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Italienisches Liederbuch (Italian songbook)
Hugo Wolf

Christoph Prégardien / Julia Kleiter / Hilko Dumno

Italienisches Liederbuch (Italian songbook)

Price: € 12.95
Format: SACD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917237825
Catnr: CC 72378
Release date: 03 September 2010
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€ 12.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72378
Release date
03 September 2010

About the album

Wolf's lieder are often referred to as "symphonic lieder", with an important part of the piano, beside the voice. Writer Paul Heyse (1830-1914). translated from Italian, among other things, a large number of mostly anonymous poems, which he published as the Italienisch Liederbuch. Wolf has put these poems into delightful music, small jewels.

Hugo Wolf, in 1896 - after a four-year period, marked by physical and psychological problems, which later grew more serious and ultimately fatal - composed among other things, the 24 lieder of the Italienisches Liederbuch’s part two. This was his last important composition, followed by only two lieder on texts by Lord Byron and three on texts by Michelangelo.

Today, Wolf is considered one of the most important 19th Century lieder composers, but that recognition was slow in coming. As late as 1931, admirers felt compelled to begin a Hugo Wolf Society to make his lieder better known via gramophone recordings. Needing the least help, however, was the Italienisches Liederbuch, various songs of which came to be loved early on, largely owing to their melodiousness and the accessibility of their content, but doubtless also for their brevity – if ever lieder could lay claim to being “little jewels” it is the 46 of this bundle, which together take up less than 80 minutes. (source: linernotes by Paul Korenhof in the cd "Hugo Wolf - Italienisches Liederbuch")
Juweeltjes van liederen
Het Italienisches Liederbuch bestaat uit 46 liederen, gebaseerd op anonieme Italiaanse gedichten. De Duitse schrijver en essayist Paul Heyse vertaalde ze en de Oostenrijkse componist Hugo Wolf componeerde er wonderschone muziek bij. Laat dit uitvoeren door een lyrisch tenor als Christoph Prégardien, de rijzende ster, sopraan Julia Kleiter, begeleid door Hilko Dumno en je krijgt een juweel van een album. ''Het Italienisches Liederbuch is een staaltje van sublieme liedkunst, verrijkt met de dramatische intensiteit van de opera. Wat een muzikale en literaire rijkdom!'' Marijke Schouten, Luister,november 2010.

De liederen van de Oostenrijkse componist Hugo Wolf (1860-1903) worden vaak omschreven als symfonisch, waarbij de piano, naast de zang, een belangrijk instrument is. Zijn Italienisches Liederbuch was vanaf het begin zeer geliefd. Vanzelfsprekend, want het werk is melodieus en inhoudelijk heel toegankelijk én de liederen zijn letterlijk adembenemend. Wolf kreeg op zijn 4e al piano- en vioolles van zijn vader. Hij raakte geïnspireerd door Beethoven en begon al jong te componeren. Wolf studeerde aan het Conservatorium in Wenen, waar hij bevriend was met Gustav Mahler. Hij hield van de muziek van Wagner, wat - zonder die componist na te bootsen - duidelijk merkbaar is in Wolfs liederen. Vandaag de dag wordt Hugo Wolf beschouwd al een van de belangrijkste exponenten uit de Duits-Oostenrijkse muzikale late romantiek.

De muzikale wortels van Christoph Prégardien én Julia Kleiter liggen in het koor van de Dom in beider geboortestad Limburg an der Lahn in Duitsland. Prégardien behoort tot de beste lyrische tenoren van deze tijd. Hij heeft een heldere en precieze stemvoering. Zijn intelligente interpretatie en dictie, gecombineerd met zijn kracht om door te dringen tot de kern van zijn rol, maken van hem een alom gewaardeerd zanger. Julia Kleiter maakte al tijdens haar studie aan de muziekhogescholen van Hamburg en Keulen naam als concertzangeres. In 2004 had ze haar operadebuut in de opera De Toverfluit. Ze treedt graag op met werken van Bach, Händel en Mozart en is hartstochtelijk liefhebber van het liederenrepertoire. Ook pianist Hilko Dumno komt uit Duitsland. Hij studeerde piano, kamermuziek en zang en kreeg les van gerenommeerde docenten. Hij ontving diverse beurzen, onder andere voor de Yehudi Menuhin Foundation in Brussel. De pianist geeft wereldwijd concerten en masterclasses in Europa. Hilko Dumno, Christoph Prégardien en Julia Kleiter treden regelmatig samen op.

