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Six Divertimenti Op. 1
Leopold Hofmann

Musica Elegentia | Matteo Cicchitti

Six Divertimenti Op. 1

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917293128
Catnr: CC 72931
Release date: 03 March 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72931
Release date
03 March 2023

About the album

Leopold Hofmann (Wien, 1738 - Wien, 1793).
In 1769, Leopold Hofmann succeeded Georg Christoph Wagenseil (whose pupil he had been) as harpsichord and organ teacher to the imperial family and in 1772 he became Organist and Chapel Master at St. Stephan's Cathedral. In 1783, he retired from the music profession. As one might reasonably expect from a pupil of Wagenseil, Leopold was an excellent harpsichordist and organist; nevertheless, he concentrated on other genres including, in particular, string music. His chamber music production for strings is particularly noteworthy.

The Six Divertimenti Op. 1.
The 6 divertimenti were published in 1775 by Johann Julius Hummel whose publishing house had offices in Amsterdam and Berlin. Op. 1 consists of 6 trios for strings: they belong to the genre of the divertimento. As Heinrich Christoph Koch illustrated in the Musikalisches Lexikon (1802), the ‘Divertimento’ was a kind of polite dialogue between instruments, not polyphonic and not hinged on any complicated process of motivic elaboration, but rather conceived for an amiable and pleasant listening. Even the divertimento, therefore, became part of the formal testimonials of the galant style, with which it shared a taste for pleasantness, an inclination towards much more transparent and airy musical textures than the preceding baroque period and, from a sociological point of view, an openness towards the world of amateurs, i.e. those aristocratic or upper-class performers. This is the galant context in which Leopold Hofmann's compositions fitted perfectly. As far as the instrumentation is concerned, Opus 1 attests to two different types of compositions: the first three are for viola, cello and violone, and the remaining for violin, cello and violone.
Variable arrangements are also recorded with regard to the number and type of movements into which each divertimento is subdivided: ranging from Trio No. 5 consisting of only two movements to No. 1, which, on the other hand, has five.
On the musical texture front, there is a partially retrospective treatment that, in some respects, seems to echo that of the Baroque triosonata. The real leading role is, in fact, handed over to the two high instruments.
Leopold Hofmann (Wien, 1738 - Wien, 1793).
Leopold Hofmann trat 1769 die Nachfolge von Georg Christoph Wagenseil (dessen Schüler er gewesen war) als Cembalo- und Orgellehrer der kaiserlichen Familie an und wurde 1772 Organist und Kapellmeister am Dom zu St. Stephan. Im Jahr 1783 zog er sich aus dem Musikleben zurück. Wie man es von einem Schüler Wagenseils erwarten kann, war Leopold ein hervorragender Cembalist und Organist; dennoch konzentrierte er sich auf andere Gattungen, insbesondere auf die Streichmusik. Sein kammermusikalisches Schaffen für Streicher ist besonders erwähnenswert.

Die Sechs Divertimenti op. 1.
Die 6 Divertimenti wurden 1775 von Johann Julius Hummel veröffentlicht, dessen Verlag Niederlassungen in Amsterdam und Berlin unterhielt. Op. 1 besteht aus 6 Trios für Streicher: Sie gehören zur Gattung des Divertimento. Wie Heinrich Christoph Koch im Musikalischen Lexikon (1802) darlegte, war das Divertimento" eine Art höflicher Dialog zwischen Instrumenten, der nicht polyphon war und nicht auf einem komplizierten Prozess der motivischen Ausarbeitung beruhte, sondern vielmehr für ein freundliches und angenehmes Zuhören gedacht war. Auch das Divertimento wurde also Teil der formalen Zeugnisse des galanten Stils, mit dem es eine Vorliebe für das Angenehme, eine Neigung zu viel transparenteren und luftigeren musikalischen Texturen als im vorangegangenen Barock und, soziologisch gesehen, eine Offenheit gegenüber der Welt der Amateure, d. h. der aristokratischen oder großbürgerlichen Interpreten, teilte. In diesen galanten Kontext passten die Kompositionen Leopold Hofmanns perfekt hinein. Was die Besetzung betrifft, so zeugt Opus 1 von zwei verschiedenen Kompositionstypen: Die ersten drei sind für Viola, Cello und Violone, die übrigen für Violine, Cello und Violone.
Variabel ist auch die Anzahl und Art der Sätze, in die jedes Divertimento unterteilt ist: vom Trio Nr. 5, das nur aus zwei Sätzen besteht, bis zu Nr. 1, das fünf Sätze hat.
Was die musikalische Textur betrifft, so gibt es eine teilweise retrospektive Behandlung, die in mancher Hinsicht an die barocke Triosonate zu erinnern scheint. Die eigentliche Hauptrolle wird den beiden hohen Instrumenten überlassen.


