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Dykyi Lys - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 84


Dykyi Lys - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 84

Price: € 17.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917137422
Catnr: DMCHR 71374
Release date: 07 August 2020
1 CD
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€ 17.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71374
Release date
07 August 2020

"... Without wanting to judge the lyrics, in the case of Ganna the language harmonizes wonderfully with the music, which could be assigned to European modern jazz with a northeastern touch due to the slightly predominant ECM sound, the harmonies reminiscent of Baltic choral music, and the scale material, some of which is colored Eastern..."

Concerto, 14-10-2020

About the album

They are insights into the soul, small windows that reveal – each by itself – something about the conceptual world of an extremely exciting, versatile artist. Ganna provides intimate insights, consciously showing off her vulnerable side, which turns out to be a great strength in the context of this colorful album. However, there are still some linguistic hurdles to overcome.

“Dykyi Lys”, the title of the debut CD by Ganna Gryniva, for example, can only be deciphered immediately by those who understand Ukrainian. It means “Wild Fox”. Ganna comes from a small village of 375 inhabitants near the capital Kiev, surrounded by nature as far as the eye and thoughts can go. It was a shock when she arrived Berlin in 2013. Or, as she puts it, “a challenge for someone like me who likes silence. I gradually found quiet, undisturbed places in Berlin, and now I see the city quite differently. I've adapted. The foxes, who roam the streets of Berlin time and again, have done the same. They manage to live here. Yet they are wild animals and will always remain such.”

Wild, adaptable and able to survive, doing what she wants to do and what she can do best, sympathetically stubborn, determined and intelligent – this is Ganna Gryniva, who as the 84th protagonist of the now internationally appreciated talent launch pad of the Jazz thing Next Generation has a kind of special status. Because the singer, composer, pianist, bandleader, side-woman, interdisciplinary performance and free improvisation artist with a focus on life and creation in the German capital does not exclusively seek her own voice with a toolbox of music. She cleverly combines different sensory worlds from jazz and Ukrainian folk to classical and experimental music and dance. And she improvises, preferably with drummer Joe Smith in the duo JOGA, or, as her teacher and mentor Michael Schiefel advised her, with loop station and effects. Eventually Ganna even began to exchange ideas with dancers, such as Linda Berberich at the SURfF Festival in Berlin. And she loves composing. “Turning soaring feelings and thoughts into tangible tones and sounds is what I call magic. For me, improvisation is like real-time composition!”

One of their specialties is to expand lyrics of old folk songs and compose new music for them as in “Witer”. Composing is a form of self-reflection for her, Ganna stated. The artist, who is currently completing her bachelor's degree in improvised singing at the University of Music Franz Liszt in Weimar, likes to use texts written by others. Nadiia Telenchuk, a Ukrainian poet who also lives in Berlin, wrote the verses for “Song For Mons”, while “Rika” comes from her father's pen. She used an excerpt from the well-known poem “Mij Shlyakh” (My Way) by Lesya Ukrainka from 1890 for “Waiting", in which she gives shape to her dream of freedom, equality and fraternity for Ukraine. This is a painfully timeless theme that also comes to life in Lebidonka, where Ganna sings of the Cossacks, those warriors who have dedicated themselves to protecting their homes and loved ones.

Always remain authentic, do not play roles: that is their overriding premise. “The lyrics, the music, the history and the mood have to be in. That's why Ganna chose songs like "Daydreams" and "Sometimes" for the album. It seems that she is constantly looking for new facets that round out her overall picture of things. Work on "Laut!" at the Deutsche Oper began in February 2020; the premiere was postponed to October due to the corona pandemic. Outside the times of crisis, she regularly works with various ensembles and in her own projects, sings in the international Kenneth Dahl Knudsen Modern Lyric Orchestra as well as collaborates with Interlink Music & Dance, Kurt Rosenwinkel and the quintet, which bears her name Ganna. These include tenor saxophonist Musina Ebobissé, who was also number 79 of the Jazz thing Next Generation a year ago, pianist Povel Widestrand, bassist Tom Berkmann and drummer Mathias Ruppnig.

The fox and her pack: They are about to expand their existing territory with “Dykyi Lys”. Because women like Ganna need space to experience their very personal freedom to the fullest.

