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Trio Sonatas Op. 2
Georg Friedrich Händel

Al Ayre Español

Trio Sonatas Op. 2

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917279726
Catnr: CC 72797
Release date: 08 March 2019
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72797
Release date
08 March 2019

"Banzo is not shy from great contrasts...a brilliant recording that I can only recommend to any Handel lover!"

Toccata, 09-10-2019

About the album

Under the title I vanni occulti, ensemble Al Ayre Español, led by maestro Eduardo López Banzo, offers us its personal vision of Handel’s Sonatas Op. 2. The phrase comes from the oratorio Il trionfo del tempo e del disinganno (The Triumph of Time and Disillusion, 1707). The reference to this aria is not anecdotal, because Sonata No. 1 in this Op. 2 contains references to this music — an aspect that, hardly surprisingly, constitutes a characteristic element of the composition technique of the maestro from Halle.

Over the course of his life, Handel composed 20 trio sonatas, 12 of which were published in London in two different collections: six sonatas were published in 1733 as Op. 2 (HWV 386–391) and another seven printed in 1739 as Op. 5 (HWV 396–402). In a disguised allusion to the vanitas allegory and the fleeting passage of time, Al Ayre Español presents, just three years after its recording of Op. 5 [Challenge Classics, CC72663], an introspective version of Op. 2, which completes and, at the same time, complements the group’s first rendition of Handel’s trio sonatas. The two recordings form a single project that offers the listener a passionate and impassioned, southern and Mediterranean version of this exquisite chamber music. This version is marked by the emergence, with particular expressive intensity, of the two aesthetic poles present in the chamber music universe of Handel (and of López Banzo himself): the most contained lyricism combined with the most explosive fury.
Opnieuw brengen het ensemble Al Ayre Español en maestro Eduardo Lopez Banzo hun persoonlijke en originele visie op een muzikaal meesterwerk uit de Barok over het voetlicht. In een verkapte toespeling op de allegorie van de vergankelijkheid en de voortschreidende tijd presenteert het ensemble een introspectieve versie van Trio Sonatas Opus 2 van Georg Friedrich Händel. Prachtig spel van Al Ayre Español, heerlijk om naar te luisteren op een regenachtige zondagmiddag.

Vol lyriek en energie

Niet alleen completeert het ensemble met deze opname, het eerder uitgebrachte album met Händels triosonates Opus 5, maar vult het tegelijkertijd aan. Samen vormen de twee albums één geheel. Ze bieden de luisteraar uitgelezen, hartstochtelijke en geëngageerde, zuidelijke en mediterrane kamermuziek. Opus 2 vertoont een karakteristiek element van de compositietechniek van Händel. Kenmerkend is vooral de expressieve intensiteit van de twee kunstzinnige uitersten uit de wereld van de kamermuziek van Händel (en die van López Banzo zelf): opvallend mooie lyriek, gecombineerd met explosieve energie. Zoals Aart van der Wal zegt "... de voor deze sonates gerekruteerde musici van Al Ayre zorgen zelfs voor ware juweeltjes. Bepaald niet alledaags is mede de contrabas in de rol van basso continuo. De door de Spaanse technici verzorgde opname is vlekkeloos." OpusKlassiek, februari 2019.

Spaans ensemble met pit

'Maak muziek op de Spaanse manier', dat is waar Al Ayre Español voor staat. Eduardo López Banzo, geboren in Zaragoza in Spanje, richtte het ensemble op in 1988. Dit deed hij na zijn studie in Amsterdam, bij de Nederlandse klavecinist, dirigent en musicoloog Gustav Leonardt. López Banzo richt zich niet alleen op de Spaanse barokmuziek met zijn rijke en ingewikkelde ritmes, maar kijkt ook naar de barok uit andere culturen. Zijn doel: deze oude muziek nieuw leven inblazen en toegankelijker maken voor het moderne publiek. Met zijn ensemble beweegt hij zich steeds flexibel door de muziekgeschiedenis. In het bijzonder de stijl van Händel, bevalt Eduardo López Banzo met zijn ensemble heel goed. Met hun kennis, muzikale doordachtheid en passie laten zij de instrumenten zingen, iets wat Händel deugd zou doen. Al Ayre Español bespeelt inmiddels alle grote podia van de wereld, waaronder ook het podium van het Amsterdamse Concertgebouw.

