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Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam / Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra / Ton Koopman


Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917226720
Catnr: CC 72267
Release date: 24 November 2017
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72267
Release date
24 November 2017

"This catchy CD should encourage every parish in Flanders to make Christmas time also musically attractive. In the dark days of December, this recording of beautiful traditional Christmas songs in the vernacular is simply a bright spot."

Kerk & Leven, 27-12-2017

About the album

Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam is a classical voice training programme specialising in opera, accessible to all children and young people from 4 years old who enjoy singing. Its was founded in 2005, roughly ten years ago, and immediately after the idea to perform a Nativity play on a yearly basis arose. In these performances, all students would be performing simultaneously. Ton Koopman's arrangement of Christmas songs for the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra from a few years before were the starting point, musically. The first performance of the play was accompanied by only a piano, with angels, sheep and shepherds performing and singing alongside Mary and Joseph. It proved to be an immediate success, and thus it evolved into a full evening's entertainment.

This year's performance consists of Old Dutch and Western European Christmas music, arranged and directed by Ton Koopman, especially for the Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra. Around 350 students from the Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, ranging from 4 to 21 years, perform the pieces at the highest level, accompanied by the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra.
Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam is een klassieke zangopleiding met specialisatie in opera en muziektheater, voor kinderen en jeugd vanaf vier jaar. Al snel na haar oprichting, zo'n tien jaar geleden, onstond het idee om jaarlijks een kerstspel te programmeren, waarbij al hun leerlingen tegelijk op het podium zouden staan. De muzikale basis werd gevormd door de kerstliedjes die Ton Koopman al enige jaren ervoor had gearrangeerd voor zijn Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra en Herman van Veen. De eerste keer werd het kerstspel uitgevoerd met pianobegeleiding. Naast Jozef en Maria traden engeltjes, schaapjes en herders op, die het kerstverhaal zongen en acteerden. Het was direct een groot succes en de jaren erna ontwikkelde dit concept zich tot een volwaardig avondvullend programma.

De uitvoering van 2017 bestaat uit Oud-Nederlandse en West-Europese kerstmuziek die door Ton Koopman speciaal voor het Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam en het Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra werd gearrangeerd en gedirigeerd. De ruim 350 leerlingen van Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam – in de leeftijd van 4 t/m 21 jaar – voeren de stukken op het hoogste niveau uit, onder begeleiding van het Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra.
Das Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam ist eine klassische Gesangsausbildung mit Schwerpunkt Oper, die allen Kindern und Jugendlichen ab 4 Jahren zugänglich ist. Sie wurde 2005 gegründet und entstand unmittelbar aus dem Gedanken, jährlich ein Krippenspiel aufzuführen. Bei diesen Aufführungen würden alle Schüler gleichzeitig auftreten. Ton Koopmans Arrangement von Weihnachtsliedern für das Amsterdamer Barockorchester vor einigen Jahren war der musikalische Ausgangspunkt. Die Uraufführung des Stückes wurde nur von einem Klavier begleitet, mit Engeln, Schafen und Hirten, die neben Maria und Josef sangen. Es erwies sich als sofortiger Erfolg und entwickelte sich zu einem abendfüllenden Unterhaltungsprogramm.
Die diesjährige Aufführung besteht aus altniederländischer und westeuropäischer Weihnachtsmusik, arrangiert und geleitet von Ton Koopman, speziell für das Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam und das Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra. Rund 350 Schüler des Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, von 4 bis 21 Jahren, präsentieren die Stücke auf höchstem Niveau, begleitet vom Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra.


Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam

Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam (formerly Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor) is a classical voice training programme specialising in opera, accessible to all children and young people from 4 years old who enjoy singing. Besides singing lessons and music theory training, the students sing together in a choir. The school has nearly 300 students, from beginners to conservatorium level. The children do not need to audition, any child that enjoys singing is welcome. NVA has 18 choirs, with progression based on age and level. Children who have gone through various training choirs and who have plenty of talent and motivation may be invited to sing in the ‘Talentenkoor’ (Talent Choir), one of the best classical children’s choirs in the Netherlands.  NVA was founded in 2005, has...

Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam (formerly Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor) is a classical voice training programme specialising in opera, accessible to all children and young people from 4 years old who enjoy singing. Besides singing lessons and music theory training, the students sing together in a choir. The school has nearly 300 students, from beginners to conservatorium level. The children do not need to audition, any child that enjoys singing is welcome. NVA has 18 choirs, with progression based on age and level. Children who have gone through various training choirs and who have plenty of talent and motivation may be invited to sing in the ‘Talentenkoor’ (Talent Choir), one of the best classical children’s choirs in the Netherlands.

NVA was founded in 2005, has since won various international prizes and is regularly featured in the national media. On 30 April 2013, NVA conntributed to the musical programme for the official inauguration of King Willem-Alexander in the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam.
In addition to well-known and loved children’s choir repertoire such as the St. Matthew Passion, Carmina Burana, Missa Brevis and Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, NVA has performed a large number of operas: Humperdinck's “Hänsel und Gretel”, Britten's “The Golden Vanity” and “The Little Sweep”, Philip Glass' “The Witches of Venice”, and Krasá's famous children’s opera “Brundibár”. NVA students have been conducted by the likes of Mariss Jansons, Ed Spanjaard, Ton Koopman, Matthew Rowe, Ingo Metzmacher and MArc Albrecht; NVA also partners with the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, Muziekschool Amsterdam, The Dutch National Opera and the Children’s Matthew Passion.
Since December 2013, NVA has produced a yearly performance of their ever popular Christmas Play in collaboration with the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Ton Koopman. Since 2016 NVA works as regular children's choir partner in productions of Dutch National Opera. In the 2017/2018 season, NVA will again take part in two DNO productions: La Bohème and Das Floss der Medusa.
Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam performs in concerts under the names Nieuw Amsterdams Kinderkoor, Nieuw Amsterdams Jongenskoor and Nieuw Amsterdams Jeugdkoor.