Hugo Wolf wird heutzutage allgemein als einer der wichtigsten Liederkomponisten des 19. Jahrhunderts betrachtet, aber diese Erkenntnis setzte sich nur langsam durch. Das 'Italienische Liederbuch' erfreut sich von Anfang an großer Beliebtheit. Zum einen weil sie melodiös und inhaltlich zugänglich waren, zum anderen weil es sich bei der Sammlung von 46 Liedern buchstäblich um 'kleine Juwelen' handelt. Christoph Prégardien und Julia Kleiter gestalten diese Kleinode mit äußerster Raffinesse und Detailgenauigkeit. Sie treffen mit Leichtigkeit die erotische Grundatmospähre und werden dabei von Hilko Dumno am Klavier trefflich unterstützt. Eine würdige Hommage an einen großen Komponisten, dessen Geburtstag sich diesem Jahr zum 150. male jährt.


Christoph Prégardien

Born 1956 in Limburg, Germany, Christoph Prégardien began his musical education as a choirboy. He then studied singing with Martin Gründler and Karlheinz Jarius in Frankfurt, Carla Castellani in Milan, Alois Treml in Stuttgart and attended Hartmut Höll’s lieder-class. Widely regarded as among the foremost lyric tenors, Christoph Prégardien frequently collaborates with conductors such as Barenboim, Chailly, Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Herreweghe, Luisi, Metzmacher, Nagano, Sawallisch and Thielemann. His repertory spans a wide range from the great Baroque, Classical and Romantic Oratorios to 20th century works by Britten, Killmayer, Rihm, Stravinsky. Recognized as an eminent recitalist, Christoph Prégardien is regularly welcomed at the major recital venues of Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Zurich, Vienna, Barcelona and Geneva, as well as during his...
Born 1956 in Limburg, Germany, Christoph Prégardien began his musical education as a choirboy. He then studied singing with Martin Gründler and Karlheinz Jarius in Frankfurt, Carla Castellani in Milan, Alois Treml in Stuttgart and attended Hartmut Höll’s lieder-class.
Widely regarded as among the foremost lyric tenors, Christoph Prégardien frequently collaborates with conductors such as Barenboim, Chailly, Gardiner, Harnoncourt, Herreweghe, Luisi, Metzmacher, Nagano, Sawallisch and Thielemann. His repertory spans a wide range from the great Baroque, Classical and Romantic Oratorios to 20th century works by Britten, Killmayer, Rihm, Stravinsky.
Recognized as an eminent recitalist, Christoph Prégardien is regularly welcomed at the major recital venues of Paris, London, Brussels, Berlin, Cologne, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Zurich, Vienna, Barcelona and Geneva, as well as during his concert tours throughout Italy, Japan and North America.
A longstanding collaboration unites him with his favourite piano partners Michael Gees and Andreas Staier. Soloist of choice for renowned orchestras, he performed with the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic, Bavarian Radio Symphony, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam, Gewand-hausorchester Leipzig, London Philharmonia, Staatskapelle Dresden, Philharmonie de Radio France, the Montreal, Boston, St. Louis and San Francisco Symphony Orchestras.
An important part of his repertory has been recorded by labels such as BMG, EMI, Deutsche Grammophon, Philips, Sony, Erato, Challenge Classics and Teldec. He is represented on more than a hundred and twenty titles, including nearly all of his active repertoire. His recordings of German Romantic Lied repertory have been highly acclaimed by the public and press and have received international awards including the prestigious Orphée d’Or of the Académie du Disque Lyrique-Prix Georg Solti, Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik, Edison Award, Cannes Classical Award and Diapason d’Or.
As an opera singer, Christoph Prégardien has made stage appearences in major European houses, performing leading roles as Tamino (Zauberflöte), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni), Almaviva (Il Barbiere di Seviglia), Fenton (Falstaff) and Monteverdi’s Ulisse. In Spring 2005, Christoph Prégardien sang the leading part in Mozart’s “La Clemenza di Tito” at the Paris National Opera conducted by Sylvain Cambreling.
An important aspect in the musical life of Christoph Prégardien is his intensive and varied educational work. From 2000 to 2005 Christoph Prégardien was in charge of a vocal class at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Zurich. Since the autumn of 2004, he is a professor at the Musikhochschule Köln. In a new combination of DVD and book, released in the serie “Schott Master Class”, he presents for the first time questions of singing technique and interpretation in word and picture. Film examples accompagny him during his lessons with masterclass students.
Christoph Prégardien now has a long-term cooperation with Challenge Classics. The first production on our label, released in February 2008, was Schubert’s “Die schöne Müllerin” with pianist Michael Gees. In the fall of 2008 “Schwanengesang” with pianist Andreas Staier followed and “Die schöne Müllerin” was awarded the Midem ‘Record of the Year’ 2009 at MIDEM, the world’s largest music industry trade fair. The duo Christoph Prégardien/Michael Gees also received the MIDEM ‘Vocal Recitals’ Award 2009. Throughout 2008 the recording received critical acclaim from many national and international magazines (Gramophone, Editor’s Choice & „Best of 2008“ among others).


