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Suite X

Bram Stadhouders | B. O. X

Suite X

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Buzz
UPC: 0608917613827
Catnr: ZZ 76138
Release date: 07 April 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Catalogue number
ZZ 76138
Release date
07 April 2023

"... And so Stadhouders and the seven B.O.X. dwarfs succeed in quite astonishing things: From soundscapes, grooves and colorful melodies they form a sound sculpture that combines old and new, electronics, acoustics and improvisation..."

Jazzthing, 28-3-2023

About the album

Bram Stadhouders’ Suite X is a collection of eight baroque music tracks for the present. Is this the result of a jam session by Stadhouders with Nils Frahm, Arve Henriksen, and a reincarnated J.S. Bach? No, it is the out of the box thinkers of Baroque Orchestration X, with whom he has entered into this unorthodox alliance. B.O.X. is a Flemish baroque ensemble that mainly collaborates with acts from the Indie pop scene. They worked recently together with acts such as Dez Mona, Efterklang, or Spinvis. A dreamed pact for merging different music worlds.

With Suite X, Stadhouders pays tribute to the soothing baroque sound, which he manages to mix with the sound of an electric guitar and synthesizer in a logical and surprising way. One time as a soundscape, then in a catchy groove, and last but not least, with intriguing melodies that immediately settle into your head. A masterpiece in which the present, past, electronic, acoustic, and the art of improvisation from the rich baroque and jazz traditions merge.

Met Suite X brengt Bram Stadhouders een ode aan het rustgevende barokke geluid, dat hij op een logische en verrassende manier verweeft met de klanken van elektrische gitaar, synthesizer en drums. De ene keer als soundscape, dan weer in een meeslepende groove. En met intrigerende melodieën die meteen in je hoofd kruipen. Melodieus en soms experimenteel. Een ontmoeting waarin heden, verleden, elektronica, akoestiek en improvisatie uit de rijke barok- en jazztraditie samensmelten.

Dit album bevat een verzameling van acht barokmuziektracks voor nu. Is dit het resultaat van een jamsessie van Stadhouders met Nils Frahm, Arve Henriksen en een gereïncarneerde J.S. Bach? Nee, het zijn de out of the box denkers van Baroque Orchestration X, met wie Bram Stadhouders deze onorthodoxe alliantie is aangegaan. B.O.X. is een Vlaams barokensemble dat voornamelijk samenwerkt met acts uit de Indiepopscene, zoals recent met acts als Dez Mona, Efterklang of Spinvis. Een gedroomd pact voor het samenvoegen van verschillende muziekwerelden.

Bram Stadhouders wil dit project gebruiken om zijn eigen kijk op het fenomeen barokmuziek te verkennen, zonder te proberen barokmuziek te schrijven of het alleen maar in een jazzstijl te spelen. Het album Suite X is een ankerlijn naar de Barok, de muzikale roots van de gitarist. Het is een flirt naar deze periode, die beschouwd wordt als basis voor alle moderne westerse muziek, en een eerbetoon aan ons eeuwenoude muzikale erfgoed vanuit het perspectief van Brams persoonlijke muzikale identiteit als jazzmusicus.

Bram Stadhouders (1987) is één van de meest invloedrijke, vrijzinnige gitaristen van zijn generatie. Naast jazz gitarist is hij componist en initiator van grensverleggende projecten. Bram maakte furore met tal van producties buiten de gebaande paden.
Bram Stadhouders' Suite X ist eine Sammlung von acht Barockmusikstücken für die Gegenwart. Ist dies das Ergebnis einer Jamsession von Stadhouders mit Nils Frahm, Arve Henriksen und einem wiedergeborenen J.S. Bach? Nein, es sind die Vordenker von Baroque Orchestration X, mit denen er diese unorthodoxe Allianz eingegangen ist. B.O.X. ist ein flämisches Barockensemble, das hauptsächlich mit Acts aus der Indie-Pop-Szene zusammenarbeitet. Zuletzt arbeiteten sie mit Künstlern wie Dez Mona, Efterklang oder Spinvis zusammen. Ein erträumter Pakt zur Verschmelzung verschiedener Musikwelten.

