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Oboe passion - Arias & concertos by J.S. Bach & sons
Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Christian Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

Pauline & Nienke Oostenrijk / Amsterdam Sinfonietta / Jaap ter Linden

Oboe passion - Arias & concertos by J.S. Bach & sons

Format: SACD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917250626
Catnr: CC 72506
Release date: 27 September 2011
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Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72506
Release date
27 September 2011

"The contrast between heavenly glare and hellish rawness is completely at the service of emotional truth"

De Telegraaf, 02-11-2013

About the album

A double-cd with in the leading roles two sisters: Pauline and Nienke Oostenrijk. Pauline plays on both cd's: one with Arias for Soprano and Oboe and one with Oboe Concertos. But there is another leading role except the ones of the soprano and the oboe: composer Johann Sebastian Bach! And last but not least also two of his most famous sons can be heard: Johann Christian and Carl Philipp Emanuel.

About the Arias, Pauline Oostenrijk writes in the linernotes: "from a Christian viewpoint – the cantatas were after all written for performance during church services – every conceivable human emotion is portrayed, translated into music. Exuberant joy, deep mourning, love, sadness. The texts of the arias on this CD bear witness to a profound religious devotion, but even if the texts themselves do not stir you, the masterful way they are set to music is stunning. The arias are without equal, not only in the range of moods and emotions they express, but also in the themes and motifs that Bach selects in giving musical form to words and ideas. The ultimate meeting of text and music. The ultimate meeting of the human voice and oboe, which sometimes seem to melt into each other.

Each time anew, it is a thrilling experience for us to be able to perform this music.
De zussen Pauline en Nienke Oostenrijk met aria's en concerten van Bach en zijn zonen
'Oboe passion', een optreden met twee zussen in de hoofdrol: Pauline en Nienke Oostenrijk. Zij spelen en zingen onder begeleiding van het strijkorkest Amsterdam Sinfonietta met dirigent en bekend cellist Jaap ter Linden, aria's en concerten van Johann Sebastian Bach. Op de opname staan niet alleen stukken van vader Bach, maar ook werken van zijn 2 bekendste zonen, Johann Christian en Carl Philipp Emanuel. De pers prees de zusjes Oostenrijk om hun stijlvastheid en virtuositeit. Deze uitvoering klinkt zoals Bach dat gewild zou hebben. 'Heerlijke muziek, samen met Amsterdam Sinfonietta prachtig uitgevoerd.' Beatrice Dees, Akkoord Magazine, februari 2012.

Pauline Oostenrijk studeerde aan het Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam. Zij rondde daar haar studies hobo en piano af. Pauline is een internationaal geprezen hoboïste en solo-hoboïste van het Residentie Orkest in Den Haag. Ze won in 1999 de Muziekprijs van Nederland, de hoogste prijs voor klassieke musici in Nederland. Pauline maakt niet alleen muziek, maar is ook actief als schrijfster van columns en korte verhalen.

Sopraan Nienke Oostenrijk studeerde eerst geschiedenis, voordat zij startte met de zangopleiding aan het Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam. In de jaren na haar zangstudie volgde ze vele masterclasses. Nienke verschijnt door heel Europa op het concertpodium. Naast haar status als operazangeres, is ze ook een veelgevraagd concertsoliste. Ze trad op met dirigenten als Jaap van Zweden en Jan Willem de Vriend. Het opera-repertoire van Nienke Oostenrijk omvat meerdere rollen uit het stemvak voor hoge sopraan.

Berühmte Arien & Konzerte für Sopran und Oboe

Eine attraktive Doppel-CD als Wiederveröffentlichung von zwei Einzel-CDs mit zwei Schwestern in der Hauptrolle: Die Oboistin Pauline und die Sopranistin Nienke Oostenrijk. CD1 enthält Arien für Sopran und Oboe & CD2 berühmte Oboe-Konzerten von J.S. Bach und seinen Söhnen.


