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BEADY BEAST / Christy Doran / Franz Hellmüller


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Between The Lines
UPC: 0608917125023
Catnr: BTLCHR 71250
Release date: 28 May 2021
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Between The Lines
Catalogue number
BTLCHR 71250
Release date
28 May 2021

"... But what does not exclude quiet moments and a sensitivity in the interplay, with very interactive, free improvisations, which can also turn out melodic and fine sound nuances, to fire two tracks further skillful HiSpeed unison licks - great!..."

Gitarre u. Bass, 24-11-2021

About the album

They are both among the most innovative guitarists on the Swiss scene. Christy Doran has long been a European jazz legend. He is one of the founding members of OM, but he has also repeatedly caused a stir with his own bands and projects since the 1980s. His co-musician Franz Hellmüller has appeared again and again over the last 10 years, especially in trio formats, for example with Luca Sisera and Tony Renold, with Stefano Risso and Marcel Papaux and with Patrick Sommer and Martin Perret. Both have mainly explored the possibilities of the electric guitar.

In this respect, the duo Beady Beast is likely to be a big surprise for many, because here Christy Doran and Franz Hellmüller can only be heard on the acoustic guitar.

“We are both citizens of Lucerne,” Franz Hellmüller emphasized and then tells us how they became closer to one another. “Before I got to know Christy personally, I knew his music, but I was still quite young. Later I was able to study with him and at some point we started jamming together. Both the musical and the human components were just right. Finally, we agreed on a joint duo project for which we both composed pieces. We wanted to play acoustic guitar exclusively without any special effects.”

His co-musician found this to be a great idea. “I really enjoy playing on the acoustic guitar,” Christy Doran said. “In all other projects in which I am involved, I play electric guitar with many special effects. I miss the acoustic guitar then, which I have been playing in my solo programs since the 80s. One acoustic guitar sounds great, but two are simply amazing. I’ve always practiced on an acoustic guitar. It is a bit more restricted, but has the advantage that you can take it with you everywhere. For example, on vacation, where I also practice a lot. You come up with different ideas and chords. Thanks to the possibility to include open strings and harmonics, this is an area in itself.”

The nine tracks on “On the Go” sizzle with musical tension, but they are friendly and welcoming, melodically and rhythmically diverse and bubble with ideas at the same time. “We simply just started off composing,” Franz Hellmüller said. “In some cases, I also used and re-composed pieces that I had already played with bands.”

The repertoire was carefully developed over several years. “We met repeatedly for rehearsals, adding pieces that put even more color into play, Christy Doran recalled. “It was supposed to sound surprising.”

Both inspire each other’s playing and bring new musical sounds into play again and again. “We agreed to play without any special effects,” Franz Hellmüller emphasized. “At the same time, we wanted to create a rich bouquet of acoustic impressions from this constellation.”

Many prominent predecessors come to mind when you hear “On the Go”, such as Ralph Towner and John Abercrombie or Larry Coryell and Philip Catherine, who are of course also familiar to the two Swiss. “There have already been many guitar duos,” Christy Doran confirmed, “but I think the possibilities have not yet been exhausted, especially in terms of the melodic aspects, but also with respect to rhythms and sounds. With me, you can already hear the influences from improvised music and perhaps also the austereness that I have always had.”

Beady Beast has succeeded impressively in combining the abundance of sound possibilities on their album. “I like the diversity of our entire repertoire,” Franz Hellmüller said. “There are freely improvised passages in which we play very melodically, and then there are things that are very percussive or the orchestration plays a big role.” “On the Go” is a feast for guitar fans and those who want to become such.

Sie zählen beide zu den innovativsten Gitarristen der Schweizer Szene. Christy Doran ist längst eine europäische Jazzlegende. Er gehört zu den Gründungsmitgliedern von OM, hat aber seit den achtziger Jahren auch immer wieder mit eigenen Bands und Projekten für Furore gesorgt. Sein Kollege Franz Hellmüller ist in den letzten zehn Jahren vor allem im Trioformat immer wieder angetreten, etwa mit Luca Sisera und Tony Renold, mit Stefano Risso und Marcel Papaux oder mit Patrick Sommer und Martin Perret. Dabei haben beide vor allem die Möglichkeiten der elektrischen Gitarre ausgelotet.