Es sind Einblicke in die Seele, kleine Fenster, die – jedes für sich – etwas über die Gedankenwelt einer extrem spannenden, wandlungsfähigen Künstlerin verraten. Ganna gewährt intime Einblicke, zeigt sich ganz bewusst von ihrer verletzlichen Seite, was sich jedoch im Kontext dieses farbenreichen Albums als große Stärke entpuppt. Allerdings gilt es davor, noch einige sprachliche Hürden zu überwinden.
„Dykyi Lys“, den Titel der Debüt-CD von Ganna Gryniva kann zum Beispiel nur derjenige auf Anhieb entschlüsseln, der des Ukrainischen mächtig ist. Er bedeutet „Wilder Fuchs“. Ganna stammt aus einem 375-Seelen-Dörfchen in der Nähe der Hauptstadt Kiew. Natur, soweit das Auge und die Gedanken reichen. Als sie 2013 nach Berlin kam, war das ein Schock. Oder, wie sie es ausdrückt, „eine Herausforderung für jemanden wie mich, der Stille mag. Nach und nach fand ich die stillen Orte in Berlin und sehe die Stadt jetzt ganz anders. Ich habe mich angepasst. Das haben die Füchse, die immer wieder durch Berlin streunen, auch. Sie schaffen es, hier zu leben. Dennoch sind sie wilde Tiere und werden es immer bleiben.“

Wild, anpassungs- und überlebensfähig, das tun, wonach ihr gerade der Sinn steht und was sie am besten kann, sympathisch stur, zielstrebig und klug – das ist Ganna Gryniva, die als 84. Protagonistin der inzwischen auch international geschätzten Talente-Startrampe der Jazz thing Next Generation eine Art Sonderstatus einnimmt. Denn die Sängerin, Komponistin, Pianistin, Bandleaderin, Side-Woman, interdisziplinäre Performance- und freie Improvisationskünstlerin mit Lebens- und Schaffensschwerpunkt in der deutschen Hauptstadt sucht ihre eigene Stimme nicht ausschließlich mit dem Werkzeugkasten der Musik. Sie verbindet auf raffinierte Weise verschiedene Sinneswelten vom Jazz über ukrainischen Folk bis hin zu klassischer und experimenteller Musik und Tanz. Und sie improvisiert, am liebsten mit dem Schlagzeuger Joe Smith im Duo JOGA, oder, wie es ihr Lehrer und Mentor Michael Schiefel ihr riet, mit Loop Station und Effekten. Irgendwann begann Ganna, sich sogar mit Tänzer*innen auszutauschen, beim Berliner SURfF Festival etwa mit Linda Berberich. Und sie liebt es zu komponieren. „Herumfliegende Gefühle und Gedanken in greifbare Töne und Klänge zu verwandeln, nenne ich magisch. Improvisation ist für mich wie Echtzeitkomposition!“

Eine ihrer Spezialitäten besteht darin, Texte alter Volkslieder auszubauen und dazu neue Musik zu schreiben, wie in „Witer“. Komponieren sei für sie eine Form der Selbstreflexion, sagt Ganna. Gerne benutzt die Künstlerin, die augenblicklich an der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt in Weimar ihren Bachelor in Improvisiertem Gesang absolviert, Texte anderer Menschen. Für „Song For Mons“ schrieb Nadiia Telenchuk, eine ukrainische Dichterin, die ebenfalls in Berlin lebt, die Verse, während „Rika“ aus der Feder ihres Vaters stammt. Für „Waiting“ verwendete sie einen Ausschnitt aus dem bekannten Gedicht „Mij Shlyakh“ (Mein Weg) von Lesya Ukrainka aus dem Jahr 1890, in dem diese ihrem Traum von Freiheit, Gleichheit und Brüderlichkeit für die Ukraine Gestalt verleiht. Ein schmerzlich zeitloses Thema, das auch in „Lebidonka“ auflebt, wo Ganna von den Kosaken singt, jenen Kriegern, die es sich zur Aufgabe erkoren haben, ihr Zuhause und ihre Geliebten zu beschützen.