Lucia Swarts (cello)

Lucia Swarts began studying the cello at the age of seven. She studied with Anner Bijlsma and Lidewij Scheifes at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague , where she acquired her solo degree in 1985. In the year of her final exam , she gave her debut recital in the Kleine Zaal at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw , as a prizewinner in the `New Vintage`series for talented young musicians. Apart from her appearances as a soloist , she has devoted considerable time and effort to playing music from every period of musical history in a wide range of chamber music settings, using instruments appropriate to the period .As well as the modern cello, she also plays piano, the viola da Spalla, baroque cello,...
Lucia Swarts began studying the cello at the age of seven. She studied with Anner Bijlsma and Lidewij Scheifes at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague , where she acquired her solo degree in 1985.
In the year of her final exam , she gave her debut recital in the Kleine Zaal at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw , as a prizewinner in the `New Vintage`series for talented young musicians.
Apart from her appearances as a soloist , she has devoted considerable time and effort to playing music from every period of musical history in a wide range of chamber music settings, using instruments appropriate to the period .As well as the modern cello, she also plays piano, the viola da Spalla, baroque cello, cello piccolo and basse de Violon.
From 1983 on she played in the Schoenberg Ensemble (later Asko/Schoenberg) and worked with composers as György Ligety, Sofia Gubaidulina , György Kurtag, Reinbert de Leeuw, Oliver Knussen, John Adams, Steve Reich, Louis Andriessen, Martijn Padding and Mayke Nas Composer Mayke Nas (Componist des vaderlands 2016-2018) wrote a piece for her. In June 1996 Lucia was one of the solo players in the Asko/Schoenberg Ensemble in the Opera `A King Riding ` by Klaas de Vries.
Since 1983 , Lucia has been principal cellist in the baroque orchestra of the Netherlands Bach society and she also plays in the Residentie Bach Ensemble.
She worked with baroque specialists as Gustav Leonhardt, Frans Brüggen, Sigiswald Kuijken, René Jacobs, Peter Dijkstra, Jos van Veldhoven , Jos Vermunt and Ton Koopman.
While early music and contemporary music has a special place in her affection and where she was performing in many CD`s she also performs romantic music.In 1997 she recorded a CD with Leo van Doeselaar (piano ) with music of Saint -Saëns, Busoni, Moscheles and Gounod. CD .
She is always looking for new repertoire ( for herself and also for her students) ,which needs to become out of the shadow.
Lucia issued 7 solo CDs.
Six Cello Sonatas by Vivaldi (CC72051), Cello Sonatas by Boccherini (CC 72065), Italian Cello Concertos (CC 72021), Bach after Bach .Vol. 1(with Leo van Doeselaar (CC72066) , Italian Concertos & Sonatas (CC 72516).The Italian Origins (seven mouintain records) and Cello Solo Suites by J.S.Bach ( CC 72784) She is a professor in `modern ` and historical cello at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague since 1988 , where she works with Elena Malinova. Elena is also already for many years the correpetitor of her cellostudents.
Lucia is also visiting professor at the Conservatoire Superior de Salamanca and Sevilla (Spain).


Rémy Baudet (violin)

Rémy Baudet studied history at the University of Groningen and the violin at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam (under Mark Lubotski), where he was awarded the Prix d’Excellence. He is the concert master of the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, the Gelders Orkest and of Musica Amphion with whom he has recorded many CDs over the past  few years. In addition he founded the Le Zéphyre and is a member of the Van Swieten Society. Baudet has played with – and soloed with – many leading orchestras in the Netherlands and abroad. He has also written a thesis about the development of violin playing between 1780 and 1880, taught at various conservatoires and been a history of art teacher for a number of...
Rémy Baudet studied history at the University of Groningen and the violin at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam (under Mark Lubotski), where he was awarded the Prix d’Excellence. He is the concert master of the Orchestra of the Eighteenth Century, the Gelders Orkest and of Musica Amphion with whom he has recorded many CDs over the past few years. In addition he founded the Le Zéphyre and is a member of the Van Swieten Society. Baudet has played with – and soloed with – many leading orchestras in the Netherlands and abroad. He has also written a thesis about the development of violin playing between 1780 and 1880, taught at various conservatoires and been a history of art teacher for a number of years.