Insofern dürfte das Duo Beady Beast für viele eine faustdicke Überraschung sein, denn hier sind Christy Doran und Franz Hellmüller ausschließlich an der akustischen Gitarre zu hören.

„Wir sind beide Luzerner“, stellt Franz Hellmüller erst einmal klar und erzählt dann, wie sie sich nahe gekommen sind. „Bevor ich Christy persönlich kennenlernen durfte, kannte ich seine Musik, da war ich noch ziemlich jung. Später konnte ich bei ihm studieren und irgendwann begannen wir zusammen zu jammen. Sowohl die musikalische als auch die menschliche Komponente stimmte. Schließlich haben wir uns auf ein gemeinsames Duoprojekt geeinigt, für das wir beide Stücke geschrieben haben. Dabei wollten wir ausschließlich akustische Gitarre ohne irgendwelche Effekte spielen.“

Damit hat er bei seinem Kollegen offene Türen eingerannt. „Das Spielen auf der akustischen Gitarre macht mir extrem Spaß“, schwärmt Christy Doran. „In allen anderen Projekten, bei denen ich involviert bin, spiele ich elektrische Gitarre mit vielen Effekten. Da fehlt mir die akustische Gitarre schon, in meinen Soloprogrammen spiele ich sie seit den achtziger Jahren. Eine akustische Gitarre klingt ja schon super, aber zwei sind einfach der Wahnsinn. Auf der akustischen Gitarre habe ich immer schon geübt. Das ist ein bisschen strenger, hat aber den Vorteil, dass man sie überall mit hinnehmen kann. Zum Beispiel in die Ferien, wo ich auch viel übe. Man kommt auf andere Gedanken und andere Akkorde. Durch die Möglichkeit, Leersaiten und Flageolett mit einzubeziehen, ist das ein Bereich für sich.“

Die neun Stücke auf „On the Go“ knistern vor musikalischer Spannung, gleichzeitig sind sie freundlich und einladend, melodisch und rhythmisch vielfältig und sprudeln vor Einfällen nur so über. „Wir haben einfach drauflos komponiert“, wiegelt Franz Hellmüller ab, „zum Teil habe ich auch Stücke verwendet und umgeschrieben, die ich schon mit Bands gespielt habe.“

Das Repertoire wurde über mehrere Jahre sorgfältig entwickelt. „Wir haben uns immer wieder zum Proben getroffen und dabei Stücke angefügt, die noch mehr Farbe ins Spiel bringen“, erinnert sich Christy Doran. „Es sollte ja auch überraschend klingen.“

Beide treiben sich gegenseitig an und bringen immer wieder neue musikalische Klänge ins Spiel. „Wir haben uns ja darauf geeinigt, ohne Effekte zu spielen“, betont Franz Hellmüller. „Gleichzeitig wollten wir aus dieser Konstellation einen reichen Blumenstrauß aus akustischen Eindrücken erzeugen.“

Viele prominente Vorgänger fallen einem ein, wenn man „On the Go“ hört - etwa Ralph Towner und John Abercrombie oder Larry Coryell und Philip Catherine, die natürlich auch den beiden Schweizern geläufig sind. „Es hat ja schon viele Gitarrenduos gegeben“, bestätigt Christy Doran, „aber ich finde, die Möglichkeiten sind noch nicht ausgeschöpft, vor allem, was das Melodische angeht, aber auch rhythmisch und klanglich. Bei mir hört man schon die Einflüsse aus der improvisierten Musik und vielleicht auch das Herbe, das ich schon immer gehabt habe.“

Die Klangfülle der Möglichkeiten zu bündeln ist Beady Beast auf ihrem Album eindrucksvoll gelungen. „An unserem gesamten Repertoire gefällt mir, dass es so vielfältig ist“, findet Franz Hellmüller. „Es gibt frei improvisierte Passagen, in denen wir sehr melodisch spielen, dann gibt es Sachen, die sind sehr perkussiv oder das Orchestrale spielt eine große Rolle.“ „On the Go“ ist ein Fest für Gitarrenfreunde und solche, die es werden wollen.


