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The Vienna Sessions

Markus Burger

The Vienna Sessions

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917353525
Catnr: CR 73535
Release date: 04 February 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73535
Release date
04 February 2022

"... Thus, Burger's playing remains largely pictorial and awakens associations in the listener that are aimed more at his soul than at his head. Because the atmosphere of the whole production triggers some emotions..."

Piano News, 01-7-2022

About the album

In August 2019, I had the privilege of spending two afternoons in Vienna, the music capital of Europe, recording.I traveled to Vienna with my friend and producer, Jim Linahon, to spend two days recording in the Bösendorfer piano showroom, courtesy of Ferdinand Bräu. Vienna has been my favorite European city for a long time. And I have been a fan of Bösendorfer pianos since studying at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany, where I fell in love with the sound of this amazing instrument. For the past 20 years, I have visited Vienna many times, and have played in various ensembles around this beautiful capital of Austria. Vienna has always had a distinct impact on me. The city’s people, their humor, elegance, and joy, are like few other places I’ve been. While recording, I enjoyed exploring the sound of the piano, especially in the upper register. I also chose to improvise in a minimal way to let the instrument guide me on a musical stroll. I found my time in Vienna relaxing, inspiring, and deeply spiritual. I hope you, the listener, will enjoy the music as much as I enjoyed playing it.

Markus Burger
Voor zijn album The Vienna Sessions trok de expressieve pianist, componist en bandleider Markus Burger naar Wenen, de muziekhoofdstad van Europa, om daar in de Bösendorfer pianoshowroom zijn nieuwste composities op te nemen. Zijn muziek kenmerkt zich door de perfecte balans tussen harmonie en melodische, unieke en contemplatieve improvisatie lijnen. En dat is goed te horen op deze opname. Een fijn album om te luisteren.

Markus Burger is in Duitsland geboren, maar woont in Los Angeles. Samen met producer Jim Linahon, verbleef hij twee dagen in Wenen voor de opnamen in de Bösendorfer pianoshowroom. Wenen is al heel lang zijn favoriete Europese stad. En hij is een fan van Bösendorfer piano's. Tijdens zijn studie aan de Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Duitsland, werd Burger verliefd op het geluid van dit geweldige instrument. In de loop der jaren hebben Markus Burger en Bösendorfer een langdurige artistieke samenwerking en een hechte vriendschap opgebouwd.

Bij het ontwikkelen van zijn kenmerkende klank werd Markus Burger door de jaren heen onder anderen beïnvloed door de muziek van Johann Sebastian Bach, Claude Debussy, Keith Jarrett, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, Pat Metheny, Elton John, Stevie Wonder en Sting.

