choir, founded in consultation with Rotterdam’s concert hall De Doelen and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. Artistic director and conductor of the Rotterdam Symphony Chorus is Wiecher Mandemaker. The chorus is an extension of the Laurens Collegium Rotterdam ( and belongs to the same organisation, the Stichting Laurenscantorij. Rotterdam Symphony Chorus has been brought into being to be able to perform compositions requiring a professional symphonic chorus. The Rotterdam Symphony Chorus performs Howells’ Hymnus Paradisi with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the Laurenscantorij and conductor Martyn Brabbins on November 6th (Den Bosch) and November 7th (de Doelen), 2015. One of the recent highlights was the premiere of four choruses from The Death of Klinghoffer by John Adams, arranged for chorus...

The Rotterdam Symphony Chorus is a new professional symphonic choir, founded in consultation with Rotterdam’s concert hall De Doelen and the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. Artistic director and conductor of the Rotterdam Symphony Chorus is Wiecher Mandemaker. The chorus is an extension of the Laurens Collegium Rotterdam ( and belongs to the same organisation, the Stichting Laurenscantorij. Rotterdam Symphony Chorus has been brought into being to be able to perform compositions requiring a professional symphonic chorus.

The Rotterdam Symphony Chorus performs Howells’ Hymnus Paradisi with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the Laurenscantorij and conductor Martyn Brabbins on November 6th (Den Bosch) and November 7th (de Doelen), 2015.

One of the recent highlights was the premiere of four choruses from The Death of Klinghoffer by John Adams, arranged for chorus and instrumental ensemble by Bob Zimmerman in February 2015. In 2014, it performed Britten’s War Requiem with the Gelders Orkest, as part of the events to commemorate Operation Market Garden in WO II. This performance was highly acclaimed in Dutch newspapers (5 out of 5 stars in Trouw, 4 out of 5 stars in Volkskrant).

The Rotterdam Symphony Chorus made its debut in the season 2013-2014 with the young piano brothers Lucas and Arthur Jussen in Johannes Brahms’ Ein deutsches Requiem in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam. Another notable performance was Ralph Vaughan Williams’ A Sea Symphony (click here to listen) in the Doelen with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. The choir sang at the ceremony of the Children’s Peace Prize held in the Ridderzaal in The Hague, the international city of peace and justice, in the presence of Nobel price winner Desmund Tutu.

Wiecher Mandemaker is the artistic director and conductor of the Rotterdam Symphony Chorus, the Laurens Collegium Rotterdam and the Laurenscantorij. Wiecher works as the Choir Conducting section representative at the Rotterdam Conservatoire, where he is also conductor of the Codarts Chamber Choir. For choir projects, he cooperated with conductors such as the late Frans Brüggen, Jaap van Zweden, Ton Koopman, James Gaffigan, Harry Christophers and Ed Spanjaard.


Residentie Orkest

Since adopting a new artistic profile, The Hague Philharmonic is demonstrating more than ever that symphonic music can still be meaningful to large and diverse audiences in the 21st century. The orchestra’s home venue is the new Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen. Special productions are also provided at The Hague’s Paard van Troje throughout the season, making the orchestra appealing to both students and young professionals as well. In addition, The Hague Philharmonic performs regularly at various other major concert halls at home and abroad. with two principal conductors: Jan Willem de Vriend and the young Englishman Nicholas Collon (from summer 2016). The Hague Philharmonic is renowned throughout The Hague and Leiden region. The orchestra takes part in many important high-profile events, including...
Since adopting a new artistic profile, The Hague Philharmonic is demonstrating more than ever that symphonic music can still be meaningful to large and diverse audiences in the 21st century. The orchestra’s home venue is the new Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen. Special productions are also provided at The Hague’s Paard van Troje throughout the season, making the orchestra appealing to both students and young professionals as well. In addition, The Hague Philharmonic performs regularly at various other major concert halls at home and abroad. with two principal conductors: Jan Willem de Vriend and the young Englishman Nicholas Collon (from summer 2016).
The Hague Philharmonic is renowned throughout The Hague and Leiden region. The orchestra takes part in many important high-profile events, including the annual Speech from the Throne and Festival Classique. During Christmas, New Year and Prince’s Day, the orchestra celebrates with people across the region by performing various special concerts. There are also many prolific collaborations with a wide range of local partners, including the Dutch National Theatre, Paard van Troje, Gemeentemuseum and The Hague African Festival, as well as with the Dutch National Opera and the NTR Saturday Matinee.
The Hague Philharmonic’s ambitions are spearheaded by a proactive education policy. Its educational projects involve over 31,000 contact moments with school children annually, which makes The Hague Philharmonic the driving force behind music education in the region. Numerous special activities have been developed for both primary and secondary schools.


