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A New Episode In Life Pt. II

Jasper Somsen Trio

A New Episode In Life Pt. II

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917343724
Catnr: CR 73437
Release date: 06 October 2017
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73437
Release date
06 October 2017

"A fresh and surprising combination, this trio. It takes you to the beauty of the music, where you also regularly sit on the edge of your chair."

Draai Om Je Oren, 07-2-2018

About the album

Recording Two Albums in Two Days…

In May 2016, Challenge Records’ general director Anne de Jonge and I discussed a new international trio album recording, featuring André Ceccarelli, one of my favorite drummers. Less than a year ago, André and I worked together, performing and recording with Enrico Pieranunzi’s European Trio. Searching for a pianist, Jean-Michel Pilc’s wonderful music, solo piano and piano trio performances struck me as lightning. Although it actually took me some time to decide, from the very first moment I was already convinced I wanted him to join us. André and Jean-Michel are longtime friends, their musical collaboration spans over two decades. They instantly agreed to record the album. It was pretty exciting, since the trio never performed together and Jean-Michel and I never met before.

The day after our concert with Enrico Pieranunzi at the 2016 North Sea Jazz Festival, André and I headed for the MotorMusic Studios in Mechelen, Belgium. That afternoon I picked up Jean-Michel at Brussels Airport. In the early evening, we set up the instruments at the studio and did a very short rehearsal. We wanted to get in touch, briefly, with my original repertoire and save our musical energy for the next two recording days. We were back in time for dinner and to watch the European Championship soccer semi-finale between Italy and France. For the record: Italy won.

Around eleven o’clock in the morning, we started to record our (presumed to be one) album. Each composition was recorded in about three takes. We listened back after every two tracks and then decided whether we would go on. In about seven hours, A New Episode in Life – Part I was recorded. In the evening, I called Anne de Jong, discussing what we should do the next day. We agreed to record a second album.

Since my repertoire was already recorded on day one, we decided to record free-form improvisations, as well as some standards from the Great American Songbook. Back at the studio, at eleven o’clock in the morning, we asked recording engineer Floren van Stichel just to let the recording run until we would say when. The complete Solar Suite and Blue Monk were recorded in one entire twenty-three minute take. I still remember Floren stammering: “Good morning gentlemen… what happened?” in our headphones, after stopping the recording. Just like the day before, we reviewed the tracks and instantly decided to continue.

Spontaneously, we dove into the next improvisation or standard and went back and forth to the recording booth listening, after a few takes. We just started to play, not mentioning any titles or preconceived ideas. At a certain point, Jean-Michel suggested to play “All the Things You Are” as a very slow ballad. Next, I proposed recording “All of You”, my favorite Cole Porter tune. Within six hours, including lunch, we recorded the entire second album and listened to some of the takes again. Before we finished listening, Jean-Michel already headed back for the hotel. A bit later, André left as well. Floren and I remained in the studio to work on the rough mixes of the first day recordings, while savoring a glass of one of the finest Belgian beers.

Jasper Somsen

July 20th, 2017

Zwei Alben in zwei Tagen – eine Aufnahme

Im Mai 2016 sprachen Challenge Records Direktor Anne de Jonge und ich darüber, ein neues, internationales Trio-Album mit André Ceccarelli, einem meiner Lieblingsdrummer aufzunehmen. Vor weniger als einem Jahr haben André und ich zusammengearbeitet, sind mit Enrico Pieranunzis European Trio aufgetreten und haben zusammen aufgenommen. Als wir einen Pianisten gesucht haben, hat mich Jean-Michel Pilcs wunderbare Musik, solo und im Trio, wie der Blitz getroffen. Obwohl es etwas gedauert hat, bis ich mich entschieden hatte, war ich vom allerersten Moment an überzeugt, dass ich ihn in der Band wollte. André und Jean-Michel sind alte Freunde; ihre musikalische Zusammenarbeit begann vor über zwei Jahrzehnten. Sie haben sofort zugesagt. Das war ganz schön aufregend, denn das Trio hatte noch nie zusammen gespielt, und Jean-Michel und ich hatten uns noch nie gesehen.

Am Tag nach unserem Konzert mit Enrico Pieranunzi beim North Sea Jazz Festival 2016 haben André und ich uns zu den MotorMusic Studios im belgischen Mechelen aufgemacht. An diesem Nachmittag habe ich Jean-Michel am Brüsseler Flughafen abgeholt. Am frühen Abend haben wir unsere Instrumente im Studio aufgebaut und kurz geprobt. Wir wollten das Gefühl für mein Repertoire bekommen und unsere musikalische Energie für die beiden Aufnahmetage aufheben. Wir waren zum Abendessen zurück und sahen uns das EM-Halbfinale Italien gegen Frankreich an. Italien gewann.

