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Sonatas for viola da gamba, BWV 1027-1029
Johann Sebastian Bach

Sergei Istomin | Viviana Sofonitsky

Sonatas for viola da gamba, BWV 1027-1029

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917290929
Catnr: CC 72909
Release date: 06 May 2022
1 CD
✓ in stock
€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72909
Release date
06 May 2022

"The version presented by Sergei Istomin and Viviana Sofronitsky is impeccable from a technical point of view, both interpreters master their instruments perfectly."

Ritmo, 01-3-2024

About the album

Sergei Istomin and Viviana Sofronitsky made an accurate and unconventional choice of instruments for this recording of Bach’s Sonatas for Viola da gamba: a brilliant and resonant viol built by Jacob Stainer in 1655 and a Paul McNulty copy of a 1749 Silbermann fortepiano. The result is a unique, invigorating and captivating blend of tonal colours that conjure up a unique sound which emphasizes the melodic qualities of these famous works.
Op dit album voeren twee musici, die veel ervaring en diepgaande kennis hebben van historische instrumenten en gespecialiseerd zijn in de laatbarokke uitvoeringspraktijk, sonates voor viola da gamba en cembalo van Johann Sebastian Bach uit.

Sergei Istomin en Viviana Sofronitsky spelen respectievelijk op een gamba gebouwd door Jacob Stainer in 1655 en een Paul McNulty-kopie van een Silbermann-fortepiano uit 1749. Het resultaat is een verfrissende unieke klankkleur die de melodische lijnen van Bach nog eens extra benadrukken.

Echt bekend bij het grote publiek zijn de drie sonates voor viola da gamba en cembalo (klavecimbel) niet. Alleen de 'Sonata a Cembalo e Viola da Gamba,' BWV 1027 in G is bewaard gebleven in het handschrift van Bach en kan, naar aanleiding van een watermerk op het manuscript, worden gedateerd in Bachs late Leipzig-periode (1735 tot circa 1744/46).

De twee andere sonates, in D majeur en g mineur (beide getiteld 'Sonata a Viola da Gamba e Cembalo obligato', BWV 1028 en 1029) zijn beide alleen kopieën van manuscripten, gemaakt door anderen. De vroegste werd gemaakt in 1753 door de zestien-jarige Christian Friedrich Penzel (1737-1801), leerling aan de St. Thomasschool in Leipzig. Volgens het meest recente onderzoek zijn Bachs gamba sonates gedateerd uit 1736/41 en zouden voor Carl Friedrich Abel (hof gambist in Köthen, 1723-1787) geschreven kunnen zijn.

Sergei Istomin en Viviana Sofronitsky waren vooral gericht op het kiezen van de juiste instrumenten waarop ze Bachs sonates zouden spelen. Vandaar dat Istomin koos voor een altviool van Jacob Stainer, waarvan de klank bijzonder briljant en resonerend is. Sofronitzky koos er voor om deze late stukken van Bach te spelen op een Silbermann fortepiano gebouwd door Paul McNulty. Deze fortepiano ontdekte Bach tijdens zijn bezoek aan Gottfried Silbermann in 1747. De mix van tonen en kleuren van de twee instrumenten zorgt voor een unieke, zingende en verkwikkende vertolking van Bachs werken.

Der Versuch, J.S. Bachs drei Sonaten für Viola da Gamba und obligates Cembalo (BWV 1027 - 1029) zu datieren, ist eine sehr komplexe Angelegenheit. Nach neuesten Forschungen werden Bachs Gambensonaten auf die Jahre 1736 - 41 datiert und könnten somit für Carl Friedrich Abel (1723-1787) geschrieben worden sein.

Die Viola da gamba-Sonaten werden hier von zwei Musikern aufgeführt, die über eine große Erfahrung und tiefe Kenntnis der historischen Instrumente und der spätbarocken Aufführungspraxis verfügen.

