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Psychosis - Homage to Bernard Herrmann

Carla Marciano Quartet

Psychosis - Homage to Bernard Herrmann

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917348620
Catnr: CR 73486
Release date: 06 September 2019
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73486
Release date
06 September 2019

"Undoubtedly a very successful operation, drawing some famous tracks, never rearranged in this guise before, and proposing them through a brand new identity that emerges completely."

Jazzitalia, 02-12-2021

About the album

Carla Marciano:
"This album is my heartfelt homage to one of the greatest geniuses of film score, the composer and conductor Bernard Herrmann, whose music has dazzled me since I was a child. It has been very interesting to arrange, revise and adapt, for a jazz quartet, some of the best known themes from outstanding soundtracks Herrmann wrote for equally outstanding films - all psychological thrillers (hence the title Psychosis) - by brilliant directors, including Marnie, Psycho and Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock, Taxi Driver by Martin Scorsese and Twisted Nerve by Roy Boulting. Bearing a classic feel and originally conceived for orchestras, the tracks in this album were arranged in full respect of the originals, leaving intact, for example, the beauty of the melodies, while at the same time creating new improvisational spaces that would allow our quartet to maintain its own identity. This also gave us the opportunity to progress in a musical journey we embarked on starting with the first album (this is our fifth), and me, personally, to hold the course of my visceral, improvisational language, always instinctive and open to risk, an expression of my emotional, spiritual and existential self, baring my soul in absolute freedom through no compromise whatsoever, but rather driven by a strong desire for research and experimentation. I consider the emotions and stimulations generated in me by Herrmann’s music, together with the films in which it’s featured, a wonderful gift. I hope I have been able to thank him through our heartfelt work.

The additional track is also dedicated to another great genius of film score, John Williams, who wrote the soundtrack for the famous movie saga Harry Potter, whose main theme was arranged by Alessandro."
Carla Marciano:
„Dieses Album ist meine innige Hommage an eines der größten Genies der Filmmusik, den Komponisten und Dirigenten Bernard Herrmann, dessen Musik mich schon seit meiner Kindheit überwältigt. Es war sehr interessant, Arrangements, Überarbeitungen und Adaptionen für Jazzquartett von einigen der bekanntesten Themen herausragender Soundtracks zu schaffen, die Herrmann für ebenso herausragende Filme geschrieben hat – alles Psychothriller (daher auch der Titel Psychosis) von brillanten Regisseuren, einschließlich Marnie, Psycho und Vertigo von Alfred Hitchcock, Taxi Driver von Martin Scorsese und Twisted Nerve von Roy Boulting. Mit klassischem Charakter und für Orchester konzipiert, wurden die Tracks auf diesem Album mit vollem Respekt für die Originale arrangiert und lassen beispielsweise die Schönheit der Melodien intakt, schaffen aber zur gleichen Zeit neue improvisatorische Räume, die es unserem Quartett erlaubte, seine Identität zu wahren. Das gab uns auch die Gelegenheit, weiter fortzuschreiten auf einer musikalischen Reise, zu der wir mit unserem ersten Album aufgebrochen sind (dies ist unser fünftes), und mir persönlich erlaubte es, in meiner Improvisationssprache Kurs zu halten, immer instinktiv und risikobereit, ein Ausdruck meines emotionalen, spirituellen und existenziellen Selbsts, enthülle meine Seele in absoluter Freiheit durch keinerlei Kompromiss, doch getrieben von einem starken Verlangen nach Forschung und Experiment. Ich empfinde die Emotionen und Anregungen, die Herrmanns Musik (und die Filme, in denen man sie hören kann) in mir hervorrufen, als wunderbares Geschenk. Ich hoffe, es ist mir gelungen, ihm durch unsere herzliche Arbeit dafür zu danken.

Der zusätzliche Track ist zudem einem weiteren großen Geist der Filmmusik, John Williams, gewidmet, der den Soundtrack zur berühmten Filmsaga Harry Potter geschrieben hat, deren zentrales Thema von Alessandro arrangiert wurde.“


Carla Marciano (saxophone)

