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Christy Doran / Stefan Banz


Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Between The Lines
UPC: 0608917125122
Catnr: BTLCHR 71251
Release date: 26 November 2021
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Between The Lines
Catalogue number
BTLCHR 71251
Release date
26 November 2021

"... Pretty good stuff."

Jazzthing, 23-3-2022

About the album

The steel strings rattle fiercely when subject to Christy Doran’s harsh strokes. The Swiss guitarist has been one of the most outstanding representatives of his profession for decades. However, he was born in Ireland as the son of a singer who exposed him to music at an early age. Doran then gained international fame in the seventies when he founded the band OM together with saxophonist Urs Leimgruber, bassist Bobby Burri and drummer Fredy Studer, which already combined free jazz with world music when this term did not even exist. Since then, the guitarist has worked with international big names such as John Surman, Dom Um Romao, Jasper van't Hof, Carla Bley, Charlie Mariano, Ray Anderson, Irène Schweizer, Hank Roberts, Wolfgang Dauner, Sonny Sharrock and Albert Mangelsdorff. He has repeatedly attracted attention with his electric instrument groups, of which the New Bag formation was probably one of the most well-known and which lasted the longest. Another of Christy Doran’s passions from the beginning of his career was playing solo, which can also be heard on “Aerosols”.

But the album is also a close collaboration with the artist Stefan Banz, who died on May 16 this year at the young age of 59. Intermediality was the driving force behind Banz’s art, which is why he also worked as a painter as well as in the fields of installation, photography and video. As a result, the confrontation with the music of Christy Doran was actually only logical.

Five of the ten pieces were the inspiration for five acrylic paintings created by Banz. On the other hand, five of his acrylic paintings were the source of inspiration for Christy Doran to compose pieces. To ensure that the mutual artistic fertilization remains comprehensible to the listener, all 10 paintings by Stefan Banz are printed in the booklet of the CD. Christy Doran can be heard on both the acoustic and the electric guitar and also incorporates electronic effects into his music.

The two artists had known each other for a long time. For example, Banz created the cover of the CD "Heaven is Back in the Streets" by Doran’s band New Bag, and consequently the guitarist immediately agreed when Banz proposed the collaboration to him at the end of last year.

The five compositions for which Banz created paintings can be found on the first half of the CD. Banz was inspired by the folky-sounding opener “Cat Care” to create the painting of the same name: “A pink moon shines from a deep blue night and throws its shadow on the ground like a mantra." The wild research in sound of “Kaleidoscope in a Blizzard” inspired Banz to create the painting “Broken View”: "A snowstorm is thundering and not flashing. It is diffuse and drifts quietly forward."

In the other direction, artistic fertilization works just as astonishingly. Banz describes the painting “From the Ballad of Affection” as follows: “Blue sky, hot climate. A colorful round dance. Three women and one man.” Christy Doran was inspired by this painting to create a blues-soaked delicacy on the acoustic guitar. On the other hand, “Lactus” is a painting about which Banz expressed himself as follows: “A black background. A hanging garment. And suddenly a head pops up: The left cheek in a shadow, the right cheek visible in light, eyes and nose hollowed out, a tiny mouth and a fleshy chin.” The torn construction leads Doran on a wild adventure ride into the realm of free sounds, in which swelling sound clouds, sound fragments, echoes and waviness play a role.

“Aerosols” is the unique collaboration of two free spirits. Of course, the album title was not chosen randomly. Although aerosols certainly no longer have a positive significance due to the coronavirus pandemic, they are a perfect metaphor for mutual artistic fertilization for Doran and Banz. There’s something in the air.

