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Chapter One

Marieke Koopman

Chapter One

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917352528
Catnr: CR 73525
Release date: 07 May 2021
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73525
Release date
07 May 2021

"... It is also amazing that the artist does something new - or at least unusual - with and from every single song. Koopman is addictive. In the truest sense of the word..."

Concerto, Austria, 01-10-2021

About the album

‘If music be the food of love, play on!’ – Shakespeare

Marieke Koopman was destined for music. Growing up in a musical household, Marieke was always surrounded by musicians, music, and creativity. “Even as a kid I was always singing, wherever I was!” As a daughter of two well-known musicians, it was no surprise she chose a creative and musical life as well.
“Music in not only the note you sing. You need to really tell a story.” So, after years of studying with teachers as Max van Egmond, Astrid Seriese, Floor van Zutphen, Sanna van Vliet and Deborah Carter, she wanted to go even deeper into her performance. She decided to go to acting school. Studying acting with teachers as Nelleke Zitman, Erik v/t Wout, Truus te Selle, brought her a strong understanding of words, subtext and meaning, but also of how to incorporate words, melody, and performance into one strong appearance. Marieke was finally ready to follow her heart’s desire into music. From that point on she started performing Jazz.
After graduating she focused her work on two main area’s: performing as a jazz-singer and writing and playing children’s theatre. During this time, she really started focusing on swing jazz and performing with Big bands. She started frequenting venue’s like: Nick Vollebregt, Singer theatre, the Doelen Jazz-café. Next to that she wanted to show children the wonders of classical music. Together with Ton Koopman and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir, Marieke wrote and performed (from 2012 until now) in many places all over Europe. Frequenting concert-halls as Vredenburg, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the Doelen Rotterdam, as well as famous halls in Barcelona, Milan, Lubeck, and many more cities, even in Zermatt, Suisse.

Yet she continued studying singing, falling more and more in love with early jazz (Swing-era) every step of the way. ‘The deepness of the lyrics combined with the most wonderful music hits me every time! People really felt something then…’ Her love for stories, emotions but also beautiful melodies were and are the driving energy behind Marieke’s interpretations and improvisations.
In the fall of 2019 Marieke embarked on an exciting new project. After performing for many years, she wanted to take a big new step into the music. She decided it was time to record her own cd. After finding a label and producer Marieke was energized to finally fulfill her dream. In choosing her repertoire, she was again reminded of why she decided to go into music: her love of stories, rhythm, and emotion in every style of music. She wanted to combine her roots in classical music with her own style and love of Jazz. She was reminded of a story from her grandfather being a very enthusiastic jazz drummer in the Swing-era. She finally understood her roots and especially in jazz from the early 30’s until the late 40’s. The theme of her debut cd was born.
Now she could finally work on her own sound. She chose jazz-standards (some known, others not so known) which had strong lyrics or were little gems melody wise and mixed them with her own style. Never being afraid of opinions or stepping out of the box, Marieke loves to transform songs and has found a way of communicating her emotions through playful rhythmic and melodic interpretations, improvisations, as well as her use of lyrical timing.
'Wenn Musik die Nahrung der Liebe ist, dann spiel weiter! - Shakespeare

Marieke Koopman war für die Musik bestimmt. Aufgewachsen in einem musikalischen Haushalt, war Marieke immer von Musikern, Musik und Kreativität umgeben. "Schon als Kind habe ich immer gesungen, egal wo ich war!" Als Tochter zweier bekannter Musiker war es keine Überraschung, dass auch sie sich für ein kreatives und musikalisches Leben entschied.

