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Henrique Gomide


Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917356823
Catnr: CR 73568
Release date: 24 November 2023
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73568
Release date
24 November 2023

"Wow! This solo piano album is to be recommended to everyone - especially if you are interested in Brazilian music - no, if you are interested in good music. Tasteful, groovy, harmonically rich, pleasing without being pandering, beautiful, surprising and virtuoso..."

Concerto, 01-2-2024

About the album

"Portais is structured around a repertoire of great Brazilian composers: Garoto, Ary Barroso, Egberto Gismonti, Guinga, Edu Lobo. Henrique's arrangements for these songs are ingenious, refined and full of life, without artificially forcing any unnecessary originality.

In addition to these fundamental pieces, so replete with significance for us Brazilians, there are also the improvised 'miniaturas', which bring Henrique's signature to the album as a composer. They are like inevitable bursts of creativity, transpirations of this process of metabolising the masters by a pianist whose hands are always throwing forth spontaneous ideas''

Lourenço Rebetez - Grammy-nominated producer

"While solo piano remains an incredibly rare practice for most audiences of this music around the world, Henrique offers us a new lens to view it. His ability to pay homage to his tradition remains the greatest intervention in this work. In a world so in need of healing, this album is definitely a wonderful way to step into our internal reservoirs of hope, it is a beautiful offering to humanity."

Nduduzo Makhathini, pianist - Blue Note artist
"Henrique Gomide is one of the most refined and creative musicians I have ever met. I have been lucky enough to witness his trajectory from a young age and his pianism has always inspired me. Listening to his new album, Portais, I had the feeling of strolling through worlds that are so Brazilian and yet so personal. Henrique's genius is latent and is expressed in a profound and intimate universe, in which the musical discourse and its sound elements unfold into countless dimensions."
Cristian Budu, pianist

"Portais ist um ein Repertoire großer brasilianischer Komponisten herum aufgebaut: Garoto, Ary Barroso, Egberto Gismonti, Guinga, Edu Lobo. Henriques Arrangements für diese Lieder sind raffiniert, raffiniert und voller Leben, ohne künstlich eine unnötige Originalität zu erzwingen.

Neben diesen grundlegenden Stücken, die für uns Brasilianer so bedeutungsvoll sind, gibt es auch die improvisierten "Miniaturas", die dem Album Henriques Handschrift als Komponist verleihen. Sie sind wie unvermeidliche Ausbrüche von Kreativität, Transpirationen dieses Prozesses der Metabolisierung der Meister durch einen Pianisten, dessen Hände immer wieder spontane Ideen hervorbringen''. - Lourenço Rebetez - Grammy-nominierter Produzent


"Während Soloklavier für die meisten (Jazz) Zuhörer auf der ganzen Welt eine unglaublich seltene Praxis bleibt, bietet uns Henrique eine neue Sichtweise auf diese Musik. Seine Fähigkeit, seiner Tradition zu huldigen, ist der größte Eingriff in dieses Werk. In einer Welt, die so dringend Heilung braucht, bietet dieses Album definitiv eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, in unsere inneren Reservoirs der Hoffnung vorzudringen, es ist ein wunderschönes Angebot an die Menschheit." - Nduduzo Makhathini, Pianist - Blue Note Künstler


"Henrique Gomide ist einer der raffiniertesten und kreativsten Musiker, die ich je kennengelernt habe. Ich hatte das Glück, seinen Werdegang von klein auf mitzuerleben, und sein Klavierspiel hat mich immer inspiriert. Als ich sein neues Album Portais hörte, hatte ich das Gefühl, durch Welten zu wandern, die so brasilianisch und gleichzeitig so persönlich sind. Henriques Genie ist latent vorhanden und drückt sich in einem tiefgründigen und intimen Universum aus, in dem sich der musikalische Diskurs und seine Klangelemente in unzähligen Dimensionen entfalten." - Cristian Budu, Pianist


Henrique Gomide (piano)

Born in São Paulo in 1988, Henrique Gomide has a broad musical background. After graduating in Classical Piano at ULM and Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Gomide was granted a scholarship by the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) to pursue an MA in Jazz Piano, completing his degree in 2014. Currently residing in Cologne (Germany), he obtained a second master’s degree in Jazz Composition and Arrangement from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in 2018, with a specialisation in Big Band Arranging. Throughout his education, Gomide studied jazz piano with Geri Allen, Juraj Stanik, Michele Rosewoman, Oscar Perez, and classical piano with Hermes Jacchieri, José Eduardo Martins, Paulo Álvares and David Witten, among others. With his piano-trio Caixa Cubo, which...