Stets authentisch bleiben, keine Rollen spielen: So lautet ihre oberste Prämisse. „Der Text, die Musik, die Geschichte und die Stimmung müssen für mich harmonieren. Und manchmal sagt mir mein Bauchgefühl, dass das Ukrainische oder das Englische besser passt.“ Deshalb hat Ganna für das Album auch Stücke wie „Daydreams“ und „Sometimes“ ausgewählt. Im Februar 2020 begann die Arbeit für „Laut!“ an der Deutschen Oper, die Premiere wurde wegen der Corona-Pandemie auf Oktober verschoben. Außerhalb der Krisenzeiten arbeitet sie mit verschiedenen Ensembles sowie ihren eigenen Projekten, agiert als Sängerin des internationalen Kenneth Dahl Knudsen Modern Lyric Orchestra, mit Interlink Music & Dance, Kurt Rosenwinkel und dem Quintett, das wie sie heißt: Ganna. Dazu gehören Tenorsaxofonist Musina Ebobissé – selbst vor einem Jahr die Nummer 79 der Jazz thing Next Generation – Pianist Povel Widestrand, Bassist Tom Berkmann und Drummer Mathias Ruppnig.

Die Füchsin und ihr Rudel: Mit „Dykyi Lys“ schicken sie sich an, ihr bisheriges Revier zu vergrößern. Denn Frauen wie Ganna brauchen Platz, um ihre ganz persönliche Freiheit ausleben zu können.


Ganna Gryniva (vocals)

GANNA is an active part of the jazz scene in Germany and Europe. They had the opportunity to present their music to national and international audiences at the A-Trane Jazz Club in Berlin, BMC Opus Jazz Club in Budapest , Preveza Jazz Festival in Greece, Urban Music Hall in Odessa (Ukraine), Jazz Club 32 in Kyiv (Ukraine). Upcoming concerts will take place in the Konzerthaus Berlin, Jazz Cellar 11 in Vilnius (Lithuania), Philly Joe´s Jazz Club in Tallinn (Estland) and others. The ensemble has been awarded the Berlin Senat grant for three times to support GANNA´s tours throughout Germany. In October 2018, GANNA received the Thuringia Jazz Mile Award:  'Newcomer of the Year'.

GANNA is an active part of the jazz scene in Germany and Europe. They had the opportunity to present their music to national and international audiences at the A-Trane Jazz Club in Berlin, BMC Opus Jazz Club in Budapest , Preveza Jazz Festival in Greece, Urban Music Hall in Odessa (Ukraine), Jazz Club 32 in Kyiv (Ukraine). Upcoming concerts will take place in the Konzerthaus Berlin, Jazz Cellar 11 in Vilnius (Lithuania), Philly Joe´s Jazz Club in Tallinn (Estland) and others.

The ensemble has been awarded the Berlin Senat grant for three times to support GANNA´s tours throughout Germany. In October 2018, GANNA received the Thuringia Jazz Mile Award: "Newcomer of the Year".


Musina Ebobissé (tenor saxophone)

Born in France in 1990, Musina Ebobissé grew up in a musical family. He started playing the saxophone at the age of eight, joining a special programme at the Strasbourg Conservatory. In 2008, he entered the Jazz Department of the Strasbourg Conservatory, where he studied with Eric Watson, Michael Alizon, Philippe Aubry, and Bernard Struber. Alongside his jazz studies he completed a bachelor’s degree in sociology at the University of Strasbourg in 2012. Musina was involved in the Strasbourg musical scene and featured in different projects, developing his skills and versatility through reggae (TND), hip-hop (FREEZ, Art District), and rock (Dolls Can’t). In 2013, Musina entered the Jazz Institut Berlin, where he studied, amongst others, with Peter Weniger, John Hollenbeck, Jim...
Born in France in 1990, Musina Ebobissé grew up in a musical family. He started playing the saxophone at the age of eight, joining a special programme at the Strasbourg Conservatory.
In 2008, he entered the Jazz Department of the Strasbourg Conservatory, where he studied with Eric Watson, Michael Alizon, Philippe Aubry, and Bernard Struber. Alongside his jazz studies he completed a bachelor’s degree in sociology at the University of Strasbourg in 2012. Musina was involved in the Strasbourg musical scene and featured in different projects, developing his skills and versatility through reggae (TND), hip-hop (FREEZ, Art District), and rock (Dolls Can’t). In 2013, Musina entered the Jazz Institut Berlin, where he studied, amongst others, with Peter Weniger, John Hollenbeck, Jim Black, Kurt Rosenwinkel and Greg Cohen. He completed a bachelor’s degree in jazz performance in 2017 and a master’s degree in jazz composition in 2019.
Benefitting from the vivid Berlin jazz scene, he performs in a variety of musical contexts such as contemporary jazz, improvised music, world music and swing. He has played at renowned international festivals such as Jazz d’Or, Wolfijazz, Jazz in Marciac, MaerzMusik, and Jazz Burghausen. His current projects as a leader are the Musina Ebobissé Quintet, ERB Trio, and Blendreed. As a side man, he plays and has recorded with Ganna Gryniva’s Dyki Lys, Thijs de Klijn Quintet, the Hans Anselm Big Band, Olga Amelchenko’s large ensemble, and the Art ensemble of Moabit. In 2018, Musina Ebobissé won the second prize of the International Jazz Composition Contest of Katowice.


