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Der Rosenkavalier
Richard Strauss

Dutch National Opera / Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra / Marc Albrecht

Der Rosenkavalier

Price: € 22.95
Format: SACD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917274127
Catnr: CC 72741
Release date: 28 September 2017
SACD (3 items)
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€ 22.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72741
Release date
28 September 2017

"Remarkable about the recording is the nice balance between the reasonably intelligible soloists and the wide-ranging, clearly recorded orchestral sound."

Opus Klassiek, 29-5-2018

About the album

During the mid 18th century, there was a popular genre of painting called the capriccio. It featured imaginary topographical scenes in which various elements, largely architectural, were brought together as never possible in real life. They offered dazzling views and set the imagination in a spin. Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss’s Der Rosenkavalier is the operatic equivalent, for in its re-creation of ‘the old Vienna under the Empress Maria Theresia’ – the very period in which the genre of the capriccio flourished – it juxtaposes seemingly distinct elements, such as 18th-century social conventions, 19th-century waltzes and 20th-century thinking.
Following Hofmannsthal’s lead, Strauss constantly switches between the lyrically symphonic and the downright bawdy in the opera.

Five Stars by Marc Albrecht, once again presented his platinum Strauss credentials…The Netherlands Philharmonic, playing with dreamlike ease, tugged at the heart with airborne woodwinds and shapely violin lines, stopping a hair’s breadth away from full extravagance. This introspective restraint created a tenseness throughout, rendering the emotional climaxes all the more powerful.
De derde Strauss/Hoffmansthal-opera onder leiding van Strauss-specialist Marc Albrecht

De Nederlandse Opera en het Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest onder leiding van Marc Albrecht presenteren met Der Rosenkavalier hun derde opname van een opera van Richard Strauss en Hoffmansthal, volgend op door de critici geprezen opnamen van Elektra en Arabella. De zorgvuldig geselecteerde cast is opnieuw een goed doordachte mix van jonge en ervaren Strauss-specialisten.

Gavin Plumley zegt het volgende over de achtergrond van Der Rosenkavalier: “Halverwege de achttiende eeuw raakte in de schilderkunst een genre in zwang dat het ‘capriccio’ werd genoemd: imaginaire voorstellingen waarin verschillende elementen, meestal architectonisch, werden gecombineerd op een manier die in de werkelijkheid niet mogelijk was, waardoor de meest schitterende, de fantasie prikkelende taferelen ontstonden. Hugo von Hofmannsthal en Richard Strauss schiepen met Der Rosenkavalier een soort opera-equivalent van dit genre, want in hun herschepping van ‘het oude Wenen onder keizerin Maria Theresia’ – de periode waarin het capriccio floreerde – brengen ze voortdurend schijnbaar onverenigbare elementen bij elkaar, niet in de laatste plaats door achttiende-eeuwse maatschappelijke conventies te combineren met negentiende-eeuwse walsen en twintigste-eeuwse opvattingen. In Hofmannsthals voetspoor schakelt Strauss voortdurend tussen het lyrisch symfonische en het dubbelzinnige.” schrijft over de productie: “Marc Albrecht toonde opnieuw zijn Strausskwalificaties (…) Het Nederlands Philharmonisch speelde met gemak, trok aan het hart met zwevende houtblazers en goedgevormde vioollijnen, en bleef slechts een haarbreedte verwijderd van volledige extravagantie. Deze introspectieve terughoudendheid creëerde door het gehele werk een spanning, die de emotionele hoogtepunten alleen maar krachtiger maakte.”

Die Gattung des Capriccio war besonders in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts beliebt. Darin fanden sich imaginäre topographische Szenen, in denen überwiegend architektonische Elemente auf eine Weise verbunden wurden, wie es im wahren Leben nie möglich wäre. Das Capriccio bot atemberaubende Aussichten und ließ einem schwindlig werden vor Eindrücken. Hugo von Hofmannsthal und Richard Strauss’ Der Rosenkavalier ist das Opernpendant, denn die Wiedererschaffung des alten Wien unter Kaiserin Maria Theresia – eben der Blütezeit des Capriccio – stellt scheinbar gegensätzliche Elemente gegenüber wie soziale Kontroversen des 18. Jahrhunderts, Walzer des 19. und das Denken des 20. Jahrhunderts. Unter Hofmannsthals Führung wechselt Strauss in seiner Oper beständig wischen dem lyrisch Symphonischen und dem regelrecht Derben.