Befaamde Duitse componist

De Duitse Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759) was een barokcomponist van dramatische muziek. Geboren in hetzelfde jaar als Johann Sebastian Bach, werd hij gezien als een van de grootste componisten van zijn tijd. In tegenstelling tot Bach, kwam Händel niet uit een muzikale familie. Zijn vader werkte aan het hof van Saksen-Weißenfels. Daar bleef Händels talent niet onopgemerkt en werd er op aangedrongen de jonge Georg een muziekstudie te laten volgen. Na omzwervingen in Duitsland en Italië, kwam Händel uiteindelijk in Londen terecht, waar het 'Handel' zonder umlaut werd. Hij componeerde er zijn beroemde Water Music voor een pleziertochtje van Koning George I op de Theems. De muziekkapel speelde, terwijl de bootjes op de rivier dreven. In Londen leed Händel een voorspoedig en rijk leven. Hij werd Engels staatsburger en stierf na een werkzaam leven op 74-jarige leeftijd. Hij is in Westminster Abbey begraven en bijgezet.

Lees ook de recensie van Michel Dutrieue van Stretto.

Unter dem Titel I vanni occulti bietet uns das Ensemble Al Ayre Español unter der Leitung von Eduarto López Banzo seine persönliche Vision von Händels Sonaten Op. 2. The Phrase entstammt dem Oratorium Il trionfo del tempo e del disinganno (Der Triumph von Zeit und Wahrheit, 1707). Der Bezug zu dieser Arie ist nicht anekdotisch, denn die Sonate Nr. 1 in diesem Opus 2 bezieht sich auf diese Musik – ein Aspekt, der wenig überraschend ein charakteristisches Element der Kompositionstechnik des Hallischen Meisters ist. Im Laufe seines Lebens komponierte Händel 20 Triosonaten, von denen 12 in zwei verschiedenen Sammlungen in London veröffentlicht wurden: sechs Sonaten erschienen 1733 als Opus 2 (HWV 386-391), weitere sieben wurden 1739 als Opus 5 (HWV 396-402) gedruckt. In einer versteckten Anspielung zur Vanitas-Allegorie und der im Fluge verstreichenden Zeit präsentiert Al Ayre Español nur drei Jahre nach der Aufnahme des Opus 5 [Challenge Classics, CC72663] eine introspektive Fassung des Opus 2, das die erste Version des Ensembles von Händels Triosonaten vervollständigt und gleichzeitig ergänzt. Die beiden Aufnahmen bilden zusammen ein einzelnes Projekt, das dem Hörer eine leidenschaftliche und engagierte, südliche und mediterrane Version dieser exquisiten Kammermusik bietet. Sie ist, in besonders expressiver Intensität, geprägt von der Herausbildung der zwei ästhetischen Pole im Kammermusik-Universum von Händel (und López Banzo selbst): die eigenständigste Lyrik, verbunden mit der explosivsten Rage.


Al Ayre Español

Al Ayre Español was founded in 1988 by Eduardo López Banzo, in an effort to challenge the pervading clichés that often surrounded the performance of Spanish baroque music at that time. The name of the ensemble was inspired by the title of a guitar fugue by the Aragonese composer Gaspar Sanz. The fact that Al Ayre Español has not settled for becoming a specialised early music ensemble, but chosen instead to create a musical philosophy „al ayre español“ (à la espagnole), has allowed the project to be flexible enough to adapt itself to different formats.   With 30 years of appearances in the top festivals and theaters in Europe, 14 years as a resident orchestra at the Auditorio de Zaragoza, 18 CD...

