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Nachtblau - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 93

Dominik Hoyer Band

Nachtblau - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 93

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917141221
Catnr: DMCHR 71412
Release date: 27 May 2022
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71412
Release date
27 May 2022

"... Together with his band around trombonist Lukas Reinert, pianist David Cogliatti and electric bassist Marc Metzgolits he presents on "Nachtblau" exclusively original compositions and and stands musically for the the soulful side of jazz."

Inmusic, 01-12-2022

About the album

“Nachtblau” (trans.: Night Blue) already makes it clear with its title that the music on this album stands for the emotional side of jazz. The band of drummer Dominik Hoyer has a clear, transparent sound and exclusively plays the compositions of their bandleader. "I didn't want to compose typically percussion-like with faster-higher-further, but rather compose quieter things in which the emotions are the focus," the drummer formulated his artistic goal.

Dominik Hoyer was born in Rheinfelden, Germany, near the Swiss border in 1994 and started playing his instrument at a very young age. "My grandpa played drums as hobby and had them in his cellar," Hoyer said. "I was allowed to play them as a toddler and received lessons at the age of seven. But before that, I had already been shown a few things by my grandpa."

The young Dominik then came to jazz through a drum workshop with Wolfgang Haffner, when he was thirteen or fourteen years old. "I am thrilled by the freedom and interaction between the musicians in jazz," Hoyer admitted, "but also by the entertainment on stage."

It was almost logical that he studied jazz at the Jazz Campus Basel, where he had lessons from the American drum luminary Jeff Ballard, among others. “Jeff Ballard has been a lecturer in Basel for a few years and I had lessons with him in the Master's degree program,” Hoyer recalled. "He is very experienced, can talk about a lot of things and has an impressive personality. I felt very comfortable with him, and his natural flow on drums fascinated me."

In Basel, the drummer also met the members of his band, which consists of the trombone player Lukas Reinert, the electric bassist Marc Mezgolits and the pianist David Cogliatti. Together, the gang of four proves to be a clever and emotional storyteller who creatively exploit all facets of their line-up.

The focus is often on ballads, in which Hoyer, although he can always be heard succinctly, holds back in favor of his fellow musicians. The clear and lyrical style of Cogliatti on the piano, the sonorous sound of Reinert's trombone and the singing bass of Mezgolits constantly alternate with solo and accompanying parts and make the music tempting and varied. But of course there are also a few up-tempo pieces in the program, where they set stronger marks, such as the casual "Seven Days", the funny "Spanish Ice Cream" or the cleverly structured "Circle".

It is precisely this versatility and a sense of musical dialog that Hoyer appreciates in his musicians. "Each of us can create a good sound on his instrument and has something to say," the drummer stated. "Of course, everyone is also super virtuoso. For example, Marc can play super fast, but he uses that very tastefully and plays very musically."

Hoyer absolutely wanted a trombone in his band, because he has a very close relation to this brass instrument. "I like the sound and also have contact with Adrian Mears," Hoyer said, whose brother also plays the trombone.

"Nachtblau" has become an album that presents a young band whose enthusiasm for their music and their specific sound can be heard in every tone and which is characterized by an amazing musical depth and maturity. Hoyer often finds the inspiration for his songs in his everyday life. "I like to go out into nature, and melodies and harmonies often come to my mind there," he said. "I came up with the melody of ‘Nachtblau’ during an evening walk, and it also became the title song because I think it is one of the most successful songs on the album."

„Nachtblau“ macht schon mit seinem Titel deutlich, dass die Musik auf diesem Album für die gefühlvolle Seite des Jazz steht. Die Band des Schlagzeugers Dominik Hoyer hat einen klaren, transparenten Klang und spielt ausschließlich die Kompositionen ihres Bandleaders. „Ich wollte nicht so typisch schlagzeugermäßig mit schneller-höher-weiter komponieren, sondern eher ruhigere Sachen schreiben, bei denen die Emotionen im Mittelpunkt stehen“, formuliert der Drummer sein künstlerisches Ziel.

