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Wim Henderickx

HERMESensemble | Vlaams Radiokoor | Lore Binon | Muziektheater Transparant


Price: € 14.95
Format: CD
Label: Antarctica
UPC: 0608917732528
Catnr: AR 025
Release date: 05 February 2021
1 CD
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€ 14.95
Catalogue number
AR 025
Release date
05 February 2021

"Beautiful ending too, with fading female voices and dull drum in an electronic soundscape by Jorrit Tamminga."

De Volkskrant, 18-2-2021

About the album

Revelations is the third collaboration between Wim Henderickx and HERMESensemble to be captured on CD. The composer and the musicians of the Antwerp-based collective for contemporary music have been engaged in a prolonged voyage of musical exploration ever since 2006. Improvisation and experimentation, with Henderickx himself regularly standing in on percussion, have inspired and formed the basis of various new compositions.

Revelations was created in 2017 as the music for a multimedia musical theatre piece directed by Wouter Van Looy and the dramaturgist Veerle Fraeters and produced by Muziektheater Transparant. Wim Henderickx is the house composer of Transparant and in 2011-2012 produced Medea with them in association with HERMESensemble. Revelations takes as its starting point the penetrating visions and revelations of the 13th mystic and poet Hadewych of Antwerp. Her visions were not prophecies but constituted an impressive account of a process of personal development towards understanding, love and oneness with God. Her exceptionally sensual descriptions of inner states and processes often bordered on the erotic. The writings of Rumi, mystic and poet dating from the same period, display an astonishing number of similarities to Hadewych’s work. Nowadays the poetic work of this Persian sufi is among the most widely read in all Islam. Revelations is by no means an illustrative depiction but rather translates the visions of Hadewych and Rumi to modern utopias. What do those inner voices and images of a woman alone on the stage say to us now? And in service of what utopia?

The basic elements of the musical theatre work are made up of a Missa Brevis solo soprano, five part women’s choir, instrumental trio and electronics. The mass is the result of a search for a harmonic merging of acoustic sounds with a carpet of electronic sounds developed with Jorrit Tamminga. Henderickx retains only the titles and core notion of the Catholic ordinary – Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus (no Benedictus), the Agnus Dei and an added Halleluja – and in his score significantly places them between quotation marks. In addition to the passages from the mass, quotations from Hadewych furnished the inspiration for each part of Revelations and it is these phrases that also hold the keys to a better appreciation of the work.

Revelations is een multimediaproject van componist Wim Henderickx en het HERMESensemble, mede uitgevoerd door het Vlaams Radiokoor, de Belgische sopraan Lore Binon en het Muziektheater Transparant. Henderickx en de musici van het HERMESensenble, het Antwerpse collectief van hedendaagse muziek, verkennen deze muziek al jaren en zoeken en overschrijden graag de grenzen ervan. Improvisaties en experimenten, waarbij Henderickx zelf regelmatig achter de drums kruipt, vormen regelmatig de basis voor diverse nieuwe composities.

De indrukwekkende visioenen van de 13e-eeuwse dichteres en mystica Hadewijch van Antwerpen en geschriften van dichter en mysticus Rumi, die uit dezelfde tijd stamt, waren het uitgangspunt voor Revelations, dat in 2017 gemaakt werd voor een multimediaal muziektheaterstuk. In de traditie van de middeleeuwse christelijke mystiek beschrijft Hadewijch in haar Visioenen een extatische liefdesrelatie met de goddelijke Ander; passie is hierbij het sleutelwoord.

Hadewijchs visioenen waren geen profetieën, maar een indrukwekkende beschrijving van een persoonlijk ontwikkelingsproces richting begrip, liefde en eenheid met God. Haar buitengewoon sensuele beschrijvingen van gemoedstoestanden en processen grensden vaak aan erotiek. Het werk van Rumi kent een verbazingwekkende gelijkenis met dat van Hadewych. Het poëtische werk van deze Perzische soefi wordt tegenwoordig veel gelezen in de islam. Revelations is geenszins een illustratieve voorstelling, maar vertaalt de visioenen van Hadewych en Rumi in moderne utopieën. In een setting waarin een individu tegenover een koor geplaatst wordt, zoekt Revelations naar de kracht van visionaire ervaringen en extase in onze hedendaagse context.