Gegen 11 Uhr am nächsten Morgen begannen wir, unser (geplant einzelnes) Album aufzunehmen. Jede Komposition wurde in etwa drei Takes geschafft. Nach je zwei Tracks hörten wir uns das Material an und entschieden dann, ob wir weitermachen würden. Nach etwa sieben Stunden war A New Episode in Life – Part I eingespielt. Am Abend rief ich Anne de Jong an und besprach mit ihm, was wir am Tag darauf tun sollten. Wir beschlossen, ein zweites Album aufzunehmen.

Da mein Repertoire bereits am ersten Tag aufgenommen worden war, entschieden wir uns, freie Improvisationen aufzunehmen, dazu einige Standards aus den Great American Songbooks. Zurück im Studio um 11 am nächsten Morgen baten wir unseren Toningenieur Floren van Stichel, das Band einfach laufenzulassen. Die ganze Solar Suite und Blue Monk wurden in einem einzigen, 23-minütigen Take eingespielt. Ich erinnere mich noch, wie Floren im unsere Kopfhörer stotterte, „Guten Morgen meine Herren... was ist denn da gerade passiert?“, nachdem er das Band gestoppt hatte. Genau wie am Tag davor gingen wir über die Tracks und beschlossen, weiterzumachen.

Spontan tauchten wir in die nächste Improvisation oder den nächsten Standard ein und gingen immer wieder nach ein paar Tracks in die Tonkabine, um uns alles anzuhören. Wir haben einfach zu spielen begonnen, ohne irgendwelche Titel oder Ideen zu erwähnen. An einem Punkt schlug Jean-Michel vor, All the Things You Are als ganz langsame Ballade einzuspielen. Dann schlug ich All of You vor, mein liebster Cole Porter-Tune. Binnen sechs Stunden einschließlich Mittagspause nahmen wir das gesamte zweite Album auf und hörten uns ein paar Takes noch einmal an. Bevor wir alles durchgehört hatten, ging Jean-Michel schon zurück zum Hotel. André ging kurze Zeit später. Floren und ich blieben im Studio, um bei einem Glas besten belgischen Bieres an den Rough Mixes der Aufnahmen des ersten Tages zu arbeiten.

Jasper Somsen
20. Juli 2017


Jasper Somsen (double bass)

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions. Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu. Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be...

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions.

Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu.

Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be heard on more than 45 albums, video and film music scores. Outside a busy playing and studio producing schedule he is an educator at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem (NL) and the general director of the foundation Cultural City of Wageningen, in his hometown.


Jean-Michel Pilc (piano)

Pianist and composer Jean-Michel Pilc has performed with numerous jazz giants including Roy Haynes, Billy Hart, Michael Brecker, Dave Liebman, Jean Toussaint, Rick Margitza, Kenny Werner, Martial Solal, Michel Portal, Daniel Humair, Marcus Miller, Kenny Garrett, Lenny White, Chris Potter, John Abercrombie, the Mingus Dynasty & Big Band, Lew Soloff andRichard Bona, among others. He has also worked with Harry Belafonteas his musical director and pianist, and has performed a duet with the legendary opera singer Jessye Norman. Jean-Michel’s renowned trio featuring bassist François Moutinand drummer Ari Hoenig has released numerous standout recordings, including Together - Live at Sweet Basil and NYC - Vol.  1 & 2 (2000),Welcome Home (2002), Cardinal Points (2004) and Live at Iridium, NYC(2004). The group later released Threedom in 2010 after reforming under the collective name Pilc-Moutin-Hoenig.  An active solo performer who’s appeared in concert internationally,...

Pianist and composer Jean-Michel Pilc has performed with numerous jazz giants including Roy Haynes, Billy Hart, Michael Brecker, Dave Liebman, Jean Toussaint, Rick Margitza, Kenny Werner, Martial Solal, Michel Portal, Daniel Humair, Marcus Miller, Kenny Garrett, Lenny White, Chris Potter, John Abercrombie, the Mingus Dynasty & Big Band, Lew Soloff andRichard Bona, among others. He has also worked with Harry Belafonteas his musical director and pianist, and has performed a duet with the legendary opera singer Jessye Norman.

Jean-Michel’s renowned trio featuring bassist François Moutinand drummer Ari Hoenig has released numerous standout recordings, including Together - Live at Sweet Basil and NYC - Vol. 1 & 2 (2000),Welcome Home (2002), Cardinal Points (2004) and Live at Iridium, NYC(2004). The group later released Threedom in 2010 after reforming under the collective name Pilc-Moutin-Hoenig.

