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Time Was Now

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio

Time Was Now

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917138023
Catnr: DMCHR 71380
Release date: 06 November 2020
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71380
Release date
06 November 2020

"... The music is wonderfully composed and defined, yet it is open to solo excursions. Very successful!"

Concerto, Austria, 06-2-2021

About the album

There are a number of ways to tell stories: by word of mouth, declaimed and sung, as written words, carved in stone, finely drawn with quill and ink, thrown by artists on canvas in many colors. But what happens when a guitarist simply reaches for his instrument, keeps his lips closed, but moves the strings and, with one go, creates images in front of the mind's eye that open all emotional pigeonholes and radiate in tones that one could hardly have imagined previously?

Marcus Klossek is such a musical “griot”, one belonging to those almost extinct tribal wise men who did not simply have to learn their craft. It was present in his genetic code from the start. However, the messages of the Berliner with the receding hairline are by no means from a nostalgia-transfigured past. Klossek uses the Fender Telecaster, the archetype of electric guitar, as a mouthpiece. In doing so, he follows a path taken by well-known musicians such as Jimmy Bryant, Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo and Jakob Bro. Jazz purists may turn up their noses at the electric touch of Fender Telecasters, but anyone who listens to Klossek and his Electric Trio with Derek Scherzer (drums) and Carsten Hein (bass) for just a few seconds immediately feels that a highly vital and lively improvisation heart beats in their midst.
Also on his new CD “Time Was Now”, the trio develops dynamic rhythms and enchanting melodies that unfold miraculously in front of the audience. Like chapters of a novel or verses of complex poetry, Marcus Klossek, as a guitarist and composer, manages with his pieces to let an intensely and plastically perceived structure of action evolve in the mind’s eye. As if sketched by hand, sound images of an amazing density and enormous versatility are created: powerful groovy like in “Up close”, sweet bluesy like in “Done”, swinging fast as lightning like “One Of Us”, wistfully melancholic like in “Let Me Know”, lyrically dreaming like in “August 30”, fiercely rocking like in “Black Year” or full of subtle tension like in “Unexpected Skies”.
With his eighth album, Marcus Klossek has succeeded in creating a masterpiece that will fire the enthusiasm not only of die-hard guitar aficionados. He strives single-mindedly forward without leaving his two congenial partners even one centimeter behind. Every note really sits exactly where it belongs on “Time Was Now”. Klossek, Scherzer and Hein transform their years of experience into a concise, coherent cycle of stories in which everything seems perfectly balanced: the curved lines, the well-dosed explosions and the dramaturgic concept.

In this way, a collection of precise timing and noticeable joy of playing can unfold in front of the mind’s eye without any problems and without any moralizing undertones of purists, in which humorous country and surf quotes flow directly into the jazz heritage of Wes Montgomery or John Scofield. Such a matter of course can only arise from the deep conviction that stories without words captivate people everywhere. High addiction factor!

Es gibt eine Reihe von Möglichkeiten, Geschichten zu erzählen. Von Mund zu Mund, deklamiert und gesungen, als geschriebenes Wort, in Stein gemeißelt, fein gezeichnet mit Federkiel und Tusche, von Künstlerhand vielfarbig auf Leinwand geworfen. Was aber passiert, wenn ein Gitarrist einfach zu seinem Instrument greift, die Lippen geschlossen hält, aber die Saiten bewegt und mit einem Mal Bilder vor dem geistigen Auge entstehen, die alle emotionalen Schubladen öffnen und in Klangfarben strahlen, die man sich zuvor kaum vorstellen konnte?

Marcus Klossek ist so ein musikalischer „Griot“, einer dieser fast ausgestorbenen Stammesweisen, die ihr Handwerk nicht einfach erlernen mussten. Es war von Anbeginn in ihrem Gencode vorhanden. Wobei die Botschaften des Berliners mit dem schütteren Haaransatz keineswegs aus einer nostalgieverklärten Vergangenheit stammen. Klossek benutzt die Fender Telecaster, den Archetypus der E-Gitarre, als Sprachrohr. Damit folgt er einer Spur, die vor ihm bekannte Namen wie Jimmy Bryant, Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo oder Jakob Bro legten. Jazzpuristen mögen angesichts der elektrischen Note der Fender Telecaster womöglich die Nase rümpfen, aber wer Klossek und seinem Electric Trio mit Derek Scherzer (Drums) und Carsten Hein (Bass) nur wenige Sekunden zuhört, der spürt sofort, dass in deren Mitte ein höchst vitales und lebhaftes Improvisationsherz schlägt.
Auch auf seiner neuen CD „Time Was Now“ entwickelt das Dreigestirn dynamische Rhythmen und zauberhafte Melodien, die sich vor dem Publikum auf wundersame Weise öffnen. Gleich Kapiteln eines Romans oder Strophen komplexer Lyrik schafft es Marcus Klossek als Gitarrist und Komponist mit seinen Stücken, ein intensiv und plastisch empfundenes Handlungsgefüge vor dem inneren Auge emporwachsen zu lassen. Wie von leichter Hand skizziert, entstehen Tongebilde von berückender Dichte und enormer Vielseitigkeit. Kraftvoll groovend wie in „Up Close“, süffig bluesend wie in „Done“, wieselflink swingend wie „One Of Us“, melancholisch gründelnd wie in „Let Me Know“, lyrisch träumend wie in „August 30“. brachial rockend wie in „Black Year“ oder voll subtiler Spannung wie in „Unexpected Skies“.

