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State of Mind

Gilles Grethen & Strings

State of Mind

Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Double Moon Records
UPC: 0608917141429
Catnr: DMCHR 71414
Release date: 21 October 2022
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Double Moon Records
Catalogue number
DMCHR 71414
Release date
21 October 2022

"... Grethen's compositions and arrangements have a sophisticated coolness which is brought out well by these musicians..."

All About Jazz, 01-1-2023

About the album

"State of Mind" is a bold undertaking, because on his second album after last year's debut “Time Suite”, the quartet of the young Luxembourg guitarist Gilles Grethen linked up with eleven strings. “I wanted to have a larger line-up for the second album, although I first thought of a big band,” Grethen admitted. "But I always had the sound of strings in my mind when composing, because I come from classical music and I exclusively played that as a child and adolescent. The sound didn't let go of me, and I thought I had to do something with it; I even had some good ideas right away.”

The combination of jazz and strings has a long tradition, and the album “Charlie Parker with Strings” is generally regarded as the beginning of this symbiosis. Grethen also has a preference for the silky sounds. "When all the strings play together beautifully, they act like one big instrument," he said. “This great sound that can come from it fascinates me.”

But only providing a jazz quartet with a few strings playing around it was out of the question for Gilles Grethen. The son of a music professor and a bassoonist also wanted to have room for improvisation – he wondered how he could he achieve it? “That was the big question I faced when I composed the music,” the guitarist said. "I then solved it in such a way that the strings do not play in the parts of the improvisation in which the quartet improvises. They play a major role in the themes and the composed parts, but the quartet comes to the fore in the improvised parts. It is always an interplay between orchestra, orchestra and band and the quartet alone, which always takes over when it comes to improvisation.”

As a result, we hear the band with the German trumpeter Vincent Pinn, the Italian bassist Gabriele Basilico and the Luxembourg drummer Michel Meis in many different moods and soundscapes. For example, almost depressing atmospheres arise from nowhere in the opener “Change”, but it is also aggressive when Pinn blows to the attack, for example, in “Outside”. From contemplation to intoxication and delusion to transcendental experiences, various states of the human mind are made acoustically tangible, but the music always remains sensual despite all the complexity.

“I have confronted this term ‘State of Mind’ and its theme time and time again," Grethen recalled, "and the individual pieces also bear names that describe a certain state of mind. But pieces such as ‘Transcendence’ or ‘Delirium’ are also connected to the universe and thus refer to the first album.” The members of his band are important and constant components for Grethen in his music. “Gabriele Basilico has an incredible sound and very beautiful ideas when accompanying,” he stated describing his bassist. “He does not fall into the typical bass role, but also plays with melodies and the theme.” Grethen is also euphoric about the drummer Michel Meis, who is responsible for keeping things together on “State of Mind”. “He contributes an incredible amount of energy, which fires your own enthusiasm so much while you are playing that the music almost explodes.”Besides Grethen himself, the spotlight is on Vincent Pinn, not only because of the stirring unisono passages, but because he almost seems to fly over the strings. “He has a very round sound and improvises very imaginatively,” Grethen commented. “He plays with melodies and is full of surprises. He never plays the way you expect, and I think that’s great.” Together with the strings, the Gilles Grethen Quartet conquers new worlds that oscillate between opulent sonority and esthetic surprises.