Al Ayre Español was founded in 1988 by Eduardo López Banzo, in an effort to challenge the pervading clichés that often surrounded the performance of Spanish baroque music at that time. The name of the ensemble was inspired by the title of a guitar fugue by the Aragonese composer Gaspar Sanz. The fact that Al Ayre Español has not settled for becoming a specialised early music ensemble, but chosen instead to create a musical philosophy „al ayre español“ (à la espagnole), has allowed the project to be flexible enough to adapt itself to different formats.
With 30 years of appearances in the top festivals and theaters in Europe, 14 years as a resident orchestra at the Auditorio de Zaragoza, 18 CD recordings, national and international awards (2004 Premio Nacional de Música, among others) and distinctions, as well as a relentless schedule of international performances and events for the coming seasons, there is no doubt that the group from Aragon is one of the most prominent ensembles in Spain.
Throughout those thirty years Al Ayre Español has performed at the most prestigious concert halls: Amsterdam‘s Concertgebouw, Vienna‘s Musikverein and Konzerthaus, Düsseldorf‘s Tonhalle, Berlin‘s Konzerthaus and Philharmonie, the Théatre des Champs Elysées and the Cité de la Musique in Paris, Madrid‘s Teatro Real and Auditorio Nacional, Barcelona‘s Palau de la Musica Catalana and Gran Teatre del Liceu, Hamburg‘s Leiszhalle, Washington‘s Library of Congress, the Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels, Metz‘s Arsenal, Lisbon‘s Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Bilbao‘s Palacio Euskalduna, Rome‘s Teatro Olimpico, etc.
Al Ayre Español has also been invited to some of the most important festivals: Baden Baden Easter Festival, Bachfestspiele Leipzig, Oude Muziek Utrecht, Internationale Festtage Alter Musik Stuttgart, Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, Dresdner Musikfestpiele, Festival d‘Ambronay, Handel Festspiele Halle, Oslo Church Music Festival, Praga Spring Festival, Monteverdi Festival (Cremona), Festival en el Camino de Santiago, Festival de Santander, Quincena Musical de San Sebastián, Hong Kong Arts Festival, etc.
Al Ayre Español’s recordings have been produced by labels such as Almaviva, Fidelio, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Harmonia Mundi France, Naïve-Ambroisie and Challenge Records.
Al Ayre Español is sponsored by Industrias Químicas del Ebro and the Ministry of Culture of Spain, and maintains a residence agreement with the Auditorio de Zaragoza. The ensemble has been Zaragoza’s ambassador since 2011.


Eduardo López Banzo (conductor)

Eduardo López Banzo, born in Zaragoza in 1961, is one European conductor who has made Historicism his own musical philosophy with the most conviction, in order to bring his musicians closer to the sources and spirit of each composition, which results in the music sounding fresh and innovative to contemporary audiences after so many centuries. He studied organ and harpsichord in Zaragoza with José Luis González Uriol and in Amsterdam with Jacques van Oortmersen and Gustav Leonhardt, who encouraged him to champion the cause of Spanish baroque music.   In 2002 he received the Medal of Honour of the Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands for his work in favour of the baroque composer Antonio de Literes, but it was in...
Eduardo López Banzo, born in Zaragoza in 1961, is one European conductor who has made Historicism his own musical philosophy with the most conviction, in order to bring his musicians closer to the sources and spirit of each composition, which results in the music sounding fresh and innovative to contemporary audiences after so many centuries. He studied organ and harpsichord in Zaragoza with José Luis González Uriol and in Amsterdam with Jacques van Oortmersen and Gustav Leonhardt, who encouraged him to champion the cause of Spanish baroque music.
In 2002 he received the Medal of Honour of the Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands for his work in favour of the baroque composer Antonio de Literes, but it was in 2004 that he achieved Major success, when Al Ayre Español, the group he had founded in 1988, was awarded the Spanish National Music Prize, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, in recognition to their more than twenty years of musicological rigour and performance excellence. This acknowledgement leads to Al Ayre Español becoming a point of reference for historicist interpretation all across Europe.
He has been invited to conduct for the symphonic orchestras of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Galicia, Madrid, Granada and Comunitat Valenciana, and period instruments ensembles such as New York Collegium, San Francisco‘s Philarmonia Baroque Orchestra, the Belgian B‘Rock, Orquesta Barroca de Sevilla and the Polish Arte dei Suonatori and KORE.
In the operatic field, Eduardo Lopez Banzo is currently one of the most important specialists in Handel‘s operas. He has also participated in stage productions by Bilbao‘s Friends of Opera Association (ABAO/ OLBE), in Valencia‘s Palau de les Arts with the Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana, and in Kiel Opera with the Philarmonisches Orchester Kiel.
He has also lectured and conducted specialized courses and masterclasses at the Universities of Salamanca, Alcalá de Henares, UIMP Santander and Zaragoza, the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and the Fondazione Cini in Venice, and every year gives a renowned course on the baroque cantata in León (Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical, Spain’s Ministry of Culture).
Eduardo López Banzo was honored with the Key to the City of Zaragoza award in October 2010.