Wim ten Have (viola)

Nienke Oostenrijk (soprano)

The Dutch soprano, Nienke Oostenrijk, studied at the Sweelinck School of Music in Amsterdam. She already passed her doctoral examination in Conservatory in Amsterdam. It was there that she gained the ‘Uitvoerend Musicus’ (performer’s) diploma in 1993 with Margaret Honig. Since then she has been pursuing her studies with Cora Canne Meijer. She took part in master-classes with Arleen Augér, Elly Ameling, Robert Holl and others. Nienke Oostenrijk appears in opera roles as well as on the concert platform, and has sung throughout Europe but has spent most of her time in The Netherlands and a good deal of time in Germany. Her opera repertoire includes several roles that belong to the repertoire of high sopranos. With several companies she had...
The Dutch soprano, Nienke Oostenrijk, studied at the Sweelinck School of Music in Amsterdam. She already passed her doctoral examination in Conservatory in Amsterdam. It was there that she gained the ‘Uitvoerend Musicus’ (performer’s) diploma in 1993 with Margaret Honig. Since then she has been pursuing her studies with Cora Canne Meijer. She took part in master-classes with Arleen Augér, Elly Ameling, Robert Holl and others.
Nienke Oostenrijk appears in opera roles as well as on the concert platform, and has sung throughout Europe but has spent most of her time in The Netherlands and a good deal of time in Germany. Her opera repertoire includes several roles that belong to the repertoire of high sopranos. With several companies she had sung the role of Konstanze in Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail. Other roles include Pamina in Mozart ‘s Die Zauberflöte, Sophie in Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier and Tebaldo in Verde’s Don Carlos, with the conductors like Kees Bakels, Marc Soustrot, Friedrich Haider and Carlo Rizzi.
Apart from being an opera singer Nienke Oostenrijk is a much sought-after Lieder singer and concert soloists. Bach’s St Matthew Passion (BWV 244) brought her to Berlin Konzerthaus. A series of performances throughout the Netherlands of Mozart’s Requiem with Jaap van Zweden conducting was followed by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater in the Berlin Konzerthaus, conducted by Jac van Steen. Increasingly she is also active in the field of 20th–century classical music, performing in the works of composers like Arnold Schoenberg (Second String Quartet), Jeff Hamburg and Igor Markevitch.


Franc Polman (violin)

Robert Franenberg (double bass)

Amsterdam Sinfonietta

Amsterdam Sinfonietta has occupied a unique position as the only professional string orchestra in the Netherlands for the past 25 years. Founded in 1988, with Lev Markiz as its first artistic director, the ensemble has performed throughout the world, touring Europe, China, the United States and Australia. It has appeared at major venues sich as the Barbican Hall in London, Cité de la Musique in Paris, the National Centre of Performing Arts in Beijing and the Berlin Konzerthaus. The ensemble comprises 22 string players who perform under the leadership of its concertmaster and artistic leader Candida Thompson. This approach to music- making without a conductor is what distinguishes the group from ‘regular’ chamber orchestras. It calls for an extremely intense degree...
Amsterdam Sinfonietta has occupied a unique position as the only professional string orchestra in the Netherlands for the past 25 years. Founded in 1988, with Lev Markiz as its first artistic director, the ensemble has performed throughout the world, touring Europe, China, the United States and Australia. It has appeared at major venues sich as the Barbican Hall in London, Cité de la Musique in Paris, the National Centre of Performing Arts in Beijing and the Berlin Konzerthaus.
The ensemble comprises 22 string players who perform under the leadership of its concertmaster and artistic leader Candida Thompson. This approach to music- making without a conductor is what distinguishes the group from ‘regular’ chamber orchestras. It calls for an extremely intense degree of involvement from all the musicians. The repertoire covers a variety of styles, extending from the Baroque repertoire to contemporary works. Alongside performances of mainstream repertoire, the orchestra frequently champions unjustly neglected or new works. Amsterdam Sinfonietta has recently premièred compositions by David Matthews, Michel van der Aa, Kate Moore, Tigran Mansurian and Peteris Vasks. Leading composers such as Thomas Larcher, Rozalie Hirs and Sofia Gubaidulina are currently composing new works commissioned by Amsterdam Sinfonietta.
The ensemble has gained a reputation for creating highly innovative programmes; its trademark versatility recently earned it the prestigious classical music prize De Ovatie [The Ovation] in 2013. It frequently presents original and compelling combinations of works, initiates surprising collaborations and embraces groundbreaking concepts involving video art, dance or theatre. Amsterdam Sinfonietta has worked with a host of internationally renowned musicians, such as Sergei Khachatryan, Barbara Hannigan, Thomas Hampson, David Fray, Janine Jansen, Dejan Lazic, Steven Isselis, Isabelle Faust, Alexander Melnikov, Nino Gvetadze, Christianne Stotijn, Bobby McFerrin and Wende Snijders.
Amsterdam Sinfonietta’s educational KleuterSinfonietta performances are enjoyed by thousands of young children in the Netherlands each year. It also organises the Sinfonietta Strijkersdagen [Sinfonietta String Players Days], giving young musicians the opportunity to participate in workshops and perform in public in specially formed string orchestras.
Within the past decade Amsterdam Sinfonietta has produced an impressive array of CDs under Candida Thompson’s leadership, in collaboration with the high-quality Channel Classics label. These include ‘The Mahler Album’ (2011), ‘Britten’ (2013) and ‘Shostakovich & Weinberg’ (2013). ‘The Argentinian Album’ was released in October 2014. Recently the orchestra has also recorded CDs for labels such as ECM, Sony Classical and Deutsche Grammophon.
During the last few seasons Amsterdam Sinfonietta has undertaken international tours with Sol Gabetta, Patricia Kopatchinskaja and Martin Fröst. In early 2014 it joined forces with the American baritone Thomas Hampson, performing a unique song programme in twelve concert halls across Europe. Upcoming projects include a tour of Japan and concerts in the Benelux, Germany and Austria with the cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras.