De afgelopen 20 jaar was de pianist een trouwe bezoeker van Wenen, waar hij regelmatig optrad in verschillende ensembles. Voor Markus Burger is Wenen heel speciaal. De mensen in deze stad met hun humor, elegantie en levensvreugde, zijn volgens hem nauwelijks te vergelijken met die in andere plaatsen waar hij geweest is. Tijdens de opnamen genoot hij van het ontdekken van de klank van de piano, vooral in het hoogste register. Hij koos er voor om minimaal te improviseren en zich door het instrument te laten leiden in een muzikale wandeling. Markus Burger vond de tijd, die hij in Wenen doorbracht voor het opnemen van The Vienna Sessions, ontspannend, inspirerend en heel spiritueel. Hij hoopt dat de luisteraar, net zoveel van zijn muziek zal genieten als hij, bij het spelen tijdens de opnamedagen.
Im August 2019 hatte ich das Privileg, zwei Nachmittage in Wien, der Musikhauptstadt Europas, mit Aufnahmen zu verbringen. Ich reiste mit meinem Freund und Produzenten Jim Linahon nach Wien, um mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Ferdinand Bräu zwei Tage lang im Bösendorfer Piano Showroom aufzunehmen. Wien ist schon seit langem meine Lieblingsstadt in Europa. Und ich bin ein Fan von Bösendorfer Klavieren, seit ich an der Folkwang Universität in Essen, Deutschland, studiert habe, wo ich mich in den Klang dieses erstaunlichen Instruments verliebte. In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich Wien viele Male besucht und in verschiedenen Ensembles in dieser schönen österreichischen Hauptstadt gespielt. Wien hat immer einen besonderen Einfluss auf mich gehabt. Die Menschen in dieser Stadt, ihr Humor, ihre Eleganz und ihre Lebensfreude sind mit nur wenigen anderen Orten vergleichbar, an denen ich je war. Während der Aufnahmen genoss ich es, den Klang des Klaviers zu erforschen, besonders in den oberen Lagen. Ich habe mich auch dafür entschieden, minimal zu improvisieren und mich vom Instrument auf einem musikalischen Spaziergang leiten zu lassen. Ich fand meine Zeit in Wien entspannend, inspirierend und zutiefst spirituell. Ich hoffe, dass Sie, die Zuhörer, die Musik so sehr genießen werden, wie ich es genossen habe, sie zu spielen. Markus Burger
Markus Burger ist ein in Deutschland geborener und in L.A. lebender Pianist, Komponist und Bandleader. Seine Musik wurde in Europa, der ehemaligen Sowjetunion, Afrika und in jüngster Zeit auch in den Vereinigten Staaten aufgeführt. Er begann im Alter von sechs Jahren mit dem Klavierunterricht und erwarb später sein Diplom in Darstellender Kunst an der Essener Folkwang-Hochschule in Deutschland, einen B.A. in Klavier und Komposition an der Universität Maastricht in den Niederlanden und ein Zertifikat in Popularmusik an der Universität Hamburg, Deutschland. Er studierte bei Peter Walter, John Taylor, Kenny Wheeler und Kenny Werner. Er hat 11 Alben mit eigenen Kompositionen und Arrangements veröffentlicht, darunter seine jüngste Veröffentlichung "The L.A. Sessions" mit seiner neu gegründeten Jazz-Kollaboration Accidental Tourists. "The L.A. Sessions", 2012 bei Challenge Records erschienen (2013 weltweit), ist das erste einer Reihe von Alben, von denen Burger hofft, dass sie zu einer Serie von Alben führen werden, und zeigt, wie er seine Zusammenarbeit mit Jazz-Veteranen, dem Schlagzeuger Joe LaBarbera (Bill Evans, Art Pepper und Tony Bennett) und dem Bassisten Bob Magnusson (Art Pepper, Bill Evans), auf den Weg bringt. Nach Monaten des Komponierens und Arrangierens, des Durchforstens seiner Lieblingsstandards und des Überlegens, wo und mit wem er zuerst aufnehmen sollte, fand sich Burger zufällig in seinem eigenen Hinterhof" in Los Angeles wieder, wo er mit der ehemaligen Rhythmusgruppe seines Idols und frühen Jazzbeeinflussers, der Klavierlegende Bill Evans, zusammenarbeitete. Neben Accidental Tourists spielt Burger mit seinem Duo-Projekt Spiritual Standards mit dem Berliner Saxophonisten Jan Von Klewitz vor ausverkauftem Publikum in aller Welt. Das Projekt Spiritual Standards ist eine Sammlung zeitgenössischer Jazz-Improvisationen über Johann Sebastian Bachs größte Choräle und Meisterwerke, die es 1999 sogar in die Top 20 der deutschen Jazz-Charts schaffte. Das Duo war auch der Gewinner des begehrten Bachpreises 2000 der Stadt Erfurt, Deutschland. Sein zweites Album, The Smile of the Honeycake Horse, mit seinem Quartett Septer Bourbon, erhielt begeisterte Kritiken von der europäischen Presse und dem Down Beat Magazine in den Vereinigten Staaten und erlangte so etwas wie "Kultstatus".


Markus Burger (piano)

Markus Burger (born September 30, 1966) is a German pianist, composer and music educator currently residing in Santa Monica, California, who teaches at Los Angeles City College and Fullerton College in Los Angeles. He works in a variety of genres, including jazz, New Age, chamber and film. His music has been performed in Europe, the former Soviet Union, Africa, and most recently in the United States. He began studying piano at age six and later earned his Diplom in Performing Arts from the Essen Folkwang Hochschule in Germany, a B.A. in piano and Composition from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and a Certification in Popular Music from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He studied with Peter Walter, John Taylor,...
Markus Burger (born September 30, 1966) is a German pianist, composer and music educator currently residing in Santa Monica, California, who teaches at Los Angeles City College and Fullerton College in Los Angeles. He works in a variety of genres, including jazz, New Age, chamber and film.
His music has been performed in Europe, the former Soviet Union, Africa, and most recently in the United States. He began studying piano at age six and later earned his Diplom in Performing Arts from the Essen Folkwang Hochschule in Germany, a B.A. in piano and Composition from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and a Certification in Popular Music from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He studied with Peter Walter, John Taylor, Kenny Wheeler and Kenny Werner.
He has released eight albums, featuring his own compositions and arrangements, among them, his two most recent releases, Genesis and Tertia. His CD Genesis, an avant-garde jazz collaboration with renowned drummer Matt Marucci, has received raving reviews from jazz critics in the United States while his latest Spiritual Standards project Tertia, with Berlin-based saxophonist Jan Von Klewitz, made its debut during a nationally televised performance in Germany on New Year's Day, 2005. His second album, The Smile of the Honeycake Horse, with his quartet Septer Bourbon, received wide acclaim from the European press and Down Beat Magazine in the United States and achieved something of a “cult following” in Germany. His Spiritual Standards project, a collection of contemporary jazz improvisations of Johann Sebastian Bach’s greatest chorals and masterpieces, was performed at sold out venues in Germany, Poland, Italy and the United States, later moving to the top 20 in the German Jazz charts in 1999.
In developing his signature sound over the years, Burger drew his influences from a wide range of musical styles including J.S. Bach, Claude Debussy, Keith Jarrett, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, Pat Metheny, Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Sting.