Kepa Artetxe (violin)

Xisco Aguiló (double bass)

Guillermo Turina (cello)

Guillermo began his cello studies at the age of three with teacher Arantza López, following the Suzuki method. He continued his education with María de Macedo and Miguel Jiménez, until he entered the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón, where he studied for his Bachelor of Music degree, specializing in the cello, under the tuition of Angel Luis Quintana, Maite García and David Apellániz. He also attended advanced musical courses with Jaap ter Linden, Anner Bylsma and Pieter Wispelwey. After his bachelor studies, he studied a Master of Music Degree in Orchestal Performance, in the Barenboim-Said Foundation in Sevilla, as well as the diploma of the Formation Supérieure au métier de l’orchestre classique et roman- tique in Saintes, under the tuition...

Guillermo began his cello studies at the age of three with teacher Arantza López, following the Suzuki method. He continued his education with María de Macedo and Miguel Jiménez, until he entered the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón, where he studied for his Bachelor of Music degree, specializing in the cello, under the tuition of Angel Luis Quintana, Maite García and David Apellániz. He also attended advanced musical courses with Jaap ter Linden, Anner Bylsma and Pieter Wispelwey.

After his bachelor studies, he studied a Master of Music Degree in Orchestal Performance, in the Barenboim-Said Foundation in Sevilla, as well as the diploma of the Formation Supérieure au métier de l’orchestre classique et roman- tique in Saintes, under the tuition of Hillary Metzger and Christophe Coin. He broadened his studies in the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, special- izing in the Baroque cello, with Bruno Cocset, Emmanuel Balsa, Andrew Ack- erman and Emilio Moreno, with the highest possible grades. He also studied the Master of Music Degree in Musicology in the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

During his career he has played as principal cello in orchestras such as the Joven Orquesta Nacional de España, the Jeune Orchestre Atlantique, the Nederlandse Orkest Ensemble Academie and the European Union Baroque Orchestra, where he has worked with masters such as Philippe Herreweghe, Mark Minkowski, Jordi Savall, Rachel Podger and Lars Ulrik Mortensen. He collaborates regularly with national and international ensembles such as Sphera Antiqva, Regina Ibérica, Ensemble Nereydas, Temperamento, Ímpetus, Os Músicos do Tejo and Vespres d’Arnadí. His activity as a soloist has taken him to play both solo recitals and orchestra concerts in various concert halls throughout Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. He is a founding member of the ensemble Academia de las Luces and member of ATRIUM ensemble, La Tempestad and Paperkite.

On the other hand, his work as a musicologist has resulted in two recent publications: the critical editions and study of the cello methods written in Spain at the end of the 18th century, by SEPTENARY editions, and the book La música en torno a los hermanos Duport in the catalogue of Editorial Arpegio in Sant Cugat (Spain).


Alexis Aguado (violin)

Born in Havana (Cuba) in 1975, he began his musical studies at the Manuel Saumell Conservatory and won the Amadeo Roldán competitions (in 1987 and 1991) and later with the Ignacio Cervantes trio, the UNEAC Contest. In 1995 he settled in Holland, where he obtained a Master Degree in the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. He has received classes from renowned masters such as Hermann Krebbers, Gyorgy Kürtag and Erich Höbarth. Among the orchestras with which he has worked, the Young Orchestra World and the Rotterdam Philarmonisch Orkest stand out. He collaborates regularly with groups such as the Baroque Orchestra of Seville, Al Ayre Spanish and La Tempestad among others.
Born in Havana (Cuba) in 1975, he began his musical studies at the Manuel Saumell Conservatory and won the Amadeo Roldán competitions (in 1987 and 1991) and later with the Ignacio Cervantes trio, the UNEAC Contest. In 1995 he settled in Holland, where he obtained a Master Degree in the Royal Conservatory of The Hague. He has received classes from renowned masters such as Hermann Krebbers, Gyorgy Kürtag and Erich Höbarth. Among the orchestras with which he has worked, the Young Orchestra World and the Rotterdam Philarmonisch Orkest stand out. He collaborates regularly with groups such as the Baroque Orchestra of Seville, Al Ayre Spanish and La Tempestad among others.