Paul Leenhouts (recorder)


Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.  Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.  

Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. He enriched established German styles through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms, and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's compositions include the Brandenburg Concertos, the Goldberg Variations, the Mass in B minor, two Passions, and hundreds of cantatas. His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and intellectual depth.

Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest in and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now generally regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time.


Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

It can't be easy to have been a son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was undoubtedly very strict, and if you'd have any composition ambitions, you would have to find a way to step out of the shadow of your father. Luckily, his sons had everything going for them considering their music. Whereas the traditional Baroque music of their father slowly went out of fashion, most of Bach's sons managed to follow the new trends of the early Classicism. In other words: relatively simple, melodic music which is not too heavy on the listener, yet still very passionate.  Carl Philipp Emanuel, Bach's fifth son, became the most outstanding among his siblings. Like each of Bach's sons, he received a...

It can't be easy to have been a son of the great Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was undoubtedly very strict, and if you'd have any composition ambitions, you would have to find a way to step out of the shadow of your father. Luckily, his sons had everything going for them considering their music. Whereas the traditional Baroque music of their father slowly went out of fashion, most of Bach's sons managed to follow the new trends of the early Classicism. In other words: relatively simple, melodic music which is not too heavy on the listener, yet still very passionate.

Carl Philipp Emanuel, Bach's fifth son, became the most outstanding among his siblings. Like each of Bach's sons, he received a solid education from his father, en Carl Philipp developed into a remarkably talented keyboardist. Moreover, he became a prolific composer and of all Bach's sons, he was able to came closest to the quality of his father's work, albeit in a completely different style.


Johann Christian Bach

The German composer Johann Christian Bach was the youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Anna Magdalena Wilcken. His father and his half-brother Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach instructed him in music, and he consequently enjoyed a promising career as a composer and performer. He is referred to as both ‘the Italian Bach’ and ‘the London Bach’. From 1754 till 1762 Johann Christian lived and studied in Italy, where he became organist of the Milan cathedral and devoted much time to the composition of sacred music. He also became familiar with the Italian operas, which incited him to compose  his own operas, amongst others Artaserse, Catone in Utica and Alessandro nell’India. In 1762 Johann Christian established himself in London, the center of European...
The German composer Johann Christian Bach was the youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach and Anna Magdalena Wilcken. His father and his half-brother Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach instructed him in music, and he consequently enjoyed a promising career as a composer and performer. He is referred to as both ‘the Italian Bach’ and ‘the London Bach’.
From 1754 till 1762 Johann Christian lived and studied in Italy, where he became organist of the Milan cathedral and devoted much time to the composition of sacred music. He also became familiar with the Italian operas, which incited him to compose his own operas, amongst others Artaserse, Catone in Utica and Alessandro nell’India.
In 1762 Johann Christian established himself in London, the center of European opera, where three of his operas premiered that year. He was one of the first to found public concerts there, together with the gamba player and composer Karl Friedrich Abel. These so-called Bach-Abel concerts continued to took place until 1781. He also met Mozart in London, who was then eight years old. Mozart admired his music and arranged three of his sonatas into keyboard concertos. For a duration of twenty years Johann Christian was the most popular musician of London. However, at the end of his life the popularity of his music began to fade.
Just like his father, Johann Christian left a considerable oeuvre, comprising of more than 90 symphonies, some 30 sonatas, about 40 concerti and 14 operas.