Italian saxophonist and composer Carla Marciano is considered by specialized critics among the best talents of European jazz. and one of  today''s strongest female saxophonists. Graduated in clarinet from the Conservatory of her hometown, Salerno, she is an alto saxophone specialist, appreciated for her great passion and energy, her strong expressiveness, her advanced tecnique as well as her distinctive performative and compositional streak. She is also one of the leading experts of the rarely used and hard to master sopranino saxophone. As a leader of her stable quartet, made up of some of the best musicians on the Italian scene, namely Alessandro La Corte, Aldo Vigorito and Gaetano Fasano, she has four CDs under her belt, three of which were produced by...
Italian saxophonist and composer Carla Marciano is considered by specialized critics among the best talents of European jazz. and one of today''s strongest female saxophonists.
Graduated in clarinet from the Conservatory of her hometown, Salerno, she is an alto saxophone specialist, appreciated for her great passion and energy, her strong expressiveness, her advanced tecnique as well as her distinctive performative and compositional streak. She is also one of the leading experts of the rarely used and hard to master sopranino saxophone.
As a leader of her stable quartet, made up of some of the best musicians on the Italian scene, namely Alessandro La Corte, Aldo Vigorito and Gaetano Fasano, she has four CDs under her belt, three of which were produced by the historic label Black Saint (whose catalog, highly appreciated in America, saw Marciano among the few Italian musicians to make the short list). This fifth CD, "Psychosis", marks her debut with the prestigious Challenge Records. Together with her quartet, Marciano has presented her projects at major national and international jazz festivals and clubs.


Aldo Vigorito (double bass)


Carla Marciano (saxophone)

Italian saxophonist and composer Carla Marciano is considered by specialized critics among the best talents of European jazz. and one of  today''s strongest female saxophonists. Graduated in clarinet from the Conservatory of her hometown, Salerno, she is an alto saxophone specialist, appreciated for her great passion and energy, her strong expressiveness, her advanced tecnique as well as her distinctive performative and compositional streak. She is also one of the leading experts of the rarely used and hard to master sopranino saxophone. As a leader of her stable quartet, made up of some of the best musicians on the Italian scene, namely Alessandro La Corte, Aldo Vigorito and Gaetano Fasano, she has four CDs under her belt, three of which were produced by...
Italian saxophonist and composer Carla Marciano is considered by specialized critics among the best talents of European jazz. and one of today''s strongest female saxophonists.
Graduated in clarinet from the Conservatory of her hometown, Salerno, she is an alto saxophone specialist, appreciated for her great passion and energy, her strong expressiveness, her advanced tecnique as well as her distinctive performative and compositional streak. She is also one of the leading experts of the rarely used and hard to master sopranino saxophone.
As a leader of her stable quartet, made up of some of the best musicians on the Italian scene, namely Alessandro La Corte, Aldo Vigorito and Gaetano Fasano, she has four CDs under her belt, three of which were produced by the historic label Black Saint (whose catalog, highly appreciated in America, saw Marciano among the few Italian musicians to make the short list). This fifth CD, "Psychosis", marks her debut with the prestigious Challenge Records. Together with her quartet, Marciano has presented her projects at major national and international jazz festivals and clubs.



Undoubtedly a very successful operation, drawing some famous tracks, never rearranged in this guise before, and proposing them through a brand new identity that emerges completely.
Jazzitalia, 02-12-2021

The Harry Potter theme gives Marciano an outlet for her high-pitched flutter tonguing, but it's the Hermann material that is outstanding. Herrmann's carefully timed but sometimes overwrought romanticism is perfectly matched by Marciano's internalized Mediterranean passion.  
Jazzword, 13-7-2021

I recommend Psychosis to anyone who loves the music of Bernard Herrmann or who wants to hear jazz that’s modern, hip, and edgy.
the Absolute Sound, 30-6-2021

This is a truly superb recording that fuses together the genius of Hermann with the intensity, vision and jazz sensibility of a superb saxophone player and her trio, to form a striking "tour de force" of musical panoramas, that can easily stand alone as a fine jazz album in its own right as well as a fresh and compelling reprise of Herrmann's great scores.
Jazz Views, 15-6-2021

This tribute to the music of the great film composer who died in 1975 loops on my turntable ... The way in which this remarkable Italian saxophonist native of Salerno appropriates them via her burning viola is the best way to bring them back to life. Carla Marciano takes us, transports us to “Joncoltanian” lands, but without being satisfied with playing each theme on the sly and then unrolling her solos. Because his arrangements are as inventive as his improvisation.
Jazz Magazine, 15-5-2021

This Marciano has the same kind of musical power that Rocky Marciano had with the big difference that she knew when to back pedal and dance like Alì. Put the two together and you have an unbeatable combination whether in the ring or in the recording studio.Yes, Marciano has both power and pathos in her playing. Quite an amazing album
Bebop Spoken Here, 05-4-2021