Die Produktion erhielt 5 Sterne auf „... Mark Albrecht zeigte wieder einmal seine starke Strauss-Kompetenz... Das Niederländische Philharmonische Orchester spielte mit Leichtigkeit, ergriff mit schwebenden Holzbläsern und wohlgeformten Violinlinien und blieb nur Millimeter entfernt von schierer Extravaganz. Die introspektive Zurückhaltung schuf durchweg eine Spannung, die die emotionalen Höhepunkte nur noch eindringlicher machten.“


Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra

The Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra (NedPhO) is among the best orchestras in the country. The NedPhO and the associated Netherlands Chamber Orchestra (NKO) are the regular accompanying partners of De Nederlandse Opera (DNO) in the Muziektheater. Alongside this, both orchestras provide versatile concert programs in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw and are welcome guests in other Dutch concert halls and in halls and festivals abroad. Typical of the NedPhO | NKO are their inviting programming and welcoming presentation. With their enthusiasm and passion for the music, the musicians provide a special listening experience. With the extensive NedPho GO! education and outreach program, NedPhO | NKO make classical music accessible for everyone.   Under its former chief conductor Hartmut Haenchen, NedPhO had great success with the...
The Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra (NedPhO) is among the best orchestras in the country. The NedPhO and the associated Netherlands Chamber Orchestra (NKO) are the regular accompanying partners of De Nederlandse Opera (DNO) in the Muziektheater. Alongside this, both orchestras provide versatile concert programs in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw and are welcome guests in other Dutch concert halls and in halls and festivals abroad. Typical of the NedPhO | NKO are their inviting programming and welcoming presentation. With their enthusiasm and passion for the music, the musicians provide a special listening experience. With the extensive NedPho GO! education and outreach program, NedPhO | NKO make classical music accessible for everyone. Under its former chief conductor Hartmut Haenchen, NedPhO had great success with the performance of the complete Der Ring des Nibelungen (DNO, also on CD). Over the years, the orchestra has performed all the great operas by Wagner and Richard Strauss. The successful performance of Die Frau ohne Schatten led to the appointment of Marc Albrecht as chief conductor of DNO and NedPhO | NKO. In 2011 and 2012 Albrecht conducted the operas Orest and Der Schatzgräber with the NedPhO and once again received praising reviews. Next to the opera productions with DNO, Albrecht will regularly appear in the coming season with the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra in the Amsterdam Concertgebouw.


Dutch National Opera

De Nationale Opera (DNO) is the Netherlands’ largest opera company and is based in the Nationale Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam (formerly known as The Amsterdam Music Theatre). DNO has grown into one of Europe’s most prominent and progressive opera companies. Until February 17, 2014 the company operated under the name De Nederlandse Opera. To start at 2013 Els van der Plas is the general director of De Nederlandse Opera, Dutch National Ballet and the music theatre. In 1998 Pierre Audi became artistic director of the company, who formed a successful team together with administrative director Truze Lodder. Since January 1, 2013, Audi is director of De Nationale Opera. In September 2018 he will be succeeded by Sophie de Lint. DNO produces...
De Nationale Opera (DNO) is the Netherlands’ largest opera company and is based in the Nationale Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam (formerly known as The Amsterdam Music Theatre). DNO has grown into one of Europe’s most prominent and progressive opera companies. Until February 17, 2014 the company operated under the name De Nederlandse Opera. To start at 2013 Els van der Plas is the general director of De Nederlandse Opera, Dutch National Ballet and the music theatre.
In 1998 Pierre Audi became artistic director of the company, who formed a successful team together with administrative director Truze Lodder. Since January 1, 2013, Audi is director of De Nationale Opera. In September 2018 he will be succeeded by Sophie de Lint.
DNO produces music theatre productions at the highest international level, with a clear focus on artistic quality, diversity and innovation. The sixty member Koor van De Nederlandse Opera contributes significantly to this success.
Examples of DNO’s audacious programming include the first Dutch staging of Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen and the operas of Claudio Monteverdi. The majority of the performances are given in The Amsterdam Music Theatre, but operas are occasionally staged in other venues, including the Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, Koninklijk Theater Carré, on the grounds of the Westergasfabriek and in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ.
DNO typically realizes eleven opera productions each season, with an average attendance of 96% capacity. In order to reach a wider audience, most productions are broadcast live on radio and several productions per year are televised. DNO also regularly organizes supplemental activities at other venues and via new media. In addition, many of DNO’s opera productions have been issued on DVD.
DNO performs regularly in opera houses and on festivals abroad. For instance, the company was a guest at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, on the Lincoln Festival in New York, the Adelaide Festival in Australia, the Salzburger Festspiele and in Luxembourg, Tokio and Valencia as well.