Christy Doran (guitar)

Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music.  In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band 'OM'. Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio...
Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music. In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band "OM". Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio with Jasper van´t Hof, he went on to form the "Christy Doran´s May 84" septet with Norma Winstone, Trilok Gurtu, Urs Leimgruber, Rosko Gee, Dom Um Romao and Dave Doran. He has been a member of the "Peter Warren Quartet" with Victor Lewis and John Surman, and "RED TWIST & TUNED ARROW" with Stephan Wittwer and Fredy Studer (1985 - 1987). Christy Doran was also a co-founder of "Doran/Studer/Burri/Magnenat," (later "Doran/Studer/Gerber/Magnenat") and member of a quartet with Bobby Previte, Mark Helias and Gary Thomas. He played in a trio with Marilyn Mazur and Kim Clarke, as well as with Sibylle Pomorin´s "Augeries of Speed" meeting Terry Jenour, Annie Whitehead, Kim Clarke, Herb Robertson, Kamal Sabir. As a member of Urs Leimgruber´s "Ensemble Bleu" he also played with Francoise Kubler, Louis Sclavis, Hans Koch. Other performances have included work with Carla Bley, Albert Mangelsdorff, Bob Stewart, Edvard Vesala, Charlie Mariano, Manfred Schoof, Iréne Schweizer, Aldo Romano, Piérre Favre, Peter Schärli, Glenn Ferris, Wolfgang Dauner, Fernando Sounders, Heiri Känzig, Julio Barreto, Sonny Sharrock, Jim Meneses, Keven Bruce Harris, Martin Schütz, Daniel Mouton, Ronan Guilfoyle, Marc Peterson, Burhan Oecal, Werner Lüdi, Christoph Baumann, Lars Lindvall, Mark Halbheer, Urs Blöchlinger, Günter Müller, Lauren Newton, Tim Berne, Jim Black, Gunther Schuller, Airto Moreira a.o. He has toured in Europe, North-Africa, India, the Caribic, Mexico, Bolivia, the U.S. and Canada. 1989 began a collaboration with trombonist Ray Anderson, which lead to the trio ANDERSON/BENNINK/DORAN (including drummer Han Bennink), which disbanded 1997. 1993 Christy Doran, together with Fredy Studer started the project "DORAN/STUDER/MINTON/BATES & ALI" play the music of JIMI HENDRIX". 1994 Django Bates was replaced by cellist Tom Cora. 1995/96 the band played in quartet with Phil Minton, Amin Ali, Fredy Studer and Christy Doran. Tours with this band throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the US and Canada. Since 1993 Christy Doran is working with American flutist Robert Dick and English drummer Steve Argüelles as the A.D.D. - Trio. 1994 Fredy Studer and Christy Doran refounded the double-bass - quartet with Jean-François Jenny-Clark (acoustic bass/Paris) and Jamaaladeen Tacuma (electric bass/Philadelphia). 1994 Swedish saxofonist Thomas Jàderlund invited Doran to play in the "Amazing Orchestra" (with Guy Klucevsek, Stein-Erik Tafjord, Svante Henryson, Tomasz Stanko, and Jonny Axelsson). A new collaboration with Albert Mangelsdorff, Bruno Spoerri and Reto Weber started 1997.
Recordings have included those with Hank Roberts, Joe McPhee, Corin Curschellas, Hardy Hepp, Helmut Zerlett, Iréne Lorenz, Boris Salchak, besides several recordings with musicians mentioned above. Christy Doran´s current groups include "Christy Doran´s New Bag" (founded Dec. 97) with vocalist Bruno Amstad, Wolfgang Zwiauer on electric bass, and Fabian Kurattli on drums. the A.D.D. trio, and "Spöerri-Doran-Weber" with Albert Mangelsdorff. Christy Doran also teaches at the "Musikhochschule" of Lucerne/Switzerland.


