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Enrico Pieranunzi / Bert Joris


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917346022
Catnr: CR 73460
Release date: 15 January 2021
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73460
Release date
15 January 2021

"both can hold their own as performers and composers, as heard on these delightful duo sessions from 2018"

New York City Jazz Records, 03-1-2022

About the album

"Every time I listen to the very first tones of Afterglow, I get struck immediately, as if by a force of nature. Suddenly, I am part of a natural phenomenon, that manifests right in front of me. At that very moment, everything else in the world doesn’t seem to matter that much. There’s only you and the musical synergy of two masterminds, who put their hearts and souls in every detail of their private conversation.
Exactly the same feeling hit me over and over, when audio engineer Floren Van Stichel and I were part of the creation of Afterglow, in September 2018. The sheer beauty of the music by Enrico Pieranunzi and Bert Joris was present at every single moment. The only thing Floren and I had to do was listen. We simply guarded the entire process.
While performing together, Enrico once said: “Sometimes, the moment you don’t play adds more significance to the things you do play”. The same thing applies to being a producer. Being present was just enough. Nature took its course and Afterglow saw the light of day."
Jasper Somsen
(Double Bassist/Composer/Producer)

"Jedes Mal, wenn ich die allerersten Töne von Afterglow höre, werde ich sofort ergriffen, wie von einer Naturgewalt. Plötzlich bin ich Teil eines Naturphänomens, das sich direkt vor meinen Augen manifestiert. In diesem Moment scheint alles andere auf der Welt nicht mehr so wichtig zu sein. Es gibt nur Sie und die musikalische Synergie zweier Vordenker, die sich mit Herz und Seele in jedes Detail ihres privaten Gesprächs vertieft haben.
Genau dasselbe Gefühl überkam mich immer wieder, als Toningenieur Floren Van Stichel und ich im September 2018 an der Entstehung von Afterglow beteiligt waren. Die schiere Schönheit der Musik von Enrico Pieranunzi und Bert Joris war in jedem einzelnen Moment präsent. Das Einzige, was Floren und ich tun mussten, war zuzuhören. Wir haben den gesamten Prozess einfach nur behütet.
Als wir zusammen auftraten, sagte Enrico Pieranunzi einmal: "Manchmal verleiht der Moment, in dem man nicht spielt, den Dingen, die man spielt, mehr Bedeutung". Dasselbe gilt für das Produzieren. Die Anwesenheit war gerade genug. Die Natur nahm ihren Lauf und Afterglow erblickte das Licht der Welt".
Jasper Somsen (Kontrabassis/Komponist/Produzent)

Enrico Pieranunzi ist seit langem eine der bekanntesten und angesehensten Persönlichkeiten der europäischen Jazzszene. Als Pianist, Komponist und Arrangeur hat er mehr als siebzig CDs unter eigenem Namen aufgenommen, vom Solo-Klavier bis zum Trio, vom Duo bis zum Quintett. Er spielte im Konzert und im Studio mit Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Marc Johnson, Joey Baron, Paul Motian, Chris Potter und Charlie Haden und trat auf allen wichtigen internationalen Festivals auf, von Montreal bis Kopenhagen, von Berlin bis Madrid. Pieranunzis prägende Jahre umfassten sowohl klassisches als auch Jazz-Piano und der Einfluss von Debussy ist in der üppigen Romantik, die seiner Musik zugrunde liegt, deutlich zu erkennen. Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre hat Enrico Pieranunzi eine große Rolle gespielt. Als Pianist, Komponist und Arrangeur hat er mehr als siebzig CDs unter eigenem Namen aufgenommen, vom Solo-Klavier bis zum Trio, vom Duo bis zum Quintett. Er spielte im Konzert und im Studio mit Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Marc Johnson, Joey Baron, Paul Motian, Chris Potter und Charlie Haden und trat auf allen wichtigen internationalen Festivals auf, von Montreal bis Kopenhagen, von Berlin bis Madrid.

Musikaufführung, Komponieren und Arrangieren sind immer miteinander verflochten, bleiben aber in der Regel getrennte Spezialgebiete. Ein Experte auf zwei Gebieten zu werden, ist bereits eine Leistung. Der international gefeierte Trompeter Bert Joris ist einer der wenigen, der in allen drei Bereichen ein beneidenswertes Niveau erreicht hat. Seit Mitte der 80er Jahre hat sich Joris einen Ruf als lyrischer Musiker erworben, dessen Eleganz und warmer, seidiger Ton ihn zur Referenz für Trompeter in Belgien gemacht haben. Darüber hinaus haben seine Kompositionen den Weg in das Repertoire unzähliger Musiker in Belgien und im Ausland gefunden. Joris ist auch zu einem hochkarätigen Arrangeur geworden, der mit einigen der besten auf diesem Gebiet zusammenarbeitet, wie dem Brussels Jazz Orchestra, das viele seiner farbenfrohen und vielschichtigen Kompositionen und Arrangements aufgeführt hat. Darüber hinaus genießt Joris auch als Filmkomponist und Pädagoge hohes Ansehen, da er Meisterklassen in der ganzen Welt unterrichtet und eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Entwicklung von Jazz-Abteilungen an mehreren Konservatorien gespielt hat.