De basis van het muziektheaterwerk bestaat uit een Missa Brevis voor solosopraan, vijfstemmig vrouwenkoor, instrumentaal trio en elektronische muziek. De mis is het resultaat van een zoektocht naar een harmonieuze mix van akoestische klanken met een elektronische ondergrond. Henderickx behoudt alleen de titels en het kernidee van het katholieke Ordinarium - Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus (geen Benedictus), de Agnus Dei en een toegevoegde Hallelujah - en plaatst ze in zijn partituur duidelijk tussen aanhalingstekens. Naast de passages uit de mis, leverden citaten van Hadewych inspiratie voor elk deel van Revelations, en zijn het deze zinnen die je ook laten houden van dit werk.
Revelations ist die dritte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wim Henderickx und dem HERMESensemble, die auf CD aufgenommen wurde. Der Komponist und die Musiker des in Antwerpen ansässigen Kollektivs für zeitgenössische Musik befinden sich seit 2006 auf einer ausgedehnten musikalischen Erkundungsreise. Improvisationen und Experimente, bei denen Henderickx selbst regelmäßig am Schlagzeug einspringt, haben verschiedene neue Kompositionen inspiriert und bilden deren Grundlage.

Revelations entstand 2017 als Musik für ein multimediales Musiktheaterstück unter der Regie von Wouter Van Looy und der Dramaturgin Veerle Fraeters und wurde vom Muziektheater Transparant produziert. Wim Henderickx ist der Hauskomponist von Transparant und produzierte mit ihnen 2011-2012 Medea in Zusammenarbeit mit dem HERMESensemble. Revelations geht von den eindringlichen Visionen und Offenbarungen der 13. Mystikerin und Dichterin Hadewych von Antwerpen aus. Ihre Visionen waren keine Prophezeiungen, sondern stellten eine eindrucksvolle Schilderung eines persönlichen Entwicklungsprozesses hin zu Verständnis, Liebe und Einssein mit Gott dar. Ihre außerordentlich sinnlichen Beschreibungen innerer Zustände und Vorgänge grenzten oft an das Erotische. Die Schriften des aus der gleichen Zeit stammenden Mystikers und Dichters Rumi weisen erstaunlich viele Gemeinsamkeiten mit Hadewychs Werk auf. Das poetische Werk dieses persischen Sufis gehört heute zu den meistgelesenen im gesamten Islam. Revelations ist keineswegs eine illustrative Darstellung, sondern übersetzt die Visionen von Hadewych und Rumi in moderne Utopien. Was sagen uns diese inneren Stimmen und Bilder einer Frau, die allein auf der Bühne steht, heute? Und im Dienste welcher Utopie?

Die Grundelemente des Musiktheaterwerks bestehen aus einer Missa Brevis für Solo-Sopran, fünfstimmigem Frauenchor, Instrumentaltrio und Elektronik. Die Messe ist das Ergebnis einer mit Jorrit Tamminga entwickelten Suche nach einer harmonischen Verschmelzung von akustischen Klängen mit einem elektronischen Klangteppich. Henderickx behält nur die Titel und den Kerngedanken des katholischen Ordinarium - Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus (kein Benedictus), das Agnus Dei und ein hinzugefügtes Halleluja - bei und setzt sie in seiner Partitur deutlich zwischen Anführungszeichen. Zusätzlich zu den Passagen aus der Messe lieferten Zitate von Hadewych die Inspiration für jeden Teil von Revelations, und es sind diese Phrasen, die auch den Schlüssel zu einer besseren Wertschätzung des Werkes enthalten.


Lore Binon (soprano)


Over the past twenty years the Antwerp based HERMESensemble has been exploring and crossing the limits of contemporary music. From the ensemble studio in Het Kanaal (Antwerp) produc- tions are prepared for the most important national and international venues and festivals for contemporary art. Apart from creating contemporary repertoire and new music, the ensemble often works with video and multimedia, and prefers researching adventurous encounters with popular music, jazz and early music.  Musician, teacher and researcher Karin de Fleyt plays the flute, alto flute, piccolo, bass flute, shakuhachi and bansuri. She performs the complete oeuvre for flute by Karlheinz Stockhausen, with whom she has worked for ten years. Many works created by Karin were shaped after intense cooperation with the composer. She gives masterclasses,...

Over the past twenty years the Antwerp based HERMESensemble has been exploring and crossing the limits of contemporary music. From the ensemble studio in Het Kanaal (Antwerp) produc- tions are prepared for the most important national and international venues and festivals for contemporary art. Apart from creating contemporary repertoire and new music, the ensemble often works with video and multimedia, and prefers researching adventurous encounters with popular music, jazz and early music.

Musician, teacher and researcher Karin de Fleyt plays the flute, alto flute, piccolo, bass flute, shakuhachi and bansuri. She performs the complete oeuvre for flute by Karlheinz Stockhausen, with whom she has worked for ten years. Many works created by Karin were shaped after intense cooperation with the composer. She gives masterclasses, lectures and lecture-recitals on the inter- pretation of new music for flute at variousnational and international conservatories and festivals for new music.