Julia Kleiter

Born in Limburg, Julia Kleiter studied with William Workmann in Hamburg and with Klesie Kelly-Moog in Cologne and debuted 2004 as Pamina at Opéra-Bastille in Paris under Jiri Kout. In the meantime she has sung this role in several productions in Madrid, Zürich, at the Edinburgh Festival, in New York, Munich and at Salzburg Festival with conductors such as Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Marc Minkowski, Claudio Abbado or Adam Fischer. 2005 she was heard as Giunia in Lucio Silla by Johann Christian Bach under Theodor Guschlbauer with Zurich Opera in Winterthur, in Zurich she performed 2006 Serpetta in under Nikolaus Harnoncourt, 2007 Sophie in Der Rosenkavalier and Zdenka in Arabella La Finta Giardiniera unter Franz Welser-Möst and 2010 Ilia under Harnoncourt. Other highlights of...
Born in Limburg, Julia Kleiter studied with William Workmann in Hamburg and with Klesie Kelly-Moog in Cologne and debuted 2004 as Pamina at Opéra-Bastille in Paris under Jiri Kout. In the meantime she has sung this role in several productions in Madrid, Zürich, at the Edinburgh Festival, in New York, Munich and at Salzburg Festival with conductors such as Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Marc Minkowski, Claudio Abbado or Adam Fischer.
2005 she was heard as Giunia in Lucio Silla by Johann Christian Bach under Theodor Guschlbauer with Zurich Opera in Winterthur, in Zurich she performed 2006 Serpetta in under Nikolaus Harnoncourt, 2007 Sophie in Der Rosenkavalier and Zdenka in Arabella La Finta Giardiniera unter Franz Welser-Möst and 2010 Ilia under Harnoncourt.
Other highlights of her operatic career were Papagena under Claudio Abbado in Ferrara, Baden-Baden and Modena, Susanna in in Verona, Reggio Emilia, Dresden and Paris, Celia in Mozart’s in Lucio Silla Le Nozze di Figaro unter Tamas Netopil in Venise and at the Salzburg Festival, Amor in Orfeo ed Euridice under Ricardo Muti in Florence and Euridice under Thomas Hengelbrock in Paris, Marzelline in Fidelio in Ferrara, Baden-Baden and Madrid under Claudio Abbado and in Paris under Sylvain Cambreling, Händel’s Acis und Galathea in concert in Göttingen, Ilia under Harnoncourt in Graz, Ännchen in Der Freischütz (Hengelbrock/Wilson) in Baden-Baden and Dortmund, Zendka under Ulf Schirmer and Sophie under Donald Runnicles at Deutsche Oper Berlin. 2012 she debuted highly successfull as Almirena at Lyric Opera of Chicago in Händel’s Rinaldo and returned to Paris as Zdenka under Philippe Jordan.
As a concert singer and recitalist she is guesting in all major concert halls and is working with conductors such as Helmut Rilling, Claudio Abbado, Riccardo Muti, Jeffrey Tate, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Marc Minkowski, Ivor Bolten, René Jacobs, Christoph Poppen, Daniel Harding or Marek Janowski.
Several dvd and cd recordings are proving her artistic variety.


Hilko Dumno

Hilko Dumno studied Piano, Chamber music and Song Interpretation at the Hochschulen in Detmold and Frankfurt am Main. Among his teachers were Gregor Weichert, Rainer Hoffmann, Tabea Zimmermann and Charles Spencer. He was a scholarship holder from the Endowmentof the Arts, officially sponsored by the German government, the Villa Musica in Mainz and the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation. He has regular collaboration with Christoph Prégardien, Johannes Martin Kränzle, Christine Schäfer, Hans-Jörg Mammel, Hedwig Fassbender, Julia Kleiter and Johannes Schendel whom he’s accompanied at various festivals among which are Schleswig-Holstein, Schwetzingen, Dresden, Luzerne, Geneva and the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg. Further concert tours brought him to North America and Japan. For the North German radio, the Hessischer Rundfunk and the Radio de la Suisse Romande...
Hilko Dumno studied Piano, Chamber music and Song Interpretation at the Hochschulen in Detmold and Frankfurt am Main. Among his teachers were Gregor Weichert, Rainer Hoffmann, Tabea Zimmermann and Charles Spencer. He was a scholarship holder from the Endowmentof the Arts, officially sponsored by the German government, the Villa Musica in Mainz and the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation.
He has regular collaboration with Christoph Prégardien, Johannes Martin Kränzle, Christine Schäfer, Hans-Jörg Mammel, Hedwig Fassbender, Julia Kleiter and Johannes Schendel whom he’s accompanied at various festivals among which are Schleswig-Holstein, Schwetzingen, Dresden, Luzerne, Geneva and the Schubertiade in Schwarzenberg.
Further concert tours brought him to North America and Japan. For the North German radio, the Hessischer Rundfunk and the Radio de la Suisse Romande he’s taken part in various productions which testify to his artistic activities. He has also produced several CDs. Hilko Dumno teaches Song Interpretation at the Hochschule for Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt and At the Hochschule for Music and Dance in Cologne.



