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The poor, sad angel

Nikolai Lugansky

The poor, sad angel

Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917202823
Catnr: CC 72028
Release date: 01 January 1997
1 CD
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72028
Release date
01 January 1997

About the album

Chopin recital by the extraordinarily gifted Lugansky

To the exclusion of the Nocturne op. 27/2, the works on this recording were written in the years between 1841 and 1847, the ‘George Sand chapter’ in the Chopin biography.

Chopin met the writer in the fall of 1836 at the Countess Marie d’Agoult’s. Smoking sigars and often dressed as a man, Sand immediately roused Chopin’s aversion: “What an antipathetic person this Sand is! I doubt if she is a woman at all.” She, on the contrary, was fascinated by “that poor, sad angel” and slowly succeeded in winning him over. The famous journey to Mallorca, where Chopin composed his Préludes, was the final step. From then on Sand and Chopin were inseparable.

Sand describes how Chopin composed: “His creations were spontaneous, wonderful. He found them without ever forseeing them, unexpectedly. They came when he was playing the piano – suddenly, fully, sublimely – or they sang in his head during a walk and he hurried to shoot them over his instrument and thus make them audible to himself. However, then came the most grievous plodding I have ever witnessed.”

This description is, oddly enough, not supported by Chopin’s manuscripts, which give little ground that he composed with difficulty. On the contrary: he could work very fast, but he disliked writing his music out. After his friend and long-time secretary Fontana left for America in 1841, the number of works he finished suddenly decreased consequently. Yet, in 1841 and 1842 a great number of important works, including the sizeable Phantasy op. 49, the Ballad op. 52, the Scherzo op.54 and the world famous Polonaise op. 53 came into being.
Chopinrecital van de buitengewoon begaafde Lugansky
De werken op dit album stammen, met uitzondering van de Nocturne opus 27/2, uit de periode 1841 tot 1847; het hoofdstuk “George Sand” in de Chopin-biografie.

Chopin ontmoette de schrijfster in de herfst van 1836 bij Gravin Marie d’Agoult. De sigarenrokende en dikwijls als man geklede Sand wekte direct de afkeer van Chopin op: “Wat is die Sand antipathiek! Ik betwijfel of zij wel een vrouw is.” Zij raakte daarentegen gefascineerd door “die arme, bedroefde engel” en wist hem langzaam voor zich te winnen. De beroemde reis naar Mallorca, waar Chopin zijn Préludes componeerde, was de laatste stap. Vanaf dat moment waren Sand en Chopin onafscheidelijk.

Sand beschrijft hoe Chopin componeerde: “Zijn scheppingen waren spontaan, wonderbaarlijk. Hij vond zonder zoeken, onvoorzien. Zij kwamen aan de piano – plotseling, volledig, subliem – of zongen in zijn hoofd tijdens een wandeling en hij had haast om ze op zijn instrument uit te storten en ze zo voor zichzelf hoorbaar te maken. Maar dan begon het meest grievende gezwoeg dat ik ooit heb bijgewoond.”

Deze beschrijving wordt vreemd genoeg niet gestaafd door Chopins manuscripten, die weinig aanleiding geven om te veronderstellen dat hij moeizaam componeerde. Integendeel: hij kon heel snel werken, maar had een hekel aan het uitschrijven van zijn muziek. Nadat zijn vriend en jarenlange kopiist Fontana in 1841 naar Amerika vertrok, nam het aantal werken dat hij voltooide dan ook ineens af. Toch ontstonden tussen 1841 en 1842 een groot aantal belangrijke werken, waaronder de omvangrijke Fantaisie opus 49, de Ballade opus 52, het Scherzo opus 54 en de wereldberoemde Polonaise opus 53.


Nikolai Lugansky (piano)

Nikolai Lugansky is now acknowledged as one of the world's great interpreters of the piano repertoire. He regularly works with prominent conductors of major orchestras. His concerts, recitals, and chamber music performances throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas have earned him the rapturous applause of critics as well as audiences.  His numerous recordings offer further evidence of his artistry. In 2000, he won the Diapason d'Or de l'Annee for his recording of the complete Chopin Etudes. His subsequent recordings of Rachmaninov Preludes and Moments Musicaux and Chopin Preludes each won him aDiapason d'Or as well. His disc of Rachmaninov Piano Concertos 1 & 3 has been awarded Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik. His recording of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 for Pentatone Classics was selected as Gramophone Editor's Choice (February 2004). In addition to performing, Nikolai teaches at the Moscow Conservatory, where he is currently an assistant to Professor Sergei Dorensky. Apart...
Nikolai Lugansky is now acknowledged as one of the world's great interpreters of the piano repertoire. He regularly works with prominent conductors of major orchestras. His concerts, recitals, and chamber music performances throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas have earned him the rapturous applause of critics as well as audiences. His numerous recordings offer further evidence of his artistry. In 2000, he won the Diapason d'Or de l'Annee for his recording of the complete Chopin Etudes. His subsequent recordings of Rachmaninov Preludes and Moments Musicaux and Chopin Preludes each won him aDiapason d'Or as well. His disc of Rachmaninov Piano Concertos 1 & 3 has been awarded Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik. His recording of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 for Pentatone Classics was selected as Gramophone Editor's Choice (February 2004).
In addition to performing, Nikolai teaches at the Moscow Conservatory, where he is currently an assistant to Professor Sergei Dorensky.
Apart from music, Nikolai enjoys chess, literature and sports. He lives in Moscow with his wife and three children


Frédéric Chopin

Frédéric Chopin is one of the greatest composers of the Romantic piano tradition. He was a master in making the small form great. His ballades, mazurkas, polonaises, preludes, etudes and nocturnes all belong to the most popular standard works for piano ever written.  As a child prodigy, Chopin grew up in a middle class family, who lived among the literati of Warsaw. When in 1830 the November Uprising broke out in Poland, the twenty year old Chopin stayed in Vienna. He became an exile and never returned to his mother country. He eventually settled in Paris.  He avoided public concerts, but he did like performing in small settings, such as salons and at home for his friends. This way, Chopin built a...

Frédéric Chopin is one of the greatest composers of the Romantic piano tradition. He was a master in making the small form great. His ballades, mazurkas, polonaises, preludes, etudes and nocturnes all belong to the most popular standard works for piano ever written. As a child prodigy, Chopin grew up in a middle class family, who lived among the literati of Warsaw. When in 1830 the November Uprising broke out in Poland, the twenty year old Chopin stayed in Vienna. He became an exile and never returned to his mother country. He eventually settled in Paris. He avoided public concerts, but he did like performing in small settings, such as salons and at home for his friends. This way, Chopin built a reputation as an exceptional pianist, teacher and composer.
Chopin brought a unique synthesis between the Viennese bravado and the French/English lyric style. Even though his pieces often are technically very demanding, the focus was always on creating a lyric expression and poetic atmosphere. He invented the instrumental ballade, and brought salongenres to a higher level with his many innovations and refinements.



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