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Pajarillos fugitivos
Various composers

Jonatan Alvarado

Pajarillos fugitivos

Format: CD
Label: Ayros
UPC: 5902768283068
Catnr: AYCD 02
Release date: 06 April 2018
1 CD
Catalogue number
Release date
06 April 2018

"Here is a very special disc, fascinating and enchanting, seductive and moving, whose listening gives us a new insight on the ancient song."

Res Musica, 28-6-2018

About the album


Spanish songs, away from home

The songs included in this album come from diverse origins, united by the subtle narrative, poetic and musical threads all common to the Spanish repertoire. Pieces of literary traditions from the XVI and XVII centuries are intermingled with others belonging to folkloric ones, all of them taken from non-Spanish sources, and organized into five thematic groups, alternating between each other as if they were refined panels in a Renaissance altarpiece.
Engaging with this music involves entering a singularly vast field, rich with centuries old intersections, borrowings and appropriations between cultures; a natural occurrence, considering the identity of the the old American colonial territories and their population – their complex and mixed nature. Through this program I aim to expose the varied processes of appropriation and transculturation, especially significant to the Latin American colonial
repertoire, informed by the interpretative tradition that I inherited and built between the spheres of the ‘popular’ and the ‘academic’: the comings and goings of tropes, images, melodies, from the mouth of the people to the written page, and from there again, transformed into popular songs, to the musical practices of my referents, my teachers and, finally, to my own. [Jonatan Alvarado]

Spanische Lieder, fernab der Heimat
Die Lieder, die in diesem Album enthalten sind, entstammen verschiedenen Ursprungs, vereint durch subtile Erzählungen, poetische und musikalische Fäden, die alle dem spanischen Repertoire verbunden sind. Die literarischen Traditionen aus dem XVI. und XVII. Jahrhundert vermischen sich mit denen der Folklore, die alle aus nicht-spanischen Quellen stammen, und sind in fünf thematische Gruppen gegliedert, die sich wie raffinierte Tafeln auf einem Renaissance-Altarbild abwechseln.
Die Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Musik beinhaltet das Betreten eines einzigartig weiten Feldes, das reich an jahrhundertealten Kreuzungen, Anleihen und Aneignungen zwischen den Kulturen ist; ein natürliches Ereignis, wenn man die Identität der alten amerikanischen Kolonialgebiete und ihrer Bevölkerung betrachtet - ihre komplexe und gemischte Natur. Mit diesem Programm möchte ich die vielfältigen Prozesse der Aneignung von Kultur aufzeigen, die für die lateinamerikanische Kolonialzeit besonders bedeutsam sind.
Repertoire, das von der interpretativen Tradition geprägt ist, die ich zwischen den Sphären des "populären" und des "akademischen" geerbt und aufgebaut habe: das Kommen und Gehen von Bildern, Melodien, vom Mund des Volkes bis zur geschriebenen Seite und von dort aus wieder in populäre Lieder umgewandelt... (Jonatan Alvarado)


Jonatan Alvarado

Jonatan Alvarado is an Argentinian singer, lutenist, director and researcher. He began his musical studies on the modern guitar at his hometown's conservatory of Mercedes. He would go on to pursuing a Degree in Orchestral Conducting and Composition at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, while also beginning private singing lessons in Buenos Aires. During his studies he founded his own baroque orchestra, with which he would go on to give the Argentinian premier of Bach's John's Passion on period instrument, while also performing several works by Charpentier and Scarlatti for the first time in South America. Parallel to this, he developed a successful career as a folk-singer, culminating with his performance at the Cosquin Festival with his group Dos...

Jonatan Alvarado is an Argentinian singer, lutenist, director and researcher. He began his musical studies on the modern guitar at his hometown's conservatory of Mercedes. He would go on to pursuing a Degree in Orchestral Conducting and Composition at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, while also beginning private singing lessons in Buenos Aires. During his studies he founded his own baroque orchestra, with which he would go on to give the Argentinian premier of Bach's John's Passion on period instrument, while also performing several works by Charpentier and Scarlatti for the first time in South America. Parallel to this, he developed a successful career as a folk-singer, culminating with his performance at the Cosquin Festival with his group Dos en Trío.

Taking the decision to develop his skills as singer and performer of historical European repertories, he applied for a Bachelor in Early Music singing at the Amsterdam Conservatorium where he was accepted into the class of Xenia Meijer. While advancing in his singing studies he also explored the possibilities of period plucked instruments, taking lessons with the lutenist and theorbo player Fred Jacobs. The combination of singing and lute playing in historically informed performances would lead to a Master's in self-accompanied singing, custom-created for his studies, resulting in a “Cum Laude” for his final examination recital.

During his time as a student he became the cofounder and co-director of the ensemble Seconda Prat!ca, with which he entered the EEEmerging platform, an initiative of the European Commission for Culture to support rising early music talent. The ensemble's high level of performance has led to their releasing of the debut album “Nova Europa” in 2016 with the Ambronay label, which garnered a coup de coeur and became album of choice of France Musique.

He is currently working with Dr. Rebecca Stewart in developing vocal techniques for historical repertoires and connecting early music with oral practices such as the folklore of his own country. This research has led to the recording of his debut solo album ‘Pajarillos Fugitivos’ released by the label Ayros. It includes Spanish guitar songs found in non-spanish sources, aiming to explore its possible connections and transformations within the realm of Latin-American traditional music and poetry.

With his ensemble and as a soloist he has sung and played in some of the most important festivals of his specialty including Ambronay, Sablé, Stockholm and Göttingen. He has collaborated with other musicians and directors such as Sigiswald Kuijken, Richard Egarr, Gabriel Garrido, Adrian van der Spoel and Eduardo Eguez.


Sofia Pedro (soprano)


Here is a very special disc, fascinating and enchanting, seductive and moving, whose listening gives us a new insight on the ancient song.
Res Musica, 28-6-2018

Very stylized, a very, very attractive CD. Highly recommended.
Stretto, 15-4-2018

Play album Play album
Que importa que yo lo calle
(Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Pajarillo fugitivo
(Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Duo de Josquin
(Enríquez de Valderrábano) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Hijos de Eva tributarios
(Tomás de Herrera, Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Malograda Fuentecilla
(Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Oh, pajarillo que cantas
(Traditional from Argentina) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
A cierto galán su dama
(Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
El zorzal y la calandria
(Traditional from Argentina) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
El pajarillo
(Traditional from Argentina) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Soneto V
(Enríquez de Valderrábano) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Quando borda el campo verde
(Etienne Moulinié) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Soneto II
(Enríquez de Valderrábano) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Repicaban las campanillas
(Étienne Moulinié) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
En el valle, Inés
(Gabriel Bataille) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Porque tan firme os adoro
(Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Fantasía del cuarto modo
(Luis de Milan) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Romance de Doña Ines de Castro
(Anonymous) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Don Pedro a quien los crueles
(Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Rio de Sevilla
(Gabriel Bataille) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Ribericas del Río de Manzanares
(Étienne Moulinié) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Por la verde orilla del claro Tormes
(Étienne Moulinié) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Orillas del claro Tajo
(Étienne Moulinié) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
Entre dos álamos verdes
(Codex Zuola) Jonatan Alvarado, Sofia Pedro
show all tracks

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