An active solo performer who’s appeared in concert internationally, Jean-Michel has released four critically-acclaimed solo piano records: Follow Me (2004), Essential (2011) and What Is This Thing Called? (2015), and a new solo double album, Parallel, released on Challenge Records in June 2018.

In addition to extensive work as a sideman in a variety of ensembles, Jean-Michel’s diverse other personal projects include Modern Lights, a composition reflecting on Charlie Chaplin’s work that was premiered at the Caramoor Jazz Festival in August 2009. The project was funded through a New Works Grant from Chamber Music America.Additionally, in 2013, Jean-Michel was granted a Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, in the Music Composition category for the creation of Big One, a project featuring all new original music for octet. He was also the subject of a 2009 documentary by filmmaker John McCormick, titled Jean-Michel Pilc – A Portrait.

Jean-Michel has built a strong international reputation as a very unique educator. From 2006 to 2015, he was a NYU Steinhardt faculty member and gave private lessons (piano and other instruments), taught ensemble classes and held improvisation workshops. He also acted as Co-Director of NYU Summer Jazz Workshop in 2010. Jean-Michel also taught for the New School in New York City, as well as offering private lessons in his own studio.

Since September 2015, Jean-Michel has acted as Associate Professor at theSchulich School of Music of McGill University in Montreal. There, he teaches piano, jazz improvisation to all instruments and a Seminar on Improvisation in All Styles to 40 McGill jazz and classical students. He has acted as Schulich’sJazz Area Chair between 2016 and 2018. During this time, Jean-Michel has also founded the Improvisation Workshop Projectwith Rémi Bolduc, Kevin Dean and Jean-Nicolas Trottier, a research project funded by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC).

He is now a Challenge Records recording artist, and has released a new solo double album Parallel, in June 2018. He performs solo as well as with NYC-based groups such as: Pilc-Moutin-Hoenig, Total Madness Quintet, duo with Sam Newsome, and NYC Trio with Sam Minaie and Jerad Lippi.



Jasper Somsen (double bass)

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions. Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu. Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be...

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions.

Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu.

Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be heard on more than 45 albums, video and film music scores. Outside a busy playing and studio producing schedule he is an educator at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem (NL) and the general director of the foundation Cultural City of Wageningen, in his hometown.


Thelonious Monk

The most important jazz musicians are the ones who are successful in creating their own original world of music with its own rules, logic, and surprises. Thelonious Monk, who was criticized by observers who failed to listen to his music on its own terms, suffered through a decade of neglect before he was suddenly acclaimed as a genius; his music had not changed one bit in the interim. In fact, one of the more remarkable aspects of Monk's music was that it was fully formed by 1947 and he saw no need to alter his playing or compositional style in the slightest during the next 25 years.
The most important jazz musicians are the ones who are successful in creating their own original world of music with its own rules, logic, and surprises. Thelonious Monk, who was criticized by observers who failed to listen to his music on its own terms, suffered through a decade of neglect before he was suddenly acclaimed as a genius; his music had not changed one bit in the interim. In fact, one of the more remarkable aspects of Monk's music was that it was fully formed by 1947 and he saw no need to alter his playing or compositional style in the slightest during the next 25 years.



A fresh and surprising combination, this trio. It takes you to the beauty of the music, where you also regularly sit on the edge of your chair.
Draai Om Je Oren, 07-2-2018

Switching between all kinds of free improvisations, and with this the trio shows musical genius. As if they have been working together for years.
M Podia, 20-12-2017

A New Episode In Life Pt. II " is not an easy album. It's a listening album that after listening again and again each time reveals more detailed beauty.
JazzFlits, 18-12-2017

Again a very nice and entertaining album.
Music Emotion, 01-12-2017

The poetic melodies seem to float over the soft breeze of Andre Ceccarelli 's drum sound,  providing the perfect texture for Jasper Somsen 's deep and dark bass sound.  Jean-Michel Pilc's imaginary musical realm and sense of dynamics is full of suprises.  Even more impressive is the seemingly effortless interplay with Somsen and Ceccarelli.
Trouw, 10-11-2017

... exciting combination of this trio, essentially hardly intertwined, with this time also an important part of Jasper's hot bass sounds.
Rootstime, 07-11-2017

Excellent recording quality gives extra shine, allowing the listener to be in the center of the music. Exciting from the first to the last note: a recommendation for adventurous programmers.
Jazzenzo, 01-11-2017

A creative impulse leading to a chain reaction between these three improvising musicians.  Their music descending to depths where there are no limits in time and space.
Jazzthing, 01-11-2017

Here finally a lively jazz that does good for those who play and those who listen! Only joy!
jazzhalo, 21-10-2017

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