"Musik ist nicht nur die Note, die man singt. Man muss wirklich eine Geschichte erzählen." Nachdem sie also jahrelang bei Lehrern wie Max van Egmond, Astrid Seriese, Floor van Zutphen, Sanna van Vliet und Deborah Carter studiert hatte, wollte sie noch tiefer in ihre Interpretation einsteigen. Sie beschloss, eine Schauspielschule zu besuchen. Das Schauspielstudium bei Lehrern wie Nelleke Zitman, Erik v/t Wout und Truus te Selle brachte ihr ein starkes Verständnis für Worte, Subtext und Bedeutung, aber auch dafür, wie man Worte, Melodie und Darbietung zu einem starken Auftritt zusammenfügt. Marieke war endlich bereit, ihrem Herzenswunsch in die Musik zu folgen. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an begann sie, Jazz zu performen.

Nach dem Abschluss ihres Studiums konzentrierte sie sich auf zwei Hauptbereiche: das Auftreten als Jazz-Sängerin und das Schreiben und Spielen von Kindertheater. Während dieser Zeit begann sie, sich auf Swing-Jazz zu konzentrieren und mit Big-Bands aufzutreten. Sie begann, Veranstaltungsorte zu besuchen wie: Nick Vollebregt, Singer Theater, das Doelen Jazz-Café. Außerdem wollte sie Kindern die Wunder der klassischen Musik näher bringen. Zusammen mit Ton Koopman und dem Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir schrieb und spielte Marieke (von 2012 an bis heute) an vielen Orten in ganz Europa. Sie besuchte Konzertsäle wie die Vredenburg, das Concertgebouw Amsterdam, die Doelen Rotterdam, sowie berühmte Säle in Barcelona, Mailand, Lubeck und vielen weiteren Städten, sogar in Zermatt in der Schweiz.

Dennoch studierte sie weiter Gesang und verliebte sich dabei immer mehr in den frühen Jazz (Swing-Ära). Die Tiefe der Texte, kombiniert mit der wunderbarsten Musik, trifft mich jedes Mal! Die Leute haben damals wirklich etwas gefühlt...' Ihre Liebe zu Geschichten, Emotionen aber auch schönen Melodien waren und sind die treibende Energie hinter Mariekes Interpretationen und Improvisationen.

Im Herbst 2019 hat Marieke ein spannendes neues Projekt begonnen. Nachdem sie viele Jahre lang als Sängerin aufgetreten war, wollte sie einen neuen großen Schritt in der Musik machen. Sie beschloss, dass es an der Zeit war, ihre eigene CD aufzunehmen. Nachdem sie ein Label und einen Produzenten gefunden hatte, war Marieke voller Energie, um sich endlich ihren Traum zu erfüllen. Bei der Auswahl ihres Repertoires wurde sie wieder daran erinnert, warum sie sich für die Musik entschieden hatte: ihre Liebe zu Geschichten, Rhythmus und Emotionen in jedem Musikstil. Sie wollte ihre Wurzeln in der klassischen Musik mit ihrem eigenen Stil und ihrer Liebe zum Jazz verbinden. Sie erinnerte sich an eine Geschichte von ihrem Großvater, der in der Swing-Ära ein sehr begeisterter Jazz-Schlagzeuger war. Sie verstand endlich ihre Wurzeln und vor allem den Jazz von den frühen 30er bis zu den späten 40er Jahren. Das Thema ihrer Debüt-CD war geboren.

Nun konnte sie endlich an ihrem eigenen Sound arbeiten. Sie wählte Jazz-Standards (einige bekannt, andere nicht so bekannt), die starke Texte hatten oder melodisch kleine Juwelen waren, und mischte sie mit ihrem eigenen Stil. Marieke hat nie Angst vor Meinungen oder davor, aus dem Rahmen zu fallen. Sie liebt es, Songs zu transformieren und hat einen Weg gefunden, ihre Emotionen durch spielerische rhythmische und melodische Interpretationen, Improvisationen sowie ihren Einsatz von lyrischem Timing zu vermitteln.


Marieke Koopman (vocals)

‘If music be the food of love, play on!’ – Shakespeare Marieke Koopman was destined for music. Growing up in a musical household, Marieke was always surrounded by musicians, music, and creativity. “Even as a kid I was always singing, wherever I was!” As a daughter of two well-known musicians, it was no surprise she chose a creative and musical life as well. “Music in not only the note you sing. You need to really tell a story.” So, after years of studying with teachers as Max van Egmond, Astrid Seriese, Floor van Zutphen, Sanna van Vliet and Deborah Carter, she wanted to go even deeper into her performance. She decided to go to acting school. Studying acting with teachers as Nelleke...