Dominik Hoyer wurde 1994 im deutschen Rheinfelden in der Nähe der Schweizer Grenze geboren und kam schon sehr früh zu seinem Instrument. „Mein Opa hat hobbymäßig Schlagzeug gespielt und es stand bei ihm im Keller“, erzählt Hoyer. „Ich durfte mich schon als Kleinkind daran setzen und bekam mit sieben Jahren Unterricht. Vorher habe ich aber schon von meinem Opa was gezeigt bekommen.“

Zum Jazz kam der junge Dominik dann durch einen Drum-Workshop bei Wolfgang Haffner, da war er dreizehn oder vierzehn Jahre alt. „Am Jazz begeistert mich die Freiheit und die Interaktion zwischen den Musikern“, gesteht Hoyer, „aber auch die Unterhaltung auf der Bühne.“

Fast schon logisch war es da, dass er am Jazzcampus Basel Jazz studiert hat, wo er unter anderem Unterricht bei der amerikanischen Drum-Koryphäe Jeff Ballard hatte. „Jeff Ballard ist seit ein paar Jahren Dozent in Basel und ich war im Master-Studiengang bei ihm“, erinnert Hoyer sich. „Er ist sehr erfahren, kann viel erzählen und hat eine beeindruckende Persönlichkeit. Ich habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt bei ihm und sein natürlicher Flow am Schlagzeug hat mich fasziniert.“

In Basel hat der Schlagzeuger auch die Mitglieder seiner Band kennengelernt, die sich aus dem Posaunisten Lukas Reinert, dem E-Bassisten Marc Mezgolits und dem Pianisten David Cogliatti zusammensetzt. Gemeinsam erweist sich die Viererbande als kluge und gefühlvolle Geschichtenerzählerin, die alle Facetten ihrer Besetzung kreativ ausreizen.

Dabei stehen oft Balladen im Mittelpunkt, bei denen Hoyer sich, obwohl er immer prägnant zu hören ist, zugunsten seiner Mitmusiker zurücknimmt. Der klare und lyrische Stil Cogliattis am Klavier, der sonore Klang von Reinerts Posaune und der singende Bass von Mezgolits wechseln sich ständig mit Solo- und Begleitfunktionen ab und machen die Musik verlockend und abwechslungsreich. Doch natürlich sind auch ein paar Up-Tempo-Stücke im Programm, bei denen stärkere Duftmarken gesetzt werden, etwa das locker-lässige „Seven Days“, das witzige „Spanish Ice Cream“ oder das raffiniert strukturierte „Circle“.

Es ist genau diese Vielseitigkeit und ein Sinn für den musikalischen Dialog, den Hoyer an seinen Musikern zu schätzen weiß. „Jeder von uns hat einen guten Ausdruck am Instrument und etwas zu sagen“, hat der Schlagzeuger festgestellt. „Natürlich sind auch alle supervirtuos. Marc kann zum Beispiel superschnell spielen, aber das setzt er sehr geschmackvoll ein und spielt sehr musikalisch.“

Eine Posaune wollte Hoyer unbedingt in seiner Band haben, denn seine Verbindung zu diesem Blechblasinstrument ist eng. „Ich mag den Sound und habe auch Kontakt zu Adrian Mears“, erzählt Hoyer, dessen Bruder ebenfalls Posaune spielt.

So ist „Nachtblau“ ein Album geworden, das eine junge Band präsentiert, deren Begeisterung für ihre Musik und ihren spezifischen Klang bei jedem Ton zu hören ist und die geprägt ist von einer erstaunlichen musikalischen Tiefe und Reife. Die Inspirationen für seine Songs findet Hoyer dabei oft in seinem Alltag. „Ich gehe gerne raus in die Natur und dabei fallen mir oft Melodien und Harmonien ein“, erzählt er. „Die Melodie von ‚Nachtblau‘ ist mir bei einem abendlichen Spaziergang in den Sinn gekommen und weil ich es für eins der gelungensten Stücke auf dem Album halte, ist es auch der Titel-Song geworden.“


Dominik Hoyer (drums)

Dominik Hoyer (1994) is a German drummer, composer and educator. He grew up in Schopfheim near the Swiss border and got early in touch with music through his family. Especially his grandfather had a big influence for him. He had a drum set in his house and enabled Dominiks first steps on the instrument. Dominik took lessons at the local music school and since then he played in many local bands. His musical journey brought him to Jazz music, so he decided to study jazz. In June 2017 he finished his Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Music at the Jazzcampus Basel, and in August 2019 he completed his Master in Music Pedagogy, also at the Jazzcampus. He studied with Vic Hardt, Adrian Mears, Julio Baretto, J.J. Flueck...