Hugo Wolf

Together with Gustav Mahler, Hugo Wolf can be considered as one of the greatest composers of Late Romantic lieder. Both of them followed the tradition of Schubert and Schumann, but intensified the gerne with Wagner's techniques of text declamation and harmonic development. What makes Wolf's song cycles special, is the fact that often they are devoted to a single poet, like in his Mörike-Lieder (1889), Eichendorff-Lieder (1889) en Goethe-Lieder (1890). For each cycle, he spent a considerable time studying the text to create the best matching music. His accomodation of musical structure, harmonic subteties and pianistic texture are all inseperable from the lyrics. Partly due to his psychological sophistication his songs can be heard as miniature operas. Even though he did start writing...

Together with Gustav Mahler, Hugo Wolf can be considered as one of the greatest composers of Late Romantic lieder. Both of them followed the tradition of Schubert and Schumann, but intensified the gerne with Wagner's techniques of text declamation and harmonic development. What makes Wolf's song cycles special, is the fact that often they are devoted to a single poet, like in his Mörike-Lieder (1889), Eichendorff-Lieder (1889) en Goethe-Lieder (1890). For each cycle, he spent a considerable time studying the text to create the best matching music. His accomodation of musical structure, harmonic subteties and pianistic texture are all inseperable from the lyrics. Partly due to his psychological sophistication his songs can be heard as miniature operas.
Even though he did start writing on several full-fledged operas, it never became a true succes. Only his opera Der Corregidor (1896) was completed. Things went downhill from there. In 1897, Wolf had a nervous breakdown as a consequence of a syphilis infection he had since his teens. After a failed suicide attempt, he was admitted to a clinic in Vienna. The somber Michelangelo-Lieder (1898) would become his last completed composition. Wolf died in 1903, three weeks before his 43st birthday.



Play album Play album
Ein Stänchen Euch zu bringen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Ich esse nun mein Brot nicht trocken mehr
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Ihr seid die Allerschönste
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Mein Liebster singt
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Was für ein Lied soll dir gesungen werden
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wie lange schon war immer mein Verlangen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Schon streckt' ich aus im Bett die müden Glieder
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
O wär' dein Haus durchsichtig wie ein Glas
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Heut' nacht erhob ich mich
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Und steht ihr früh am Morgen auf
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Gesegnet sei das Grün
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Gesegnet sei, durch den die Welt entstund
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wenn du mich mit den Augen streifst
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Benedeit die sel'ge Mutter
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Mir ward gesagt. du reisest in die Ferne
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Selig ihr Blinden
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Ihr jungen Leute
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Mein Liebster ist so klein
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Dass doch gemalt all' deine Reize wären
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Man sagt mir, deine Mutter woll' es nicht
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Der Mond hat eine schwere Klag' erhoben
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Heb' auf dein blondes Haupt
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Auch kleine Dinge können uns entzucken
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wie viele Zeit verlor ich
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Mein Liebster hat zu Tische mich geladen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Ich liess mir sagen und mir ward erzählt
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wohl kenn' ich Euern Stand
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Du sagst mir, dass ich keine Fürstin sei
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Hoffärtig seid ihr, schönes Kind
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wer rief dich denn?
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Was soll der Zorn, mein Schatz
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Nein, junger Herr
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Lass sie nur gehen, die so die Stolze spielt
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Ich hab' in Penna einen Liebsten wohnen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Geselle, woll'n wir uns in Kutten hüllen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Verschling' der Abgrund meines Liebsten Hütte
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
O wüsstest du, wie viel ich deinetwegen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Schweig' einmal still
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wie soll ich fröhlich sein
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Du denkst mit einem Fädchen mich zu fangen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Nicht länger kann ich singen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Nun lass uns Frieden schliessen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wir haben beide lange Zeit geschwiegen
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Sterb' ich, so hüllt in Blumen meine Glieder
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
Wenn Du, mein Liebster, steigst zum Himmel auf
(Hugo Wolf) Christoph Prégardien, Julia Kleiter, Hilko Dumno
show all tracks

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