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Various composers

Ralph Rousseau


Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917233421
Catnr: CC 72334
Release date: 29 May 2009
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72334
Release date
29 May 2009

About the album

This “Tour de Gamba” provides a representative survey of the evolution of music for the bass viol from its’ beginnings until its’ extinction at the times when the Viennese classic style emerged. With Great Britain, France and Germany all represented, it touches the main geographical centers of viola da gamba-playing. The program is framed and punctuated by works by two main figures of viol-playing: Captain Tobias Hume (c. 1569-1645), whose First Part of Ayres (London 1605) is the very first volume of music written expressly and exclusively for the bass viol ever published in print; and Marin Marais (1656-1728), gamba-player at the court of Louis XIV., who earned the title of a «Chopin of the bass viol» by the breadth and audaciousness of his voluminous œuvre for this instrument. Inserted in this framework are pieces by the enigmatic Johannes Schenck (1660-after 1717), pupil of Marais’ and active in Amsterdam and Düsseldorf, by the equally enigmatic pupil of Marais’ Louis de Caix d’Hervelois (c.1680-c.1760) who might have belonged to the famous and extended family of gamba-players of the same name as well as works by Karl Friedrich Abel (1723-1787), the so called «last gambist».
De evolutie van de muziek voor de viola da gamba
Dit album is een heruitgave van een persoonlijke opname uit 2004. Het bevat werken voor viola da gamba, uitgevoerd door de virtuoze Ralph Rousseau. Het is een uitstekende authentieke uitvoering!

Dit album is een samenvatting van de evolutie van de muziek voor de viola da gamba, van het begin tot aan het einde, de periode waarin de stijl van de Weense Klassieken opkwam. Deze ‘Tour de Gamba’ bezoekt de belangrijkste landen voor dit instrument: Groot-Brittannië, Frankrijk en Duitsland.

Het programma is omlijst door werken van twee personen die een belangrijke rol speelden voor de ontwikkeling van de viola da gamba: Captain Tobias Hume en Marin Marais. Hume componeerde The first part of ayres for the viole de gambo alone, de eerste muziekpublicatie met composities die specifiek voor de viola da gamba geschreven waren. Marais was een gambaspeler aan het hof van Lodewijk XIV. Hij stond bekend als de Chopin van de viola da gamba, vanwege de inhoudelijke breedte en de gewaagde harmonieën in zijn omvangrijke oeuvre.

Daarnaast bevat het album werken van Johannes Schenk en Louis de Caix d’Hervelois, twee leerlingen van Marais, en Karl Friedrich Abel, de zogenaamde laatste gambaspeler.

Rousseau is een specialist op zowel de viola da gamba als de contrabas. Hij richt zich sinds 1996 op de historische uitvoeringspraktijk. Hij treedt nu op als solist, en is daarnaast ook gambasolist bij het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest.
Das hier eingespielte Programm gibt einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Musik für Solo-Gambe von den Anfängen bis zu ihrem Erlöschen in der Zeit der Wiener Klassik und berührt mit England, Frankreich und Deutschland die wichtigsten Zentren des Gambenspiels. Der niederländische Gambenspieler Ralph Rousseau studierte Gambe bei Jaap ter Linden und spezialisiert sich seit 1995 auf die authentische Ausführungspraxis. Neben seinen Soloprogrammen ist er ein gefragter Solist und tritt u.a. mit dem Concertgebouw Orchester Amsterdam und dem Krakauer Philharmonischen Orchester auf.


Ralph Rousseau

Versatility, drive, talent and charm, character traits Ralph Rousseau possesses in overabundance. Ralph’s taste in music cannot be pigeonholed. For him, there are only two kinds of music: good and bad. He played in rock and jazz bands, and in classical orchestras. He studied physics, combining it after the first year with a conservatory education in the double bass. He completed both cum laude, and not long after got his doctorate in physics. Still, he chose music. It was as a double bass player with the Concertgebouw Orchestra that he got to know the viola da gamba. Everything suddenly fell into place. “I was struck by the sound, the possibilities, the chords.” Ralph has become a veritable ambassador for the...
Versatility, drive, talent and charm, character traits Ralph Rousseau possesses in overabundance. Ralph’s taste in music cannot be pigeonholed. For him, there are only two kinds of music: good and bad. He played in rock and jazz bands, and in classical orchestras. He studied physics, combining it after the first year with a conservatory education in the double bass. He completed both cum laude, and not long after got his doctorate in physics. Still, he chose music. It was as a double bass player with the Concertgebouw Orchestra that he got to know the viola da gamba. Everything suddenly fell into place. “I was struck by the sound, the possibilities, the chords.” Ralph has become a veritable ambassador for the instrument. He has arranged many pieces for it. His affinity with the instrument also has a precedent in his name. “Rousseau is my mother’s last name. Her family traces back to 18th century France, around the time that the famous musicologist Jean Rousseau wrote a method for the viola da gamba. His book, from 1687, is a standard work that is reprinted and used even today. The name Rousseau and the viola da gamba are thus interlinked.”


Carl Friedrich Abel

Abel was born in the Bach city Cöthen as the son of a court musician and soon turned into a gamba virtuoso. Later on, he was also admired for his improvisatory gifts. He began his career as member of the court orchestra in Dresden, and travelled and finally settled in London in 1758, where he was active as an impresario and organizer of subscription concerts, together with Johann Christian Bach. To a certain extent, Abel succeeded Handel, who died after the first concert in 1759. Abel also became friends with the young Mozart during his visit to London in 1764. Abel and Bach jr. collaborated from 1760 till 1781, with their own concert hall on Hanover Square as a result. In...
Abel was born in the Bach city Cöthen as the son of a court musician and soon turned into a gamba virtuoso. Later on, he was also admired for his improvisatory gifts. He began his career as member of the court orchestra in Dresden, and travelled and finally settled in London in 1758, where he was active as an impresario and organizer of subscription concerts, together with Johann Christian Bach. To a certain extent, Abel succeeded Handel, who died after the first concert in 1759. Abel also became friends with the young Mozart during his visit to London in 1764. Abel and Bach jr. collaborated from 1760 till 1781, with their own concert hall on Hanover Square as a result.
In 1782, Abel returned to Germany where he worked at the Prussian court in Potsdam, to go to England again in 1785. He was a supporter of many composer and a friendly, elegant figure, which his portrait painted by Gainsborough also demonstrates.


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