Dominik Hoyer (1994) is a German drummer, composer and educator. He grew up in Schopfheim near the Swiss border and got early in touch with music through his family. Especially his grandfather had a big influence for him. He had a drum set in his house and enabled Dominiks first steps on the instrument. Dominik took lessons at the local music school and since then he played in many local bands.

His musical journey brought him to Jazz music, so he decided to study jazz. In June 2017 he finished his Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Music at the Jazzcampus Basel, and in August 2019 he completed his Master in Music Pedagogy, also at the Jazzcampus.

He studied with Vic Hardt, Adrian Mears, Julio Baretto, J.J. Flueck and Jeff Ballard. During this time Dominik made his first steps into composing and arranging. He arranged for orchestras, bigbands and started composing for his own band.

Dominik works as a drum teacher as well as an freelance musician.


Lukas Reinert (trombone)

Alberto Garcia (percussion)


Dominik Hoyer (drums)

Dominik Hoyer (1994) is a German drummer, composer and educator. He grew up in Schopfheim near the Swiss border and got early in touch with music through his family. Especially his grandfather had a big influence for him. He had a drum set in his house and enabled Dominiks first steps on the instrument. Dominik took lessons at the local music school and since then he played in many local bands. His musical journey brought him to Jazz music, so he decided to study jazz. In June 2017 he finished his Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Music at the Jazzcampus Basel, and in August 2019 he completed his Master in Music Pedagogy, also at the Jazzcampus. He studied with Vic Hardt, Adrian Mears, Julio Baretto, J.J. Flueck...

Dominik Hoyer (1994) is a German drummer, composer and educator. He grew up in Schopfheim near the Swiss border and got early in touch with music through his family. Especially his grandfather had a big influence for him. He had a drum set in his house and enabled Dominiks first steps on the instrument. Dominik took lessons at the local music school and since then he played in many local bands.

His musical journey brought him to Jazz music, so he decided to study jazz. In June 2017 he finished his Bachelor of Arts in Jazz Music at the Jazzcampus Basel, and in August 2019 he completed his Master in Music Pedagogy, also at the Jazzcampus.

He studied with Vic Hardt, Adrian Mears, Julio Baretto, J.J. Flueck and Jeff Ballard. During this time Dominik made his first steps into composing and arranging. He arranged for orchestras, bigbands and started composing for his own band.

Dominik works as a drum teacher as well as an freelance musician.



... Together with his band around trombonist Lukas Reinert, pianist David Cogliatti and electric bassist Marc Metzgolits he presents on "Nachtblau" exclusively original compositions and and stands musically for the the soulful side of jazz.
Inmusic, 01-12-2022

... All in all, it has succeeded in presenting music with a high melodic orientation, which has a great entertainment value, and also a kind of "coziness", creating an environment in which one likes to linger.
Musikansich, 26-7-2022

... Wonderfully transparent recording, (unfortunately) only as CD.
NaDann, 29-6-2022

The band shows itself best on the slower songs in which the melancholy tone of trombonist Lukas Reinert determines the atmosphere, supported by delicate romantic piano work. Like on 'April Mood', with beautifully muted sounds, or on the beautiful title track. On these songs Hoyer manages to strike a mood most convincingly.
Jazzenzo, 27-6-2022

... As atmospheric as the title "Nachtblau" promises, the music on the first album of the quartet around Schopfheim drummer Dominik Hoyer sounds...  
Badische Zeitung, 14-6-2022

... Thus, the melodies dominate, as well as the sense of sonic commonality and harmonic flow. Hoyer's jazz is music of active dwelling....
Jazzthing 06 2022, 27-5-2022

Dominik Hoyer's compositions are uniquely and hypnotically captivating almost immediately, and he and the entire band form a single musical body that abandons the desire to impress the listener in favor of a shared, deliberate and enjoyable narrative.
jazzfun, 20-5-2022

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