„State of Mind“ ist ein kühnes Unterfangen, denn gleich auf seinem zweiten Album nach dem letztjährigen Debüt „Time Suite“ geht das Quartett des jungen Luxemburger Gitarristen Gilles Grethen eine Verbindung mit elf Streichern ein.
„Ich wollte für das zweite Album eine größere Besetzung haben, wobei ich zuerst an eine Bigband gedacht habe“, gesteht Grethen. „Doch beim Komponieren habe ich dann immer den Sound von Streichern im Kopf gehabt, weil ich aus der Klassik komme und als Kind und Jugendlicher ausschließlich klassische Musik gemacht habe. Der Sound hat mich nicht losgelassen und ich fand, dass ich damit etwas machen müsse - ich habe dann auch gleich ein paar gute Ideen gehabt.“
Die Verbindung von Jazz und Streichern hat eine lange Tradition, das Album „Charlie Parker with Strings“ gilt gemeinhin als Beginn dieser Symbiose. Auch Grethen hat eine Vorliebe für die seidigen Klänge. „Wenn alle Streicher schön zusammenspielen, fungieren sie wie ein einziges großes Instrument“, findet er. „Dieser große Klang, der daraus entstehen kann, der fasziniert mich.“
Doch lediglich ein Jazzquartett mit ein paar Streicherteppichen zu versehen, kam für Gilles Grethen nicht in Frage. Der Sohn eines Musikprofessors und einer Fagottistin wollte auch Raum für Improvisation haben - wie sollte er den schaffen? „Das war die große Frage, vor der ich stand, als ich die Musik geschrieben habe“, meint der Gitarrist. „Ich habe es dann so gelöst, dass in den Improvisationsteilen, in denen das Quartett improvisiert, die Streicher nicht spielen. Sie spielen eine große Rolle in den Themen und den komponierten Teilen, aber in den improvisierten Teilen tritt das Quartett in den Vordergrund. Es ist immer ein Wechselspiel zwischen Orchester, Orchester und Band und dem Quartett alleine, das immer dann übernimmt, wenn es um Improvisation geht.“
Und so hören wir die Band mit dem deutschen Trompeter Vincent Pinn, dem italienischen Bassisten Gabriele Basilico und dem luxemburgischen Schlagzeuger Michel Meis in vielen verschiedenen Stimmungen und Klanglandschaften. Da entstehen wie im Opener „Change“ fast schon bedrückende Atmosphären aus dem Nichts, es geht aber beispielsweise in „Outside“ auch mal aggressiv zur Sache, wenn etwa Pinn zur Attacke bläst. Von der Kontemplation über Rausch und Wahn bis zu Transzendenzerfahrungen werden verschiedene Zustände des menschlichen Geistes akustisch erfahrbar gemacht - und bei aller Komplexität bleibt die Musik doch stets sinnlich.
„Dieser Begriff ‚State of Mind‘ und seine Thematik ist immer wieder auf mich zurückgefallen,“ erinnert sich Grethen, „und die einzelnen Stücke tragen auch Namen, die einen bestimmten Geisteszustand beschreiben. Stücke wie ‚Transcendence‘ oder ‚Delirium‘ stehen aber auch in Verbindung mit dem Universum und nehmen so Bezug auf das erste Album.“
Die Mitglieder seiner Band sind für Grethen eine wichtige Konstante in seiner Musik. „Gabriele Basilico hat einen unfassbaren Sound und sehr schöne Ideen beim Begleiten“, beschreibt er seinen Bassisten. „Er verfällt nicht in die typische Bass-Rolle, sondern spielt auch beim Begleiten mit Melodien und dem Thema.“
Auch über den Schlagzeuger Michel Meis, der auf „State of Mind“ für die Bodenhaftung zuständig ist, äußert Grethen sich euphorisch: „Er bringt eine unfassbare Energie mit, die einen beim Spielen so mitreißt, dass die Musik fast explodiert.“
Im Scheinwerferlicht steht neben Grethen selbst vor allem Vincent Pinn, nicht nur wegen der mitreißenden Unisono-Passagen, sondern weil er über den Streichern fast zu fliegen scheint. „Er hat einen sehr runden Klang und improvisiert sehr ideenreich“, findet Grethen. „Dabei spielt er mit Melodien und steckt voller Überraschungen. Er spielt nie so, wie man es erwartet und das finde ich sehr gut.“
Zusammen mit den Streichern erobert das Gilles Grethen Quartet neue Welten, die zwischen opulenter Klangfülle und ästhetischen Überraschungen hin- und herpendeln.



