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Elodie Lauton Quintette


Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917119725
Catnr: DMCHR 71197
Release date: 03 August 2018
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71197
Release date
03 August 2018

"An album full of almost forgotten songs but awakened to a new life by the delicious jazzy performance. Fans of the French chanson and jazz lovers go get it!"

Rootstime, 08-8-2018

About the album

Hardly anyone knows Damia today, a famous French singer and actress who is considered the model of later world stars such as Edith Piaf, Barbara or Juliette Greco. In her chansons, Damia almost exclusively sang the life that in her case had tragic elements, which is why she received the nickname “la tragédienne de la chanson” (the tragic figure of the chanson). The singer was idolized between the world wars, but increasingly forgotten after the occupation of France by the Germans. Her music and voice only appeared again decades later in the films of Claude Chabrol, Jean Eustache and Aki Kaurismäki. “Dalmia’s story and her repertoire touched me very deeply. She had her own style and was the first “Chanteuse réaliste” in our country,” Elodie Lauton explained the motives for “Originis”, her second album after the much-respected crossover project “Terminal B”, which she released in 2012 with the group Goldamour around the pianist/keyboarder Jasper van’t Hof.

For the homage to her idol Damia, Elodie Lauton assembled a number of outstanding European musicians such as the French trumpeter Stéphane Belmondo, the Spanish drummer Jorge Rossy and the Swiss Hungarian contrabassist Tibor Elekes (cb), whereby the American pianist Kirk Lightsey, who has been living in Paris since the beginning of the 1990s, can also be referred to as such. Jean-Claude André (trumpet), Philippe Koerper (saxophone), Andreas Tschopp (trombone), Priscille Blein (flute), Günther Wehinger (flute) and Marc Bätscher (bass clarinet) enrich the light band sound as a veritable wind ensemble. The result touches and goes you directly to your heart. Chansons in her native language with this very special, subtly swinging jazz touch: Elodie Lauton absolutely wanted to try that out. The Swiss pianist Felix Graf composed the arrangements more or less precisely to fit her style, which give the very personal texts of Damia and the voice of the vocalist a distinctive aura.

"I try to understand from where I come, so I know who I am and where I am going,” Elodie Lauton emphasized. "The texts, the words which I interpret, are very important for me. Felix has succeeded in merging jazz with French chansons and a small, traditional wind ensemble, while preserving our musical identity at the same time.” Giving Dalmia’s melodies new life together with the fascinating Kirk Lightsey was incredible fun for her and the whole band. This becomes more than clear after a few seconds in marvelous songs such as “Le Vent Mʼa Dit une Chanson” (The wind told me a story), “Je Voudrais Que La Nuit” (I would like this night) or “Celui Qui sʼen Va” (Whoever goes).

Elodie Lauton comes from Montpellier and has played piano and cello as well as composed since early childhood. She already knew that singing would play a central role in her life when she graduated with a diploma in cello studies when she was 17 and later when she received a Ph.D. in musicology. In other words, another course of study, and this time at Basel Music College. In the Jazz Department there, Susanne Abbuehl initiated her into the secrets of vocal art, and she graduated with a Master’s Degree in 2006. In 2013, Elodie Lauton supplemented her diverse educational qualifications with a CA (French state diploma) as a coordinator for contemporary music.