Chorus of Dutch National Opera

The Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera currently has 60 members. The chorus performs both mainstream repertoire and works of contemporary composers, and has collaborated on a number of world premières. The chorus of DNO gained international acclaim in Amsterdam and Salzburg for its role in Schönberg’s Moses und Aron conducted by Pierre Boulez. The Friends of De Nederlandse Opera awarded the chorus with the 1996 Prix d’Amis in recognition of this achievement. The DNO productions The Bassarids, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, Castor et Pollux, Ercole amante, Saint François d’Assise, Boris Godunov and Carmen were significant milestones in past seasons. In 2008 the chorus performed the concertante version of Saint François d’Assise at the BBC Proms (Royal Albert Hall). Lately the...
The Chorus of De Nederlandse Opera currently has 60 members. The chorus performs both mainstream repertoire and works of contemporary composers, and has collaborated on a number of world premières. The chorus of DNO gained international acclaim in Amsterdam and Salzburg for its role in Schönberg’s Moses und Aron conducted by Pierre Boulez. The Friends of De Nederlandse Opera awarded the chorus with the 1996 Prix d’Amis in recognition of this achievement. The DNO productions The Bassarids, Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, Castor et Pollux, Ercole amante, Saint François d’Assise, Boris Godunov and Carmen were significant milestones in past seasons. In 2008 the chorus performed the concertante version of Saint François d’Assise at the BBC Proms (Royal Albert Hall). Lately the chorus has given outstanding performances in La Juive, Les Troyens, Turandot, Les vêpres siciliennes, Platée, Legende, Yevgeny Onyegin, Iphigénie en Aulide/Iphigénie en Tauride, Don Carlo and Parsifal. It received plaudits both at home and abroad for its impressive performance in The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia and most recently in Guillaume Tell (prepared by Eberhard Friedrich). The chorus ended its association with artistic director Martin Wright in the 2011-2012 season and has been working with various guest conductors during the 2012-2013 season.


Marc Albrecht (conductor)

Marc Albrecht, chief conductor of De Nederlandse Opera and the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, is highly regarded for his interpretations of works by Wagner and Richard Strauss, as well as contemporary works. He has been a guest conductor with the Berlin Philharmonic, the Munich Philharmonic, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and the orchestras of Rome (Santa Cecilia), Dresden and Lyons. He has led operas including Der fliegende Holländer (Bayreuther Festspiele, 2003-2006), Die Bacchantinnen (Salzburger Festspiele, 2005) and From the House of the Dead (Opéra national de Paris, 2005). From 2001 to 2004 he was principal guest conductor at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, where his engagements included a highly acclaimed performance of Messiaen’s Saint...
Marc Albrecht, chief conductor of De Nederlandse Opera and the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, is highly regarded for his interpretations of works by Wagner and Richard Strauss, as well as contemporary works.
He has been a guest conductor with the Berlin Philharmonic, the Munich Philharmonic, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the City of Birmingham Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and the orchestras of Rome (Santa Cecilia), Dresden and Lyons. He has led operas including Der fliegende Holländer (Bayreuther Festspiele, 2003-2006), Die Bacchantinnen (Salzburger Festspiele, 2005) and From the House of the Dead (Opéra national de Paris, 2005). From 2001 to 2004 he was principal guest conductor at the Deutsche Oper Berlin, where his engagements included a highly acclaimed performance of Messiaen’s Saint François d’Assise. He was artistic director and chief conductor of the Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg from 2006 to 2011. He also enjoys a close association with the Semperoper Dresden, where he led the productions of Die Frau ohne Schatten and La damnation de Faust in 2007. Recent conducting engagements include The Bassarids (Bayerische Staatsoper München), Der fliegende Holländer (ROH Covent Garden), Der Prinz von Homburg (Theater an der Wien), Lulu with the Wiener Philharmoniker (Salzburg), Elektra, Orest and The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia (DNO) and his debut at La Scala with Die Frau ohne Schatten.