Mit Suite X zollt Stadhouders dem beruhigenden Barocksound Tribut, den er auf logische und überraschende Weise mit dem Klang von E-Gitarre und Synthesizer zu mischen versteht. Einmal als Soundscape, dann in einem eingängigen Groove und nicht zuletzt mit fesselnden Melodien, die sich sofort im Kopf festsetzen. Ein Meisterwerk, in dem Gegenwart, Vergangenheit, Elektronik, Akustik und die Improvisationskunst der reichen Barock- und Jazztraditionen miteinander verschmelzen.

Brams unermüdliche Suche nach unbekanntem Terrain und neuen Zielen begann 2007 mit seinem ersten Album Tonelist, dem 12 weitere Alben folgten (5 Veröffentlichungen bei Challenge Records). Mit 18 Jahren wurde er für die prestigeträchtige Young VIP Tour ausgewählt. Im Alter von 26 Jahren war er der jüngste Komponist, der jemals den jährlichen North Sea Jazz Composition Commission erhielt. Kurze Zeit später erhielt er eine Carte blanche vom BIMhuis, für das er die erfolgreiche Cantata für Tenorstimme, Gitarre und Live-Elektronik schrieb.

Brams Spiel ist beeinflusst von (Natur-)Landschaften, bildender Kunst, Ambient und globaler Musik, wobei er stets die Grenze zwischen Improvisation und Komposition auslotet. Ausgebildet als Jazzgitarrist, sucht er oft die Metamorphose mit Elektronik und klassischer Musik. Mit jedem neuen Projekt versucht er, sich selbst erneut herauszufordern. Bram ist Teil des Trios Under the surface (mit der Sängerin Sanne Rambags und dem Schlagzeuger Joost Lijbaart) und arbeitet derzeit an drei großen Projekten:
Eine Zusammenarbeit mit dem eigenwilligen Berliner neoklassischen Pianisten Lambert. Die Weiterentwicklung von Orbit, einem immersiven Surround-Sound-Erlebnis mit 8 Ambisonics-Lautsprechern und besonderen Gästen (u. a. Nils Petter Molvaer und Remy van Kesteren beim So What's Next? Festival). Und Suite X: ein 9-teiliges Werk, das von Barockmusik inspiriert ist und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem belgischen Barockensemble B.O.X. entstanden ist, das aus dem Rahmen fällt.


Bram Stadhouders (guitar)

Bram's relentless search for unknown territory and new destinations began in 2007 with his first album Tonelist, followed by 12 other albums (5 releases on Challenge Records). At 18 he was selected for the prestigious Young VIP tour. At the age of 26, he was the youngest composer ever to receive the annual North Sea Jazz Composition Commission. Not long after, he received carte blanche from the BIMhuis, for which he wrote the successful Cantata for tenor voice, guitar and live electronics.  Bram's playing is influenced by (natural) landscapes, visual arts, ambient and global music, always exploring the boundary between improvisation and composition. Trained as a jazz guitarist, he often seeks metamorphosis with electronics and classical music. With each new project...

Bram's relentless search for unknown territory and new destinations began in 2007 with his first album Tonelist, followed by 12 other albums (5 releases on Challenge Records). At 18 he was selected for the prestigious Young VIP tour. At the age of 26, he was the youngest composer ever to receive the annual North Sea Jazz Composition Commission. Not long after, he received carte blanche from the BIMhuis, for which he wrote the successful Cantata for tenor voice, guitar and live electronics.

Bram's playing is influenced by (natural) landscapes, visual arts, ambient and global music, always exploring the boundary between improvisation and composition. Trained as a jazz guitarist, he often seeks metamorphosis with electronics and classical music. With each new project he tries to challenge himself again. Bram is part of the trio Under the surface (with singer Sanne Rambags and drummer Joost Lijbaart) and is currently working on three major projects: A collaboration with the enigmatic Berlin neo-classical pianist Lambert. The further development of Orbit, an immersive surround sound experience with 8 Ambisonics speakers and special guests (including Nils Petter Molvaer and Remy van Kesteren at So What's Next? festival). And Suite X: a 9-part work inspired by baroque music in collaboration with the Belgian out-of-the-box thinking baroque ensemble B.O.X.

Apart from Holland's neighboring countries, Bram has performed in Mali, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Bolivia, Peru, Tadzjikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, India, China, South-Korea, North America, Canada, Norway, Poland, Germany, Russia, Israel, Spain, Turkey, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Turkey, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria.