Franz Hellmüller (guitar)

Franz Hellmüller is known for his guitar work in various combos; constantly in quest of unexplored passages through the jungle of jazz, he draws on everyday experiences with unusual depth and acuity and is forever discovering exciting new ways to marry the familiar with the unknown. Like all creative people, however, he needs to keep his balance while attempting his feats of derringdo. Because every quo vadis always assumes a point of departure. For modern creators, of course, it is much easier to answer the first question, with its speculative dimension, than to give an account of one’s origins, which demands a credo. Since, although speculation can be revoked at any time, a credo is for keeps.   Together with Luca Sisera...
Franz Hellmüller is known for his guitar work in various combos; constantly in quest of unexplored passages through the jungle of jazz, he draws on everyday experiences with unusual depth and acuity and is forever discovering exciting new ways to marry the familiar with the unknown. Like all creative people, however, he needs to keep his balance while attempting his feats of derringdo. Because every quo vadis always assumes a point of departure. For modern creators, of course, it is much easier to answer the first question, with its speculative dimension, than to give an account of one’s origins, which demands a credo. Since, although speculation can be revoked at any time, a credo is for keeps.
Together with Luca Sisera and Tony Renold, Franz Hellmüller has got to a point where confessing his roots is not only inevitable, but mandatory. The trio’s takes on standards are not simply the next in a series of 1001 variations on the same old same old, rattling on down through the history of jazz for eons already: they are an anchor for a boat headed back into harbour from the open sea. For good? No sir! They weld the bonds of collective memory to the contingency of an individual perspective: no standard album of standards, but one that will set standards. The classic jazz numbers on this CD are the charts these three musicians can use to set sail once again, and not only on this disk. A break in both senses of the word, a creative process of orientation – an adventure.



Christy Doran (guitar)

Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music.  In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band 'OM'. Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio...
Christy Doran was born in Dublin, Ireland and has lived in Lucerne, Switzerland since his childhood. His father was an Irish ballad singer, providing Christy with his first exposure to music. In the 1970´s he was a founding member (along with Fredy Studer, Urs Leimgruber and Bobby Burri) of the seminal Swiss band "OM". Tours throughout Europe, radio/TV - appearances, workshops, music for ballet, theatre and film. Over the years, his career has included countless solo concerts, in which he regularly pushes to the limits the capabilities of a single guitar. He has played in duos with Marty Ehrlich, Harry Pepl, Fritz Hauser, Dave Doran, Dom Um Romao, John Wolf-Brennan, Robert Dick, Ray Anderson, among others. After playing in a trio with Jasper van´t Hof, he went on to form the "Christy Doran´s May 84" septet with Norma Winstone, Trilok Gurtu, Urs Leimgruber, Rosko Gee, Dom Um Romao and Dave Doran. He has been a member of the "Peter Warren Quartet" with Victor Lewis and John Surman, and "RED TWIST & TUNED ARROW" with Stephan Wittwer and Fredy Studer (1985 - 1987). Christy Doran was also a co-founder of "Doran/Studer/Burri/Magnenat," (later "Doran/Studer/Gerber/Magnenat") and member of a quartet with Bobby Previte, Mark Helias and Gary Thomas. He played in a trio with Marilyn Mazur and Kim Clarke, as well as with Sibylle Pomorin´s "Augeries of Speed" meeting Terry Jenour, Annie Whitehead, Kim Clarke, Herb Robertson, Kamal Sabir. As a member of Urs Leimgruber´s "Ensemble Bleu" he also played with Francoise Kubler, Louis Sclavis, Hans Koch. Other performances have included work with Carla Bley, Albert Mangelsdorff, Bob Stewart, Edvard Vesala, Charlie Mariano, Manfred Schoof, Iréne Schweizer, Aldo Romano, Piérre Favre, Peter Schärli, Glenn Ferris, Wolfgang Dauner, Fernando Sounders, Heiri Känzig, Julio Barreto, Sonny Sharrock, Jim Meneses, Keven Bruce Harris, Martin Schütz, Daniel Mouton, Ronan Guilfoyle, Marc Peterson, Burhan Oecal, Werner Lüdi, Christoph Baumann, Lars Lindvall, Mark Halbheer, Urs Blöchlinger, Günter Müller, Lauren Newton, Tim Berne, Jim Black, Gunther Schuller, Airto Moreira a.o. He has toured in Europe, North-Africa, India, the Caribic, Mexico, Bolivia, the U.S. and Canada. 1989 began a collaboration with trombonist Ray Anderson, which lead to the trio ANDERSON/BENNINK/DORAN (including drummer Han Bennink), which disbanded 1997. 1993 Christy Doran, together with Fredy Studer started the project "DORAN/STUDER/MINTON/BATES & ALI" play the music of JIMI HENDRIX". 1994 Django Bates was replaced by cellist Tom Cora. 1995/96 the band played in quartet with Phil Minton, Amin Ali, Fredy Studer and Christy Doran. Tours with this band throughout Europe, Scandinavia, the US and Canada. Since 1993 Christy Doran is working with American flutist Robert Dick and English drummer Steve Argüelles as the A.D.D. - Trio. 1994 Fredy Studer and Christy Doran refounded the double-bass - quartet with Jean-François Jenny-Clark (acoustic bass/Paris) and Jamaaladeen Tacuma (electric bass/Philadelphia). 1994 Swedish saxofonist Thomas Jàderlund invited Doran to play in the "Amazing Orchestra" (with Guy Klucevsek, Stein-Erik Tafjord, Svante Henryson, Tomasz Stanko, and Jonny Axelsson). A new collaboration with Albert Mangelsdorff, Bruno Spoerri and Reto Weber started 1997.
Recordings have included those with Hank Roberts, Joe McPhee, Corin Curschellas, Hardy Hepp, Helmut Zerlett, Iréne Lorenz, Boris Salchak, besides several recordings with musicians mentioned above. Christy Doran´s current groups include "Christy Doran´s New Bag" (founded Dec. 97) with vocalist Bruno Amstad, Wolfgang Zwiauer on electric bass, and Fabian Kurattli on drums. the A.D.D. trio, and "Spöerri-Doran-Weber" with Albert Mangelsdorff. Christy Doran also teaches at the "Musikhochschule" of Lucerne/Switzerland.


