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De Meglio 1826
Various composers

Antonio Piricone

De Meglio 1826

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Ayros
UPC: 5902768283051
Catnr: AYRA 03
Release date: 07 July 2017
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
Release date
07 July 2017

"With Piricone a artist has been found, who the sonatas of Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven and Giacomo Gotifredo Ferrari (op. 10, no. 3; first studio recording) is playing like telling stories, musically sensitive and captivating."

Die Toonkunst (DE), 05-1-2018

About the album

An imaginary trip, once again, on what is Early Music today, on how it could manifests, its meanings, and the issues related to "text and context" integrated to an informed performance practice. We give chance to our imagination to explore, rebuilt paths and disclose them, as we cannot necessarily index what exactly happened with the most [extensive and] accurate modern microscopic precision.

It surely was an interesting journey on being aware of the need to take into account compromises and variables; to realise how each of us has an inner voice and, likewise, the composers, the interpreters, the instruments. Last but not least the instrument builders at that time who had to deal with the progressive and unceasing tasks demanded by the society and users of the time.

One thing seems still to have credit: Variety rules many aspects of musical life, in the late 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. Together with a profound transformation of the social and cultural structure of the time, this would probably lead to the individualism which we like to recall as Romanticism. Variety is found in instrument making, in conceptual performing approaches, defining in the specific case different “piano schools”, in compositional forms and within the same accustomed stylistic form; in sound production concepts between instrument families and within the same instrument itself. One could probably go on and on to a such a degree, trying to define and list peculiarities which might make us loose the sense of perspective.

Understanding the relation and the interrelation of all of these issues, validating heritage and legacy in the historical frame, may give us the mindfulness and make us realise how crucial is at some point to zoom out and harmonise contents and containers, utensils and matter in order to gain back the unity of the overall topic.

All these ingredients, and more, form and give dimension to the final result which in its single segmentation would not serve otherwise a purpose - if any, nor any aim to make Early Music today. With this perspective I wish the listener would approach this audio work, as a never-ending process rather than a dogmatic statement. I wish you all a good listening journey.
[Antonio Piricone]

Prijswinnaar Antonio Piricone voert werken uit van Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven en Ferrari op fortepiano

Veelvuldig prijswinnaar Antonio Piricone voert op dit album werken uit van Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven en Ferrari. Piricone is een Italiaanse musicus wiens persoonlijke benadering, zowel als pianist als exponent van historische klavierinstrumenten, steeds meer internationaal de aandacht trekt. Piricone is gespecialiseerd in Oude Muziek, uitvoeringspraktijken en historische klavierinstrumenten. De werken op dit album worden uitgevoerd op een fortepiano uit 1826, gebouwd door Carlo de Meglio.

Eine imaginäre Reise hin zu dem, was Frühe Musik heute ist, wie sie sich manifestieren könnte, ihre Bedeutungen und die Fragen im Zusammenhang mit "Text und Kontext", die in eine informierte Aufführungspraxis integriert sind.
Das Verständnis um die Beziehung und die Wechselbeziehung all der Fragen, die das Erbe und das Erbe im historischen Rahmen sehen, kann uns die Achtsamkeit lehren und uns erkennen lassen, wie wichtig es ist, irgendwann zu verkleinern, eine neue Ordnung zu schaffen um die Einheit des Gesamtthemas zurückzugewinnen.
Alle diese Zutaten und mehr bilden und geben die Dimension des endgültigen Ergebnisses vor, um Frühe Musik heute zu interpretieren. Mit dieser Perspektive wünsche ich dem Hörer eine Annäherung an diese Hörarbeit als ein niemals endender Prozess und nicht als dogmatische Aussage. Ich wünsche euch allen eine gute Zuhörerreise.
Antonio Piricone


Antonio Piricone (piano)

Antonio was born in Bingen am Rhein, Germany in 1977. After his initial studies in Catania - Italy, on modern piano, Antonio continued his musical education at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, The Netherlands. There he specialised in Early Music, Performance Practice and Historical Keyboard instruments. Most recently Antonio furthered his musical education with Andreas Staier in Cologne and with Sally Sargent in Vienna. Antonio is an Italian musician of the younger generation whose personal approach, both as a pianist and an exponent on historical keyboard instruments, is commanding increasing attention internationally. In 2009 he was awarded the First Prize at the Van Wassenaer Concours - Amsterdam, the most prestigious competition of early chamber music in the industry; followed in 2011...
Antonio was born in Bingen am Rhein, Germany in 1977. After his initial studies in Catania - Italy, on modern piano, Antonio continued his musical education at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, The Netherlands. There he specialised in Early Music, Performance Practice and Historical Keyboard instruments. Most recently Antonio furthered his musical education with Andreas Staier in Cologne and with Sally Sargent in Vienna.
Antonio is an Italian musician of the younger generation whose personal approach, both as a pianist and an exponent on historical keyboard instruments, is commanding increasing attention internationally. In 2009 he was awarded the First Prize at the Van Wassenaer Concours - Amsterdam, the most prestigious competition of early chamber music in the industry; followed in 2011 by the Clementi Award in England, the coveted prize for researching original repertoire on historical keyboards. His interpretative skills, versatility, sense of style and technical qualities distinguish him both as a soloist, recitalist and as a chamber musician.
Antonio appears at major international music venues, festivals and concert series in Europe, Japan, the United States and Middle East: Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, Muziekgebouw & Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Utrecht Early Music Festival, Cité de la Musique in Paris, the Festival of La Roque d'Antheron, Opera National de Bordeaux, La Folle Journée in Bilbao, Essen Philharmonie, Chopin Festival Warsaw, Bach Festival Istanbul, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space, Tokyo Opera City Hall, and in partnership with internationally renowned orchestras and artists such as Collegium 1704, Concerto Köln, Martin Roscoe, Alexander Rudin, Andreas Staier.
Antonio Piricone has recorded for RAI Italian Radio & Television network, the Czech Radio & Television, Radio4 in the Netherlands, Radio France. His recordings have been broadcast by Italian BBC Radio3, Radio Vaticana and Britains' Classic FM, RadioTre Suite, Bavarian Radio.
Antonio is also active in the educational field since 2006, currently teaching at the State Conservatory of Music in Trapani where he holds the positions of Head of Keyboards Dpt. and Coordinator for Academic Research, Development and Internationalisation. His international acumen and recognition are further exemplified by his appointments as a Lecturer at Yasar University in Izmir - Turkey and masterclasses given at Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory in St. Petersburg - Russia.



Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. His best-known compositions include nine symphonies, five piano concertos, one violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, 16 string quartets, his great Mass the Missa solemnis, and one opera, Fidelio. Together with Mozart and Haydn, he was part of the First Viennese School.    Born in Bonn, then the capital of the Electorate of Cologne and part of the Holy Roman Empire, Beethoven displayed his musical talents at an early age and was taught by his father Johann van Beethoven and by composer and conductor Christian Gottlob...
Ludwig van Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. A crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in Western art music, he remains one of the most famous and influential of all composers. His best-known compositions include nine symphonies, five piano concertos, one violin concerto, 32 piano sonatas, 16 string quartets, his great Mass the Missa solemnis, and one opera, Fidelio. Together with Mozart and Haydn, he was part of the First Viennese School. Born in Bonn, then the capital of the Electorate of Cologne and part of the Holy Roman Empire, Beethoven displayed his musical talents at an early age and was taught by his father Johann van Beethoven and by composer and conductor Christian Gottlob Neefe. At the age of 21 he moved to Vienna, where he began studying composition with Joseph Haydn, and gained a reputation as a virtuoso pianist. He lived in Vienna until his death. By his late 20s his hearing began to deteriorate, and by the last decade of his life he was almost totally deaf. In 1811 he gave up conducting and performing in public but continued to compose; many of his most admired works come from these last 15 years of his life.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose actual name is Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a composer, pianist, violinist and conductor from the classical period, born in Salzburg. Mozart was a child prodigy. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. Along with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, Mozart is considered to be one of the most influential composers of all of music's history. Within the classical tradition, he was able to develop new musical concepts which left an everlasting impression on all the composers that came after him. Together with Joseph Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven he is part of the First Viennese School.  At 17, Mozart was engaged as...

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose actual name is Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a composer, pianist, violinist and conductor from the classical period, born in Salzburg. Mozart was a child prodigy. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. Along with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, Mozart is considered to be one of the most influential composers of all of music's history. Within the classical tradition, he was able to develop new musical concepts which left an everlasting impression on all the composers that came after him. Together with Joseph Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven he is part of the First Viennese School. At 17, Mozart was engaged as a musician at the Salzburg court, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position. From 1763 he traveled with his family through all of Europe for three years and from 1769 he traveled to Italy and France with his father Leopold after which he took residence in Paris. On July 3rd, 1778, his mother passed away and after a short stay in Munich with the Weber family, his father urged him to return to Salzburg, where he was once again hired by the Bishop. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and portions of the Requiem, which was largely unfinished at the time of his death.


Muzio Clementi

Muzio Clementi was an Italian composer from the Classicistic period. He was one of the first piano virtuosos who had a major impact on the improvement of the piano as an instrument and among his students were some notable pianists such as John Field, Ignaz Moscheles, Frederic Kalkbrenner, Giacomo Meyerbeer and Johann Nepomuk Hummel. His compositions inspired Mozart and Beethoven among many others.  Clementi was born in Rome but stayed in London from 1766 on. From here, he undertook several large concert tours to all the musical centres of Europe. He is mostly known for his Sonatines and his didactic work Gradus ad Parnassum. 
Muzio Clementi was an Italian composer from the Classicistic period. He was one of the first piano virtuosos who had a major impact on the improvement of the piano as an instrument and among his students were some notable pianists such as John Field, Ignaz Moscheles, Frederic Kalkbrenner, Giacomo Meyerbeer and Johann Nepomuk Hummel. His compositions inspired Mozart and Beethoven among many others. Clementi was born in Rome but stayed in London from 1766 on. From here, he undertook several large concert tours to all the musical centres of Europe. He is mostly known for his Sonatines and his didactic work Gradus ad Parnassum.


With Piricone a artist has been found, who the sonatas of Mozart, Clementi, Beethoven and Giacomo Gotifredo Ferrari (op. 10, no. 3; first studio recording) is playing like telling stories, musically sensitive and captivating.
Die Toonkunst (DE), 05-1-2018

Antonio Piricone plays piano works from around 1800 on a clearly younger historical pianoforte. This gives classical and classicist works their very own warmth and a South Italian bright sound., 24-12-2017

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