He has collaborated with artists like: Onno Govaert, Eric Vloeimans, Jim Black, Sidsel Endresen, Terje Isungset, Arve Henriksen, Wolfert Brederode, Karl Seglem, Thomas Strønen, Grzech Piotrowski, Sainkho Namtchylak, Sinikka Langeland, Per Oddvar Johansen, Ruth Wilhelime Meyer, Mari Kvien Brunvoll, Koenraad Ecker, Gulli Gudmundsson, Skuli Sverisson, Theodossi Spassov, Marcin Wasilewski, Bulgarian choir Angelite, Harmen Fraanje, Jeroen van Vliet, Eric van der Westen, Sanne van Hek, Haytham Safia, Wouter Jaspers, Laïs, Noel Redding (bassist from Jim Hendrix), Nelson Veras, Hein van de Geyn, Matthieu Chazarenc, Staplerfahrer, Spinvis, the Netherlands Chamber Choir, and much more.

“His composition with the barrel organ was not only fascinating, but also sounded wonderful. It attracted a lot of audience.”— Michelle Kuypers, North Sea Jazz Festival “The result is breathtakingly beautiful. Very unique how classical vocals and impro-jazz come together here. **** 4 stars, 23-09-2015. About Henosis.” — Gijsbert Kamer, Volkskrant

“The guitarist claims a unique place in the music world for himself with this project” — Jan Jasper Tamboer, Parool


Bram Stadhouders (guitar)

Bram's relentless search for unknown territory and new destinations began in 2007 with his first album Tonelist, followed by 12 other albums (5 releases on Challenge Records). At 18 he was selected for the prestigious Young VIP tour. At the age of 26, he was the youngest composer ever to receive the annual North Sea Jazz Composition Commission. Not long after, he received carte blanche from the BIMhuis, for which he wrote the successful Cantata for tenor voice, guitar and live electronics.  Bram's playing is influenced by (natural) landscapes, visual arts, ambient and global music, always exploring the boundary between improvisation and composition. Trained as a jazz guitarist, he often seeks metamorphosis with electronics and classical music. With each new project...

Bram's relentless search for unknown territory and new destinations began in 2007 with his first album Tonelist, followed by 12 other albums (5 releases on Challenge Records). At 18 he was selected for the prestigious Young VIP tour. At the age of 26, he was the youngest composer ever to receive the annual North Sea Jazz Composition Commission. Not long after, he received carte blanche from the BIMhuis, for which he wrote the successful Cantata for tenor voice, guitar and live electronics.

Bram's playing is influenced by (natural) landscapes, visual arts, ambient and global music, always exploring the boundary between improvisation and composition. Trained as a jazz guitarist, he often seeks metamorphosis with electronics and classical music. With each new project he tries to challenge himself again. Bram is part of the trio Under the surface (with singer Sanne Rambags and drummer Joost Lijbaart) and is currently working on three major projects: A collaboration with the enigmatic Berlin neo-classical pianist Lambert. The further development of Orbit, an immersive surround sound experience with 8 Ambisonics speakers and special guests (including Nils Petter Molvaer and Remy van Kesteren at So What's Next? festival). And Suite X: a 9-part work inspired by baroque music in collaboration with the Belgian out-of-the-box thinking baroque ensemble B.O.X.

Apart from Holland's neighboring countries, Bram has performed in Mali, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Mexico, Colombia, Panama, Bolivia, Peru, Tadzjikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, India, China, South-Korea, North America, Canada, Norway, Poland, Germany, Russia, Israel, Spain, Turkey, Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Turkey, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria.

He has collaborated with artists like: Onno Govaert, Eric Vloeimans, Jim Black, Sidsel Endresen, Terje Isungset, Arve Henriksen, Wolfert Brederode, Karl Seglem, Thomas Strønen, Grzech Piotrowski, Sainkho Namtchylak, Sinikka Langeland, Per Oddvar Johansen, Ruth Wilhelime Meyer, Mari Kvien Brunvoll, Koenraad Ecker, Gulli Gudmundsson, Skuli Sverisson, Theodossi Spassov, Marcin Wasilewski, Bulgarian choir Angelite, Harmen Fraanje, Jeroen van Vliet, Eric van der Westen, Sanne van Hek, Haytham Safia, Wouter Jaspers, Laïs, Noel Redding (bassist from Jim Hendrix), Nelson Veras, Hein van de Geyn, Matthieu Chazarenc, Staplerfahrer, Spinvis, the Netherlands Chamber Choir, and much more.