Richard Strauss

Richard Georg Strauss was a leading German composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras. He is known for his operas, which include Der Rosenkavalier, Elektra, Die Frau ohne Schatten and Salome; his Lieder, especially his  Four Last Songs; his tone poems, including Don Juan, Death and Transfiguration, and An Alpine Symphony; and other instrumental works such as Metamorphosen and his Oboe Concerto. Strauss was also a prominent conductor in Western Europe and the Americas, enjoying quasi-celebrity status as his compositions became standards of orchestral and operatic repertoire. Strauss, along with Gustav Mahler, represents the late flowering of German Romanticism after Richard Wagner, in which pioneering subtleties of orchestration are combined with an advanced harmonic style.
Richard Georg Strauss was a leading German composer of the late Romantic and early modern eras. He is known for his operas, which include Der Rosenkavalier, Elektra, Die Frau ohne Schatten and Salome; his Lieder, especially his Four Last Songs; his tone poems, including Don Juan, Death and Transfiguration, and An Alpine Symphony; and other instrumental works such as Metamorphosen and his Oboe Concerto. Strauss was also a prominent conductor in Western Europe and the Americas, enjoying quasi-celebrity status as his compositions became standards of orchestral and operatic repertoire.
Strauss, along with Gustav Mahler, represents the late flowering of German Romanticism after Richard Wagner, in which pioneering subtleties of orchestration are combined with an advanced harmonic style.



Remarkable about the recording is the nice balance between the reasonably intelligible soloists and the wide-ranging, clearly recorded orchestral sound.
Opus Klassiek, 29-5-2018

.. I like the Dutch Philharmonic Orchestra most. Under the guidance of their chief conductor Marc Albrecht they have their Strauss 'well under the skin'! The recording sounds extraordinarily beautiful.
Luister, 19-1-2018

GREAT INTERPRETERS: Ivan Fischer, Christoph Prégardien, Kuijken Piano Quartet, Marc Albrecht
Classic Voice, 02-1-2018

Der Rosenkavalier Natural beauty
De Groene Amsterdammer, 22-11-2017

Under the direction of Marc Albrecht, the Dutch Philharmonic Orchestra played the trusted high level.
Het Parool, 14-10-2017

At every level the music is joyful and challenging
Klassieke Zaken, 29-9-2017

Play album Play album
Disc #1
(Richard Strauss) Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Wie du warst! (Octavian)
(Richard Strauss) Paula Murrihy, Camilla Nylund, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Der Feldmarschall sitzt im krowatischen Wald (Octavian)
(Richard Strauss) Camilla Nylund, Peter Rose, Paula Murrihy, Mark Omvlee, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Selbstverständlich empfängt mich Ihre Gnaden (Baron)
(Richard Strauss) Nicolas Clemens, Camilla Nylund, Peter Rose, Paula Murrihy, John van Halteren, Bas Kuijlenburg, Mark Omvlee, Jeroen de Vaal, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Macht das einen lahmen Esel aus mir? (Baron)
(Richard Strauss) Paula Murrihy, Camilla Nylund, Peter Rose, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Drei arme, adelige Waisen (Drei Waisen)
(Richard Strauss) Dana Ilia, Inez Hafkamp, Marieke Reuten, Tomoko Makuuchi, Richard Prada, Michael Laurenz, Camilla Nylund, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Di rigori armato il seno (Der Tenor)
(Richard Strauss) Yosep Kang, Alexander Vassilev, Peter Rose, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Mein lieber Hippolyte (Marschallin)
(Richard Strauss) Peter Rose, Camilla Nylund, Michael Laurenz, Kai Rüütel, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Da geht er hin, der aufgeblas?ne, schlechte Kerl (Marschallin)
(Richard Strauss) Camilla Nylund, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Ach! Du bist wieder da? (Marschallin)
(Richard Strauss) Camilla Nylund, Paula Murrihy, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Die Zeit, die ist ein sonderbar? Ding (Marschallin)
(Richard Strauss) Nicolas Clemens, John van Halteren, Bas Kuijlenburg, Jeroen de Vaal, Camilla Nylund, Paula Murrihy, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra

Disc #2
(Richard Strauss) Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Ein ernster Tag, ein großer Tag! (Faninal)
(Richard Strauss) Irmgard Vilsmaier, Martin Gantner, Morschi Franz, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
In dieser feierlichen Stunde der Prüfung (Sophie)
(Richard Strauss) Chorus of Dutch National Opera, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Irmgard Vilsmaier, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Presentation of the Rose
(Richard Strauss) Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Mir ist die Ehre widerfahren (Octavian)
(Richard Strauss) Paula Murrihy, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Ich kenn? Ihn schon recht wohl (Sophie)
(Richard Strauss) Paula Murrihy, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Jetzt aber kommt mein Herr Zukünftiger (Sophie)
(Richard Strauss) Paula Murrihy, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Irmgard Vilsmaier, Peter Rose, Martin Gantner, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Hab? nichts dawider (Baron)
(Richard Strauss) Peter Rose, Paula Murrihy, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Irmgard Vilsmaier, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Mit Ihren Augen voll Tränen (Octavian)
(Richard Strauss) Paula Murrihy, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Herr Baron von Lerchenau! (Anina, Valzacci)
(Richard Strauss) Chorus of Dutch National Opera, Michael Laurenz, Kai Rüütel, Peter Rose, Paula Murrihy, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Irmgard Vilsmaier, Martin Gantner, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Da lieg? ich! (Baron)
(Richard Strauss) Chorus of Dutch National Opera, Peter Rose, Kai Rüütel, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra

Disc #3
Einleitung und Pantomime
(Richard Strauss) Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Hab?n Euer Gnaden noch weitre Befehle? (Wirt)
(Richard Strauss) Cato Fordham, Harry Teeuwen, Hans-Pieter Herman, Richard Meijer, Peter Rose, Robert Wörle, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Nein, nein! I trink? kein Wein (Octavian)
(Richard Strauss) Peter Rose, Paula Murrihy, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Wie die Stund? hingeht (Octavian)
(Richard Strauss) Michael Laurenz, Hans-Pieter Herman, Harry Teeuwen, Richard Meijer, Robert Wörle, Kai Rüütel, Peter Rose, Paula Murrihy, Children’s chorus: De Kickers, Muziekschool Waterland, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Halt! Keiner rührt sich! (Kommissarius)
(Richard Strauss) Paula Murrihy, Martin Gantner, Michael Laurenz, Robert Wörle, Peter Rose, Scott Wilde, Children’s chorus: De Kickers, Muziekschool Waterland, Chorus of Dutch National Opera, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Ihre hochfürstliche Gnaden, die Frau Fürstin Feldmarschall (Wirt)
(Richard Strauss) Peter Rose, Robert Wörle, Paula Murrihy, Scott Wilde, Camilla Nylund, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Ist halt vorbei (Marschallin)
(Richard Strauss) Children’s chorus: De Kickers, Muziekschool Waterland, Chorus of Dutch National Opera, Camilla Nylund, Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Peter Rose, Kai Rüütel, Cato Fordham, Harry Teeuwen, Richard Meijer, Hans-Pieter Herman, Robert Wörle, Michael Laurenz, Peter Arink, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Mein Gott! Es war nicht mehr als eine Farce (Sophie)
(Richard Strauss) Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Paula Murrihy, Camilla Nylund, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Heut oder morgen oder den übernächsten Tag (Marschallin)
(Richard Strauss) Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Paula Murrihy, Camilla Nylund, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Marie Theres?! - Hab? mir?s gelobt, ihn lieb zu haben (Octavian - Marschallin)
(Richard Strauss) Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Paula Murrihy, Camilla Nylund, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich sein (Sophie - Octavian)
(Richard Strauss) Hanna-Elisabeth Müller, Paula Murrihy, Camilla Nylund, Martin Gantner, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra
show all tracks

Often bought together with..

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Johannes Brahms
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45
Jan Willem de Vriend
Richard Strauss
Dutch National Opera / Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra / Marc Albrecht
Felix Mendelssohn
Symphonies nos. 4 & 5
Jan Willem de Vriend / The Netherlands Symphony Orchestra

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