Gilles Grethen (guitar)

Luxembourg guitarist Gilles Grethen's quartet convinces with a rich sound diversity and compositions oscillating between traditional and modern jazz. Warm harmonies and lyrical melodies, combined with a captivating rhythm and underlined by Grethen's warm yet vibrant guitar sound, are the ingredients of their music. Both motives developed in unison and bold improvisations reveal that each of the four musicians gives important impetus and thus dissolve the stereotypical roles of soloist and rhythm section. A first album is currently in production.
Luxembourg guitarist Gilles Grethen's quartet convinces with a rich sound diversity and compositions oscillating between traditional and modern jazz. Warm harmonies and lyrical melodies, combined with a captivating rhythm and underlined by Grethen's warm yet vibrant guitar sound, are the ingredients of their music. Both motives developed in unison and bold improvisations reveal that each of the four musicians gives important impetus and thus dissolve the stereotypical roles of soloist and rhythm section. A first album is currently in production.


Michel Meis (drums)

Born in 1989, Michel Meis belongs to the new generation of Luxembourgish jazz musicians and regularly proves his versatility and openness through numerous projects.   After years of style shaping and sound experiments, his 4tet is about to make its mark on the European jazz scene with a sonic vocabulary that skillfully blends the traditional palette of drums, trombone, piano and double bass with the fresh approach and the broad musical background of open-minded and fearless musicians. The result is an exciting modern jazz where free and experimental improvisations meet well-crafted compositions. Where a rhythm, bursting with energy and vivacity, meets introverted and lyrical melodies. Where conventional jazz elements meet a clever and subtle use of jungle beats and electronic sound effects....
Born in 1989, Michel Meis belongs to the new generation of Luxembourgish jazz musicians and regularly proves his versatility and openness through numerous projects.
After years of style shaping and sound experiments, his 4tet is about to make its mark on the European jazz scene with a sonic vocabulary that skillfully blends the traditional palette of drums, trombone, piano and double bass with the fresh approach and the broad musical background of open-minded and fearless musicians. The result is an exciting modern jazz where free and experimental improvisations meet well-crafted compositions. Where a rhythm, bursting with energy and vivacity, meets introverted and lyrical melodies. Where conventional jazz elements meet a clever and subtle use of jungle beats and electronic sound effects. Although a true powerhouse drummer, Michel Meis gives enough room for the other instruments to unfold, thus emphasizing the cohesiveness and harmony of the project.


Vincent Pinn (trumpet)

Gabriele Basilico (double bass)


Gilles Grethen (guitar)

Luxembourg guitarist Gilles Grethen's quartet convinces with a rich sound diversity and compositions oscillating between traditional and modern jazz. Warm harmonies and lyrical melodies, combined with a captivating rhythm and underlined by Grethen's warm yet vibrant guitar sound, are the ingredients of their music. Both motives developed in unison and bold improvisations reveal that each of the four musicians gives important impetus and thus dissolve the stereotypical roles of soloist and rhythm section. A first album is currently in production.
Luxembourg guitarist Gilles Grethen's quartet convinces with a rich sound diversity and compositions oscillating between traditional and modern jazz. Warm harmonies and lyrical melodies, combined with a captivating rhythm and underlined by Grethen's warm yet vibrant guitar sound, are the ingredients of their music. Both motives developed in unison and bold improvisations reveal that each of the four musicians gives important impetus and thus dissolve the stereotypical roles of soloist and rhythm section. A first album is currently in production.



... Grethen's compositions and arrangements have a sophisticated coolness which is brought out well by these musicians...
All About Jazz, 01-1-2023

... also applies to this song what was already true for the entire record "Time Suite", namely that all compositions are characterized by the thoughtfulness of the arrangements and at the same time by free spaces that can be used for spontaneous developments within the songs . ..
musikansich, 16-12-2022

... Polycarbonate ... they can do it, from massive baffles to finely chiseled ornaments, from complex tone figures to string-led sound surfaces...
NaDann, 16-11-2022

... His quartet is joined on "State Of Mind" by eleven strings, whose silky sounds lend the music atmospheric breadth and grandeur...
Jazzthing, 25-10-2022

... An album full of lyrical images, with beautiful and clear solo parts of guitar and trumpet.
jazzfun, 23-10-2022

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