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Daniel Humair


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Intuition
UPC: 0608917132229
Catnr: INTCHR 71322
Release date: 10 March 2017
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
INTCHR 71322
Release date
10 March 2017

"Although Humair wrote many of the pieces and compiled the setlist, he does not dominate at all."

JazzFlits, 15-5-2017

About the album

Among jazz fans, you can have a lot of fun arguing whether “European Jazz” is a useful counterpoint to the American tradition, an original supplement thereto or “is worth less than American jazz on the market” as it can be read in a Wikipedia forum. There is no doubt that there have been and are gifted musicians this side of the Atlantic, who have molded and formed jazz for decades. They have developed very unique playing styles by merging European music traditions with American influences. To give these pioneers of European jazz a stage was the idea for the series of articles “European Jazz Legends”, which has been launched in the magazine Jazz thing in their 100th issue in September 2013. We can now look back on 19 issues. The symbolic stage has now become a real one, and it is in Gutersloh in the middle of Europe. Accompanying each edition of the magazine appearing five times a year, a concert planned especially for this occasion is being organized in cooperation with the label Intuition, the city of Gütersloh and Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln with current protagonists of the series, hosted by our author Götz Bühler. Each concert including an interview with the artist will be broadcast by Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR 3) at a later time, and the musical highlights of the concert will be released on a CD.

In other words, five concerts and five CDs in the series “European Jazz Legends” are planned for each year in the future, until end of 2017. In addition, a book will be published, in 2018, for which the article from the magazine will be revised and supplemented, among other things, to provide impressions from the concerts and discussions. The CD of Günter “Baby” Sommer is the tenth publication in the “European Jazz Legends” series. We from Intuition Records are very proud of this and would like to thank all partners and especially the musicians – and hope that you enjoy this series.

American Jazz critic Nat Hentoff once made an example of Daniel Humair as one „who long ago destroyed the notion that European drummers can't swing“. However, the artist born in Geneva, Switzerland, on May 23, 1938, who has been living and playing in Paris with the greatest European and American Jazz-stars ever since he was twenty years old, refuses to let himself be limited to music, let alone swinging. Renowned as a painter, with his abstract art included in some of the world’s best collections, Humair is an accomplished cook as well, who has also been helping with the interior design of his friend, three-Michelin-starred chef, Guy Savoy’s restaurants, including the design of the tableware and menu. „I am a touche-à-tout“, he says. „I do a lot of stuff. I am never bored.“
This excellent eclecticism can also be witnessed in the more than 300 recordings Daniel Humair participated in, from the trio HUM with Pierre Michelot and René Urtreger to the one with Joachim Kühn and Jean-François Jenny-Clark, from Phil Wood’s European Rhythm Machine to albums with Martial Solal, Jean-Luc Ponty, George Gruntz and many more. Adding to his discography as a leader, Daniel Humair brought a new group to his „European Jazz Legends“-concert at the Theater Gütersloh on November 11, 2016 – a quartet made up entirely of former students of his from the Paris Conservatory. Vincent Lê Quang on soprano and tenor, pianist Emil Spanyi and Stephane Kerecki on double bass made their former professor proud in a set of mostly Humair-compositions, with a completely improvised „Ballad“ by the group as the icing on the cake. „Every time I play I want to be in a situation where I can learn something“, Humair says. „I am very good at playing from 8:30 pm or so on. As soon as it is over, I’m not interested any more. Why? If I start masturbating in my head about what we just did, it won’t change a thing. Improvised music is a fact of the second in which it happens, an immediate reaction. It is a conversation.“
Für jedes Jahr bis Ende 2017 sind also fünf Konzerte und fünf CDs zur Serie „European Jazz Legends“ geplant, am Ende wird ein Buch entstehen, für das die Artikel aus dem Magazin überarbeitet und ergänzt werden, u.a. um Eindrücke aus den Konzerten und Gesprächsrunden. Die CD von Günter „Baby“ Sommer ist bereits die zehnte Veröffentlichung der „European Jazz Legends“-Reihe. Wir von Intuition sind stolz darauf, unseren Bei­trag leisten zu können und danken allen Partnern und insbesondere den Musikern – und hoffen, dass sie den Hörern, die nicht live dabei sein konnten, Freude bereitet. Und denen, die im Publikum saßen, eine schöne Erinnerung darstellt.