Viola player Marc Tooten has been the leader of several prestigious orchestras and chamber formations, including I Fiamminghi and the Beethoven Academy. At the moment he is soloist-in-chief with the Brabants orkest in Eindhoven (NL) and an internationally acclaimed chamber musician and soloist. He also teaches at the Maastricht Academy of Music and the Lemmens Institute Leuven.Karin and Marc have been core members of the HERMESensemble from the start in 2000.


Vlaams Radiokoor

The Vlaams Radiokoor (Flemish Radio Choir) was founded in 1937 by the Belgian public broadcaster of the day. Today, the  Vlaams Radiokoor is renowned for vocal music in Flanders and Europe, and is counted among the top ensembles both at home and abroad. The 32 singers rehearse under the baton of music director Bart Van Reyn in Studio 1 of the well-known Flagey building in Brussels.  A shared passion for contemporary repertoire, the belief that the voice is the ultimate interpreter of our emotions, and the commitment to make our vocal heritage accessible to singers and audiences alike are what binds the ensemble together. The Vlaams Radiokoor is and remains a living portal for repertoire, knowledge, experience and voices. It makes our...
The Vlaams Radiokoor (Flemish Radio Choir) was founded in 1937 by the Belgian public broadcaster of the day. Today, the Vlaams Radiokoor is renowned for vocal music in Flanders and Europe, and is counted among the top ensembles both at home and abroad. The 32 singers rehearse under the baton of music director Bart Van Reyn in Studio 1 of the well-known Flagey building in Brussels. A shared passion for contemporary repertoire, the belief that the voice is the ultimate interpreter of our emotions, and the commitment to make our vocal heritage accessible to singers and audiences alike are what binds the ensemble together. The Vlaams Radiokoor is and remains a living portal for repertoire, knowledge, experience and voices. It makes our vocal heritage accessible to singers and the audience, while also investing in the creation of new vocal works. The Vlaams Radiokoor is an institution of the Flemish Community.


Jorrit Tamminga (electronics)


Wim Henderickx

Wim Henderickx works as a composer, conductor, percussionist and professor of composition. His compositions are often inspired by other cultures. The Tantric Cycle is a seven-part composition series based on Oriental philosophy and Buddhism. Electronics are often an important feature in his oeuvre. Wim Henderickx has been Composer-In- Residence at Muziektheater Transparant since 1996. He joined the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra as an Artist-In-Residence in 2013. He is a professor of composition at the conservatories of Amsterdam and Antwerp and is also the main coach of the annual SoundMine composition course for young composers at Musica. His scores are published by Norsk Musikforlag A/S in Oslo. Henderickx was awarded both nationally and internationally for his work and in 2015 he was appointed member of the Royal...

Wim Henderickx works as a composer, conductor, percussionist and professor of composition. His compositions are often inspired by other cultures. The Tantric Cycle is a seven-part composition series based on Oriental philosophy and Buddhism. Electronics are often an important feature in his oeuvre.

Wim Henderickx has been Composer-In- Residence at Muziektheater Transparant since 1996. He joined the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra as an Artist-In-Residence in 2013.

He is a professor of composition at the conservatories of Amsterdam and Antwerp and is also the main coach of the annual SoundMine composition course for young composers at Musica.

His scores are published by Norsk Musikforlag A/S in Oslo. Henderickx was awarded both nationally and internationally for his work and in 2015 he was appointed member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts. He was also nominated for the ‘Composer of the Year’ prize in 2017 by the Norwegian Music Publisher’s Society.
He is currently working on an opera for Opera Ballet Vlaanderen and Muziektheater Transparant, a clarinet concerto for Annelien Van Wauwe commissioned by the BBC and Borletti- Buitoni Trust and a new major work for HERMESensemble.



Beautiful ending too, with fading female voices and dull drum in an electronic soundscape by Jorrit Tamminga.
De Volkskrant, 18-2-2021

Play album Play album
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle I: I. Kyrie
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle I: II. Prayer
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle I: III. Meditation on Suffering
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle I: IV. Introspection
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle II: I. Gloria
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle II: II. Prayer
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle II: III. Meditation on Compassion
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle II: IV. Introspection
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle III: I. Sanctus
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle III: II. Prayer
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle III: III. Meditation on Faith
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle III: IV. Introspection
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle III: V. Ecstacy
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle IV: I. Introduction
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle IV: II. Prayer
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle IV: III. Agnus Dei
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle IV: IV. Meditation on Silence
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle IV: V. Ecstacy
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle V: I. Alleluia
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle V: II. Prayer
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle V: III. Meditation on Time and Space
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Cycle V: IV. Ecstacy
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
Resonance (Epilogue)
(Wim Henderickx) Lore Binon, HERMESensemble, Vlaams Radiokoor, Muziektheater Transparant
show all tracks

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