‘If music be the food of love, play on!’ – Shakespeare

Marieke Koopman was destined for music. Growing up in a musical household, Marieke was always surrounded by musicians, music, and creativity. “Even as a kid I was always singing, wherever I was!” As a daughter of two well-known musicians, it was no surprise she chose a creative and musical life as well.

“Music in not only the note you sing. You need to really tell a story.” So, after years of studying with teachers as Max van Egmond, Astrid Seriese, Floor van Zutphen, Sanna van Vliet and Deborah Carter, she wanted to go even deeper into her performance. She decided to go to acting school. Studying acting with teachers as Nelleke Zitman, Erik v/t Wout, Truus te Selle, brought her a strong understanding of words, subtext and meaning, but also of how to incorporate words, melody, and performance into one strong appearance. Marieke was finally ready to follow her heart’s desire into music. From that point on she started performing Jazz.

After graduating she focused her work on two main area’s: performing as a jazz-singer and writing and playing children’s theatre. During this time, she really started focusing on swing jazz and performing with Big bands. She started frequenting venue’s like: Nick Vollebregt, Singer theatre, the Doelen Jazz-café. Next to that she wanted to show children the wonders of classical music. Together with Ton Koopman and the Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choir, Marieke wrote and performed (from 2012 until now) in many places all over Europe. Frequenting concert-halls as Vredenburg, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the Doelen Rotterdam, as well as famous halls in Barcelona, Milan, Lubeck, and many more cities, even in Zermatt, Suisse.

Yet she continued studying singing, falling more and more in love with early jazz (Swing-era) every step of the way. ‘The deepness of the lyrics combined with the most wonderful music hits me every time! People really felt something then…’ Her love for stories, emotions but also beautiful melodies were and are the driving energy behind Marieke’s interpretations and improvisations.

In the fall of 2019 Marieke embarked on an exciting new project. After performing for many years, she wanted to take a big new step into the music. She decided it was time to record her own cd. After finding a label and producer Marieke was energized to finally fulfill her dream. In choosing her repertoire, she was again reminded of why she decided to go into music: her love of stories, rhythm, and emotion in every style of music. She wanted to combine her roots in classical music with her own style and love of Jazz. She was reminded of a story from her grandfather being a very enthusiastic jazz drummer in the Swing-era. She finally understood her roots and especially in jazz from the early 30’s until the late 40’s. The theme of her debut cd was born.

Now she could finally work on her own sound. She chose jazz-standards (some known, others not so known) which had strong lyrics or were little gems melody wise and mixed them with her own style. Never being afraid of opinions or stepping out of the box, Marieke loves to transform songs and has found a way of communicating her emotions through playful rhythmic and melodic interpretations, improvisations, as well as her use of lyrical timing.


Bob Wijnen (piano)

Bob Wijnen is a pianist of great sensitivity and depth. Much in demand as an accompanist, he is known for having some of the best ears around, as well as being an elegant and adventurous soloist who has absorbed a great deal of the history of jazz piano, Hammond organ and Fender Rhodes funk. Tasteful yet adventurous playing is what Wijnen strives for in his performance. After touring Indonesia, the USA, Germany, the UK and Ireland and having recorded albums with many projects, like his current bands Triplicate and Equinox, Wijnen decided it was time to take a big step forward. This inner urge, or as Wijnen calls it, this Call of the Wild, led him to the making of his...
Bob Wijnen is a pianist of great sensitivity and depth. Much in demand as an accompanist, he is known for having some of the best ears around, as well as being an elegant and adventurous soloist who has absorbed a great deal of the history of jazz piano, Hammond organ and Fender Rhodes funk. Tasteful yet adventurous playing is what Wijnen strives for in his performance.
After touring Indonesia, the USA, Germany, the UK and Ireland and having recorded albums with many projects, like his current bands Triplicate and Equinox, Wijnen decided it was time to take a big step forward. This inner urge, or as Wijnen calls it, this Call of the Wild, led him to the making of his first album "NYC Unforeseen" together with Peter Bernstein, Dezron Douglas and Billy Drummond, recorded in the great capital of jazz: New York.
Dutch jazz journalist Bert Jansma said: "Watch out for this guy! He was always a tasteful pianist, but he's getting better every time I hear him." Wijnen continues to grow as a pianist. Besides that, his focus is more and more on composing and arranging.