Matteo Cicchitti (violone)

Double bass player, violonist, gambist and teacher, connoisseur and continuous researcher of historical performance. He combines his activity as an instrumentalist with that of artistic and musical director for the repertoire of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. He obtained, with top marks, academic qualifications and highly perfected specializations in Conservatories and Higher Musical Institutions in the cities of Pescara, Como, Pavia, Parma, Gubbio, Rome, Frosinone, Reggio Emilia, Piacenza and Vienna under the guidance of famous masters: P. Montero, R. Sensi, L. Schumacher, G. De Frenza, W. Casali, W. Güttler, M. Di Bari, U. Nastrucci, M. Decimo, P. Veleno, N. Conci, S. Montanari, S. Genuini and F.N. Lara. In the didactic field, he teaches at state, civic and private schools and is...
Double bass player, violonist, gambist and teacher, connoisseur and continuous researcher of historical performance. He combines his activity as an instrumentalist with that of artistic and musical director for the repertoire of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
He obtained, with top marks, academic qualifications and highly perfected specializations in Conservatories and Higher Musical Institutions in the cities of Pescara, Como, Pavia, Parma, Gubbio, Rome, Frosinone, Reggio Emilia, Piacenza and Vienna under the guidance of famous masters: P. Montero, R. Sensi, L. Schumacher, G. De Frenza, W. Casali, W. Güttler, M. Di Bari, U. Nastrucci, M. Decimo, P. Veleno, N. Conci, S. Montanari, S. Genuini and F.N. Lara.
In the didactic field, he teaches at state, civic and private schools and is active as a teacher in instrumental and chamber music courses that are particularly focused on the practice of ancient instruments. He is also qualified instructor of Hatha Yoga and Yoga Nidra.
He has held conferences, masterclasses and seminars at the University "G. D’Annunzio” of Chieti, the ISSM "G. Briccialdi” in Terni, the “G. Nicolini” in Piacenza, the “A. Casella” in L’Aquila, the “A. Vivaldi” in Alessandria, the Museum of Harmonic Strings in Salle (Pe) in Abruzzo (Italy). He was invited to México to hold a baroque music masterclass in the context of the “III Festival de Música de Cámara de Jalisco” (Guadalajara, Jal. Mx).
He has performed in prestigious international theaters and halls, including: Palau de la Musica in Valencia, Philharmonic Concert Hall in Warsaw, Auditorium Baluarte in Pamplona, ​​Casa Museo López Portillo in Guadalajara, Château Malromé (Toulouse-Lautrec's castle) in Saint- André-du-Bois, Abbaye Saint-Pierre of Vertheuil, Palladian Basilica of Vicenza, Great Hall of Collegio Ghislieri of Pavia, Paul VI Hall of Vatican City, Vittoria Theater of Turin, Fraschini Theater of Pavia, Teatro della Pergola of Florence.
He has participated in important concerts such as: Festival “Chopin i jego Europa”, Warsaw; Stresa Festival 2019; Ravenna Festival XXXI edition; Antiqua review of ancient and baroque music, Belgioioso (Pv); Antonio Vivaldi Festival, Turin; Convers-Azioni 69th ed. Olympic Theater, Vicenza; Rome Baroque Festival IX edition, Rome; Estate Musicale Frentana, Lanciano (Ch); 32nd Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte, Montepulciano (Si); Romaeuropa Festival; Encuentro De Dos Culturas, Secretary of Culture - Gobierno de Jalisco (Tlajomulco, Jal., México); Temporada de Otoño 2012, Universidad de Guadalajara (México); Festival Internacional de Teatro, Tlaquepaque (Mèxico).
As a researcher he collaborates with the Abruzzese Institute of Musical History based in L'Aquila and MVSA - Musica d'Abruzzo in Ortona (Ch), for the exegesis, study and dissemination of the musical heritage of every era and style, in particular from Abruzzo. He has published with Sony Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Arcana Records, Brilliant Classics, Neuma Edizioni, Tactus Records, Casa Editrice Tinari, Urania Records, ME Operae, Dynamic Records and Challenge Classics.
He has cooperated with artists of caliber including: L. Shambadal, S. Frigato, R. Invernizzi, G. Kunde, E. Mascardi, G. Antonelli, A. Rossi Lürig, E. Velardi, D. Monti, F. Cipriani, S. Montanari and F. Biondi.
He was a guest on live broadcasts on: Radio Classica, Rai Radio 3, Radio Mozart Italia, Ckrl 89,1 Continuo Québec and Radio Svizzera Italiana. And on live television: Rai 1, Rai 3 and Sky Classica.
He carries out intense concert activity with various orchestras: Alessandro Stradella Consort, Accademia d'Arcadia, Europa Galante, Musica Antiqua Latina, Quartetto Vanvitelli, Orchestra Barocca delle Marche, ArParla Plus, I Solisti Ambrosiani, L'Archicembalo and Musica Elegentia of which he himself is founder and director.