Einst führte der amerikanische Jazzkritiker Daniel Humair als einen derjenigen auf, die „schon vor langer Zeit die Auffassung widerlegten, dass europäische Schlagzeuger nicht swingen können“. Daniel Humair, geboren im schweizerischen Genf am 23. Mai 1938, lebt und arbeitet in Paris seit er zwanzig Jahre alt ist. Und spielte seither mit den größten und bekanntesten europäischen und amerikanischen Jazzmusikern. Er will sich aber nicht auf Musik, auch nicht auf die, die swingt, beschränken. Auch als Maler ist er bekannt, seine abstrakten Werke sind in weltbekannten Sammlungen vertreten. Dazu ist Humair ein begnadeter Koch, der nebenbei seinem guten Freund, dem Drei-Sterne-Koch Guy Savoy, die Inneneinrichtung seiner Restaurants gestaltete – bis hin zu einem eigenen Design von Geschirr und Besteck! „Ich sehe mich als ‚Hans Dampf in allen Gassen‘“ sagt er. „Ich mache viele verschiedene Dinge und langweile mich nie!“

Dieser geniale Eklektizismus wird auch belegt durch die über 300 Aufnahmen, bei denen Daniel Humair mitgewirkt hat: vom Trio HUM mit Pierre Michelot und René Urtreger bis zu dem mit Joachim Kühn und Jean-Francois Jenny-Clark, von Phil Woods´ European Rhythm Machine bis zu Alben mit Martial Solal, Jean-Luc Ponty, George Gruntz und vielen mehr. Nun kann er eine neue Aufnahme zu seiner Diskografie als Leader hinzufügen. Zu seinem Konzert am 11.11.2016 im Theater Gütersloh brachte er seine jüngste Formation mit, die komplett aus früheren Studenten von ihm am Pariser Konservatorium besteht. Vincent Lê Quang an Sopran- und Tenorsaxophon, Pianist Emil Spanyi und Stephane Kerecki am Kontrabass machten ihren einstigen Professor an diesem Abend stolz. Sie spielten überwiegend Kompositionen ihres Meisters, mit einer komplett frei improvisierten „Ballad“ als i-Tüpfelchen des Abends. „Immer, wenn ich spiele, möchte ich mich in einer Situation wieder finden, in der ich etwas lernen kann“, sagt Humair, „Ich spiele gerne an einem Abend ab 20.30. Wenn dann das Konzert zu Ende ist, denke ich auch nicht mehr dran. Warum? Wenn ich anfange, über das was wir gerade gespielt haben, in meinem Kopf zu ‚onanieren‘, ist das nutzlos: ich kann das Gespielte ohnehin nicht mehr ungeschehen machen. Improvisierte Musik ist das, was in der Sekunde passiert, in der sie gespielt wird, eine unmittelbare Reaktion. Und es ist eine Konversation.“


Daniel Humair (drums)

Daniel Humair (born 23 May 1938 in Geneva) is a drummer, composer, and painter. He is widely renowned and became a Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 1986 and Officier in 1992. He has played with many jazz performers notably Jean-Luc Ponty, Michel Portal, Martial Solal, Dexter Gordon, Gerry Mulligan and Eric Dolphy. Humair is also a talented painter. He describes his own work as 'figurative abstract' and has created a coherent œuvre proving his passion and knowledge of artistic painting.
Daniel Humair (born 23 May 1938 in Geneva) is a drummer, composer, and painter.
He is widely renowned and became a Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 1986 and Officier in 1992. He has played with many jazz performers notably Jean-Luc Ponty, Michel Portal, Martial Solal, Dexter Gordon, Gerry Mulligan and Eric Dolphy.
Humair is also a talented painter. He describes his own work as "figurative abstract" and has created a coherent œuvre proving his passion and knowledge of artistic painting.