Jos Machtel (double bass)

Thomas Welvaadt (trumpet)

Jo Hermans (trumpet)

Jasper Staps (alto saxophone)

Nils Van Haften (bariton saxophone)

Vincent Veneman (trombone)



... It is also amazing that the artist does something new - or at least unusual - with and from every single song. Koopman is addictive. In the truest sense of the word...
Concerto, Austria, 01-10-2021

Chapter One is an impressive start for Marieke Koopman’s jazz career. 
Syncopated Times, 28-10-2021

Listenable female vocal jazz from the Netherlands... The program includes remarkable interpretations of well-known and unknown standards of the American Songbook...
InMusic , 30-8-2021

... Marieke is never afraid of opinions or breaking out of the box and loves to reinterpret songs. And she has found a way to convey her emotions through playful rhythmic and melodic interpretations, improvisations and the use of lyrical timing..., 26-8-2021

The great advantage of the album is that it presents a very interesting set of standards, but uses the means sparingly, in moderation and according to the needs. There are no superfluous notes here, instead it is a great entertainment, from beginning to end.
Jazz-Fun, 05-6-2021

...Fourteen little melodic jewels that make the record as a whole swinging glitter, responsible for this are certainly the brilliant accompanying musicians who master every style.
Musikansich, 04-5-2021

Play album Play album
Just One of Those Things
(Cole Porter) Mitchell Damen, Vincent Veneman, Nils Van Haften, Jasper Staps, Jo Hermans, Thomas Welvaadt, Jos Machtel, Bob Wijnen, Marieke Koopman
The More I See You
(Mack Gordon, Harry Warren) Mitchell Damen, Vincent Veneman, Nils Van Haften, Jasper Staps, Jo Hermans, Thomas Welvaadt, Jos Machtel, Bob Wijnen, Marieke Koopman
Looking For a Boy
(Ira Gerschwin, George Gerschwin) Jos Machtel, Marieke Koopman
Someone to Watch Over Me
(George Gerschwin, Ira Gerschwin) Marieke Koopman, Ton Koopman
Let's Face the Music and Dance
(Irving Berlin) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Thomas Welvaadt, Jo Hermans, Jasper Staps, Nils Van Haften, Vincent Veneman, Mitchell Damen
Everything I've Got Belongs to You
(Lorenz Hart) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Mitchell Damen
(Hoagy Carmichael, Mitchell Paris) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen
I Get a Kick Out of You
(Cole Porters) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Thomas Welvaadt, Jo Hermans, Jasper Staps, Nils Van Haften, Vincent Veneman, Mitchell Damen
But Not for Me
(George Gerschwin, Ira Gerschwin) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Mitchell Damen
Get Out of Town
(Cole Porter) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Mitchell Damen
Taking a Chance on Love
(Various composers) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Thomas Welvaadt, Jo Hermans, Jasper Staps, Nils Van Haften, Vincent Veneman, Mitchell Damen
Things Are Looking Up
(Vernon Duke) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Mitchell Damen
It Had To Be You
(Gus Kahn, Isham Jones) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Mitchell Damen
With A Song In My Heart
(Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart) Marieke Koopman, Bob Wijnen, Jos Machtel, Thomas Welvaadt, Jo Hermans, Jasper Staps, Nils Van Haften, Vincent Veneman, Mitchell Damen
show all tracks

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Sinikka Langeland
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