Ton Koopman (conductor)

Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time...
Ton Koopman is a leading figure in Early Music and historically informed performance practice. As organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman has performed all over the world and played the most beautiful historical instruments of Europe. His Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir has gained worldwide fame as one of the best ensembles on period instruments. Between 1994 and 2004 Ton Koopman and ABO&C have recorded all sacred and secular cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach, an extraordinary project that earned international acclaim. After that Koopman recorded the complete works by Bach’s predecessor, Dieterich Buxtehude. Besides performing as a soloist and with his ABO&C, Ton Koopman is very active as a guest conductor for modern orchestras and also devotes part of his time to teaching. Ton Koopman is president of the International Dieterich Buxtehude Society and, since 2019, president of the Leipzig Bach Archiv.


Dieuwertje Blok (spoken word)

Ana Balestra (vocals)

Pia Pleijsier (vocals)

Pia comes from a musical family and grew up with classical music. From a young age she came into contact with choral singing, which in her a great love for vocal music has fueled. In addition to music, Pia has a great interest in education and pedagogy. Here she gained further experience during her work as student-teacher history at the Joke Smit college. She combines her passion for classical choral singing and her pleasure in teaching with great enthusiasm in her work at Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam. At Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Pia received an internal training from, among others, Caro Kindt (choral conducting, didactics) and Dennis van der Wijk (solfège, music theory and didactics). She also received lessons in children's cordial direction...
Pia comes from a musical family and grew up with classical music. From a young age she came into contact with choral singing, which in her a great love for vocal music has fueled. In addition to music, Pia has a great interest in education and pedagogy. Here she gained further experience during her work as student-teacher history at the Joke Smit college. She combines her passion for classical choral singing and her pleasure in teaching with great enthusiasm in her work at Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam.
At Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Pia received an internal training from, among others, Caro Kindt (choral conducting, didactics) and Dennis van der Wijk (solfège, music theory and didactics). She also received lessons in children's cordial direction from Sylvere van Lieshout. After several years of intensive training, she has been giving solfège lessons since 2014 at the Prelude choirs, Intermezzo choirs, Ouverturekoren, Concertkoren, and Jongenskoren. Since September 2018 she is also a rehearsal of Intermezzokoor B and Jongenskoor 2A and 2B, she also coordinates Concertkoren and Talentenkoren.


Siri Brenner (vocals)

Dalia Kulek (vocals)

Ripley Looye (vocals)



This catchy CD should encourage every parish in Flanders to make Christmas time also musically attractive. In the dark days of December, this recording of beautiful traditional Christmas songs in the vernacular is simply a bright spot.
Kerk & Leven, 27-12-2017

A choir can be so much more than singing. During Kerstspel all 330 children of Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam are on stage at the same time.
NRC Handelsblad, 21-12-2017

The artistic management of NVA, with pride proudly announces that they already have 330 pupils in various roles - from little sheep to star, from angel to Bethlehem citizen, shepherds and master angels ... on stage and that they want to participate every year! Add to that a fantastic storyteller with the Christmas story from Mary's point of view, three soloists (Gabriel, Mary and Joseph) and also the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra under the direction of Ton Koopman himself, and you get an amazing Christmas play. Without a doubt a golden recording!
Kerk & Leven, 27-11-2017

Impressive Christmas play by Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, lead by Ton Koopman
Stretto, 23-11-2017

What Ton Koopman, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra do on their CD Kerstspel is traditional, but at the same time innovative.
Klassieke Zaken, 17-11-2017

Play album Play album
Wij komen tezamen
(Anonymous) Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Veni, veni Emmanuel
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Kind?ren zwijgt zo moogdi horen
(Anonymous) Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam
(Anonymous) Ana Balestra, Pia Pleijsier, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam
O doe die Rose van Jericho
(Anonymous) Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Ana Balestra, Pia Pleijsier, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam
Op enen kerstnacht
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Sinfonia (uit Weihnachtsoratorium van J.S. Bach)
(Anonymous) Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Maria die zoude naar Bethlehem gaan
(Anonymous) Ana Balestra, Giulian van Nierop, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Sint Jozef ging al treuren
(Anonymous) Giulian van Nierop, Siri Brenner, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Nu zijt wellekome
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Laet ons met verheughen springhen
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
In ?t stalleke van Bethlehem
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Gloria in excelsis Deo
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Hoe leit dit kindeke
(Anonymous) Dalia Kulek, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Ik kniel aan uwe kribbe neer
(Anonymous) Ana Balestra, Giulian van Nierop, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Er is een roos ontsprongen
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
O herders, laat uw bokken en schapen
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Er is een kindeke geboren op aard
(Anonymous) Pieter de Villiers, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
In dulci jubilo
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
?t Is geboren het Godd?lijk kind
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Klein, klein Jezuke
(Anonymous) Ripley Looye, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Kling klokje klingelingeling
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Stille nacht
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Midden in de winternacht
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
A la berline postiljon!
(Anonymous) Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam, Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra
Kerstverhaal verteld door Dieuwertje Blok
(Anonymous) Dieuwertje Blok
show all tracks

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