Markus Burger (piano)

Markus Burger (born September 30, 1966) is a German pianist, composer and music educator currently residing in Santa Monica, California, who teaches at Los Angeles City College and Fullerton College in Los Angeles. He works in a variety of genres, including jazz, New Age, chamber and film. His music has been performed in Europe, the former Soviet Union, Africa, and most recently in the United States. He began studying piano at age six and later earned his Diplom in Performing Arts from the Essen Folkwang Hochschule in Germany, a B.A. in piano and Composition from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and a Certification in Popular Music from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He studied with Peter Walter, John Taylor,...
Markus Burger (born September 30, 1966) is a German pianist, composer and music educator currently residing in Santa Monica, California, who teaches at Los Angeles City College and Fullerton College in Los Angeles. He works in a variety of genres, including jazz, New Age, chamber and film.
His music has been performed in Europe, the former Soviet Union, Africa, and most recently in the United States. He began studying piano at age six and later earned his Diplom in Performing Arts from the Essen Folkwang Hochschule in Germany, a B.A. in piano and Composition from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and a Certification in Popular Music from the University of Hamburg, Germany. He studied with Peter Walter, John Taylor, Kenny Wheeler and Kenny Werner.
He has released eight albums, featuring his own compositions and arrangements, among them, his two most recent releases, Genesis and Tertia. His CD Genesis, an avant-garde jazz collaboration with renowned drummer Matt Marucci, has received raving reviews from jazz critics in the United States while his latest Spiritual Standards project Tertia, with Berlin-based saxophonist Jan Von Klewitz, made its debut during a nationally televised performance in Germany on New Year's Day, 2005. His second album, The Smile of the Honeycake Horse, with his quartet Septer Bourbon, received wide acclaim from the European press and Down Beat Magazine in the United States and achieved something of a “cult following” in Germany. His Spiritual Standards project, a collection of contemporary jazz improvisations of Johann Sebastian Bach’s greatest chorals and masterpieces, was performed at sold out venues in Germany, Poland, Italy and the United States, later moving to the top 20 in the German Jazz charts in 1999.
In developing his signature sound over the years, Burger drew his influences from a wide range of musical styles including J.S. Bach, Claude Debussy, Keith Jarrett, Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane, Pat Metheny, Elton John, Stevie Wonder and Sting.



... Thus, Burger's playing remains largely pictorial and awakens associations in the listener that are aimed more at his soul than at his head. Because the atmosphere of the whole production triggers some emotions...
Piano News, 01-7-2022

... Result is a spiritual, relaxing and highly inspiring highly inspiring solo piano disc, that you should have heard.
Inmusic, 05-4-2022

... Soft, relaxed music, which is in no way suitable as background, but serves pure contemplation ...
Der Volksfreund, 29-3-2022

... On this album you will find 16 fine tracks in a class of their own. Bottom line: A piano solo album of the finest.
Wegotmusic, 21-2-2022

... slightly electronically enriched, which gives the already atmospheric mood of this production an additional, quite interesting coating.   
Virgin Jazz Face, 06-2-2022

... Yes, the protagonist's playing is wonderfully pictorial and awakens associations, more in the soul than in the head. Because the atmosphere of the whole record radiates a lot of emotions...
Musikansich, 02-2-2022

... Burger had his own pieces in his luggage, whose narrative character - such as "A Knight's: Tale" - immediately appeal to one. With virtuosic ease, Burger recalls "Fall Days," lets silence take over in "Sileni Lament," or develops anthemic traction in "0 Great Love."...
Jazzthing, 25-1-2022

Burger is above all a strong melodic pianist who is not afraid of simplicity. He makes music that will appeal to fans of the more melodic jazz as well as those of composed music, because we don't hear him making a choice here.
Nieuwe Noten, 23-3-2023

Just beautiful improvisation on the piano with a classical tendency.
Jazzmania, 15-2-2022

Just beautiful improvisation on the piano with a classical touch.
Jazzmania, 08-2-2022

It is tender, sensitive and beautiful.
Le Soir, 05-1-2022

Inventive and captivating miniatures, little ballads, lullabies and romances. It's tender, sensitive and beautiful.
MAD, 05-1-2022

This is how you experience a day in Vienna
Jazzism, 03-1-2022

Play album Play album

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