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Notes from the Netherlands

Lex Jasper Trio

Notes from the Netherlands

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917349825
Catnr: CR 73498
Release date: 01 November 2019
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73498
Release date
01 November 2019

"... pianist Lex Jasper and his trio stand out from the crowd..."

Jazzthetik, 02-3-2020

About the album

This instrumentation has long been a favorite in a trio setting. Being a jazz drummer, I never quite understood this! Seriously, these three gentlemen exhibit exactly why. This recording includes the important features required to make this piano, bass, guitar combination operate as smoothly as it should. They are all accomplished musicians who listen to each other, play to make each other sound as good as possible, they are sensitive to each other’s’ dynamic and intensity ranges, and you hear the joy they have while playing this music.
Compatibility is crucial in any group. If it isn’t there, the listener will detect that something isn’t quite right, perhaps not being able to recognize the problem. This trio’s compatibility is exhibited by their time feel, harmonic and rhythmic agreement and overall simpatico.
On the beautiful ballad, Letter to Alissa, you’ll enjoy the trio’s sensitivity which allows the melody and solo ideas to breathe. When the musicians do this, it offers that same relaxation to us, the listeners. While in this relaxed state of mind, their gentle boss nova feel keeps us “there”, as well as with Song for Emil. Lex Jasper’s compositions blend so well with the other selections, you find yourself thinking that they just might be standards that haven’t yet been heard.
My dear friend, boss and rhythm section partner, Ray Brown, had this to say. “If you’re going to play someone else’s material, make sure you put a new dress on it.” Willow Weep for Me and Take the A Train, for instance, will provide new additions to your wardrobe! Lastly, just to make sure they have our attention, you’ll appreciate the harmonic surprises they throw at us in I Should Care.
Whether this trio plays a medium tempo swing, gentle bossa nova or peaceful ballads, you get the feeling that they “own” every groove they play. Sit back, relax and experience this trio’s offering to us.
Jeff Hamilton
Diese Instrumentierung ist schon lange ein Favorit in der Triobesetzung. Als Jazzdrummer habe ich das nie wirklich verstanden! Ernsthaft, diese drei Herren zeigen genau, warum. Diese Aufnahme zeigt die wichtigen Elemente, die diese Klavier-Bass-Gitarre-Kombination so reibungslos laufen zu lassen wie es sein sollte. Sie alle sind versierte Musiker, die einander zuhören und so spielen, dass die anderen so gut wie möglich klingen. Sie haben ein Gefühl für die Dynamik und Intensität der anderen, und man kann ihre Spielfreude deutlich hören.
Kompatibilität ist essentiell in jeder Gruppe. Fehlt sie, merkt der Hörer, dass etwas nicht ganz stimmt, wenngleich er vielleicht das Problem nicht auf den Punkt bringen kann. Die Kompatibilität dieses Trios zeigt sich im Feeling für Timing, harmonischer und rhythmischer Übereinstimmung – die sind einfach auf derselben Wellenlänge.
In der wunderschönen Ballade Letter to Alissa kann man die Sensibilität des Trios genießen, die der Melodie und den Soli Raum zum Atmen gibt. Das bietet uns Hörern die gleiche Entspannung. In diesem entspannten Bewusstseinszustand hilft ihr sanfter Bossa nova, uns „dort“ zu halten; das gilt auch für Song for Emil. Lex Jaspers Kompositionen passen so gut zu den anderen Titeln, das man meinen könnte, sie seien nur Standards, die man vielleicht noch nicht gehört hat.
Mein lieber Freund, Chef und Partner in der Rhythmusgruppe, Ray Brown, sagte Folgendes: „Wenn man jemand anderes‘ Musik spielt, muss man sichergehen, dass man sie in ein neues Gewand hüllt.“ Willow Weep For Me und Take The A Train zum Beispiel bieten Neues für den musikalischen Kleiderschrank. Und zum Schluss, nur um sicherzugehen, dass sie unsere volle Aufmerksamkeit haben, halten sie in I Should Care noch einige harmonische Überraschungen für uns bereit.
Ob dieses Trio einen Mid-Tempo Swing, sanften Bossa nova oder friedliche Balladen spielt, man hat immer das Gefühl, dass die Musiker jeden Groove in der Hand haben. Lehnen Sie sich zurück, entspannen Sie sich und genießen Sie diese Darbietung.
Jeff Hamilton


Lex Jasper (piano)