Heftig scheppern die Stahlsaiten, wenn sie mit dem harten Anschlag von Christy Doran konfrontiert werden. Der Schweizer Gitarrist zählt seit Jahrzehnten zu den herausragendsten Vertretern seines Fachs. Geboren wurde er allerdings in Irland als Sohn eines Sängers, der ihn schon früh der Musik aussetzte. Internationale Bekanntheit erlangte Doran dann in den siebziger Jahren, als er zusammen mit dem Saxofonisten Urs Leimgruber, dem Bassisten Bobby Burri und dem Schlagzeuger Fredy Studer die Band OM gründete, die schon freien Jazz mit Weltmusik verband, als es diesen Begriff noch gar nicht gab. Seitdem hat der Gitarrist mit internationalen Größen wie John Surman, Dom Um Romao, Jasper van’t Hof, Carla Bley, Charlie Mariano, Ray Anderson, Irène Schweizer, Hank Roberts, Wolfgang Dauner, Sonny Sharrock und Albert Mangelsdorff zusammengearbeitet. Immer wieder hat er auch mit elektrischen Gruppen von sich reden gemacht, zu deren bekanntesten und langlebigsten wohl die Formation New Bag zählte. Eine Passion vom Anfang seiner Karriere an war aber auch das Solo-Spiel und solo ist Christy Doran auch auf „Aerosols“ zu hören.

Das Album ist aber gleichzeitig eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Künstler Stefan Banz, der am 16. Mai dieses Jahres mit nur 59 Jahren verstorben ist. Bei Banz war die Intermedialität Antrieb seiner Kunst, daher war er sowohl als Maler tätig, aber auch in den Bereichen Installation, Fotografie und Video. So ist die Auseinandersetzung mit der Musik von Christy Doran eigentlich auch nur folgerichtig.

Fünf der zehn Stücke waren Inspiration für fünf Acrylbilder, die Banz schuf. Andererseits waren fünf seiner Acrylbilder wiederum der Anlass für Christy Doran, Stücke zu schreiben. Damit die gegenseitige künstlerische Befruchtung für den Hörer nachvollziehbar bleibt, sind alle zehn Bilder von Stefan Banz im Booklet der CD abgedruckt. Christy Doran ist sowohl an der akustischen als auch an der elektrischen Gitarre zu hören und lässt zudem elektronische Effekte in seine Musik einfließen.

Die beiden Künstler kennen sich schon lange - Banz hat zum Beispiel das Cover der CD „Heaven is Back in the Streets“ von Dorans Band New Bag gestaltet -, und so hat der Gitarrist auch gleich zugesagt, als Banz ihm die Zusammenarbeit Ende letzten Jahres vorgeschlagen hat.

Die fünf Kompositionen, zu denen Banz Bilder geschaffen hat, finden sich auf der ersten Hälfte der CD. Vom folky klingenden Opener „Cat Care“ hat Banz sich zu dem gleichnamigen Bild inspirieren lassen: „Ein rosa Mond scheint aus einer tiefen blauen Nacht und wirft seinen Schatten wie ein Mantra auf den Boden.“ Die wilde Klangforschung von „Kaleidoscope in a Blizzard“ hat Banz wiederum zu dem Bild „Broken View“ inspiriert: „Ein Schneesturm donnert und blitzt nicht. Er ist diffus und treibt leise voran.“

In die andere Richtung funktioniert die künstlerische Befruchtung genauso verblüffend. Das Bild „From the Ballad of Affection“ beschreibt Banz folgendermaßen: „Blauer Himmel, heißes Klima. Ein farbenprächtiger Rundtanz. Drei Frauen und ein Mann.“ Von diesem Bild hat Christy Doran sich zu einer bluesgetränkten Delikatesse auf der akustischen Gitarre anregen lassen. „Lactus“ dagegen ist ein Bild, zu dem Banz sich so geäußert hat: „Ein schwarzer Hintergrund. Ein aufgehängtes Kleidungsstück. Und plötzlich taucht ein Kopf auf: Die linke Wange im Schatten, die rechte im Licht, Augen und Nase ausgehöhlt, ein winziger Mund und ein fleischiges Kinn.“ Die zerrissene Konstruktion führt bei Doran zu einem wilden Abenteuerritt in das Reich der freien Klänge, bei dem an- und abschwellende Soundwolken, Klangsplitter, Echos und Schlieren eine Rolle spielen.

„Aerosols“ ist die einzigartige Zusammenarbeit zweier freier Geister. Dabei ist der Albumtitel natürlich nicht zufällig gewählt worden. Denn obwohl Aerosole durch die Corona-Pandemie beileibe nicht mehr positiv besetzt sind, sind sie für Doran und Banz doch eine perfekte Metapher für die gegenseitige künstlerische Befruchtung. Es liegt was in der Luft.