The contrast between heavenly glare and hellish rawness is completely at the service of emotional truth
De Telegraaf , 02-11-2013

This is a fine brace of re-releases packaged in an attractive SACD hybrid single-thickness double jewel case. 
Music Web International, 01-2-2012

Play album Play album
Disc #1
Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke BWV 84: Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Margriet Stok, Siebe Henstra, Robert Franenberg
Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke BWV 84: Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Margriet Stok, Siebe Henstra, Robert Franenberg
Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen BWV 32: Liebster Jesu, mein Verlangen
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Margriet Stok, Siebe Henstra, Robert Franenberg
Weihnachts-Oratorium BWV 248: Flößt, mein Heiland
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Siebe Henstra, Robert Franenberg, Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Margriet Stok
Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern BWV 1: Erfüllet, ihr himmlischen, göttlichen Flammen
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Siebe Henstra, Robert Franenberg, Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Margriet Stok
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis BWV 21: Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Margriet Stok, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra
Die Elenden sollen essen BWV 75: Ich nehme mein Leiden mit Freuden auf mich
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Margriet Stok, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra
Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten BWV 93: Ich will auf den Herren schaun
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra, Margriet Stok, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra
Nimm, was dein ist, und gehe hin BWV 144: Genügsamkeit ist ein Schatz in diesem Leben
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra, Margriet Stok, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra
Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten BWV 74: Komm, komm, mein Herze steht dir offen
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra, Margriet Stok, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra
Herr Jesu Christ, wahr? Mensch und Gott BWV 127: Die Seele ruht in Jesu Händen
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra, Margriet Stok, Paul Leenhouts, Karel van Steenhoven, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra
Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht BWV 105: Wie zittern und wanken
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Nienke Oostenrijk, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra, Margriet Stok, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra
Der Himmel lacht, die Erde jubilieret BWV 31: Letzte Stunde, brich herein
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Nienke Oostenrijk, Rémy Baudet, Franc Polman, Wim ten Have, Lucia Swarts, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra, Margriet Stok, Robert Franenberg, Siebe Henstra

Disc #2
Concerto in A for Oboe d?amore, Strings and Continuo: (Allegro)
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in A for Oboe d?amore, Strings and Continuo: Larghetto
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in A for Oboe d?amore, Strings and Continuo: Allegro ma non tanto
(Johann Sebastian Bach ) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in F for Oboe and Orchestra: Andante
(Johann Christian Bach) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in F for Oboe and Orchestra: Larghetto
(Johann Christian Bach) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in F for Oboe and Orchestra: Rondeau (Allegretto)
(Johann Christian Bach) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in E flat for Oboe, Strings and Harpsichord, Wq 165: Allegro
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in E flat for Oboe, Strings and Harpsichord, Wq 165: Adagio ma non troppo
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Pauline Oostenrijk, Amsterdam Sinfonietta
Concerto in E flat for Oboe, Strings and Harpsichord, Wq 165: Allegro ma non troppo
(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach) Pauline Oostenrijk, Robert Franenberg
show all tracks

Often bought together with..

Various composers
Perles de Pluie
Café des Chansons feat. Charlotte Haesen
Johann Sebastian Bach
Harpsichord Concertos Vol. 2
Fabio Bonizzoni | La Risonanza
Johann Sebastian Bach
Stirring Stills - Bach for Viola
Esther Apituley
Antonio Vivaldi
Concertos for oboe, strings & basso continuo
Pauline Oostenrijk / Jan Willem de Vriend / Baroque Academy of the Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
Various composers
Luistercursus Opera
Aldo Druyf
Various composers
Pauline Oostenrijk / Ivo Jansen

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