Sie haben ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die zu spielenden Instrumente gerichtet. Sergej Istomin wählte eine Gambe von Jacob Stainer aus dem Jahr 1655, deren Klang besonders brillant und resonant ist. Sofronitzky entschied sich ausnahmsweise dafür, diese späten Stücke von Bach auf einem von Paul McNulty gebauten Silbermann-Fortepiano zu spielen. Der Hammerflügel, ein damals neues Instrument, wurde von Johann Sebastian Bach bei seinem Besuch bei Gottfried Silbermann im Jahr 1747 für gut befunden und geschätzt. Paul McNultys Kopie von Silbermanns Instrument aus dem Jahr 1749 stellt die letzte Entwicklungsstufe des Erbauers dar, siebzehn Jahre nach dem ersten Hammerflügel, den er nach einer Beschreibung des ursprünglichen Entwurfs von Christofori gebaut hatte.
Die Mischung aus Tönen und Farben dieser beiden Instrumente sorgt für eine einzigartige, singende und belebende Wiedergabe bekannter Werke.


Viviana Sofronitsky (fortepiano)

Viviana Sofronitsky has followed in the footsteps of her father Vladimir Sofronitsky, a distinguished Russian pianist. She earned a DMA from the Moscow Conservatory and received historical fortepiano and harpsichord performance degrees from the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag. She won prizes at the “Bach Tage Berlin” and “Musica Antiqua” competitions. Viviana Sofronitsky has recorded with “AVI”, ”ETCetera”, “Centaur“, “Suoni e colori”, “Globe”, “Pro Musica Camerata” (11 CD of complete Mozart concertos) and “Passacaille” lebels. Her current projects include recording Chopin and Liszt on romantic fortepiano. Russian-Canadian citizen Viviana Sofronitsky is based in Prague from which she travels with her fortepianos.

Viviana Sofronitsky has followed in the footsteps of her father Vladimir Sofronitsky, a distinguished Russian pianist. She earned a DMA from the Moscow Conservatory and received historical fortepiano and harpsichord performance degrees from the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag.

She won prizes at the “Bach Tage Berlin” and “Musica Antiqua” competitions. Viviana Sofronitsky has recorded with “AVI”, ”ETCetera”, “Centaur“,

“Suoni e colori”, “Globe”, “Pro Musica Camerata” (11 CD of complete Mozart concertos) and “Passacaille” lebels. Her current projects include recording Chopin and Liszt on romantic fortepiano. Russian-Canadian citizen Viviana Sofronitsky is based in Prague from which she travels with her fortepianos.


Sergei Istomin (viola)

Sergei Istomin is a cellist and a viola da gamba player. He began his violoncello studies at the age of six at the Gnessin State Musical College in Moscow, where he obtained his bachelor’s degree. He completed his master’s degree at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Later he undertook post- graduate studies with Catharina Meints Caldwell at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music (Oberlin, Ohio, USA) and August Wenzinger at the Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute. In 2018 he received his ‘Doctor of Arts: Music’ degree at the University of Ghent, Belgium. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Variations on a Rococo theme, Op. 33: Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Fitzenhagen: a creative collaboration. Moscow and Saint Petersburg violoncello schools in the light...

Sergei Istomin is a cellist and a viola da gamba player. He began his violoncello studies at the age of six at the Gnessin State Musical College in Moscow, where he obtained his bachelor’s degree. He completed his master’s degree at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Later he undertook post- graduate studies with Catharina Meints Caldwell at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music (Oberlin, Ohio, USA) and August Wenzinger at the Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute.

In 2018 he received his ‘Doctor of Arts: Music’ degree at the University of Ghent, Belgium. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Variations on a Rococo theme, Op. 33: Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Fitzenhagen: a creative collaboration. Moscow and Saint Petersburg violoncello schools in the light of European traditions: a historical and textological clarification.”

Sergei Istomin has performed solo and chamber music recitals in many European and North American Festivals. His repertoire includes baroque, classical, romantic, and contemporary music on both period and modern instruments. He has recorded for Sony Classical; Analekta, CBC (Canada); Centaur Records, Music and Arts Programs of America (USA); Passacaille Records (Belgium); and Zig-Zag Territoires (France).

Today Sergei Istomin lives in Belgium from where he continues his international career.



Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.  Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.  

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.

Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.



The version presented by Sergei Istomin and Viviana Sofronitsky is impeccable from a technical point of view, both interpreters master their instruments perfectly.
Ritmo, 01-3-2024

...the performers achieve a delightful and successful reorientation, even though the works were still written for the harpsichord.
Pizzicato, 09-5-2022

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