 I am captivated by the Marciano arrangements and her extraordinarily strong abilities on the saxophone.  She plays with such determination, excitement and tenacious abilities that it's hard to imagine this is a female player.  She is so strong! This is an album you will listen to over and over again, with pure surprise and pleasure.
Musical Memoirs, 01-3-2021

After the group's memorable renditions of Herrmann's themes, the album closes in a Coltrane-ish mode. Marciano plays swirling, serpentine sopranino sax on La Sorte's arrangement of John Williams' "Theme from 'Harry Potter' (Hedwig's Theme)." It is another engrossing performance on an outstanding recording.
Jazz & Blues Report, 15-2-2021

I was impressed by Marciano and her Quartet's capture of the dramatic aspects of Herrmann's musical themes ... An outstanding recording.  
In a Blue Mood, 15-2-2021

Some of the greatest film scores were composed by Bernard Herrmann (1911-1975), and leader Carla Marciano uses her sopranino and alto saxes to team up with Alessandro La Corte/p-key, Aldo Vigorito/b and Gaetano Fasano/dr to deliver some rich interpretations of some of his most exciting themes.
Jazz Weekly, 02-2-2021

It’s no surprise that she is considered by critics as one of Europe’s best talents.
Makingascene, 18-1-2021

Italian saxophonist Carla Marciano has created a unique tribute to Herrmann in her new CD, “Psychosis” which reimagines Herrmann’s melodies into a jazz setting., 04-1-2021

"Undoubtedly a very successful operation, drawing some famous tracks, never rearranged in this guise before, and proposing them through a brand new identity that emerges completely."
Jazzitalia, 02-1-2021

Exquisite and powerful renditions of memorable music from films
Jerry Jazz Musician, 23-11-2020

Hailed by many jazz-centric outlets for her technique, energy, expressiveness, and improvisational bent, her playing is nothing short of stunning.
makingascene, 16-11-2020

Marciano and company pull off an impressive outing here, where deft and daring textures are never predictable and always exciting.
Take effect, 09-11-2020

There'll be a moment when you think you know where you're going, and you'll hear a few notes and get ready for the reveal and just like that you're somewhere you didn't expect to be. Does that sound exciting? It is, very much so.
Part Time Audiophile, 05-11-2020

A richly nuanced yet powerfully explosive set that digs deep into the musical heart and mind of the legendary film composer and using his thematic genius as a springboard for artful, freewheeling improvisations
The JW Vibe, 11-8-2020

The tones Carla graces your ears with from her reeds are absolutely exquisite... I have no doubt that this tune will be on jazz DJ playlists around the globe in constant rotation! I give Carla and her players a MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating for this beautiful (and somewhat overwhelming) jazz journey
Contemporary Fusion Reviews, 11-5-2020

Marciano plays with much passion and intensity, capturing along with the group the urgency and spine-chilling qualities of the Herrmann melodic themes.
Cadence Magazine, 10-4-2020

One of the best jazz albums the continent had to offer in 2019.
Jazziz, 18-3-2020

Psychosis" is one of those records that don't get made every day: a punch à la Mike Tyson and a caress à la Kim Novak.
Musica Jazz, 30-12-2019

This homage to Bernard Herrmann stands above the average Italian and international productions. Carla Marciano's rearrangement is exemplary and the music is spellbinding
All About Jazz, 16-12-2019

A saxophonist with a strong personality and of undoubted value, with "Psychosis" Marciano has authored a piece of magmatic and circular music, which should belong in the category of classical aesthetics
Suono, 01-12-2019

With technical magnificence, Marciano communicates the sincerity of her proposal with fitting expressive intuitions and very personal imaginative impulses.
Audio Review, 01-12-2019

"Definitely to be included among the Italian records of the year."
Music Zoom, 17-11-2019

"Psychosis" is a powerful, seductive and, above all, uncommon record, wrapped in a modern aura of classicism, but with a pulsating rhythm and a chromatic variety of tones and ideas which go beyond the concept of descriptive limit of a soundtrack."
Il Ventuno, 01-11-2019

"Psychosis" is a measure of Marciano's character: never hold back, always give your best."
Jazz convention, 21-10-2019

‘’Carla Marciano plays passionate and fluently. A true discovery!''
L'Avenir, 01-10-2019

A superior album with beautiful music that is beautifully performed, which is not only reserved for jazz lovers, I think.
Rootstime, 01-10-2019

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Carla Marciano Quartet "Psychosis - Homage to Bernard Herrmann"

Often bought together with..

Various composers
Ma France - Chansons Symphoniques
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