Enrico Pieranunzi (piano)

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014...

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014 as “Best International Keyboard Artist”. Pieranunzi has performed his music all over the world in the most prestigious international festivals, from Montréal to Copenhagen and Buenos Aires, from Berlin and Madrid to Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Beijing. For the past ten years, he has been playing more and more in the USA, and has taken part in the San Francisco and Spoleto (Charleston, South Carolina) festivals. He has also been regularly featured in the most important New York clubs, especially the Village Vanguard, where in July 2010 he recorded the album Live at the Village Vanguard with Marc Johnson and Paul Motian. This is the first album ever recorded by an Italian musician (and one of the very few by European musicians) in the legendary diamond shaped 7th Avenue venue. A second Live at the Village Vanguard, recorded in 2015 with Donny McCaslin, Scott Colley and Clarence Penn, will be released at the end of 2016. Enrico Pieranunzi has composed over 300 pieces, many of which have become standards performed and recorded by musicians all over the world (Night Bird, Don’t Forget the Poet, Fellini’s Waltz).

Pieranunzi can swing – crisply and surely. But in those tempos, he remains his lyrical self. His music sings” (Nat Hentoff, 1990)

Enrico Pieranunzi breathes new life into contemporary jazz” (Ray Spencer, Jazz Journal International, 1992)

Remember the name, me, get lost in the music” (Josef Woodard, Jazz Times, 2000)


Bert Joris (trumpet)


Enrico Pieranunzi (piano)

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014...

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014 as “Best International Keyboard Artist”. Pieranunzi has performed his music all over the world in the most prestigious international festivals, from Montréal to Copenhagen and Buenos Aires, from Berlin and Madrid to Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Beijing. For the past ten years, he has been playing more and more in the USA, and has taken part in the San Francisco and Spoleto (Charleston, South Carolina) festivals. He has also been regularly featured in the most important New York clubs, especially the Village Vanguard, where in July 2010 he recorded the album Live at the Village Vanguard with Marc Johnson and Paul Motian. This is the first album ever recorded by an Italian musician (and one of the very few by European musicians) in the legendary diamond shaped 7th Avenue venue. A second Live at the Village Vanguard, recorded in 2015 with Donny McCaslin, Scott Colley and Clarence Penn, will be released at the end of 2016. Enrico Pieranunzi has composed over 300 pieces, many of which have become standards performed and recorded by musicians all over the world (Night Bird, Don’t Forget the Poet, Fellini’s Waltz).

Pieranunzi can swing – crisply and surely. But in those tempos, he remains his lyrical self. His music sings” (Nat Hentoff, 1990)

Enrico Pieranunzi breathes new life into contemporary jazz” (Ray Spencer, Jazz Journal International, 1992)

Remember the name, me, get lost in the music” (Josef Woodard, Jazz Times, 2000)


Bert Joris (trumpet)


both can hold their own as performers and composers, as heard on these delightful duo sessions from 2018
New York City Jazz Records, 03-1-2022

... After other pieces that are seamlessly added and for the most part seem restrained, the duo finally turns to the tradition of familiar dialogues with "The Real You." To participate in them is a listening pleasure.  
Piano News, 05-5-2021

An intimate, atmospheric and lyrical jazz album has been released by Italian pianist Enrico Pieranunzi and Belgian trumpeter Bert Joris have recorded with "Afterglow"...
Inmusic, 23-4-2021

BAM! Track 1. Hit. During the first measures I sat up straight, ears pricked up
Klassieke zaken, 15-3-2021

... Recorded back in September 2018 and produced by bassist and composer Jasper Somsen, with whom Pieranunzi has been playing for many years, this album fascinates with a beauty of sound that runs through all eleven of the two musicians' own compositions on the album and that is deeply touching...
Jazz'n More Switzerland, 11-3-2021

It's a record that repays repeated listening, and draws us in to a private world of beauty and exhilaration.
JazzWise, 08-3-2021

All in all, a very accomplished and satisfying musical engagement. 
JazzViews, 01-3-2021

... On "Afterglow" the jazz pianist from Rome meets the Belgian brass player Bert Joris. And his lyrical playing on trumpet and flugelhorn combines in the mostly very soulful dialogues with the fine touch culture of the Italian...
Medienhaus Bauer, 6 daily newspapers, 25-2-2021