Tom Berkmann (double bass)

Mathias Ruppnig (drums)

Mathias Ruppnig - is an Austrian drummer and a composer of contemporary jazz. After his graduation from Graz Music University, he moved to Berlin and became one of the most prominent and in-demand drummers in that city. He is a member of Scopes Formation, the Tobias Meinhardt Quartet, the Ganna Ensemble, Dach, the Daniel Weltlinger Quartett and many other groups. This album is his first collaboration with Vitalii Kyianytsia and Johannes Fink as a trio. 
Mathias Ruppnig - is an Austrian drummer and a composer of contemporary jazz. After his graduation from Graz Music University, he moved to Berlin and became one of the most prominent and in-demand drummers in that city. He is a member of Scopes Formation, the Tobias Meinhardt Quartet, the Ganna Ensemble, Dach, the Daniel Weltlinger Quartett and many other groups. This album is his first collaboration with Vitalii Kyianytsia and Johannes Fink as a trio.


Ganna Gryniva (vocals)

GANNA is an active part of the jazz scene in Germany and Europe. They had the opportunity to present their music to national and international audiences at the A-Trane Jazz Club in Berlin, BMC Opus Jazz Club in Budapest , Preveza Jazz Festival in Greece, Urban Music Hall in Odessa (Ukraine), Jazz Club 32 in Kyiv (Ukraine). Upcoming concerts will take place in the Konzerthaus Berlin, Jazz Cellar 11 in Vilnius (Lithuania), Philly Joe´s Jazz Club in Tallinn (Estland) and others. The ensemble has been awarded the Berlin Senat grant for three times to support GANNA´s tours throughout Germany. In October 2018, GANNA received the Thuringia Jazz Mile Award:  'Newcomer of the Year'.

GANNA is an active part of the jazz scene in Germany and Europe. They had the opportunity to present their music to national and international audiences at the A-Trane Jazz Club in Berlin, BMC Opus Jazz Club in Budapest , Preveza Jazz Festival in Greece, Urban Music Hall in Odessa (Ukraine), Jazz Club 32 in Kyiv (Ukraine). Upcoming concerts will take place in the Konzerthaus Berlin, Jazz Cellar 11 in Vilnius (Lithuania), Philly Joe´s Jazz Club in Tallinn (Estland) and others.

The ensemble has been awarded the Berlin Senat grant for three times to support GANNA´s tours throughout Germany. In October 2018, GANNA received the Thuringia Jazz Mile Award: "Newcomer of the Year".



... Without wanting to judge the lyrics, in the case of Ganna the language harmonizes wonderfully with the music, which could be assigned to European modern jazz with a northeastern touch due to the slightly predominant ECM sound, the harmonies reminiscent of Baltic choral music, and the scale material, some of which is colored Eastern...
Concerto , 14-10-2020

... In the 84th episode of the "Jazz thing Next Generation" series she is another very strong voice...
Jazzthing, 25-8-2020

Ganna’s "Dykyi Lys" pulls out all the stops between light and airy, then dark and subdued, sometimes melancholic. Ganna Gryniva convinces through all moods with her inspiring voice, from high to low
Jazzhalo, 14-8-2020

Jazz carried by a voice that can inspire tranquility as much as power.
CÔTÉ MAG, 12-8-2020

... Ganna not only sings lyrics, she models harmonies, finds sounds and unusual tone sequences, touching melody lines and heavy staccatos...
Ohrenschmauch, 07-8-2020

... Whether she’s improvising or playing it straight, she never fails to follow her own muse and take you on trips through her own back alleys to places unknown.
Midwest Record, 01-8-2020

19 points: High flyer ... It is really convincing how a voice is offered here that takes a very individual position between jazz and folk, I consider Ganna a very important discovery... ... And together they are all really stunning and for me unbelievably fresh and passionate in their music, which simply radiates between the elements of calmness, departure, gliding along and contentment...  
Musikansich, 30-7-2020

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