Musica Elegentia

Musica Elegentia consort is a group which originates from the Musica Elegentia musical cultural association. They perform ancient music on period instruments or on faithfully reproduced copies, applying a philological reading of the music interpreted using the techniques documented by the musical interpretation treatises of the same eras. The ensemble, founded in Lanciano CH at the end of 2012, is directed by the Abruzzese musician Matteo Cicchitti, connoisseur and continuous researcher of historical performance. ME has participated in concerts of considerable importance in prestigious theaters and halls - Bolognese Society for Ancient Music in Bologna; Music at Marfisa d’Este in Ferrara; Early Music Day, University “G. d’Annunzio' of Chieti; Musica Antiqua ed. VIII in Vasto; Independent International Literary Prize 'Marguerite Yourcenar 2013'...
Musica Elegentia consort is a group which originates from the Musica Elegentia musical cultural association. They perform ancient music on period instruments or on faithfully reproduced copies, applying a philological reading of the music interpreted using the techniques documented by the musical interpretation treatises of the same eras.
The ensemble, founded in Lanciano CH at the end of 2012, is directed by the Abruzzese musician Matteo Cicchitti, connoisseur and continuous researcher of historical performance.
ME has participated in concerts of considerable importance in prestigious theaters and halls - Bolognese Society for Ancient Music in Bologna; Music at Marfisa d’Este in Ferrara; Early Music Day, University “G. d’Annunzio" of Chieti; Musica Antiqua ed. VIII in Vasto; Independent International Literary Prize "Marguerite Yourcenar 2013" in combination with the Music Festival of Nations, Teatro Marcello in Roma; Keiros Theater in Roma; La Classica a Trastevere in Roma; The Concerts of Santa Barbara dei Librari in Roma; X International Baroque Music Festival in Alessandria; Sibrii Music Festival in Varese; Flos Carmeli in Lanciano (Ch); Fenaroli Theater of Lanciano (Ch); The long night of the Churches IV ed. in Lanciano (Ch); Record Store Day in Lanciano (Ch); Salle Music Festival Chorda Sallis Award in Pescara; European Researchers’ Night in Chieti; Festiv’Alba in L’Aquila; Mondovì Musica, Academia Montis Regalis in Torino; Pontificio Istituto Ambrosiano di Musica Sacra in Milano; International Festival of Baroque Music, Abruzzo Region - offering the public monographic concerts with a repertoire that embraces a large part of the sacred and secular music of the 16th-17th-18th centuries, both instrumental and vocal.
The consort has recorded CDs for the ME Operae, Brilliant Classics and Challenge Classics labels with receiving excellent reviews from various: BBC Music Magazine, Pizzicato, Scherzo, Luister, Klassik Heute, Klassieke Zaken Magazine, Arkiv Music, Katholiek Nieuwsblad, Fanfare Archive, American Record Guide, Music Web International, Classica Magazine, Il Trillo Parlante, L’Ape musicale, Le Salon Musical, Classic Voice, Gothic Network, Music Voice and Non solo Audiofili.


Paola Nervi (viola)



Play album Play album
Divertimento I in La Maggiore: Adagio
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento I in La Maggiore: Allegro moderato
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento I in La Maggiore: Menuet (with Trio)
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento I in La Maggiore: Adagio - Allegro
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento I in La Maggiore: Thema with 7 variations
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento II in Si b Maggiore: Allegro moderato
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento II in Si b Maggiore: Andante
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento II in Si b Maggiore: Tempo di Menuetto
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento III in La Maggiore: Tempo giusto
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento III in La Maggiore: Andante
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento III in La Maggiore: Tempo di Menuetto (with Trio)
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento IV in Mi b Maggiore: Tempo giusto
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento IV in Mi b Maggiore: Adagio
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento IV in Mi b Maggiore: Menuetto with 5 variations
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento V in Re Maggiore: Adagio with 7 variations
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento V in Re Maggiore: Menuetto (with Trio)
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento VI in Fa Maggiore: Adagio
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento VI in Fa Maggiore: Allegro
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento VI in Fa Maggiore: Menuetto (with Trio)
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
Divertimento VI in Fa Maggiore: Thema with 3 variations
(Leopold Hofmann) Matteo Cicchitti, Paola Nervi, Antonio Coloccia, Musica Elegentia
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