Christy Doran (guitar)

Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music.  In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band 'OM'. Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio...
Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music. In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band "OM". Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio with Jasper van´t Hof, he went on to form the "Christy Doran´s May 84" septet with Norma Winstone, Trilok Gurtu, Urs Leimgruber, Rosko Gee, Dom Um Romao and Dave Doran. He has been a member of the "Peter Warren Quartet" with Victor Lewis and John Surman, and "RED TWIST & TUNED ARROW" with Stephan Wittwer and Fredy Studer (1985 - 1987). Christy Doran was also a co-founder of "Doran/Studer/Burri/Magnenat," (later "Doran/Studer/Gerber/Magnenat") and member of a quartet with Bobby Previte, Mark Helias and Gary Thomas. He played in a trio with Marilyn Mazur and Kim Clarke, as well as with Sibylle Pomorin´s "Augeries of Speed" meeting Terry Jenour, Annie Whitehead, Kim Clarke, Herb Robertson, Kamal Sabir. As a member of Urs Leimgruber´s "Ensemble Bleu" he also played with Francoise Kubler, Louis Sclavis, Hans Koch. Other performances have included work with Carla Bley, Albert Mangelsdorff, Bob Stewart, Edvard Vesala, Charlie Mariano, Manfred Schoof, Iréne Schweizer, Aldo Romano, Piérre Favre, Peter Schärli, Glenn Ferris, Wolfgang Dauner, Fernando Sounders, Heiri Känzig, Julio Barreto, Sonny Sharrock, Jim Meneses, Keven Bruce Harris, Martin Schütz, Daniel Mouton, Ronan Guilfoyle, Marc Peterson, Burhan Oecal, Werner Lüdi, Christoph Baumann, Lars Lindvall, Mark Halbheer, Urs Blöchlinger, Günter Müller, Lauren Newton, Tim Berne, Jim Black, Gunther Schuller, Airto Moreira a.o. He has toured in Europe, North-Africa, India, the Caribic, Mexico, Bolivia, the U.S. and Canada. 1989 began a collaboration with trombonist Ray Anderson, which lead to the trio ANDERSON/BENNINK/DORAN (including drummer Han Bennink), which disbanded 1997. 1993 Christy Doran, together with Fredy Studer started the project "DORAN/STUDER/MINTON/BATES & ALI" play the music of JIMI HENDRIX". 1994 Django Bates was replaced by cellist Tom Cora. 1995/96 the band played in quartet with Phil Minton, Amin Ali, Fredy Studer and Christy Doran. Tours with this band throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the US and Canada. Since 1993 Christy Doran is working with American flutist Robert Dick and English drummer Steve Argüelles as the A.D.D. - Trio. 1994 Fredy Studer and Christy Doran refounded the double-bass - quartet with Jean-François Jenny-Clark (acoustic bass/Paris) and Jamaaladeen Tacuma (electric bass/Philadelphia). 1994 Swedish saxofonist Thomas Jàderlund invited Doran to play in the "Amazing Orchestra" (with Guy Klucevsek, Stein-Erik Tafjord, Svante Henryson, Tomasz Stanko, and Jonny Axelsson). A new collaboration with Albert Mangelsdorff, Bruno Spoerri and Reto Weber started 1997.
Recordings have included those with Hank Roberts, Joe McPhee, Corin Curschellas, Hardy Hepp, Helmut Zerlett, Iréne Lorenz, Boris Salchak, besides several recordings with musicians mentioned above. Christy Doran´s current groups include "Christy Doran´s New Bag" (founded Dec. 97) with vocalist Bruno Amstad, Wolfgang Zwiauer on electric bass, and Fabian Kurattli on drums. the A.D.D. trio, and "Spöerri-Doran-Weber" with Albert Mangelsdorff. Christy Doran also teaches at the "Musikhochschule" of Lucerne/Switzerland.