“His composition with the barrel organ was not only fascinating, but also sounded wonderful. It attracted a lot of audience.”— Michelle Kuypers, North Sea Jazz Festival “The result is breathtakingly beautiful. Very unique how classical vocals and impro-jazz come together here. **** 4 stars, 23-09-2015. About Henosis.” — Gijsbert Kamer, Volkskrant

“The guitarist claims a unique place in the music world for himself with this project” — Jan Jasper Tamboer, Parool


... And so Stadhouders and the seven B.O.X. dwarfs succeed in quite astonishing things: From soundscapes, grooves and colorful melodies they form a sound sculpture that combines old and new, electronics, acoustics and improvisation...
Jazzthing, 28-3-2023

He does not get lost in a maze, but surprises the listener and himself with different perspectives and angles on the phenomenon of music. If that isn't a creative process, we don't know what is. More than worth a listen!
Jazz & Mo', 01-1-2024

From one piece to another, we vibrate between beautiful melodies that form a certainly daring musical landscape – the electric guitar on “Dux” takes us into a universe that Marc Ribot would not deny – not devoid of groove. This musical encounter between classical tradition and electric and rhythmic modernity is a great success.
Jazzmania, 09-6-2023

From piece to piece we are entranced by the beautiful melodies that form a musical landscape that is certainly daring - the electric guitar on 'Dux' takes us to a world that Marc Ribot would not despise - but which is not devoid of groove. This musical encounter between classical tradition and modern electric rhythm is a great success.
Jazzhalo, 01-6-2023

The result is amazing and fascinating. It's sometimes a baroque concert, contemporary music, soundscapes, groovy passages and, despite these juxtapositions and the centuries that separate them, something coherent, whole, homogeneous. And beautiful
Le Soir, 17-5-2023

Together, the nine pieces that Stadhouders wrote have become a kind of musical autobiography. His love for baroque music naturally returns, but also his love for jazz and prog rock and much more. There are times when you think you're listening to an unhinged dance ensemble. Moving passages alternate with bizarre (yet moving) dissonances. Coincidentally or not, there are hints to Maurice Ravel and Samuel Barber and King Crimson and so you go from one surprise to another. To your complete satisfaction. What a record!
Trouw, 17-5-2023

In lesser hands such a fusion of old and new could have been a musical car crash, but Stadhouders handles his materials intelligently and with purpose. A record that can sit proudly within the genre-fluid contemporary European mainstream, Suite X is a remarkable achievement.
London Jazz News, 14-5-2023

An unpredictable and at the same time extremely charming production: kudos to Bram Stadhouders and B.O.X.!
Jazzenzo, 09-5-2023

The Baroque Orchestra, which accompanies guitarist and drummer Onno Govaert, is impeccably coherent and is totally one with this music, both composed and arranged. Little oddity to discover.
Jazzmania, 02-5-2023

Jan Garbarek might come to mind as Dutch guitarist and Flemish baroque ensemble work to blend jazz sensibilities with old classical music.
Jazz Journal, 02-5-2023

“I wanted to get new life blown into these fascinating instruments, which are otherwise banished to a distant past, by placing them within the context of new electronic music technology and modern improvisatory styles.” I for one, think that Bram Stadhouders has succeeded, and then some.
The Ileach, 20-4-2023

The result could have fallen between two chairs, but luckily it rocks as nicely as a swinging chair. From unusual instrument combos and free improvisation, the eight-part suite leads to an aromatic distillate of electro and continuo, sarabande and synthesizer, polyphony and sound sculpture.
De Standaard, 13-4-2023

The interplay of Stadhouders on guitar and Govaert on drums is phenomenal, and the baroque ensemble surprises with beautiful discoveries in every piece.
De Volkskrant, 13-4-2023

This is a wonderfully fascinating album, which I did not really begin to appreciate until the third or fourth play through, and for those who enjoy the classical/jazz fusion I would suggest that is a release that will hit the mark.
SimplyJazzTalk, 12-4-2023

(...) with extreme precision, Bram Stadhouders has succeeded in transforming the achievements of early music, which he mastered during his studies for guitar, into the music of today with a tension that has been worked out in detail. It is a document that is timeless and worth preserving forever. In any case longer than four centuries, the time span between baroque and great composer Bram Stadhouders., 31-3-2023

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