Born in São Paulo in 1988, Henrique Gomide has a broad musical background. After graduating in Classical Piano at ULM and Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Gomide was granted a scholarship by the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) to pursue an MA in Jazz Piano, completing his degree in 2014. Currently residing in Cologne (Germany), he obtained a second master’s degree in Jazz Composition and Arrangement from the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln in 2018, with a specialisation in Big Band Arranging. Throughout his education, Gomide studied jazz piano with Geri Allen, Juraj Stanik, Michele Rosewoman, Oscar Perez, and classical piano with Hermes Jacchieri, José Eduardo Martins, Paulo Álvares and David Witten, among others.

With his piano-trio Caixa Cubo, which originated in São Paulo, he released 6 CD's and performed in hundreds of concerts in Brazil, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, England and Mozambique. Alongside his partner, Daphne Oltheten, Gomide forms the Duo Oltheten-Gomide, which recorded two CD’s with works by Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms and contemporary Brazilian composers. He also takes part in other projects as a pianist, such as Nau Trio, Ayça Miraç Quartet and Juliana da Silva Band which are all active around Germany. As an arranger, Gomide leads the Henrique Gomide Big Band and has delivered arrangements for bands like Subway Jazz Orchestra (Köln), Banda Urbana (São Paulo), Big Band of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Netherlands) and Big Band of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Germany).

During his graduate studies, Gomide developed a thesis on Brazilian composer and string instrument virtuoso Aníbal Augusto Sardinha, also known as Garoto (1915-1955). Since then, he has engaged in several projects aimed at disseminating Garoto’s music around the world. He is one of the authors of the Songbook Choros de Garoto (IMS - SESC Editions), which includes 67 compositions by Garoto and the musical director of the documentary 'Garoto - Vivo Sonhando" (TC Filmes, Lente Viva), which will be premiered in September 2020. In 2016, Henrique worked as musical director for the tribute show Garoto 100 Anos, held at Sesc Pinheiros (Sao Paulo, Brazil). It brought together major Brazilian musicians such as Guinga, Yamandu Costa and Paulo Bellinati.

Throughout his career, Henrique played and recorded with renowned musicians, including Bart van Lier, Tony Lakatos, Nailor Proveta, Mateus Aleluia, Teco Cardoso, Vinicius Dorin, Paulo Bellinati, Toninho Carrasqueira, Monica Salmaso, Celio Barros, Marku Ribas, Gabi Guedes, John Ruocco and Andrea di Biase, among others.




Wow! This solo piano album is to be recommended to everyone - especially if you are interested in Brazilian music - no, if you are interested in good music. Tasteful, groovy, harmonically rich, pleasing without being pandering, beautiful, surprising and virtuoso...
Concerto, 01-2-2024

... An elegant, soulful recording to enjoy!
virgin jazzface, 13-12-2023

Henrique Gomide, a Cologne resident by choice from São Paulo, presents wonderfully flowing interpretations of Brazilian classics on his piano solo debut...
WDR, 07-12-2023

... Between these 'new productions' he intersperses shorter miniatures of his own, which show him to be both an excellent man at the keys and a maturing composer.
NaDann, 06-12-2023

... A good forty minutes of subtle music that radiates a lot of soul, that is pleasant without ever revealing kitschy moments, this music flows pleasantly warm, ...
musikansich, 07-2-2024

He ingeniously arranged the pieces into gems, using the entire keyboard from subtle and refined small to rhythmic large. Gomide has a confident touché, with which he plays the pieces in a decisive manner. The album is interspersed with 7 self-composed Miniatura. These fine pieces connects the various compositions. Unfortunately they are short but playful, adventurous and even challenging and could be a prelude to a next album, with completely original work. I look forward to it!
Music Frames, 18-1-2024

The young Brazilian encapsulates the greatness of his compatriots ... before putting his own spin on their compositions...
presto music, 15-1-2024

Gomide carries plenty of sleek Jarrett-inspired energy throughout, whilst displaying a natural command for those bluesier moments of sporadic decoration.
Presto Music, 12-1-2024

His smooth and masterful piano playing are especially enjoyable and his improvisations prove that he is not only a fantastic pianist, but also a gifted improviser with work that is on par with the compositions of the top Brazilian composers, it is only different because of the improvisatory character and that makes the musical balance all the more interesting.
Rootstime, 01-1-2024

Brazilian soul, full of joy and of melancholy, shines through totally on this album.
Le Soir, 20-12-2023

... Henrique Gomide conjures up lyrical phrases full of romantic verve on the instrument...
jazzfun, 21-11-2023

... In between the Brazil classics, he interspersed seven miniatures of his own, which not only break up the program, but also show how inspiring Gomide found working in the studio...  
Jazzthing, 24-10-2023

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