Christy Doran (guitar)

Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music.  In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band 'OM'. Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio...
Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music. In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band "OM". Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio with Jasper van´t Hof, he went on to form the "Christy Doran´s May 84" septet with Norma Winstone, Trilok Gurtu, Urs Leimgruber, Rosko Gee, Dom Um Romao and Dave Doran. He has been a member of the "Peter Warren Quartet" with Victor Lewis and John Surman, and "RED TWIST & TUNED ARROW" with Stephan Wittwer and Fredy Studer (1985 - 1987). Christy Doran was also a co-founder of "Doran/Studer/Burri/Magnenat," (later "Doran/Studer/Gerber/Magnenat") and member of a quartet with Bobby Previte, Mark Helias and Gary Thomas. He played in a trio with Marilyn Mazur and Kim Clarke, as well as with Sibylle Pomorin´s "Augeries of Speed" meeting Terry Jenour, Annie Whitehead, Kim Clarke, Herb Robertson, Kamal Sabir. As a member of Urs Leimgruber´s "Ensemble Bleu" he also played with Francoise Kubler, Louis Sclavis, Hans Koch. Other performances have included work with Carla Bley, Albert Mangelsdorff, Bob Stewart, Edvard Vesala, Charlie Mariano, Manfred Schoof, Iréne Schweizer, Aldo Romano, Piérre Favre, Peter Schärli, Glenn Ferris, Wolfgang Dauner, Fernando Sounders, Heiri Känzig, Julio Barreto, Sonny Sharrock, Jim Meneses, Keven Bruce Harris, Martin Schütz, Daniel Mouton, Ronan Guilfoyle, Marc Peterson, Burhan Oecal, Werner Lüdi, Christoph Baumann, Lars Lindvall, Mark Halbheer, Urs Blöchlinger, Günter Müller, Lauren Newton, Tim Berne, Jim Black, Gunther Schuller, Airto Moreira a.o. He has toured in Europe, North-Africa, India, the Caribic, Mexico, Bolivia, the U.S. and Canada. 1989 began a collaboration with trombonist Ray Anderson, which lead to the trio ANDERSON/BENNINK/DORAN (including drummer Han Bennink), which disbanded 1997. 1993 Christy Doran, together with Fredy Studer started the project "DORAN/STUDER/MINTON/BATES & ALI" play the music of JIMI HENDRIX". 1994 Django Bates was replaced by cellist Tom Cora. 1995/96 the band played in quartet with Phil Minton, Amin Ali, Fredy Studer and Christy Doran. Tours with this band throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the US and Canada. Since 1993 Christy Doran is working with American flutist Robert Dick and English drummer Steve Argüelles as the A.D.D. - Trio. 1994 Fredy Studer and Christy Doran refounded the double-bass - quartet with Jean-François Jenny-Clark (acoustic bass/Paris) and Jamaaladeen Tacuma (electric bass/Philadelphia). 1994 Swedish saxofonist Thomas Jàderlund invited Doran to play in the "Amazing Orchestra" (with Guy Klucevsek, Stein-Erik Tafjord, Svante Henryson, Tomasz Stanko, and Jonny Axelsson). A new collaboration with Albert Mangelsdorff, Bruno Spoerri and Reto Weber started 1997.
Recordings have included those with Hank Roberts, Joe McPhee, Corin Curschellas, Hardy Hepp, Helmut Zerlett, Iréne Lorenz, Boris Salchak, besides several recordings with musicians mentioned above. Christy Doran´s current groups include "Christy Doran´s New Bag" (founded Dec. 97) with vocalist Bruno Amstad, Wolfgang Zwiauer on electric bass, and Fabian Kurattli on drums. the A.D.D. trio, and "Spöerri-Doran-Weber" with Albert Mangelsdorff. Christy Doran also teaches at the "Musikhochschule" of Lucerne/Switzerland.



... Pretty good stuff.
Jazzthing, 23-3-2022

... The most immersive sound kaleidoscope is the title track with its ethereal sounds that go to the limits of hearing and pain...
Jazzpodium, 01-2-2022

... Doran's multi-faceted compositions, however, are absorbing in and of themselves... Aerosols stands as a fine testament to Banz' vision and creativity, and also ranks as one of Doran's most compelling musical statements.  
All About Jazz, 10-11-2021

... A few times he rages, as one is used to from Doran, like Jimi Hendrix over the strings, furiously fast. Fusion & Free...
alpine kultur, 29-10-2021

Ingenious sound collages, in which the sounds complement each other beautifully, aided by supporting electronics.
Nieuwe Noten, 27-12-2022

Art and music in harmony (...) A very intimate album that resonates with many voices.
Kulturtipps, 07-12-2021

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