In addition to her actual career, which exerts considerable influence especially in the border triangle of France, Germany and Switzerland, she now teaches young singers in the categories Jazz, Pop and Rock at the Liestal Regional Music School in Switzerland and at the Académie des Arts Huningue in France. In addition, Elodie Lauton also dedicates herself passionately to the health and therapeutic aspects of singing and breathing.
Kaum jemand kennt heute noch Damia, eine famose französische Sängerin und Schauspielerin, die als das Vorbild späterer Weltstars wie Edith Piaf, Barbara oder Juliette Greco gilt. In ihren Chansons besang Damia fast ausschließlich das Leben, das in ihrem Fall mitunter tragische Züge besaß und weshalb sie den Beinamen „la tragédienne de la chanson“ (die Tragödin des Chansons) erhielt. Zwischen den Weltkriegen wurde die Vokalistin geradezu vergöttert, nach der Besetzung Frankreichs durch die Deutschen allerdings zunehmend vergessen. Erst Jahrzehnte später tauchten ihre Musik sowie ihre Stimme wieder in den Filmen von Claude Chabrol, Jean Eustache und Aki Kaurismäki auf. „Damias Geschichte und ihr Repertoire haben mich sehr berührt. Sie hat ihre eigene Stimme und war die erste Chanteuse réaliste in unserem Land“, erklärt Elodie Lauton die Motive für „Originis“, ihr zweites Album nach dem vielbeachteten Crossover-Projekt „Terminal B“, das sie 2012 mit der Gruppe Goldamour um den Pianisten/Keyboarder Jasper vanʼt Hof veröffentlichte. Für die Hommage an ihr Idol Damia scharte Elodie Lauton eine Reihe herausragender europäischer Musiker wie den französischen Trompeter Stéphane Belmondo, den spanischen Schlagzeuger Jorge Rossy oder den schweizerisch-ungarischen Kontrabassisten Tibor Elekes (cb) um sich, wobei auch der seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre in Paris lebende amerikanische Pianist Kirk Lightsey längst auch als ein solcher bezeichnet werden darf. Jean-Claude André (Trompete), Philippe Koerper (Saxofon), Andreas Tschopp (Posaune), Priscille Blein (Flöte), Günther Wehinger (Flöte) und Marc Bätscher (Bassklarinette) bereichern den leichten Bandsound als veritables Bläserensemble. Das Resultat berührt und trifft auf direktem Weg ins Herz. Chansons in ihrer Muttersprache mit diesem ganz speziellen dezent swingenden Jazztouch – das wollte Elodie Lauton unbedingt ausprobieren. Die Arrangements, die den überaus persönlichen Texten von Damia und der Stimme der Vokalistin eine unverwechselbare Aura verleihen, schrieb ihr der Schweizer Pianist Felix Graf quasi auf den Leib. „Ich versuche zu verstehen, von wo ich komme, damit ich weiß, wer ich bin und wohin ich gehe“, betont Elodie Lauton. „Die Texte, die Worte die ich interpretiere, sind für mich ungemein wichtig. Felix ist es gelungen, den Jazz mit französischen Chansons und einem kleinen, klassischen Bläserensemble zu verschmelzen und gleichzeitig unsere musikalische Identität zu bewahren.“ Damias Melodien zusammen mit dem faszinierenden Kirk Lightsey neues Leben einzuhauchen, das habe ihr wie der gesamten Band unglaublichen Spaß bereitet, schwärmt Elodie. Was in hinreißenden Songs wie „Le Vent Mʼa Dit une Chanson“ (Der Wind hat mir ein Lied erzählt), „Je Voudrais Que La Nuit“ (Ich möchte diese Nacht) oder „Celui Qui sʼen Va“ (Wer auch immer geht) jeder schon nach wenigen Sekunden nachvollziehen kann. Elodie Lauton stammt aus Montpellier, spielt seit frühester Kindheit Klavier sowie Cello und komponiert. Schon als sie mit gerade einmal 17 Jahren ihr Cellostudium mit Diplom beendet und später sogar als Musikwissenschaftlerin habilitierte, wusste sie, dass der Gesang eine zentrale Rolle in ihrem Leben spielen würde. Also noch ein Studium, und zwar an der Musikhochschule in Basel. In der dortigen Jazzabteilung ließ sie sich von Susanne Abbuehl in die Geheimnisse der Vokalkunst unterweisen und schloss 2006 mit einem Master ab. 2013 ergänzte Elodie Lauton ihre mannigfaltige Ausbildungspalette noch mit einem CA (französisches Staatsdiplom) als Koordinatorin für aktuelle Musik. Neben ihrer eigentlichen Karriere, die vor allem im Länderdreieck Frankreich-Schweiz-Deutschland für beachtlichen Nachhall sorgt, unterrichtet sie heute junge Sängerinnen in den Kategorien Jazz, Pop und Rock an der Regionalen Musikschule Liestal in der Schweiz sowie an der Académie des Arts Huningue in Frankreich. Darüber hinaus widmet sich Elodie Lauton auch leidenschaftlich dem gesundheitlichen und therapeutischen Aspekt von Gesang und Atmung.


Elodie Lauton (vocals)

Elodie Lauton grew up in a family of musicians and already started playing piano when she was four. Following studies of jazz voice under Susanne Abbuehl at Basel Music College, she has become a singing teacher herself at Basel Music Workshop. Felix Graf studied piano at Basel Music College (graduated in 2005) where he became friends with his teacher Jasper van't Hof. At the same time, he was one of the first students in the Production and Performance Department. As keyboarder and at times conductor too, he participated in musicals such as Saturday Night Fever, We Will Rock You and Hairspray and is a specialist in programming and real-time sampling.
Elodie Lauton grew up in a family of musicians and already started playing piano when she was four. Following studies of jazz voice under Susanne Abbuehl at Basel Music College, she has become a singing teacher herself at Basel Music Workshop.
Felix Graf studied piano at Basel Music College (graduated in 2005) where he became friends with his teacher Jasper van't Hof. At the same time, he was one of the first students in the Production and Performance Department. As keyboarder and at times conductor too, he participated in musicals such as Saturday Night Fever, We Will Rock You and Hairspray and is a specialist in programming and real-time sampling.