Lex Jasper brings to our ear not only his craftsmanship as a pianist, but also the decades of long experience as an arranger and conductor. The inventiveness displayed in his playing, gives one the impression that he is arranging on the spot. Add to this, the sublime groove that Frans and Vincent, long time musical buddies, lay underneath Lex’ playing, and one gets the type of jazz that makes you want to get your feet off the ground.  They are all accomplished musicians who listen to each other, play to make each other sound as good as possible, they are sensitive to each others’ dynamic and intensity ranges, and you hear the joy they have while playing this music. Notes from the Netherlands...
Lex Jasper brings to our ear not only his craftsmanship as a pianist, but also the decades of long experience as an arranger and conductor. The inventiveness displayed in his playing, gives one the impression that he is arranging on the spot.
Add to this, the sublime groove that Frans and Vincent, long time musical buddies, lay underneath Lex’ playing, and one gets the type of jazz that makes you want to get your feet off the ground. They are all accomplished musicians who listen to each other, play to make each other sound as good as possible, they are sensitive to each others’ dynamic and intensity ranges, and you hear the joy they have while playing this music.
Notes from the Netherlands includes the important features required to make this piano, bass, guitar combination operate as smoothly as it should.
Lex Jasper’s compositions blend so well with the other selections, you find yourself thinking that they just might be standards that haven’t yet been heard.


Frans van Geest (double bass)


George Gershwin

George Gershwin was an American composer, who is mostly known due to his combinations of classical and popular music genres. George Gershwin grew up in a poor neighbourhood in New York. His parents were Russian immigrants who had trouble making ends meet. They did, however, decide to purchase an old piano so Ira Gershwin could study to become a musician. Yet, it turned out not Ira, but his younger brother George showed remarkable talent. Ira applied himself to writing song lyrics and together the Gershwin brothers became absolute greats in the world of 20th century musicals. Nowadays, George's compositions are still relevant, as is evidenced by the many performances of his Rhapsody in Blue from 1924. But the best example is the ageless Summtertime,...

George Gershwin was an American composer, who is mostly known due to his combinations of classical and popular music genres.

George Gershwin grew up in a poor neighbourhood in New York. His parents were Russian immigrants who had trouble making ends meet. They did, however, decide to purchase an old piano so Ira Gershwin could study to become a musician. Yet, it turned out not Ira, but his younger brother George showed remarkable talent. Ira applied himself to writing song lyrics and together the Gershwin brothers became absolute greats in the world of 20th century musicals. Nowadays, George's compositions are still relevant, as is evidenced by the many performances of his Rhapsody in Blue from 1924. But the best example is the ageless Summtertime, which has been covered a countless number of times by a countless number of artists.


Lex Jasper (piano)

Lex Jasper brings to our ear not only his craftsmanship as a pianist, but also the decades of long experience as an arranger and conductor. The inventiveness displayed in his playing, gives one the impression that he is arranging on the spot. Add to this, the sublime groove that Frans and Vincent, long time musical buddies, lay underneath Lex’ playing, and one gets the type of jazz that makes you want to get your feet off the ground.  They are all accomplished musicians who listen to each other, play to make each other sound as good as possible, they are sensitive to each others’ dynamic and intensity ranges, and you hear the joy they have while playing this music. Notes from the Netherlands...
Lex Jasper brings to our ear not only his craftsmanship as a pianist, but also the decades of long experience as an arranger and conductor. The inventiveness displayed in his playing, gives one the impression that he is arranging on the spot.
Add to this, the sublime groove that Frans and Vincent, long time musical buddies, lay underneath Lex’ playing, and one gets the type of jazz that makes you want to get your feet off the ground. They are all accomplished musicians who listen to each other, play to make each other sound as good as possible, they are sensitive to each others’ dynamic and intensity ranges, and you hear the joy they have while playing this music.
Notes from the Netherlands includes the important features required to make this piano, bass, guitar combination operate as smoothly as it should.
Lex Jasper’s compositions blend so well with the other selections, you find yourself thinking that they just might be standards that haven’t yet been heard.



... pianist Lex Jasper and his trio stand out from the crowd...
Jazzthetik, 02-3-2020

... a sample of techniques with pleasant surprises.
Dr.Jazz, 06-2-2020

CD of the week: ... So it is worthwhile to discover the idea founder for large orchestras anew and as if from scratch with the trio pianist, who has practically been resurrected. The story of one of the most influential pianists in European jazz is probably far from over.
NDR, 06-12-2019

That combination of instruments fits very well together and these are all great musicians.
Mania, 08-11-2019

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