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Various composers

Omstridt Duo


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Lawo Classics
UPC: 7090020181509
Catnr: LWC 1128
Release date: 07 July 2017
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Lawo Classics
Catalogue number
LWC 1128
Release date
07 July 2017

About the album

We have been exploring and performing the repertoire for trombone and organ for the best part of twenty years. In this seemingly narrow field of interest, we have encountered inspired, idiosyncratic and beautiful music. Composers who set out to write for this combination maximise the possibilities of the two instruments to the fullest. Consequently the music consists of significant contrasts in dynamics, register, expression and timbres. Composers tend to allow the creative juices to flow when composing for trombone and organ. They create cathedrals of sound and counterbalance this grandeur by exploiting opportunities to play softly, almost inaudibly. With few exceptions, our repertoire was written during the last half-century, and this allows us to help ourselves to the plethora of musical pickings from the twentieth and the twenty-first century.

On this album, we present works composed exclusively for us, in addition to one core work for trombone and organ, Petr Eben’s Two Invocations. Stig Nordhagen has written an opening piece which will knock the socks off the listener, Lars-Thomas Holm has composed a towering epic, and Jon Laukvik has provided us with an opulent harmonised capriccio. Arne Rodvelt Olsen’s three contributions vary in dimension from the cheerful Intrada, via the stately and varied Fantasia, to Missa’s extensive musical universe. We are proud to present this music and are delighted that these composers have poured their inspiration into our requests.
Wir haben das Repertoire für Posaune und Orgel zu einem Großteil von zwanzig Jahren erforscht und aufgeführt. In diesem scheinbar engen Feld von Interesse begegnet uns inspirierte, eigenwillige und schöne Musik. Komponisten, die für diese Kombination schreiben wollen, maximieren die Möglichkeiten der beiden Instrumente in vollen Zügen. Folglich besteht die Musik aus bedeutenden Kontrasten in Dynamik, Register, Ausdruck und Klangfarben. Komponisten schaffen Kathedralen von Klang und als Gegengewicht zu dieser Pracht die Erforschung der Möglichkeiten leise zu spielen, fast schon unhörbar. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen wurde unser Repertoire während des letzten halben Jahrhunderts geschrieben, und das erlaubt uns, die Fülle von musikalischen Sammlungen aus dem zwanzigsten und dem einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert zu nutzen.

Auf diesem Album präsentieren wir Werke, die exklusiv für uns komponiert wurden, zusätzlich zu einem Kernstück für Posaune und Orgel von Petr Ebens. Stig Nordhagen hat ein unfassbares Eröffnungsstück geschrieben, Lars-Thomas Holm hat ein hoch aufragendes Epos komponiert und Jon Laukvik hat uns eine opulent harmonisierte Capriccio gegeben. Die drei Beiträge von Arne Rodvelt Olsen variieren in der Dimension von der fröhlichen Intrada über die stattliche und abwechslungsreiche Fantasie bis hin zu Missa's umfangreichem musikalischem Universum. Wir sind stolz darauf, diese Musik präsentieren zu können.


Anders Eidsten Dahl

Anders Eidsten Dahl (b. 1976 in Drammen) graduated with a degree in church music from the Norwegian Academy of Music and later completed a Master’s degree in solo organ performance at the same institution. Following two years of solo performance study at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen, he gave debut concerts in Copenhagen and Oslo in 2003. He has studied organ with Professor Terje Winge, cathedral organist Kåre Nordstoga and Professor Hans Fagius.   Eidsten Dahl is much in demand as organ soloist, chamber musician and harpsichordist, and he has given organ concerts at festivals in a number of European countries. His repertoire spans from the Baroque to the music of today, with emphasis on J. S. Bach and...
Anders Eidsten Dahl (b. 1976 in Drammen) graduated with a degree in church music from the Norwegian Academy of Music and later completed a Master’s degree in solo organ performance at the same institution. Following two years of solo performance study at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen, he gave debut concerts in Copenhagen and Oslo in 2003. He has studied organ with Professor Terje Winge, cathedral organist Kåre Nordstoga and Professor Hans Fagius.
Eidsten Dahl is much in demand as organ soloist, chamber musician and harpsichordist, and he has given organ concerts at festivals in a number of European countries. His repertoire spans from the Baroque to the music of today, with emphasis on J. S. Bach and organ music from the Romantic period. Since 2001 he has served as organist and director of music at Bragernes Church in Drammen, where he is artistic and administrative director of the church’s organ concert series.
A recipient of the Government Work Scholarship for Younger and Newly Established Artists, Eidsten Dahl has released a number of critically acclaimed albums on the LAWO Classics label. He is also Associate Professor of organ at the Norwegian Academy of Music.


Marius Hesby

Marius Hesby is a trombonist in the Royal Norwegian Navy Band in Horten. He studied at the Norwegian Academy of Music under the auspices of Professor Ingemar Roos, graduating in 2001. Hesby has been a soloist with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra and the Norwegian Radio Orchestra. During 2002–2004 he was a feature soloist as part of the Arts Council of Norway’s ‘Rikskonsertene’. From 2009 to 2012 he was employed as a soloist in the Norwegian Armed Forces and from 2012 to 2014 he received the ‘Work grant for younger and newly established artists’ from the government-funded Arts Council Norway. Hesby has commissioned works from a number of Norwegian composers, including Arne Nordheim, Jon Øivind...
Marius Hesby is a trombonist in the Royal Norwegian Navy Band in Horten. He studied at the Norwegian Academy of Music under the auspices of Professor Ingemar Roos, graduating in 2001. Hesby has been a soloist with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Trondheim Symphony Orchestra and the Norwegian Radio Orchestra. During 2002–2004 he was a feature soloist as part of the Arts Council of Norway’s ‘Rikskonsertene’. From 2009 to 2012 he was employed as a soloist in the Norwegian Armed Forces and from 2012 to 2014 he received the ‘Work grant for younger and newly established artists’ from the government-funded Arts Council Norway. Hesby has commissioned works from a number of Norwegian composers, including Arne Nordheim, Jon Øivind Ness, Ørjan Matre and Mark Adderley.



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