Jorge Rossy (drums)

Jorge Rossy is internationally recognized as one of the most influential drummers of his generation. His sideman work includes over 180 recordings with renowned jazz musicians Brad Mehldau, Ethan Iverson, Kevin Hays, Albert Sanz, Mark Turner, Chris Cheek, Seamus Blake, Joshua Redman, Kurt Rosenwinkel and Steve Swallow, among many others. Jorge has also toured with some jazz greats including Charlie Haden, Wayne Shorter, Lee Konitz, Carla Bley, and Joe Lovano. Besides his work as a drummer, Jorge has a distinctive voice on the vibes, marimba and piano, and a unique sound as a composer and band leader. Since his first CD under his own name, Jorge Rossy Trio Wicca (Fresh Sound), recorded in 2006, Jorge has recorded over 30 albums as...

Jorge Rossy is internationally recognized as one of the most influential drummers of his generation. His sideman work includes over 180 recordings with renowned jazz musicians Brad Mehldau, Ethan Iverson, Kevin Hays, Albert Sanz, Mark Turner, Chris Cheek, Seamus Blake, Joshua Redman, Kurt Rosenwinkel and Steve Swallow, among many others. Jorge has also toured with some jazz greats including Charlie Haden, Wayne Shorter, Lee Konitz, Carla Bley, and Joe Lovano.

Besides his work as a drummer, Jorge has a distinctive voice on the vibes, marimba and piano, and a unique sound as a composer and band leader. Since his first CD under his own name, Jorge Rossy Trio Wicca (Fresh Sound), recorded in 2006, Jorge has recorded over 30 albums as a band leader or co-leader, to critical acclaim from publications such as Jazz Times, Downbeat, Jazz Around, and All About Jazz.

In 2015, Jorge recorded Stay There (Pirouet), his debut recording, leading a truly stellar band and playing vibes and marimba . Since then, Jorge has been touring and recording with different configurations of his band Jordi Rossy Vibes Quintet and several co-led projects, including Passport Quartet, Rossy & Kanan Quartet, Beck/ Landolf/Rossy, Scherrer-Evans-Kurmann-Rossy, Fox Chris Cheek and Rossy & Vercher Quintet «Filantropía», among others.

All these bands are made up of an outstanding cast of musicians, collaborating to create a distinctive sound and an aesthetic full of intimate complicity. The long list of Jorge’s current bandmates includes Al Foster, Joe Chambers, Jimmy Wormworth, Joey Baron, Adam Cruz, Billy Hart, Mark Turner, Joshua Redman, Domenic Landolf, Pietro Tonolo, Javier Vercher, Chris Cheek, Mike Kanan, Kevin Hays, Michael Beck, Doug Weiss, Putter Smith, Nico Moreaux, Masa Kamaguchi, Marc Abrams, Pete Bernstein, Jaume Llombart, Pierre Perchaud and Vincent Peirani.


Tibor Elekes (double bass)



An album full of almost forgotten songs but awakened to a new life by the delicious jazzy performance. Fans of the French chanson and jazz lovers go get it!
Rootstime, 08-8-2018

Play album Play album
Dis-moi pourquoi ? introduction
(R.Valaire) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
J?ai perdu ma jeunesse
(Grouya Theodor, Karl Brull) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
Tout le jour, toute la nuit
(Cole Porter) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
Le vent m?a dit une chanson
(Lothar Bruehne) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
Celui qui s?en va
(Tiarko Richepin) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
J?ai rêvé cette nuit
(Charles Borel-Clerc) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
Sombre dimanche
(Rezso Seress) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
On ne lutte pas contre l?amour
(Michael Spoliansky) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
Depuis que les bals sont fermés
(Vincent Scotto) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
Je voudrais que la nuit
(M. Aubret) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
Dis-moi pourquoi
(P. Larrieu) Jorge Rossy, Tibor Elekes, Kirk Lightsey, Stéphane Belmondo, Elodie Lauton, Elodie Lauton Quintette
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