Franz Hellmüller (guitar)

Franz Hellmüller is known for his guitar work in various combos; constantly in quest of unexplored passages through the jungle of jazz, he draws on everyday experiences with unusual depth and acuity and is forever discovering exciting new ways to marry the familiar with the unknown. Like all creative people, however, he needs to keep his balance while attempting his feats of derringdo. Because every quo vadis always assumes a point of departure. For modern creators, of course, it is much easier to answer the first question, with its speculative dimension, than to give an account of one’s origins, which demands a credo. Since, although speculation can be revoked at any time, a credo is for keeps.   Together with Luca Sisera...
Franz Hellmüller is known for his guitar work in various combos; constantly in quest of unexplored passages through the jungle of jazz, he draws on everyday experiences with unusual depth and acuity and is forever discovering exciting new ways to marry the familiar with the unknown. Like all creative people, however, he needs to keep his balance while attempting his feats of derringdo. Because every quo vadis always assumes a point of departure. For modern creators, of course, it is much easier to answer the first question, with its speculative dimension, than to give an account of one’s origins, which demands a credo. Since, although speculation can be revoked at any time, a credo is for keeps.
Together with Luca Sisera and Tony Renold, Franz Hellmüller has got to a point where confessing his roots is not only inevitable, but mandatory. The trio’s takes on standards are not simply the next in a series of 1001 variations on the same old same old, rattling on down through the history of jazz for eons already: they are an anchor for a boat headed back into harbour from the open sea. For good? No sir! They weld the bonds of collective memory to the contingency of an individual perspective: no standard album of standards, but one that will set standards. The classic jazz numbers on this CD are the charts these three musicians can use to set sail once again, and not only on this disk. A break in both senses of the word, a creative process of orientation – an adventure.



... But what does not exclude quiet moments and a sensitivity in the interplay, with very interactive, free improvisations, which can also turn out melodic and fine sound nuances, to fire two tracks further skillful HiSpeed unison licks - great!...
Gitarre u. Bass, 24-11-2021

... Filigree dialogues ensnare the melodic themes, rhythmic structures change spontaneously, the strings sound soft, gentle, percussive and metallic, while the wood of the guitars vibrates...
Jazzthing, 25-8-2021 says: The album surprises with a wealth of melodic, harmonic, expressive and moving ideas as well as musical humor. Both guitarists fascinate with great technique and amazing ideas. A great album!
Faa-Fun, 30-5-2021

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