Jan Willem de Vriend (conductor)

Jan Willem de Vriend, designated “a godsend from the Netherlands” by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, is driven by the pioneering spirit of historically informed perfomance practice. As music director of the Combattimento Consort Amsterdam, which he founded in 1982, he specialised in repertoire of the 17th and 18th centuries, reviving a wealth of rarely heard works through historically informed performances on modern instruments, praised by Gramophone magazine for their “technical finesse and a lively feeling for characterization”. An award-winner for his creative contribution to classical music, Jan Willem de Vriend has more than 50,000 followers on Spotify and is in demand as a conductor around the world, appearing regularly with such orchestras as the Royal Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Residentie Orkest...
Jan Willem de Vriend, designated “a godsend from the Netherlands” by the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, is driven by the pioneering spirit of historically informed perfomance practice. As music director of the Combattimento Consort Amsterdam, which he founded in 1982, he specialised in repertoire of the 17th and 18th centuries, reviving a wealth of rarely heard works through historically informed performances on modern instruments, praised by Gramophone magazine for their “technical finesse and a lively feeling for characterization”.
An award-winner for his creative contribution to classical music, Jan Willem de Vriend has more than 50,000 followers on Spotify and is in demand as a conductor around the world, appearing regularly with such orchestras as the Royal Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Rotterdam Philharmonic, Residentie Orkest Den Haag, Belgian National Orchestra, Tonhalle Zurich, Orchestre National de Lyon, Bergen Philharmonic, Warsaw Philharmonic, the symphony orchestras of Netherlands Radio and Hessischer Rundfunk (Frankfurt Radio Symphony), Melbourne Symphony, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony and Hong Kong Philharmonic. He is Principal Conductor Designate of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, and Principal Guest Conductor of the City of Kyoto Symphony Orchestra, Principal Guest Conductor of the Stuttgart Philharmonic and Orchestre National de Lille, and former Principal Guest Conductor of the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya and the Brabant Orchestra.
For the Challenge Classics label, de Vriend and the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra have recorded the complete Mendelssohn symphonies and all Beethoven’s symphonies and concertos with, among others, pianist Hannes Minnaar and violinist Liza Ferschtman. De Vriend’s interpretation of the Symphony No 7 prompted Classic FM to admire “a bounding flair that does real justice to the composer’s capacity for joy”. A further landmark of his recorded catalogue is his complete recording of the Schubert symphonies with the Residentie Orkest Den Haag.
De Vriend’s collaborative spirit is equally evident in his work for the stage, notably with opera director Eva Buchmann and Combattimento Consort Amsterdam. In addition to works by Monteverdi, Haydn, Handel and Telemann, their productions in Europe and the USA have included staged versions of Bach’s ‘Hunting’ and ‘Coffee’ Cantatas at the Bachfest Leipzig, and operas by Mozart, Rossini, Verdi and Cherubini, among them Mozart’s Don Giovanni und Rossini’s La gazzetta, both toured in Switzerland. De Vriend has also conducted operatic productions in Amsterdam (with the Nederlandse Reisopera), Barcelona, Strasbourg, Lucerne, Schwetzingen and Bergen.



Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. His reputation and status as a composer is such that he is sometimes grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the 'Three Bs' of music, a comment originally made by the nineteenth-century conductor Hans von Bülow.   Brahms composed for symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, organ, and voice and chorus. A virtuoso pianist, he premiered many of his own works. He worked with some of the leading performers of his time, including the pianist Clara Schumann and the violinist Joseph Joachim (the three were close friends). Many of his works have become...
Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist. Born in Hamburg into a Lutheran family, Brahms spent much of his professional life in Vienna, Austria. His reputation and status as a composer is such that he is sometimes grouped with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven as one of the "Three Bs" of music, a comment originally made by the nineteenth-century conductor Hans von Bülow.
Brahms composed for symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, piano, organ, and voice and chorus. A virtuoso pianist, he premiered many of his own works. He worked with some of the leading performers of his time, including the pianist Clara Schumann and the violinist Joseph Joachim (the three were close friends). Many of his works have become staples of the modern concert repertoire. Brahms, an uncompromising perfectionist, destroyed some of his works and left others unpublished.
Brahms has been considered, by his contemporaries and by later writers, as both a traditionalist and an innovator. His music is firmly rooted in the structures and compositional techniques of the Classical masters. While many contemporaries found his music too academic, his contribution and craftsmanship have been admired by subsequent figures as diverse as Arnold Schoenberg and Edward Elgar. The diligent, highly constructed nature of Brahms's works was a starting point and an inspiration for a generation of composers. Within his meticulous structures is embedded, however, a highly romantic nature.



The chorus sings very well, the orchestra (also known as the Residentie Orkest) is very good, and the soloists are excellent.
Fanfare Magazine, 01-9-2017

This lean but robust Requiem packs a punch.
BBC Music Magazine, 01-3-2017

Ein deutsches Requiem is no diet coke!
Luister, 03-2-2017

This Dutch production of Brahms’s Ein Deutsches Requiem deserves praise for its rhythmic pulsation and its clarity. It is a felicitous interpretation. 
Pizzicato, 14-1-2017

Diapason - 11/01/2017
Diapason, 11-1-2017

Consigliati Da Classic Voice - 01/01/2017
Consigliati Da Classic Voice, 01-1-2017

Challenge Classics Highlights
Gramophone, 01-12-2016

A realis!c sound stage and surround depth, with no disturbing noises from the audience or unwanted echoes from the walls. But with Bert van der Wolf (NorthStar Recording Services BV) in charge, that does not surprise. 
HR Audio, 16-11-2016

"A release to be proud of!"
De Gelderlander, 05-11-2016

"Conductor Jan Willem de Vriend seldom led a contrast rich performance with the 'Residentie Orkest', where he is conductor since 1st August 1st 2015."
Opera Nederland, 01-11-2016

"For conductor Jan Willem de Vriend has this choir sound obvious been definded for his vision in the Requiem."
Opus Klassiek, 01-11-2016

Play album Play album
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Selig sind, die da Leid tragen (Ziemlich langsam und mit Ausdruck)
(Johannes Brahms) The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Rotterdam Symphony Chorus
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Denn alles Fleisch es ist wie Gras (Langsam, marschmäßig)
(Johannes Brahms) The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Rotterdam Symphony Chorus
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Herr, lehre doch mich (Andante moderato)
(Johannes Brahms) The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Thomas Oliemans, The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Rotterdam Symphony Chorus
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (Mäßig bewegt)
(Johannes Brahms) The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Rotterdam Symphony Chorus
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit (Langsam)
(Johannes Brahms) The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Renate Arends, The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Rotterdam Symphony Chorus
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt (Andante)
(Johannes Brahms) The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Thomas Oliemans, The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Rotterdam Symphony Chorus
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: Selig sind die Toten (Feierlich)
(Johannes Brahms) The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), The Hague Philharmonic (Residentie Orkest), Rotterdam Symphony Chorus

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Felix Mendelssohn
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The Netherlands Symphony Orchestra / Jan Willem de Vriend

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