Mit seinem achten Album ist Marcus Klossek ein Meisterwerk gelungen, das nicht nur bei eingefleischten Gitarren-Afficionados für Begeisterung sorgen dürfte. Da marschiert einer unbeirrt voran, ohne seine beiden kongenialen Partner auch nur einen Zentimeter hinter sich zu lassen. Auf „Time Was Now“ sitzt wirklich jeder Ton genau da wo er hingehört. Klossek, Scherzer und Hein wandeln ihre jahrelange Erfahrung in einen bündigen, stimmigen Zyklus an Geschichten um, bei denen alles perfekt austariert wirkt: die geschwungenen Linien, die wohldosierten Eruptionen, das dramaturgische Konzept. So kann sich vor dem geistigen Auge problemlos und ohne akademischen Zeigefinger ein Sammelsurium an präzisem Timing und spürbarer Spielfreude entfalten, bei dem humorvolle Country- und Surf-Zitate unmittelbar in das Jazz-Erbe eines Wes Montgomery oder eines John Scofield einfließen. So viel Selbstverständlichkeit kann nur aus der tiefen Überzeugung heraus entstehen, dass Geschichten ohne Worte Menschen überall in ihren Bann schlagen. Hoher Suchtfaktor!


Marcus Klossek (guitar)

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar. A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few. An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great! His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills...

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio

Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin

Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar.

A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few.

An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great!

His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills which go far beyond the average guitar release.

Marcus Klossek has toured countless european clubs and festivals since his music studies at the University of Arts in Amsterdam.

He also has been an instructor for guitar, ensembles and workshops worldwide for many years.

Incidentally, his virtuoso guitar playing has made him one of the busiest musicians with dozens of guest appearances on albums by bands and projects of the German Jazz scene.

Really good stories don't need to be flashy and loud in order to lodge themselves firmly in our hearts.

“In Jazz there is a demand, that on and with the instruments stories should be told.
Marcus Klossek, the guitarist from Berlin, is someone who has internalized this." Martin Laurentius / Jazzthing



Marcus Klossek (guitar)

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar. A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few. An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great! His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills...

Marcus Klossek Electric Trio

Telecaster Jazz Guitar Noire from Berlin

Marcus Klossek is one of the growing number of guitarists who perfom Jazz on a Fender Telecaster, the archetype of the electric guitar.

A class of musicians that consists of many extraordinary artists; from Jimmy Bryant to Ed Bickert, Bill Frisell, Mike Stern, Jim Campilongo or Jakob Bro, just to name a few.

An established name within the Berlin jazz scene who knows how to get to the point with his Electric Trio. A guitar, bass and drums; that's all it takes to make the songs of Marcus Klossek sound great!

His brand new album „Time Was Now“, the 8th release as a bandleader and the first one for Double Moon/Challenge Records, is another proof of exceptional storytelling composing skills which go far beyond the average guitar release.

Marcus Klossek has toured countless european clubs and festivals since his music studies at the University of Arts in Amsterdam.

He also has been an instructor for guitar, ensembles and workshops worldwide for many years.

Incidentally, his virtuoso guitar playing has made him one of the busiest musicians with dozens of guest appearances on albums by bands and projects of the German Jazz scene.

Really good stories don't need to be flashy and loud in order to lodge themselves firmly in our hearts.

“In Jazz there is a demand, that on and with the instruments stories should be told.
Marcus Klossek, the guitarist from Berlin, is someone who has internalized this." Martin Laurentius / Jazzthing



... The music is wonderfully composed and defined, yet it is open to solo excursions. Very successful!
Concerto, Austria, 06-2-2021

... And so "Memory Lane", the longest track on the record, is perhaps the song that has the most charisma, even radiates the music into wicked heights, lifts with a thick psychedelic touch and considerably expands the term fusion. That is a clear start-up tip! ...
Musik ab sich, 07-12-2020

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