... On the whole, however, the almost puristic harmony of trumpet and piano is dominated by cantabile melodies, silky brilliance, nuanced dynamics and the deliberately cultivated principle of reduction to the core....
Jazzpodium 3 4 2021, 23-2-2021

How they do it, how much is composition and how much inspiration of the moment, I can only guess. But it all hangs together quite brilliantly.
The Guardian, 19-2-2021

On three parts of the album we hardly knew where we were going. Putting something like that on the record was really new to me. - Bert Joris
Radio1, 18-2-2021

Enrico and Bert leave us a deep trace of beauty and happiness.
Le Soir, 18-2-2021

On Afterglow, Pieranunzi is featured with Belgian trumpeter, composer and arranger Bert Joris, in one of his most rewarding recent albums.
Jazz Journal, 15-2-2021

... Both are united by the harmonically rich, melodically imaginative and often cantabile fluency of Pieranunzi's delicate piano playing, which meanders through space and time with serene composure. What Bert Joris smoothly shines over with delicately vibrating intensity...
Fono Forum, 10-2-2021

 ... Belgian trumpeter Bert Joris and Italian pianist Enrico Pieranunzi, two top European jazz musicians, engage in an uncompromising, intense and thoroughly entrancing dialogue on their new album "Afterglow"...  
Bayerischer Rundfunk, talk, 09-2-2021

Joy and melancholy alternate, but it is mainly those countless sensitive moments that can touch your soul
JazzRadar, 08-2-2021

... So indulgent yet natural is Enrico Pieranunzi's edgeless piano playing united with the expressive blowing of Belgian trumpeter Bert Joris...
Concerto, Austria, 06-2-2021

... And when the Belgian trumpeter Bert Joris joins Pieranunzi, one notices immediately that the two speak the same musical language. In "People Change" piano and trumpet interweave, merge, dissolve again, become one, become a swaying respite.
WDR, CD of the Week, 04-2-2021

There’s nothing too taxing here, which is all part of the album’s charm. And in our dark and difficult times, Afterglow’s lightness and contemplative mood is a welcome comfort.
The Morning Star, 02-2-2021

... Having recorded well over 70 albums to date, the Roman now adds duo recordings whose simplicity and lyricism impress... "Afterglow" radiates across genres due to Bert Jori's trumpet playing, developing its elegance on the basis of deepening interpersonal improvisations....
Kultkomplott, 02-2-2021

... Belgian trumpeter Bert Joris and Italian pianist Enrico Pieranunzi communicated at the September 2018 session as sensitively as only soulmates can. Who leads? Who lets himself be led?...
Audio 03 2021, 01-2-2021

... Without rhythmic support, a trumpet-piano duo can only function through total complicity, a real empathy in terms of melodic lyricism (Siren's lounge, Afterglow), as well as an innate sense of rhythm (Five plus five). This is the case here with two musicians at the peak of their art.
Jazz halo, 26-1-2021

... A duet accomplice of great elegance. The music and the art of purity., 26-1-2021

... In a duo with Belgian trumpeter Bert Joris, Pieranunzi, who has been washed with all the waters of impressionism and modern jazz, shows his experimental side...
Jazzthing, 25-1-2021

The album "Afterglow" breathes fun and manages to touch the listener's heart without any musical frills. The alternation between slow and rhythmic compositions is almost ideal.
Jazzenzo, 24-1-2021

A mostly improvised bundle of compositions of incredible beauty is delivered by pianist ENRICO PIERANUNZI and trumpeter BERT JORIS with their "Afterglow"...
Na Dann, 22-1-2021

...these exquisite duets impart a warm, relaxed and satisfied feeling.
BBC Music Magazine, 21-1-2021

Siren’s lounge, the opener of this duo recording with trumpet player Bert Joris, is such a beautiful cinematic piece and the title piece also has a remarkably modest force
Nieuwsblad, 20-1-2021

Indeed, humanity and empathy shine through in this fine recording – a privilege to closely listen in on the craft of Enrico Pieranunzi and Bert Joris.
London Jazz News, 18-1-2021

Take a killer jazz piano man, add a trumpeter that knows what to add and when, roll tape and let good things happen.  One of those totally amazing albums where so little is really so much...
Midwestrecord, 15-1-2021

... Especially beautiful are songs like "Cradle Song For Mattia", where piano and horn shape the melody in unison and furthermore throw the balls to each other within short improvisation passages.
Musikansich, 11-1-2021

"Afterglow" captivates for its outspoken musicality and an infectious good feeling, which seems to blossom just at the right time as an afterglow of hope for better times  
JazzHalo, 09-1-2021

Less is often more, and Afterglow is a good example of that. Strong tunes, burnished performances, clean audio quality. A feelgood album with which to approach the new year.
All about Jazz, 29-12-2020

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