Georg Friedrich Händel

Georg Frideric Handel was a composer from the Baroque period. Handel wrote primarily music-dramatic works: 42 operas, 29 oratorios, more than 120 cantatas, trios and duets, which comes to a total amount of almost 2000 arias! Furthermore, he composed English, Italian and Latin sacred music, serenades and odes. Among his instrumental music are several organ concertos, concerti grossi, overtures, oboe sonatas and violinsonates, along with many solo works for harpsichord and organ.  Together with Johann Sebastian Bach, who was born in the same year (1685), Handel is viewed as one of the greatest composers of his time. He was extremely prolific and wrote in total more than 610 works, many of which are still performed today.  Compared to his contemporaries Bach, Telemann...

Georg Frideric Handel was a composer from the Baroque period. Handel wrote primarily music-dramatic works: 42 operas, 29 oratorios, more than 120 cantatas, trios and duets, which comes to a total amount of almost 2000 arias! Furthermore, he composed English, Italian and Latin sacred music, serenades and odes. Among his instrumental music are several organ concertos, concerti grossi, overtures, oboe sonatas and violinsonates, along with many solo works for harpsichord and organ.

Together with Johann Sebastian Bach, who was born in the same year (1685), Handel is viewed as one of the greatest composers of his time. He was extremely prolific and wrote in total more than 610 works, many of which are still performed today.

Compared to his contemporaries Bach, Telemann and Scarlatti, Handel was by far the most cosmopolitan. When Handel was a child, his father, who was a surgeon at the court of Saxe-Weissenfels, imagined a juridical career for him. But his musical talents did not go unnoticed at the court, which forced the father to let him study music. In Hamburg, Handel befriended Mattheson. Together they visited Buxtehude, the greatest organ player of his time, in 1703 (two years before Bach did). At that time, Handel was already an excellent musician, but it wasn't until his stay in Italy - the land of opera - that his talents and skills truly started to flourish. Back in Germany, he received a position at the court of Hannover, where the noblemen had a connection to the British throne. Thanks to these connections, Handel decided to move to London, after which a puzzling history of intrigues and political games started. For example, it is unclear what the exact political message of his famous Water Music is, which was composed for a boat ride on the river Thames by King George. Initially, Handel focused on Italian opera during his stay in London, but from the 1730s onwards he started composing English spoken oratorios, with the celebrated Messiah at its peak.



Banzo is not shy from great contrasts...a brilliant recording that I can only recommend to any Handel lover!
Toccata, 09-10-2019

Wonderful recording.
Amadeus Magazine, 03-5-2019

Al Ayre Espanol play another set of Handel’s Trio Sonatas and fill the music with a joyful Mediterranean spirit.
Pizzicato, 22-4-2019

Al Ayre Español plays excellent!
Luister, 12-4-2019

The musicians from Al Ayre recruited for these sonatas even provide true gems.
Opus Klassiek, 15-2-2019

Play album Play album
Sonata Op. 2 No. 1 in B Minor, HWV 386: Andante
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 1 in B Minor, HWV 386: Allegro ma non troppo
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 1 in B Minor, HWV 386: Largo
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 1 in B Minor, HWV 386: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 2 in G Minor, HWV 387: Andante
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 2 in G Minor, HWV 387: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 2 in G Minor, HWV 387: Largo
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 2 in G Minor, HWV 387: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 3 in B-flat Major, HWV 388: Andante
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 3 in B-flat Major, HWV 388: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 3 in B-flat Major, HWV 388: Larghetto
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 3 in B-flat Major, HWV 388: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 4 in F Major, HWV 389: Larghetto
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 4 in F Major, HWV 389: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 4 in F Major, HWV 389: Adagio
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 4 in F Major, HWV 389: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 4 in F Major, HWV 389: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 5 in G Minor , HWV 390: Larghetto
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 5 in G Minor , HWV 390: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 5 in G Minor , HWV 390: Adagio
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 5 in G Minor , HWV 390: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 6 in G Minor, HWV 391: Andante
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 6 in G Minor, HWV 391: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 6 in G Minor, HWV 391: Arioso
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
Sonata Op. 2 No. 6 in G Minor, HWV 391: Allegro
(Georg Friedrich Händel) Al Ayre Español, Eduardo López Banzo, Kepa Artetxe, Xisco Aguiló, Guillermo Turina, Alexis Aguado, Al Ayre Español
show all tracks

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Violin Concerto No. 4 | Concerto for Viola and Harpsichord
Noriko Amano | Ryo Terakado