Vincent Lê Quang (saxophone)

Emil Spanyi (piano)


Vincent Lê Quang (saxophone)

Daniel Humair (drums)

Daniel Humair (born 23 May 1938 in Geneva) is a drummer, composer, and painter. He is widely renowned and became a Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 1986 and Officier in 1992. He has played with many jazz performers notably Jean-Luc Ponty, Michel Portal, Martial Solal, Dexter Gordon, Gerry Mulligan and Eric Dolphy. Humair is also a talented painter. He describes his own work as 'figurative abstract' and has created a coherent œuvre proving his passion and knowledge of artistic painting.
Daniel Humair (born 23 May 1938 in Geneva) is a drummer, composer, and painter.
He is widely renowned and became a Chevalier of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 1986 and Officier in 1992. He has played with many jazz performers notably Jean-Luc Ponty, Michel Portal, Martial Solal, Dexter Gordon, Gerry Mulligan and Eric Dolphy.
Humair is also a talented painter. He describes his own work as "figurative abstract" and has created a coherent œuvre proving his passion and knowledge of artistic painting.


Michel Portal

The multi-instrumentalist from Bayonne, who had turned eighty just a few days before the interview, masters various clarinets and saxophones as well as the bandoneon, and is also recognized as a composer. His wit and wisdom, and the youthful energy and curiosity he brings to his astonishing improvisations are only some of the reasons Portal has enjoyed such a fruitful and enduring career. Having helped to kick start the Free Jazz movement in France in the Sixties, he went on to form „New Phonic Art“ to encourage collective improvisation and instant composing. After a rewarding collaboration with John Surman in 1970, Portal founded the long-lived Michel Portal Unit the following year, in order to encourage American and European musicians to...

The multi-instrumentalist from Bayonne, who had turned eighty just a few days before the interview, masters various clarinets and saxophones as well as the bandoneon, and is also recognized as a composer. His wit and wisdom, and the youthful energy and curiosity he brings to his astonishing improvisations are only some of the reasons Portal has enjoyed such a fruitful and enduring career. Having helped to kick start the Free Jazz movement in France in the Sixties, he went on to form „New Phonic Art“ to encourage collective improvisation and instant composing. After a rewarding collaboration with John Surman in 1970, Portal founded the long-lived Michel Portal Unit the following year, in order to encourage American and European musicians to play together in a freely improvised setting. Portal began composing music for soundtracks in the mid-1970s and later recorded an album of some of his favorite movie melodies called „Musiques de Cinémas“. During the following decades Portal increased his international reputation with various bands, concerts and recordings, often playing with Pierre Favre, Dave Liebman, Martial Solal, Mino Cinelu and Jack DeJohnette, but also with musicians from Minneapolis, MN.


Emil Spanyi (piano)


Although Humair wrote many of the pieces and compiled the setlist, he does not dominate at all.
JazzFlits, 15-5-2017

What a beautiful idea this series "live" in what appears that it's more and more impossible to dodge the jazz in Germany.
JazzAround, 04-4-2017

... And so it is clear again that Humair is a very versatile and really ingenious and high-quality drummer who has made a fortune with this band, because the unity of the four is very impressive.
musikansich, 01-4-2017

Play album Play album

Often bought together with..

Le Piccole Cose - European Jazz Legends Vol. 9
Günter 'Baby' Sommer
Ziljabu Nights
Miroslav Vitous
On The Move
Jasper van´t Hof
Winged By Distance
Dieter Glawischnig
Grand Grace
Christophe Schweizer´s Young Rich & Famous
Yuri Honing Acoustic Quartet

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